Brain tricks
Incredible brain experiments that will make your life better
If you do not think about the future, you better throughout
Consider the time: past, present and future. The difference between the proposals, "Bob in the shop buying nachos" and "Bob will go to the store to buy nachos" clearly related to how far we are from being able to eat nachos. That is the necessary information.
This may seem surprising, but in some languages there is no future time, or it was not necessary. The Chinese, for example, normal to say something like "Bob store to buy nachos," and no one will laugh at your cave speech, or beat you on the lips, as you do not specify a time frame of delivery nachos. You would think that carriers of these languages did not care about the time, as we know it.
It turns out that media languages without times found a much better solution.
Consider a study Keith Chen of Yale business school, which analyzed 76 countries.
Particular attention is paid to saving money, smoking and everyday habits, as well as overall health. A surprising result is that people who speak the language without a future time, tend to make more informed decisions in the field of finance and health. In fact, it was found that "temporary" languages on 30% reduce the ability of people to save money. It is believed that speakers of other languages, these languages are said to be "timeless" refer to life more seriously. And they are more serious about how their decisions will affect their future, we, wild carriers 'temporary' languages.
Carriers "timeless" Sequential accumulate great wealth, and to keep them for a longer period of time, they are healthier and live longer than carriers 'temporary' languages for which the past - that's what we have left behind, and the future - as the Distant the planet on which today are the consequences of their actions, and that they should ever visit.
Music changes your ability to perceive time
"Retaining music" - this is what you hear in the handset phone call when, for example, in the bank. This music hits the phones are not accidental. It is tailored specifically to how to reduce the amount of time during which you will have to wait. In other areas associated with the expectation of, for example, in doctors' offices, also used this trick. "Compression of Time" is a favorite trick of many retail stores, which is why you very rarely find a shopping center, supermarket, shop, or upper garment, which can not hear a certain "background music».
To understand how this works, think of the brain as a mountain lion in a cage which was a bag of money. It does not matter that the employees of the zoo lion eating distracting, bright objects, or just cries and cries. It matters only that they give a chance to one of his companions sneak up and get the money out of the cell, while the lion is busy definition of who would eat of these workers.
Similarly, when your brain is constantly distracted, you are less notice what is happening around you, what is true for a time.
The volume of information to be assimilated by the brain is limited, and when something constantly takes this volume, we are less inclined to think about things form "and whether I need this Service in the form of a cat Garfield»?
But this also works in the opposite direction. In some situations, listening to music can really expand your perception of time. For example, listening to music while performing tasks that require maximum concentration, causes us to overestimate the amount of time actually elapsed. The theory is that periodically switching between music perception and concentration on heavy tasks, the brain generates a certain "events", or different memories. When your brain is thinking about what you have been doing for the last hour, you remember many events of the hour, and it seems that it lasted a long time.
Change reality by changing the wording
You may already know that even a slight change in the wording of the survey can change people's opinions. For example, in 2010, the year, four organizations conducted surveys to see what percentage of Americans support the so-called "public option." The results ranged from paltry 44% to 66% in support, largely due to differences in wording. Formulated it as "the government introduces a health insurance plan that will get people from 65 years and older," they received the support of 66%. And he puts it, as "the government has launched an insurance plan," they only received 44% support. Specify it as "this is what I would like to Mussolini," and support will drop to 2%.
You might think that this is a survey of people who do not understand how the system works, but in fact the experiment demonstrates that the brain can be manipulated by subtle differences in wording, regardless of the level of human knowledge.
In another study, social psychologists have sent out several hundred surveys of registered voters before the election. Half of them asked, "Is it important to vote?».
The other half was asked, "Is it important to be a voter?».
With that only difference likelihood that people read the word "voters" will vote on election day, it was 14%. Researchers suspect that the use of the word "voter" makes people identify with that word. Since these people considered themselves the voters, they came and voted.
On the other hand, the use of the word "vote" means that you simply asked people to perform some task. Even if they answer "yes" to this question, they will not feel any connection with this word, so they are unlikely to end.
One question was about a simple action, the second - the type of person.
In this way you have manipulated the whole life, and now it is time to start to manipulate themselves. Do not ask your friend with the truck if he could help you carry your mattress. Instead, ask him if he wants to support the initiative by participating community housing. Do not ask the police to release you for speeding. Ask him if he wants to stimulate the local economy by using high-efficiency tax breaks for the middle class. Take his own, and let your words work for you.
Music makes you stronger
It's no secret that many people prefer listening to music when I train. But the music does not just make physical activity more enjoyable, it actually raises your performance significantly. The music people are able to carry weights much longer than in silence. They are also able to complete the sprint in less time.
