What dried fruits can be added to cottage cheese Easter
So. pascha It should be on every table. After all, the brightest, kindest and easiest spring holiday is Easter. And although the situation is extremely difficult now, everyone wants to join in preparing for this event. We will tell you how to make a delicious curd cake. For those who do not have much time to mix and baking dough. Stock up on dried fruit and keep the recipe.
According to tradition, cottage cheese Easter is made of a special form. It looks like the Holy Sepulcher. Moreover, inside the special forms for cottage cheese Easter there are convex letters X and B. Which, of course, means the familiar Easter address and congratulations. You can buy forms for kulich from cottage cheese in almost every store.
It is worth noting that cooking cottage cheese is extremely simple. It is only necessary to properly organize the process of its storage so that Easter is successful. We will definitely tell you what needs to be done for this. Otherwise, there is no trouble with dough and baking.
Holiday treat Ingredients
Try to buy cottage cheese of high fat, as this directly affects the taste of the future Easter. In addition, it is necessary that the cottage cheese is fresh. Then its graininess will be minimal. Dry fruits can be changed depending on what is more Your family likes you.. For example, instead of dried apricots or prunes, you can take figs, nuts, candies, seeds.
Now you need to prepare a mould for the curd cake. As mentioned above, it is better to buy a special tracker in the store. Prepare clean gauze, too. It helps to fight excess moisture during the infusion of cottage cheese Easter. Wet the gauze and carefully put it in a special form. It will give cottage cheese Easter a smoother and rounder shape. Make sure that there are no cracks or irregularities of the fabric. Carefully fill the beacon with curd mass and cover the cottage cheese from above with the remains of gauze. The form for cottage cheese Easter should be put on some plate so that excess liquid flows there. It is best to leave such a curd woman overnight in the refrigerator. And in the morning you will be able to enjoy its excellent taste.
Homemade cottage cheese Easter with dried fruits Be sure to save the recipe so that so soon please family and friends with a sweet treat. Pascha cheese with pieces of dried apricot, prunes, figs or cherries will become a real vitamin. Moreover, the curd of cottage cheese can be decorated on top. Add some mint, candy, nuts. A wonderful treat for the brightest holiday of the year is ready.

According to tradition, cottage cheese Easter is made of a special form. It looks like the Holy Sepulcher. Moreover, inside the special forms for cottage cheese Easter there are convex letters X and B. Which, of course, means the familiar Easter address and congratulations. You can buy forms for kulich from cottage cheese in almost every store.

It is worth noting that cooking cottage cheese is extremely simple. It is only necessary to properly organize the process of its storage so that Easter is successful. We will definitely tell you what needs to be done for this. Otherwise, there is no trouble with dough and baking.

Holiday treat Ingredients
- 500g cottage cheese
- 200g sour cream
- 100g sugar
- 100g butter
- vanillin
- 50g dried
- 50g prunes
- 50g dried cherry

Try to buy cottage cheese of high fat, as this directly affects the taste of the future Easter. In addition, it is necessary that the cottage cheese is fresh. Then its graininess will be minimal. Dry fruits can be changed depending on what is more Your family likes you.. For example, instead of dried apricots or prunes, you can take figs, nuts, candies, seeds.

- Place cottage cheese, sugar, sour cream and butter in a deep container. These ingredients must be turned into a homogeneous curd mass. You can use a blender, a food processor or work manually. Keep in mind that cottage cheese grains should not be felt on this Easter.
- Add a pinch of vanilla to the homogeneous mass. Dried fruits must be cut into small pieces and poured into a container with the remaining ingredients. Carefully stir the components so that the dried fruits are evenly distributed in the curd mass.

Now you need to prepare a mould for the curd cake. As mentioned above, it is better to buy a special tracker in the store. Prepare clean gauze, too. It helps to fight excess moisture during the infusion of cottage cheese Easter. Wet the gauze and carefully put it in a special form. It will give cottage cheese Easter a smoother and rounder shape. Make sure that there are no cracks or irregularities of the fabric. Carefully fill the beacon with curd mass and cover the cottage cheese from above with the remains of gauze. The form for cottage cheese Easter should be put on some plate so that excess liquid flows there. It is best to leave such a curd woman overnight in the refrigerator. And in the morning you will be able to enjoy its excellent taste.
Homemade cottage cheese Easter with dried fruits Be sure to save the recipe so that so soon please family and friends with a sweet treat. Pascha cheese with pieces of dried apricot, prunes, figs or cherries will become a real vitamin. Moreover, the curd of cottage cheese can be decorated on top. Add some mint, candy, nuts. A wonderful treat for the brightest holiday of the year is ready.
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