The Rules of Baking the Perfect Cook
On the eve of the bright holiday of Easter, you need to be ready to baking holiday cakes. If up to this point you have not always been able to bake a tasty cake or you still do not understand why Grandma still makes cakes tastier, then the hour of revelation has come.
Preparation of cookies Today edition "Site" It will tell you about the 20 nuances with which cookery It becomes perfect and accessible to every hostess. Some nuances you must know well, but some can be decisive.
Now you have every chance to bake the most delicious cakes that you can make. Do not be afraid that it will not work, the main thing is to do everything in a good mood and with bright thoughts. Cooking at home brings the whole family together and makes the celebration of Easter not just a routine, but a meaningful event.

Preparation of cookies Today edition "Site" It will tell you about the 20 nuances with which cookery It becomes perfect and accessible to every hostess. Some nuances you must know well, but some can be decisive.

- Traditionally, kulichs bake on Clean Thursday or the Saturday before Easter. Before preparing sacred bread, you need to remove the dwelling and get rid of painful thoughts. During the mixing of the test, you can not hurry and swear. We need to focus on something good.
- The oven needs to be warmed up in advance. Yeast dough does not like drafts and cold, so it is better not to keep doors and windows wide open. But it shouldn't be too hot either.
- In order for kulichs to succeed in glory, it is recommended to use live yeast. So the dough will be more lush and soft.
- You need to prepare all the necessary products for cooking cakes in advance. The ingredients for the test should be at room temperature.
- Be sure to sift through the flour and better several times. So you will make sure that the dough does not have any foreign motifs, besides this will allow the kulichs to enrich themselves with oxygen, and they will definitely rise when baking.
- It is best to buy homemade eggs for cookies. Ideally, if the yolk is saturated with orange color.
- The grandmothers didn't have any extra supplements, and they really didn't need them. But today you can add dried fruits, vanilla, nutmeg, this cake will only get better.
- To make the opara rise faster, cover it with a wet towel, place the bowl with dough in warm water or in a slightly heated oven.
- Add not only raisins to the cakes, rub orange peel and candied fruit there.
- Whatever special appliances you have in your kitchen, you've got dough on your hands. You need to do this for more than 15 minutes until it easily falls behind.
- Prepare forms for baking cakes in advance. Cover them with parchment or lubricate them with butter.
- Divide the finished dough into several parts. Photos need to be filled with a third test. Don't put the dough to bake right away. Wait until it doubles, then baking.
- Pour water into the pot and put it in the bottom of the oven. So the festive bread will be even softer. Do not open the oven while baking, otherwise the dough may fall off.
- To the cap of the cake rose evenly, insert a wooden sword into the center of the dough.
- If the caps of the cakes are already browned, but the dough is not baked in the middle, grease the foil with butter, cover the cakes and put it baked for a few more minutes.
- Glaze is prepared not from sugar, but from powdered sugar and chilled proteins with the addition of lemon juice. So the glaze will not be too sweet and thicken faster.
- It is necessary to cover the cakes with glaze only when they are completely cooled. If you hurry, the icing will crack.
- Instead of artificial food colors can be used natural. To make the glaze pink, add beet juice to it, and you can also use parsley juice to give the glaze a soft green color.
- Instead of a solid multi-colored sprinkle, use dried fruits to decorate the cake cap. You can also take nuts or marzipan figures.
- If the cakes are baked correctly, they will not stale the next day. If you're worried, wrap them in parchment after they cool.
Now you have every chance to bake the most delicious cakes that you can make. Do not be afraid that it will not work, the main thing is to do everything in a good mood and with bright thoughts. Cooking at home brings the whole family together and makes the celebration of Easter not just a routine, but a meaningful event.