On Easter days, you can not indulge in despondency, sadness and anger, so as not to attract misfortune to the house.
Great Easter 2022 is celebrated by Orthodox Christians on April 24. A week before the most important holiday for Christians, people begin to prepare for the Great Resurrection. Every day of the week before Easter is special. Christians attend church, prepare their homes and souls for the resurrection of Christ. Also, this week is the end of Lent, these days people observe strict fasting. On Clean Thursday, the oven of Easter cakes is accepted - a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. About the traditions of celebrating Easter and the features of celebrating the holiday in 2022, we will tell in today's article.
Peels Great Easter 2022 The Lord came to this world in order to resurrect and give hope for salvation and remission of sins to all believers. The week before Easter, especially Good Friday, reminds us that Jesus suffered for the atonement of human sins. Every year people forget about the importance of the holiday, stop attending church and praying, instead bake cakes and paint eggs. We must not forget that spiritual purification and prayer are first of all, and in the last place is a tribute to earthly traditions.
Since it is impossible to do anything around the house at Easter, preparation for the holiday begins in advance: on Clean Thursday it is customary to bake cakes, paint eggs with the whole family and restore order in the house. Then a strict fast is observed on Good Friday: people do not eat or drink anything, pray on the Sabbath and wait for the Great Resurrection. People used to stay up Saturday night or go to bed dressed up to be ready to praise the risen Jesus Christ.
As they say Easter “Christ is risen!”, “Truly risen!” – so people cheerfully greet each other on the bright feast of Easter. This greeting is a symbol of faith and devotion to God. The celebration of Easter begins at night worship. It begins at midnight with the solemn procession of the cross, continues with the Easter Matins and the Divine Liturgy.
In all churches, Easter chimes are heard, and people commune and consecrate Easter baskets to receive blessings and thank God for salvation. After the service and communion, it is customary to celebrate Easter in the morning with the family. The celebration begins with the cutting of the cake. Traditionally, a kulich is cut into as many parts as a person lives in a house.
Kulich is a symbol of the body of Christ. Easter bread is baked from leavened dough: it first sours and then resurrects in the hands of the cook, as Jesus rose. Therefore, before cooking, a prayer is necessarily read, during cooking, you can not make noise. Christians also paint eggs at Easter. The egg is a symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven. According to legend, Mary Magdalene brought an egg to Tiberius to inform him that Christ had risen. To which the king said that it was as absurd as the fact that this egg could turn red, and the egg turned red.
The Easter basket is necessarily holy during the service. According to tradition, the symbols of the holiday are put in the basket - Easter cake and painted eggs. In the basket you can put dairy products: cottage cheese, cheese or sour cream. Salt is a symbol of prosperity and health, you can also put lard, sausages and smoked meat, kagor.
You can not consecrate blood sausage and any alcoholic beverages, except cagora. It is forbidden to sanctify money and other material values. After the Easter meal, you can not throw away the remains of consecrated food, including eggshells. If there is food left on the table, it should be distributed, buried in the ground or burned. But under no circumstances should you throw it in the trash.
This year, a curfew was imposed throughout Ukraine. In each city it may be different, but to cancel the curfew in honor of the holiday will not be for the safety of the population. Worships in churches will be held the day before the curfew begins on April 23 or after it ends on the morning of April 24. Monday after Easter, April 25, is a working day, due to martial law in the country. If you are going to visit the church on Easter, find out in advance in the church of your city the hours of worship and take into account the time on the road.
At this time, we all want to believe in a miracle and hope for the speedy end of suffering on earth. Faith is something that can’t be taken away, and it’s what helps many of us survive. We wish you a bright Easter and a peaceful sky above your head. May the Lord forgive us our sins and protect us from evil.

Peels Great Easter 2022 The Lord came to this world in order to resurrect and give hope for salvation and remission of sins to all believers. The week before Easter, especially Good Friday, reminds us that Jesus suffered for the atonement of human sins. Every year people forget about the importance of the holiday, stop attending church and praying, instead bake cakes and paint eggs. We must not forget that spiritual purification and prayer are first of all, and in the last place is a tribute to earthly traditions.

Since it is impossible to do anything around the house at Easter, preparation for the holiday begins in advance: on Clean Thursday it is customary to bake cakes, paint eggs with the whole family and restore order in the house. Then a strict fast is observed on Good Friday: people do not eat or drink anything, pray on the Sabbath and wait for the Great Resurrection. People used to stay up Saturday night or go to bed dressed up to be ready to praise the risen Jesus Christ.

As they say Easter “Christ is risen!”, “Truly risen!” – so people cheerfully greet each other on the bright feast of Easter. This greeting is a symbol of faith and devotion to God. The celebration of Easter begins at night worship. It begins at midnight with the solemn procession of the cross, continues with the Easter Matins and the Divine Liturgy.
In all churches, Easter chimes are heard, and people commune and consecrate Easter baskets to receive blessings and thank God for salvation. After the service and communion, it is customary to celebrate Easter in the morning with the family. The celebration begins with the cutting of the cake. Traditionally, a kulich is cut into as many parts as a person lives in a house.

Kulich is a symbol of the body of Christ. Easter bread is baked from leavened dough: it first sours and then resurrects in the hands of the cook, as Jesus rose. Therefore, before cooking, a prayer is necessarily read, during cooking, you can not make noise. Christians also paint eggs at Easter. The egg is a symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven. According to legend, Mary Magdalene brought an egg to Tiberius to inform him that Christ had risen. To which the king said that it was as absurd as the fact that this egg could turn red, and the egg turned red.

The Easter basket is necessarily holy during the service. According to tradition, the symbols of the holiday are put in the basket - Easter cake and painted eggs. In the basket you can put dairy products: cottage cheese, cheese or sour cream. Salt is a symbol of prosperity and health, you can also put lard, sausages and smoked meat, kagor.
You can not consecrate blood sausage and any alcoholic beverages, except cagora. It is forbidden to sanctify money and other material values. After the Easter meal, you can not throw away the remains of consecrated food, including eggshells. If there is food left on the table, it should be distributed, buried in the ground or burned. But under no circumstances should you throw it in the trash.
This year, a curfew was imposed throughout Ukraine. In each city it may be different, but to cancel the curfew in honor of the holiday will not be for the safety of the population. Worships in churches will be held the day before the curfew begins on April 23 or after it ends on the morning of April 24. Monday after Easter, April 25, is a working day, due to martial law in the country. If you are going to visit the church on Easter, find out in advance in the church of your city the hours of worship and take into account the time on the road.
At this time, we all want to believe in a miracle and hope for the speedy end of suffering on earth. Faith is something that can’t be taken away, and it’s what helps many of us survive. We wish you a bright Easter and a peaceful sky above your head. May the Lord forgive us our sins and protect us from evil.
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I forbid my husband to eat mayonnaise, except for stuffed eggs for Easter.