Easter cakes: 14 of the best tested recipes

© Inessa Safronova Cakes
When baking Easter cakes, please remember the following:
- The dough for cakes should not be liquid (cakes rasplyvetsya and will be flat) and should not be thick (the cakes will be too heavy and will quickly get stale).
- The dough should be a density such that it can be cut with a knife, and the knife doesn't stick, and by dividing the cakes wouldn't have to pour flour.
- Culicinae you knead the dough as long as possible, so it absolutely was behind-hand or from the table.
- The dough should come three times: the first time the dough is suitable, when added to all products for the third time – when the dough laid in forms.
- Culicinae the dough does not like drafts, and loves heat, so the cakes need to rise in a warm place at a temperature of 30-45 degrees.
- The form for kulich dough filled only by half, allow to rise to 3/4 of the height of the form and then put in the oven.
- Ready for baking the cake and smeared egg, beaten with 1 tbsp. water, and butter, sprinkle with nuts, large sugar and biscuits.
- So the cake has risen evenly, before baking in the middle of the stick a wooden stick. After a certain time the wand is removed. If it is dry, cake is ready.
- Bake the cake in a humidified oven (in the bottom put a container of water) at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.
- A cake weighing less than 1 kg bake 30 minutes, a mass of 1 kg – 45 minutes, weight: 1,5 kg – 1 hour, a mass of 2 kg – 1,5 hours.
- If the cake top starts to burn, cover it with a dry paper.
- The finished cake is removed from oven, put on its side and leave in this position until the bottom has cooled.
- 7 cups of flour,
- 1/2 Cup milk
- 100 g of yeast,
- 20 egg yolks,
- 1 Cup sugar,
- 2 cups of dissolved oil and a little salt.
Then knock the dough as best you can, put in a form by filling it to half, let it rise in the form, then bake.
Cake home
- 1 kg of flour,
- 50 g of yeast,
- 1.5 cups milk
- 10 egg yolks,
- 3 protein
- 250 g of sugar,
- 200 g butter,
- 100 g of raisins,
- 3 teaspoons of vanilla sugar,
- 1 g of salt.
At the same time dissolve yeast in 1/2 Cup warm milk and mix with 100 g of flour, leave for 10 min.
To combine the first two mixtures, cover and leave to rise for 1 hour or more.
And then the egg yolks, sugar, salt and grind them into a smooth paste, whip the white.
To the yeast mixture add this homogeneous mass, add 750 g of flour, knead the dough and put on 2 hours to rise, pre-pouring small amounts of warm liquid butter; let the dough come again.
After the secondary rise precipitate it to its original position, add 2/3 Cup raisins, pre-roll it in the flour and give the dough a third time to come. Bake in the forms for 45 minutes.
Cake custard
- 9 cups flour
- 1/2 sticks of yeast,
- 10 eggs,
- 1/2 Cup sugar
- 3/4 Cup melted butter,
- 1.5 cups of milk and salt to taste.
Cake and cream
5 cups wheat flour
- 100 g fresh yeast
- 1.5 cups cream
- 250 g butter
- 8 egg yolks
- 1 Cup sugar
- 0.5 Cup peeled from the films of almonds
- 0.5 cups raisins
- 0.5 vanilla powder sugar
- 0.5 cups of candied fruit
- 1 tsp. salt
Zukaty cake
- 4 cups whole wheat flour
- 70 g fresh yeast
- 1 Cup milk
- 200 g butter
- 6 eggs
- 0,5 Cup sugar
- 0.5 cups of candied orange
- 0.5 Cup small raisins
- 0.5 vanilla powder sugar
- 1 tsp. salt
Easter cake with sugar glaze
- eggs 2 PCs.
- yolk 3 PCs.
- sugar 350 g
- sugar 1/2 Cup
- butter 90 g
- vegetable oil 1/2 Cup
- sour cream 50 g
- milk 2 cups
- fresh yeast 100 g (dry — 30 g)
- flour 700 g
- the raisins 100 g
- candied fruits 50 g
- nuts 50 g
- vanilla sugar 2 sachets
- salt to taste
- Glaze: egg (protein) — 2 PCs., icing sugar — 140 g, a little lemon juice, food coloring.
Warm milk mix with raw yeast (if dry yeast, mix them with flour) pour the milk into the eggs, add the flour. Knead the dough until then, until it will not lag behind hands.
Put the dough in a warm place.
Form grease with oil, put the dough, so it fills 1/3 of the form and put in a warm place. When the dough has risen, place in preheated to a temperature of 170-180 °C oven. Bake for 40 minutes.
To prepare the frosting. To tint in different colors. Grease top white glaze and paint color of paper kornetika. It is possible to write in the center of the HV and make any figure around or a fresh glaze sprinkled with colored "noodles" made of caramel. You can fill the cake with chocolate icing, and decorations and lettering to make a colored glaze.
