On Shatsky lakes know how to cook the most lush donuts with blueberries

Until the age of ten, I thought donuts could only be perfectly round, like ping-pong balls. That's because my mother made them, I thought, with a completely unique recipe. In all shops and away donuts were flat and with a hole, and our houses - round. Lush donuts in the pan I’ve had more cake for my birthday! Even my mother loved to cook them on cottage cheese dough and often repeated that this was how my great-grandmother did them. And on special occasions, she added jam or fresh berries inside.

It wasn't until years later, as I delved into cooking, that I realized what kind of doughnuts I was dealing with. It's legendary. schatsky! Of course, round donuts as I knew them first appeared in Bulgaria. But the idea of adding filler It belongs to the Shatsky region. It is very rich in blueberries and blackberries.

Western Ukraine, Poland and Bulgaria have a special passion for lush fried pastries. It's not the donuts with a sprinkle of American comedies about cops! These donuts are also called Volyn, respectively, the region in which the most beautiful lake system is located. The most famous and the largest of them is Vityaz, so the nickname for the dish is appropriate. Sweaty donuts..

Unsplash Swimming season It is not yet time to start, and tourists who want to try the legendary pastry are already enough. From a culinary point of view, lakes come for hot doughnuts and smoked eel. And due to the fact that every year this region is visited by thousands of tourists, the recipe for this pastry simply cannot be kept secret.

My mother got it from Soviet times. The local cuisine and resort were doomed to success. According to legend, the system of lakes during the flight noticed Soviet pilots almost from space.

Doughnut recipe

Generally, doughnuts are cold and hot, two different dishes. In cold form, they are heavier and more filling, and in hot, more airy. Doughnuts are good under all circumstances. And in cold form more like cakes because of its juicy berry filling.

Ingredients for donuts with filling:
  • 110 ml of milk
  • 110 ml of water
  • 7g dry yeast (or 20 pressed)
  • 120g sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 500g wheat flour
  • 80g butter
  • 0.3 tsp salt
  • 150g blueberries

Preparation of Shatsky donuts Preparation of Shatsky donuts
  1. Get the butter out of the fridge and let it melt.
  2. First you need to prepare a hearty bait for yeast to get a good steam. For that, mix. milk and heat it to body temperature. Dilute in the liquid 2 tbsp. l of sugar and a couple of tablespoons of the total amount of flour. Add the yeast, cover the bowl with a towel and wait ten minutes until the yeast cap rises.

Soak the flour through a sieve and add an egg, opar, salt and 60g of sugar to it. Residues of sugar will be useful for berry filling. Mix dough, which should be both thick and light, airy. Note that in the finished form, the opara is more yogurt consistency. Now add the softened cream dough and mix the dough thoroughly with your hands. Then cover with a film or towel and leave to rise in a warm place for an hour and a half to two. When the dough rises, carefully wrap it, divide it into two parts and roll into two sausages. So it is convenient to cut into pieces weighing about 50 g each.

Every piece is needed. circleIn the center lay out a tablespoon of blueberries or blackberries, sprinkle half a teaspoon of sugar and pinch in a circle. Put the future doughnuts down and let them stand for another 45 minutes to finally rise. Heat. fluffy in a large amount of oil for two to three minutes on both sides. The color should be saturated, even brown (not golden). Then they'll be well baked inside. Serve donuts with sugar sprinkle or just like that straight from the fire. As a filling, you can use anything: berries, seed and even chocolate.

Doughnuts. Traditionally, they are cooked with milk, but, as I said, on cottage cheese they turn out even better. Do not be afraid of a completely dark crust - it is much better than a raw core. Special attention should be paid to the presentation. After all, donuts can be sprinkled with cocoa, chocolate shavings or watered with syrup. Try to make them at home, and trust me, you will never want to spend money on classic donuts in the store.


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