As is the case with the effect of "time compression", mentioned above, an important role in this is a distraction. Normally, if your brain is listening to music, he does not think about how much his feet hurt, or how much more you can run before you hear the sound of the final whistle. However, there are several important factors.
First of all, the synchronism. When your movements match the tempo of the music, you spend less time and effort on ineffective deceleration and acceleration than when moving at their own pace. Music also increases the frequency of the "flow state." A condition similar to a meditative trance in which the athlete everything is working properly, and ultimately increases the overall performance.
Music can even make you not feel the pain. Patients who listened to music after surgery required less pain medication, they reported a decrease in pain, and blood pressure have been lower. Doctors also say that specifically matched melodious music dramatically reduces stress in patients during operations on the brain. In some cases, allows the patient to relax the music so much that they fell into a deep sleep, while there was an operation.
Your hand - a night vision device for the poor
Closing one eye while on or off the light, you are helping your eyes adapt to changing lighting.
The idea is that you smell good, makes you more attractive
In a recent study conducted by the University of Liverpool, they had a couple of guys, spray the «Axe». Also they were women, evaluated the attractiveness of men ... through the video. Both men spraying the spray, were rated as more attractive, despite the fact that women could not smell them.
According to the scientists who worked on the experiment, the guys spray sprayed himself, imagined that smell good, so their body language showed a lot of confidence, and women who are watching them, and answered it.
So, all these guys are brainwashed by a marketing company spray «Axe»? They really believed advertisements claiming that anyone spraying the spray, will be a resounding success with women?
No. Bank of spray used in the experiment was unmarked, so those guys had no idea how the spray used. It turns out, amazing, mind control powers of smell does not make a girl in a bar to faint, is self-deception. All you have to really - it's a bit of confidence.
You can feel good night's sleep after only two hours of sleep
So you started working the night shift at the local "McDonalds", plus every morning at 8:00 you study and you have no idea how you're going to all this was done, and it does not look like the guy from the movie "Dawn of the Dead." < br /> What if we tell you that you can sleep a little more than two hours a day, and at the same time feel completely fresh? No more random slumber during frying hamburger steak!
This is called "Sleep Schedule for Superman," and apart from that pompous name it - a way to get the maximum amount of sleep needed for your body, without wasting precious hours that you could use in order to work, or drink, or "farm "Gold in the" Warcraft ". Schedule consists of a 20-30 minute breaks every four hours sleep during the day. Of course, this new model will have to get used to sleep, but that's the price you have to pay to extend the time awake for several years.
Get started now. Go to bed at 8.00 and set the alarm for 8:30. Stand up, play some "Call office duty", and again lie at 12.00, 12.30 Service put on, and so on. After three or four days of this regime you literally obaldeete from lack of sleep, and may even want to give it everything, but do not do it! Because it would be counterproductive.
On the 10th day or so, your brain says, "Damn! Okay, we'll go your way, "and begin to adjust to your new" superhuman "routine sleep. When you sleep properly, your body gets about an hour and a half "rapid eye movement", which is believed to be the most important to the brain remained clear. While the other stages of sleep helps the body to heal and grow, "REM" - that's what makes you feel relaxed.
The first few days getting used to very harsh, because your body is not getting anything from this "rapid eye movement", and your brain hates you for it. After the third day or so, the brain will begin to understand what you mean, and every time you go to bed, he dives right into the stage of "rapid eye movement" in an attempt to compensate for all the deprivation. Make simple calculations, you will realize that this is - two full hours of "rapid eye movement", while those who sleep normally, get an hour and a half.
Sports drinks work (and you do not even need to drink them)
Sports drinks - it is a huge business alone "Geytoreyd" makes them more than a billion dollars a year. And the reason that so many athletes would have us believe that the drink help to increase efficiency by replacing them almost all the essential nutrients that are lost during exercise, called "advertising". However, it appears that all of these electrolytes, and "rehydration technology" just nothing compared to the pleasure derived from the heap of sugar in the mouth.
The study found that sports drinks work because they affect the pleasure center in the brain. You do not even have to drink it, a simple mouth rinse has the same effect. The carbohydrates in the drink stimulates the taste buds in the mouth, which then sends messages to the brain that everything is just great. Your brain, in turn, increases the activity of the centers of pleasure, and you can enjoy this trick a lot longer than people without the sweet drink. Also stimulates the part of your brain that is responsible for controlling movement.
