So that all the ailments will recede, take a piece of Easter cake to this place.
The most beautiful and beloved holiday of Easter is over. This year, Orthodox Christians celebrated it quite late – on May 5. Catholics celebrated the Lord’s Resurrection on March 31. Why different trends in Christianity at different times celebrate Easter we have already written. But in addition to the celebration itself, customs, rituals and rules also differ. Today's edition. "Site" tell you when you can eat cookies And say to each other, “Christ is risen” and “Truly risen.”
Easter is a very serious and important holiday. Preparations for it continue throughout the year. Beginning with Christmas, believers must observe all the traditions and rules of the church. Especially important for Christians is the last week before Easter. Every day carries the meaning and rules of preparation for the holiday. Many housewives adhere to these rules very strictly and begin to prepare in advance. For example, housewives have a rule that cakes must be baked on Clean Thursday or Wednesday. But on Friday and Saturday it is not advisable to do this.
But you can start eating cakes only on Sunday, after the church service. If you managed to get into the church and consecrate the kulich, then such a kulich is eaten first by the whole family. If you have tried to bake cakes according to a new recipe and do not yet know what it will taste like, then it is best to bake a bun for a try. But try the kulich and decorated categorically is not worth it. After Holy Sunday, you can eat cakes for another week. How to congratulate one another on the resurrection of God’s son. Each region of our country has its own rules and customs according to which it is correct to celebrate Easter.
Modern society is trying to adopt the customs of other countries and regions and make the holiday its family unique. On the one hand, the church does not approve of this, and on the other, it cannot prohibit it. The Orthodox church egregor is considered one of the strongest and most powerful. It is not a single generation and its strength is only growing. The egregor becomes especially strong on church holidays. Knowledgeable people argue that it is during the great religious holidays that you can ask the Universe for the most desirable. And the universe will hear such a request and fulfill the wish.
Make a wish for Easter and it will come true Of course, do not forget that desires that are positive in nature will benefit. And here are the negative thoughts and wishes these days to return in triple volume to the author. If you want your wish to come true before the next Easter, you can do such a simple ritual. He does not carry any danger, but sends goodness and gratitude to the universe. During the period when you can eat cakes, i.e. from Sunday to Saturday next week. During one of the meals, imagine that you are not just eating a cake. And the most delicious, healthy and magical product in the world. It is thanks to the Easter cake that you can heal all your illnesses, fulfill your wishes.
Be sure not to finish. Leave one piece and wrap it in a napkin or piece of paper. When you go outside, take this package with you. You need to leave it in the place where the birds live so that they can also eat Easter cake. When you leave the kulich, you say: “Under the open sky I share my bread for good and for health.” You need to say these words sincerely from the heart. It is as if you wish it to yourself without a shadow of envy and malice. After that, the universe will hear your innermost desires and fulfill them.
What are the Easter traditions in your family? Share in the comments your warm memories of Easter.

Easter is a very serious and important holiday. Preparations for it continue throughout the year. Beginning with Christmas, believers must observe all the traditions and rules of the church. Especially important for Christians is the last week before Easter. Every day carries the meaning and rules of preparation for the holiday. Many housewives adhere to these rules very strictly and begin to prepare in advance. For example, housewives have a rule that cakes must be baked on Clean Thursday or Wednesday. But on Friday and Saturday it is not advisable to do this.

But you can start eating cakes only on Sunday, after the church service. If you managed to get into the church and consecrate the kulich, then such a kulich is eaten first by the whole family. If you have tried to bake cakes according to a new recipe and do not yet know what it will taste like, then it is best to bake a bun for a try. But try the kulich and decorated categorically is not worth it. After Holy Sunday, you can eat cakes for another week. How to congratulate one another on the resurrection of God’s son. Each region of our country has its own rules and customs according to which it is correct to celebrate Easter.

Modern society is trying to adopt the customs of other countries and regions and make the holiday its family unique. On the one hand, the church does not approve of this, and on the other, it cannot prohibit it. The Orthodox church egregor is considered one of the strongest and most powerful. It is not a single generation and its strength is only growing. The egregor becomes especially strong on church holidays. Knowledgeable people argue that it is during the great religious holidays that you can ask the Universe for the most desirable. And the universe will hear such a request and fulfill the wish.

Make a wish for Easter and it will come true Of course, do not forget that desires that are positive in nature will benefit. And here are the negative thoughts and wishes these days to return in triple volume to the author. If you want your wish to come true before the next Easter, you can do such a simple ritual. He does not carry any danger, but sends goodness and gratitude to the universe. During the period when you can eat cakes, i.e. from Sunday to Saturday next week. During one of the meals, imagine that you are not just eating a cake. And the most delicious, healthy and magical product in the world. It is thanks to the Easter cake that you can heal all your illnesses, fulfill your wishes.

Be sure not to finish. Leave one piece and wrap it in a napkin or piece of paper. When you go outside, take this package with you. You need to leave it in the place where the birds live so that they can also eat Easter cake. When you leave the kulich, you say: “Under the open sky I share my bread for good and for health.” You need to say these words sincerely from the heart. It is as if you wish it to yourself without a shadow of envy and malice. After that, the universe will hear your innermost desires and fulfill them.

What are the Easter traditions in your family? Share in the comments your warm memories of Easter.
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