I forbid my husband to eat mayonnaise, except for stuffed eggs for Easter.
My grandmother always cooked for Easter. mushroom-stuffed eggs. Sliced champignons and onions, roasted them, and then mixed with a yolk rubbed through a sieve. Even my grandmother cooked mayonnaise with her own hands. Perhaps that’s why this dish was so delicious.
My grandmother trusted me to fill squirrels with mushroom stuffing. I did it literally before I went to the table. “You can’t do it in advance, otherwise all the taste will be lost,” my grandmother taught me. From her, I learned about other tricks, as well as mistakes during the preparation of stuffed eggs. And today I'm going to share my grandmother's wisdom with you.
Eggs stuffed with mushrooms Stuffed eggs are a great idea for a holiday snack. It's Easter, so it's time to stock up on a couple of new recipes. However, first of all, you need to learn the basics of cooking this dish.
Stuffed eggs: Egg topping ideas stuffed with mushrooms fly off the holiday table in the first place. However, you can fill the protein with other interesting products. I will tell you about the best, in my opinion, options.
This is not the entire list of possible fillings for stuffed eggs. From above, they can be decorated with pickled gorishons, red fish, shrimp and even cheese with mold. Anyway, shower! It would be great if you could add a couple of recipes. I'll be waiting for you in the comments!

My grandmother trusted me to fill squirrels with mushroom stuffing. I did it literally before I went to the table. “You can’t do it in advance, otherwise all the taste will be lost,” my grandmother taught me. From her, I learned about other tricks, as well as mistakes during the preparation of stuffed eggs. And today I'm going to share my grandmother's wisdom with you.
Eggs stuffed with mushrooms Stuffed eggs are a great idea for a holiday snack. It's Easter, so it's time to stock up on a couple of new recipes. However, first of all, you need to learn the basics of cooking this dish.
- In order to prepare delicious stuffed eggs, you first need to boil them hard-boiled. But it is very important not to digest the eggs, otherwise the yolk will become gray in color. This will spoil not only the appearance of the dish, but also its smell.
The fact is that digested eggs begin to exude a sulfuric aroma. We don't need that! We learn how to cook eggs properly. In the same article, you will learn how to make soft-boiled eggs, as well as poach. - The next important aspect is cleaning boiled eggs from the shell. Do not do this immediately after the eggs are boiled. You run the risk of tearing the squirrels because as long as they are warm, they have a very delicate and soft texture. Wait until the eggs are completely cooled, and then clean them from the shell.
In order not to wait a long time, immediately after cooking, dip the eggs in ice water for a few minutes. This will simplify the task, and the eggs themselves will be cleaned much easier. - The ideal filling for stuffed eggs should be creamy. Therefore, if you use only yolk and mayonnaise, for example, it must be completely crushed. With a fork, this is not always possible. So safely use a regular sieve through which the yolks need to be rubbed.
- For dressing egg yolks, housewives most often use either mayonnaise or Greek yogurt. Thanks to these ingredients, the filling becomes even more creamy and tender. But if you use too much refill, the taste of the filling itself is lost. So always be careful not to overdo it. Try the egg stuffing to taste good.
Also, it would be great if you made mayonnaise with your own hands. I share a good recipe with you. - Never cook stuffed eggs in advance. Yes, you can boil them in the evening. However, prepare the filling strictly on the day of celebration. Especially since it does not take very long, but the taste of the dish will be unsurpassed.
Stuffed eggs: Egg topping ideas stuffed with mushrooms fly off the holiday table in the first place. However, you can fill the protein with other interesting products. I will tell you about the best, in my opinion, options.
- Eggs go well with fish. So as a filling, you can mix yolks and cod liver, for example. Use mayonnaise to refuel. And if you cut green onions very finely into the filling, then refueling is not necessary at all. The greens will give you extra juice.
- Another option is yolks, cream cheese, some Dijon mustard and mayonnaise. Fingers are good!
- If there is nothing at hand, it is great to add just a walnut to the yolks. Just don't cut it too small, let it come across small pieces.
- Many in stuffed eggs like a combination of melted and hard cheese mixed with yolks. Try it!
- Fans of exquisite taste experiment, adding avocado and lemon juice to the yolks. The taste of such stuffed eggs is not like the classic. But he's not inferior.
This is not the entire list of possible fillings for stuffed eggs. From above, they can be decorated with pickled gorishons, red fish, shrimp and even cheese with mold. Anyway, shower! It would be great if you could add a couple of recipes. I'll be waiting for you in the comments!
On Easter days, you can not indulge in despondency, sadness and anger, so as not to attract misfortune to the house.
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