Cake chocolate lemon
- flour 2.5 cups
- dry yeast 2 sachets
- eggs 8 PCs.
- sugar 1 Cup
- almonds crushed 1 Cup
- chocolate 1 tile
- rum or brandy 0.5 Cup
- dry red wine 0.5 Cup
- butter 2 tbsp
- candied orange 0.5 Cup
- lemon 1 PCs.
- ground cinnamon
- cloves 0.5 tsp.
- for the glaze:
- cocoa powder 3 tbsp.
- egg whites 3 pieces.
- sugar 0.5 Cup
In the dough add the egg yolks with the sugar, almonds, chocolate chips, wine, rum, lemon juice, candied orange, cinnamon and cloves and mix thoroughly. Enter the beaten egg whites. A baking dish (cake pan or an aluminum pan) smast butter, put the dough (it is important that the dough did not reach the edges of the dish as the cake will rise), place in a preheated oven (160 degrees) and bake for 60-90 minutes. For frosting: beat chilled whites with a mixer until stiff, add sugar and cocoa, all satell mix. The finished cake to grease glaze.
Source: "Health! Simple, tasty, useful!"
Cake in Polish
- 1.5 kg of flour,
- 1 Cup milk,
- 2 cups cream,
- 50 g fresh yeast
- 10 eggs,
- 800 g of sugar.
The dough for cakes should be very well mixed. To do this, the dough is dumped on a table or a Board and beat until then, until the surface no bubbles appear.
Cake with orange zest
- 750 g flour,
- 1 Cup milk,
- 60g of yeast
- 180 g of sugar,
- 180 g butter,
- 5 egg yolks,
- 2 eggs,
- 1 tablespoon raisins,
- 1 tablespoon orange zest jam
Carefully knead the dough. It should lag behind the hands and the walls of the bowl. Gradually add melted butter, raisins and chopped orange zest.
The dough a good knead and leave to ferment. When the dough will increase in volume twice, it needs to shift into a greased and floured form. When the dough is ready once more, the cake can be lubricated and bake. Bake the cakes at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Ready cake covered with frosting and sprinkle with small caramel balls.
Easter cake with raisins
- Wheat flour 1 kg
- yeast 50 g
- sugar 100 g,
- 3 eggs,
- butter 125 g
- the raisins 100 g
- candied fruits 50 g
- crushed cardamom,
- cinnamon,
- 3 tablespoons of milk.
Cake with lemon zest
- 500 g flour,
- 150 g of granulated sugar,
- 250 g of cream or milk,
- 6 egg yolks,
- 40 g of yeast,
- 100 g butter,
- vanilla sugar or vanillin,
- grated zest of one lemon,
- 50 g raisins,
- 50 g almonds,
- fat for greasing the form
- powdered sugar with vanilla,
- a pinch of salt.
- For the glaze: 2 protein vzbit with 200 grams of powdered sugar until a thick, air masses and add to taste lemon juice.
Cake Royal
- Yeast 50 g
- 3 cups cream,
- wheat flour 1200 g,
- butter 200 g
- sugar sand 200 g,
- 15 egg yolks,
- crushed cardamom seeds (10 grains),
- 1 crushed nutmeg,
- shinkovanny almonds (50 g),
- 100 g of candied fruit,
- 100 g of raisins,
- crushed crackers 1 tbsp.
The breads from this dough it's better to bake in small forms.
Cake saffron
- 2 kg of flour,
- 5 cups milk
- 1/2 Cup yeast
- 15 eggs,
- 400 g of margarine or butter,
- 700 g of sugar,
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 tsp cardamom or saffron
- 10 drops of lemon oil,
- 1 Cup chopped almonds and 1 Cup raisins.
Lemon oil can be replaced by drops of vanilla or rose oil.
Cake chocolate
- 400 g of flour,
- 50 g fresh yeast
- 1.5 cups milk
- 15 eggs,
- 500 g of sugar,
- 100 g of cocoa powder,
- 1-2 shots of rum
- 1/2 Cup red wine
- 100 g rye bread
- 100 g candied orange,
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon,
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves,
- 1/4 teaspoon cardamom
- salt to taste.
Mass mix well and put in a warm place for fermentation. When the dough has risen, add whipped in a dense foam proteins, salt to taste. Then put the batter into liberally greased and floured. When the dough has risen, add the beaten egg in persistent foam egg proteins and salt to taste. Put the dough liberally lubricated in the soft butter, flour podpylennuyu form. When it rises in the form, bake the cake at 180 degrees until cooked.
Spicy additive for cake, you finely grind in a coffee grinder and sift through a strainer often. published
Source: www.pravmir.ru/recepty-pravoslavnoj-kuxni-kulichi/