Instructions for cooking curd cake on soda

My grandmother taught me to cook this cake a long time ago. When there is no time to mess with yeast dough, and want to please the home tasty and tender bakingIt's worth baking cottage cheese cakes on soda.

I've been baking like this for Easter. They are eaten very first, despite the fact that I always cook 2-3 different types of cakes. I highly recommend using this recipe to bake small cakes.

It takes more time to bake them well, because cottage cheese It's heavy and wet on its own. It all depends on cottage cheese and oven. But personally, I love small cakes, because it is convenient to treat them.

Cottage Cotton today editorial "Site" He'll tell you how to cook. cottage cheese. Delicious, delicate, fragrant, literally melting in your mouth!

Cookie ingredients
  • 900g cottage cheese
  • 9 eggs
  • 4.5 tbsp sugar
  • 6 tbsp flour
  • 1.5 tsp soda
  • 300g butter
  • 1 lemon (for juice)
  • 5g vanillin
  • raisins
  • vegetable oil (for lubricating forms)

Ingredients for glaze on 1 culic
  • 200g powdered sugar
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice

  1. Melt the oil with a microwave or in a steam bath. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat with a blender.

  2. Mix the oil with flour, in a separate container mix cottage cheese with sugar. Blow the eggs a little with a mixer. From this number of ingredients in the end, you can get about 9-10 small cakes, but it all depends on the size of the forms.

  3. In a convenient container, combine all the ingredients: cottage cheese, butter with flour, eggs, vanillin. Squeeze lemon juice from one lemon and extinguish the soda, add it to the dough. Add raisins to the dough and mix it thoroughly.

  4. Cut a circle of paper the diameter of your baking shape, and place it on the bottom of the shape. This step will protect the cake from sticking to the bottom. However, if you are confident in your form or it is detachable, this can not be done.

  5. Fill out the form with a test, leaving one-third free, as this dough works well enough. Put the dough forms in a preheated to 180 degrees oven and bake for 40-45 minutes.

  6. While the cake is baked, make the icing. To do this, mix 200 grams of powdered sugar with lemon juice and rub the whole thing with a spoon. Pour the cake with icing and sprinkle with a shop sprinkle or nut crumb. The taste of the cake depends only on your taste!

  7. Our lovely cottage cheese cake is ready. Bon appetit! By the way, if you do not like sweet cakes or are afraid that they will be too sweet, feel free to reduce the amount of sugar.

Editorial advice I also suggest you find out the recipe for Easter cake on sour cream. This recipe is addressed primarily to those who like wet, openwork, but at the same time dense cakes. It is this texture that gives the sour cream cakes. You won't regret it!

Preparation reason sweetie It can be not only the holiday of Easter, but also just a good mood, coupled with a brilliant recipe from my grandmother. No matter how much I play with the yeast dough, baking still happens once.

A huge plus of that. cheese-dough For kulich is that it always turns out, and quite easily and without problems! At the same time, cottage cheese cakes are so tender and delicious that it is simply impossible to break away from them!


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