Trick your brain with saving money when you pay with cash
Trick your brain with saving money when you pay with cash
You want to save money? Pay cash. Research has shown that people prefer to buy something with a credit card rather than with cash. Because cash consumers seem exhaustible resource, and people tend to save this resource. While the credit card does not have a psychological barrier.
You can tell that she is interested in looking at her legs
Experts will tell you it's all about body language, but you better know something. People, and especially women - are very, very good at simulating disinterestedness. If a woman is just to throw on you, most guys would be lost to her.
But look at her legs. Apparently, people are not aware of the movements of his feet just as clearly as the movement of other parts of his body, so his feet constantly send messages to others. The University of Manchester study was conducted, during which observed the movement of female legs in different social situations. In particular, they found that if a woman keeps feet apart, trying to adopt a more "open" position, it usually means that it is interested in you. But if you find it quite disgusting, it is likely to cross your legs, or hide them under his body. We provide va
Your brain can be deceived by "legal hallucinations»
You will need three things: a ping-pong table, a radio with headphones, and red light.
Tune the radio so that was heard "white noise" (t. E. "Static"), and put on the headphones.
Cut the ball ping-pong ball in half and tape to secure the halves eyes.
Turn on the red light, so that the source was in front of his eyes.
Sit so at least half an hour.
You go with your new friend Harold unicorn in the forest of candy where you live happily ever after.
How does it work?
This is called "ganzfeld effect," and it works by blocking most of the signals going to your brain. The brain eventually begin to ignore the sound of "white noise", and red light from the surface of a ping-pong table. Without all of these signals from the outside world, your brain creates its own world, and it will be a world of hallucinations. We can not guarantee that the hallucination will not be involved, for example, the specter of Lizzie Borden, trying to hack to death with an ax you, but it's a risk that you consciously go. Now, if you want a little more control over your hallucinations ...
You can dream about what you want
Welcome to the wonderful world of "lucid dreaming." Most of you reading this have had lucid dreams before. If every time you find yourself in a dream, you are clearly aware that it is - a dream, you're probably able to bring your dream to meet your requirements. There are many tips and tricks to achieve this, but we have narrowed down their range to a few things that seem to be the most useful.
As soon as you wake up, write down every little thing that just can remember. Presumably, when you write it, your brain recognizes certain patterns, which work only in a dream (as most dreams - immediately forgotten) and if they will remain on paper, you can easily recall them.
The best time for a "lucid dreaming" is the time, after you slept well. Studies show that most people have a "lucid dreaming" after they are a little nap. Using these tips you can do in a dream whatever you want.
Between dream and reality there is a big difference.
It's easy! Congratulations!
This is not so.
Why is that? But that is not all.
But it is not.

If you do not think about the future, you better throughout
Consider the time: past, present and future. The difference between the proposals, "Bob in the shop buying nachos" and "Bob will go to the store to buy nachos" clearly related to how far we are from being able to eat nachos. That is the necessary information.
This may seem surprising, but in some languages there is no future time, or it was not necessary. The Chinese, for example, normal to say something like "Bob store to buy nachos," and no one will laugh at your cave speech, or beat you on the lips, as you do not specify a time frame of delivery nachos. You would think that carriers of these languages did not care about the time, as we know it.
It turns out that media languages without times found a much better solution.
Consider a study Keith Chen of Yale business school, which analyzed 76 countries.
Particular attention is paid to saving money, smoking and everyday habits, as well as overall health. A surprising result is that people who speak the language without a future time, tend to make more informed decisions in the field of finance and health. In fact, it was found that "temporary" languages on 30% reduce the ability of people to save money. It is believed that speakers of other languages, these languages are said to be "timeless" refer to life more seriously. And they are more serious about how their decisions will affect their future, we, wild carriers 'temporary' languages.
Carriers "timeless" Sequential accumulate great wealth, and to keep them for a longer period of time, they are healthier and live longer than carriers 'temporary' languages for which the past - that's what we have left behind, and the future - as the Distant the planet on which today are the consequences of their actions, and that they should ever visit.
Music changes your ability to perceive time
"Retaining music" - this is what you hear in the handset phone call when, for example, in the bank. This music hits the phones are not accidental. It is tailored specifically to how to reduce the amount of time during which you will have to wait. In other areas associated with the expectation of, for example, in doctors' offices, also used this trick. "Compression of Time" is a favorite trick of many retail stores, which is why you very rarely find a shopping center, supermarket, shop, or upper garment, which can not hear a certain "background music».
