Bake generous and tasty cakes, decorate even more elegant wedding caravans
The brightest and kindest holiday of spring is approaching - Easter. Every family prepares for it very seriously and carefully. And, of course, every hostess will prepare the most delicious dish in the world - Easter cake. Prepare. house-wheel It is considered a good sign and blessing for the whole family for the whole year. So let's do it together!
At home, there are no two identical cakes. Everyone has their own secret recipe, their own tricks and their own decoration. In some families, the recipe for Easter kulich is passed down from generation to generation along with ancient tales and stories.
And although Easter cake is not biblical bread, it is considered the main dish on the festive table. Every year the hostess comes up with new jewelry for the top of the kulich. The Church does not prohibit bright ornaments, the main thing is that they are thematic and kind. Cook the cakes with love!
Today's edition. "Site" I'd like to share with you a recipe for Easter custard dough from pastry chef Lilia Zwit. Kulich according to her recipe turns out to be very tasty and fragrant, does not stale for a long time and everyone likes from small to great.
The ingredients
Kulich at home: the advice of the editorial board Easter kulich can be decorated not only with classic glaze, but also with pieces of dough, like a loaf. How to do this was described in detail by my colleague Nikolai Laduba. I advise you to read the article at the link.
Very interesting decoration can be made on the basis of gelatin. There are no eggs in this glaze, but it looks amazing. Exactly how it works, read the link.
What's your favorite Easter cake recipe? Share your signature recipes in the comments.

At home, there are no two identical cakes. Everyone has their own secret recipe, their own tricks and their own decoration. In some families, the recipe for Easter kulich is passed down from generation to generation along with ancient tales and stories.
And although Easter cake is not biblical bread, it is considered the main dish on the festive table. Every year the hostess comes up with new jewelry for the top of the kulich. The Church does not prohibit bright ornaments, the main thing is that they are thematic and kind. Cook the cakes with love!

Today's edition. "Site" I'd like to share with you a recipe for Easter custard dough from pastry chef Lilia Zwit. Kulich according to her recipe turns out to be very tasty and fragrant, does not stale for a long time and everyone likes from small to great.
The ingredients
- 1kg wheat flour
- 0.5 liters of milk
- 15-20g dry yeast
- 7-8 yolks
- 80g sour cream
- 100g butter
- 50ml vegetable oil
- 250g sugar
- 0.5 tsp salt
- 200-250g raisins
- 10–20g vanilla sugar
- 1 lemon
- First thing we do is cook the opium. To do this, pour some of the milk from the total amount, slightly heat it. Add 2 tbsp of sugar, yeast and salt to the milk. Stir everything and leave it under the film for 15-20 minutes in a warm place.
- Meanwhile, soak the raisins in hot water for 10 minutes. Then throw it on the coop and dry it with a paper towel to dry the raisins.
- Now we make the dough. To do this, add the remaining milk, sugar, vanilla sugar and yolks to the pool. Stir everything well, and then gradually introduce the flour into the mixture. Mix the dough for 10 minutes until it stops sticking to your hands. Then cover the dough with a towel or food film and give 1 hour for grazing in a warm place.
- When the dough is suitable, add sour cream and vegetable oil to it. Then mix it with butter at room temperature. Then add raisins and lemon peel to the dough.
- Cover the finished dough with a towel or food film and give it another 1 hour for bracing. Then divide the dough into several parts. From this amount of test will be 3 large and 4 medium kulich. Put them in shapes and give another 40 minutes to rest.
- In the meantime, warm the oven to 180 degrees. Bake pasta for 30 minutes without opening the oven door. Next, reduce the temperature to 160 degrees and bake cakes for another 10 minutes. Check your readiness with a wooden sword. Make ready-made cakes to your liking.
Kulich at home: the advice of the editorial board Easter kulich can be decorated not only with classic glaze, but also with pieces of dough, like a loaf. How to do this was described in detail by my colleague Nikolai Laduba. I advise you to read the article at the link.

Very interesting decoration can be made on the basis of gelatin. There are no eggs in this glaze, but it looks amazing. Exactly how it works, read the link.
What's your favorite Easter cake recipe? Share your signature recipes in the comments.
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