Test recipes should always be at hand, printed them all and hung on the refrigerator, baking always turns out to be famous.
Admit it, which dough do you do best? Dough recipes for cakes, pancakes, pancakes and bread are as many as housewives who love to bake. Every woman has a signature recipe, tested over the years. And there are such types of baking, with which you can not make friends, it is easier to buy pastries in the bakery. Lighter, but not tastier. Today we will tell you how to prepare dough for any occasion: fast dough on kefir, yeast dough, perfect biscuit and delicious dough on dumplings. Did you know you could make puff dough fast? And pancakes on milk can be thin and tender, without the first crumpled misunderstandings. The main thing is to know a good recipe.
Quick dough on kefir Testo on kefir is suitable for cakes with filling and lush pancakes, you can bake buns on it without filling. After all, it turns out baking delicate, lush, with a creamy aroma and a beautiful ruddy crust. In the dough for pancakes add more kefir, and if you cook cakes or buns, do not change the recipe.
The ingredients
The first pancake is only for those who do not know the ideal proportions. Someone adds water to the dough to make pancakes thin and openwork. Someone likes big thick pancakes to have something to eat, adding more flour to them. And so that the pancakes turn out to be thin and tender, do not tear during turning over, follow the recipe.
The ingredients
Who said that puff dough should be cooked long and painful? We will prove that it can be cooked in 15 minutes. The perfect dough to start your morning with a cup of coffee and a crispy hot croissant.
The ingredients
The ingredients

Quick dough on kefir Testo on kefir is suitable for cakes with filling and lush pancakes, you can bake buns on it without filling. After all, it turns out baking delicate, lush, with a creamy aroma and a beautiful ruddy crust. In the dough for pancakes add more kefir, and if you cook cakes or buns, do not change the recipe.

The ingredients
- 250ml kefir
- 400g flour
- 1 egg
- 25 ml of vegetable oil
- 40g butter
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 0.5 tsp soda
- 1 pinch of salt
- Mix in a deep bowl of kefir, egg, salt and sugar, add soda. Stir everything and leave it for 5 minutes.
- Grind the flour with butter and mix it with kefir mass.
- Stir the dough until it stops sticking to your hands.
- Divide the dough into equal pieces and leave it under the kitchen towel for 30 minutes. Put the filling to taste or put the dummy on the pan. Bake cakes in the oven heated to 180 degrees for 45 minutes.
The first pancake is only for those who do not know the ideal proportions. Someone adds water to the dough to make pancakes thin and openwork. Someone likes big thick pancakes to have something to eat, adding more flour to them. And so that the pancakes turn out to be thin and tender, do not tear during turning over, follow the recipe.

The ingredients
- 2 tbsp flour
- 5 eggs
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- 2, 5 tbsp milk
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1 pinch of salt
- Mix the eggs with 2 tbsp of sugar and add a pinch of salt.
- Ask for flour and add the milk to the bowl, stir everything with a wreath until homogeneous, so that there are no lumps.
- Add vegetable oil to the dough and warm up the pan. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil and fry pancakes on both sides.
- Serve pancakes with a piece of butter or lubricate them in a pile so they remain tender. Such pancakes can be eaten with sweet filling or stuffed with something salty. Bon appetit.
Who said that puff dough should be cooked long and painful? We will prove that it can be cooked in 15 minutes. The perfect dough to start your morning with a cup of coffee and a crispy hot croissant.

The ingredients
- 500g flour
- 200g butter
- 250ml kefir
- 1 egg
- pinch
- Ask for flour and leave 50g to roll the dough. Mix the rest of the flour with kefir, egg and a pinch of salt. Mixed with elastic dough.
- Roll the dough into a thin layer, and cut the oil into 3 pieces.
- Put 1 piece of butter in the center of the dough and wrap the dough with an envelope. Roll the dough and repeat the process with the remaining two pieces of oil.
- All I have to do is cool the dough in the fridge. Wrap the workpiece with food film and leave it to cool for 30 minutes. Then you can cook croissants, khachapuri, puffs of cheese and other delicious cakes.

The ingredients
- 500g flour
- 2 eggs
- 200 ml of cold water
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 0.5 tsp salt
- Mix in a bowl of eggs, salt, water and sifted flour. Mix the dough from the edges to the center, and when it becomes uniform, start kneading with your hands.
- Add the vegetable oil and keep kneading the dough. Then cool the dough in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes and start cooking dumplings or dumplings.
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