To understand how this works, think of the brain as a mountain lion in a cage which was a bag of money. It does not matter that the employees of the zoo lion eating distracting, bright objects, or just cries and cries. It matters only that they give a chance to one of his companions sneak up and get the money out of the cell, while the lion is busy definition of who would eat of these workers.
Similarly, when your brain is constantly distracted, you are less notice what is happening around you, what is true for a time.
The volume of information to be assimilated by the brain is limited, and when something constantly takes this volume, we are less inclined to think about things form "and whether I need this Service in the form of a cat Garfield»?
But this also works in the opposite direction. In some situations, listening to music can really expand your perception of time. For example, listening to music while performing tasks that require maximum concentration, causes us to overestimate the amount of time actually elapsed. The theory is that periodically switching between music perception and concentration on heavy tasks, the brain generates a certain "events", or different memories. When your brain is thinking about what you have been doing for the last hour, you remember many events of the hour, and it seems that it lasted a long time.
Change reality by changing the wording
You may already know that even a slight change in the wording of the survey can change people's opinions. For example, in 2010, the year, four organizations conducted surveys to see what percentage of Americans support the so-called "public option." The results ranged from paltry 44% to 66% in support, largely due to differences in wording. Formulated it as "the government introduces a health insurance plan that will get people from 65 years and older," they received the support of 66%. And he puts it, as "the government has launched an insurance plan," they only received 44% support. Specify it as "this is what I would like to Mussolini," and support will drop to 2%.
You might think that this is a survey of people who do not understand how the system works, but in fact the experiment demonstrates that the brain can be manipulated by subtle differences in wording, regardless of the level of human knowledge.
In another study, social psychologists have sent out several hundred surveys of registered voters before the election. Half of them asked, "Is it important to vote?».
The other half was asked, "Is it important to be a voter?».
With that only difference likelihood that people read the word "voters" will vote on election day, it was 14%. Researchers suspect that the use of the word "voter" makes people identify with that word. Since these people considered themselves the voters, they came and voted.
On the other hand, the use of the word "vote" means that you simply asked people to perform some task. Even if they answer "yes" to this question, they will not feel any connection with this word, so they are unlikely to end.
One question was about a simple action, the second - the type of person.
In this way you have manipulated the whole life, and now it is time to start to manipulate themselves. Do not ask your friend with the truck if he could help you carry your mattress. Instead, ask him if he wants to support the initiative by participating community housing. Do not ask the police to release you for speeding. Ask him if he wants to stimulate the local economy by using high-efficiency tax breaks for the middle class. Take his own, and let your words work for you.
Music makes you stronger
It's no secret that many people prefer listening to music when I train. But the music does not just make physical activity more enjoyable, it actually raises your performance significantly. The music people are able to carry weights much longer than in silence. They are also able to complete the sprint in less time.
As is the case with the effect of "time compression", mentioned above, an important role in this is a distraction. Normally, if your brain is listening to music, he does not think about how much his feet hurt, or how much more you can run before you hear the sound of the final whistle. However, there are several important factors.
First of all, the synchronism. When your movements match the tempo of the music, you spend less time and effort on ineffective deceleration and acceleration than when moving at their own pace. Music also increases the frequency of the "flow state." A condition similar to a meditative trance in which the athlete everything is working properly, and ultimately increases the overall performance.
Music can even make you not feel the pain. Patients who listened to music after surgery required less pain medication, they reported a decrease in pain, and blood pressure have been lower. Doctors also say that specifically matched melodious music dramatically reduces stress in patients during operations on the brain. In some cases, allows the patient to relax the music so much that they fell into a deep sleep, while there was an operation.
Your hand - a night vision device for the poor
Closing one eye while on or off the light, you are helping your eyes adapt to changing lighting.
The idea is that you smell good, makes you more attractive
In a recent study conducted by the University of Liverpool, they had a couple of guys, spray the «Axe». Also they were women, evaluated the attractiveness of men ... through the video. Both men spraying the spray, were rated as more attractive, despite the fact that women could not smell them.
According to the scientists who worked on the experiment, the guys spray sprayed himself, imagined that smell good, so their body language showed a lot of confidence, and women who are watching them, and answered it.
So, all these guys are brainwashed by a marketing company spray «Axe»? They really believed advertisements claiming that anyone spraying the spray, will be a resounding success with women?
No. Bank of spray used in the experiment was unmarked, so those guys had no idea how the spray used. It turns out, amazing, mind control powers of smell does not make a girl in a bar to faint, is self-deception. All you have to really - it's a bit of confidence.
