Making purchases in the supermarket, spend now 2 times less, because I know all the tricks of marketers
Once there was a small shop near my house with a wooden counter darkened from time to time. In those days, shopping was simple and simple. And giving me 20 kopecks for bread, my mother knew for sure that the change was enough for a soda and syrup. Shopping at the supermarket is a completely different matter! You used to come for milk. And you go home with a potted orchid, a coffee syrup, a set of skewers and a big hole in your budget.
Today, the problem of spontaneous purchases has become even more urgent. After all, many people try to make up for the stress of constantly reading negative news. Therefore, we decided to fight ill-conceived expenses. And these little tricks will help you win it.
Supermarket shopping tricks in stores that make us spend more
Stunts that will help save money
Walk through the mall and you will immediately notice all the tricks described. But we are confident that our advice will help to fight ill-conceived expenses. How do you save money? Share your secrets in the comments.

Today, the problem of spontaneous purchases has become even more urgent. After all, many people try to make up for the stress of constantly reading negative news. Therefore, we decided to fight ill-conceived expenses. And these little tricks will help you win it.
Supermarket shopping tricks in stores that make us spend more
- Big carts.
Maybe you've noticed that in a big plate, the portion always seems small. So, in order to eat normally, you need to put more. On the other hand, there is more food on a small plate visually than it actually is. Therefore, reducing the size of dishes, you can avoid overeating.
It's the same with the huge carts in the supermarkets. A couple packages of kefir in a large basket look pretty lonely. As a result, we keep sending items into it that we don’t really need. - Long walks
All the most popular and necessary products are always at the far end of the store. As long as a person reaches bread or milk, he will come across many other goods, he will learn about stocks and the like. It is unlikely that he will leave the store only with a planned loaf of bread and kefir. - Discounts and promotions
Bright price tags, signaling discounts, can attract everyone. And even if the product is not very necessary, we still put it in the basket — so be it. Marketers are only happy about that.
Moreover, discounts often seem profitable only at first glance. As a rule, they mean that the price was already inflated initially, the product is running out of shelf life or it has hidden defects.0101
Try, for example, to compare a stock product with a regular one. It is easy to make sure that “2 times” in the language of advertising does not mean the same thing as in the language of mathematics.
Stunts that will help save money
- Make a list of products and calculate about all your expenses on these purchases. It never hurts to have a plan!
- Don't go to the store on an empty stomach! So there is a high probability that you will buy more than you need. Have a snack before you leave. Your wallet will thank you. Today, one more point should be added: do not read before visiting the news store. After all, in order to overcome the anxiety caused by them, you will need a shock dose of dopamine from shopping.
- If you’re not planning too much shopping, don’t take a big cart. Better get the basket.
- Stop buying coffee every day. Some would call it a harmless habit. And the American financier and author of the book “Automatic millionaire” David Bach calls the “latte factor”. The average American leaves more than $4 a day in coffee shops. That's $120 a month and almost a thousand and a half a year!
Peels - Try to live at least once a month without spending a penny. If you have a ticket and food in the fridge, it is not difficult! You should ignore advertising and appreciate old, but quite serviceable things. After all, the joy of acquiring quickly passes, and unnecessary goods become more and more. In this regard, it will be appropriate to recall the heroes of the German comedy “100 things and nothing superfluous”. Two friends found that the more they shopped, the more they moved away from happiness. On the one hand, comedy, and on the other – a reason to look at your life from a new angle.
- Use the cash. Research shows that people spend more using a plastic card. After all, without seeing “live” paper money, we do not fully realize our spending. Therefore, pensioners, withdrawing all the money from the card at once, understand the economy no worse than us.
- Go to home-cooked food. This will be good for your health and your wallet. By the way, according to statistics, 53 percent of Britons take home lunch with them on a robot. Delicious and economical!
- When standing in line to pay for purchases, do not consider the small goods laid out along it. It is better to take care of the amount of purchases.
- Grow at home onions, peppers, carrots and other vegetables to save a little on their purchase.
- If shopping helps you relieve stress, find a replacement. It could be meeting friends, going to the movies or going to the gym.
Walk through the mall and you will immediately notice all the tricks described. But we are confident that our advice will help to fight ill-conceived expenses. How do you save money? Share your secrets in the comments.
I forbid my husband to eat mayonnaise, except for stuffed eggs for Easter.
The aunt sent a box of oranges from Italy and ordered it to be boiled, showing what happened.