Mom's wisdom guard your marketing

Oddly enough, sometimes even professionals forget the seemingly obvious things. What to speak of newcomers who want to quickly learn the "advanced" techniques in full confidence that it will make them real gurus and marketing pros. As it turned out, to remember basic things and not to run forward, not to prepare the necessary foundation, enough to remember some of the phrases that each of us had heard as a child. Do not take this article too seriously, but remember that every joke has some truth.
In principle, each of these lessons are universal and applicable in any situation, but we have tried to adapt them to the field of internet marketing.
1. "Are you going to put on a is ?» H5> What does it mean: "Do you think it is appropriate?»
The lesson for marketers: Appearance of the resource is the first and sometimes the main factor of influence on your visitor. You can not afford to neglect the design of your page; all the details, every decision must serve a specific purpose and in accordance with the general concept of the site. In any case, it should look professional, even if it is a template page. In the end, use site builder.
2. "Will ape - and will remain so» h5> What does it mean: "Stop doing something wrong before it becomes a habit»
The lesson for marketers: Bad habits are easily formed and long gone. You may have a set of techniques that you think is "your style". This may be the original momentum in the text, unexpected visual solutions or specific content, but how confident are you that these techniques are effective and do not have a negative result? Do not forget the feedback, try to get an objective assessment of each of your "habits" and get rid of harmful as soon as possible.
3. "Where have you picked up this? I'm not this taught » h5> What does it mean:" Your actions do not always match your education (knowledge) and generally accepted standards »
The lesson for marketers: Your content must fully comply with the idea of your brand. Of course, you can apply various techniques and tactics, but they must be harmoniously interact and be unified marketing strategy, whose mission - to create a stable image of the brand, product or idea. You have to match the values that you profess, or get trapped ...
4. "Sit still!» H5> What does it mean: "If you are constantly rushing from side to side - nothing good will»
The lesson for marketers: Identify your target audience and hit right on target. If you start writing articles for fifteen years girls, and then abruptly go to a article on the care of the beard, then run, at least, with a slight misunderstanding on the part of regular readers and are unlikely to make new readers who do not appreciate even the most useful information about the beard on background pink pony.
5. "Take something» h5> What does it mean: "Do not complain about boredom. There is always something that needs to be done »
The lesson for marketers: Even when it seems that everything has already been done, there's always something , what you do not pay due attention to.
6. "Just wait, the father will be back ...» h5> What does it mean: "Every action has its consequences»
The lesson for marketers: If you or your team have made a serious mistake, it costs more to say openly about it, apologize and try to make up for any inconvenience, than to try to hide things that sooner or later come to the surface and you will hit with double the power.
Support service slow to respond? Connect online consultant. Came the wrong item? Publicly apologize and give a discount coupon. Turn your mistakes in what will be remembered with a smile.
7. "And if all go jump off the roof, you too go?» H5> What does it mean: "Think with your head»
The lesson for marketers: Trends in marketing come and go, but you should not do something just because it is "accepted". Be selective and creative, to evaluate each planned innovation in terms of its effectiveness for your industry. Do not try to keep up with fashion, do what you really need for the success of your company.
8. "Because I said so» h5> What does it mean: "Sometimes your opinion does not matter»
The lesson for marketers: You do not always get rave reviews. Sometimes you will be directed to provoke, you can not convince everyone. If it's really important, it is necessary to change anything strategy or change the target audience, but most simply do not feed "troll».
9. "How to talk to a wall» h5> What does it mean: "Be more open, no one knows what you're thinking»
The lesson for marketers: The Internet provides opportunities to establish and maintain communication with your customers. Create a sense of conversation, tell them about yourself, show yourself, make your individual posts. Use pictures, tell stories, and carefully read the comments. The only way you will be able to gain the trust and favorable treatment.
10. "I told you a hundred times» h5> What does it mean: "Information should be seen immediately»
The lesson for marketers: Do you have two or three seconds to attract attention. If your headline does not attract the attention of readers, the next 2,000 words one would not read them. The slogan should be clear and simple, easy to remember and to spin the language. If you fail the "first contact", you will not have a chance to repeat what you want to say.
11. "Someday you'll tell me" thank you »!» H5> What does it mean: "Your gratitude is worth a»
The lesson for marketers: We all love when we are grateful. When the last time you said "thank you" to your customers? Just like that, without any reason. You can achieve incredible results, just thanking its customers.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/paysto/blog/220855/
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