You can feel good night's sleep after only two hours of sleep
So you started working the night shift at the local "McDonalds", plus every morning at 8:00 you study and you have no idea how you're going to all this was done, and it does not look like the guy from the movie "Dawn of the Dead." < br /> What if we tell you that you can sleep a little more than two hours a day, and at the same time feel completely fresh? No more random slumber during frying hamburger steak!
This is called "Sleep Schedule for Superman," and apart from that pompous name it - a way to get the maximum amount of sleep needed for your body, without wasting precious hours that you could use in order to work, or drink, or "farm "Gold in the" Warcraft ". Schedule consists of a 20-30 minute breaks every four hours sleep during the day. Of course, this new model will have to get used to sleep, but that's the price you have to pay to extend the time awake for several years.
Get started now. Go to bed at 8.00 and set the alarm for 8:30. Stand up, play some "Call office duty", and again lie at 12.00, 12.30 Service put on, and so on. After three or four days of this regime you literally obaldeete from lack of sleep, and may even want to give it everything, but do not do it! Because it would be counterproductive.
On the 10th day or so, your brain says, "Damn! Okay, we'll go your way, "and begin to adjust to your new" superhuman "routine sleep. When you sleep properly, your body gets about an hour and a half "rapid eye movement", which is believed to be the most important to the brain remained clear. While the other stages of sleep helps the body to heal and grow, "REM" - that's what makes you feel relaxed.
The first few days getting used to very harsh, because your body is not getting anything from this "rapid eye movement", and your brain hates you for it. After the third day or so, the brain will begin to understand what you mean, and every time you go to bed, he dives right into the stage of "rapid eye movement" in an attempt to compensate for all the deprivation. Make simple calculations, you will realize that this is - two full hours of "rapid eye movement", while those who sleep normally, get an hour and a half.
Sports drinks work (and you do not even need to drink them)
Sports drinks - it is a huge business alone "Geytoreyd" makes them more than a billion dollars a year. And the reason that so many athletes would have us believe that the drink help to increase efficiency by replacing them almost all the essential nutrients that are lost during exercise, called "advertising". However, it appears that all of these electrolytes, and "rehydration technology" just nothing compared to the pleasure derived from the heap of sugar in the mouth.
The study found that sports drinks work because they affect the pleasure center in the brain. You do not even have to drink it, a simple mouth rinse has the same effect. The carbohydrates in the drink stimulates the taste buds in the mouth, which then sends messages to the brain that everything is just great. Your brain, in turn, increases the activity of the centers of pleasure, and you can enjoy this trick a lot longer than people without the sweet drink. Also stimulates the part of your brain that is responsible for controlling movement.
Trick your brain with saving money when you pay with cash
Trick your brain with saving money when you pay with cash
You want to save money? Pay cash. Research has shown that people prefer to buy something with a credit card rather than with cash. Because cash consumers seem exhaustible resource, and people tend to save this resource. While the credit card does not have a psychological barrier.
You can tell that she is interested in looking at her legs
Experts will tell you it's all about body language, but you better know something. People, and especially women - are very, very good at simulating disinterestedness. If a woman is just to throw on you, most guys would be lost to her.
But look at her legs. Apparently, people are not aware of the movements of his feet just as clearly as the movement of other parts of his body, so his feet constantly send messages to others. The University of Manchester study was conducted, during which observed the movement of female legs in different social situations. In particular, they found that if a woman keeps feet apart, trying to adopt a more "open" position, it usually means that it is interested in you. But if you find it quite disgusting, it is likely to cross your legs, or hide them under his body. We provide va
Your brain can be deceived by "legal hallucinations»
You will need three things: a ping-pong table, a radio with headphones, and red light.
Tune the radio so that was heard "white noise" (t. E. "Static"), and put on the headphones.
Cut the ball ping-pong ball in half and tape to secure the halves eyes.
Turn on the red light, so that the source was in front of his eyes.
Sit so at least half an hour.
You go with your new friend Harold unicorn in the forest of candy where you live happily ever after.
How does it work?
This is called "ganzfeld effect," and it works by blocking most of the signals going to your brain. The brain eventually begin to ignore the sound of "white noise", and red light from the surface of a ping-pong table. Without all of these signals from the outside world, your brain creates its own world, and it will be a world of hallucinations. We can not guarantee that the hallucination will not be involved, for example, the specter of Lizzie Borden, trying to hack to death with an ax you, but it's a risk that you consciously go. Now, if you want a little more control over your hallucinations ...
You can dream about what you want
Welcome to the wonderful world of "lucid dreaming." Most of you reading this have had lucid dreams before. If every time you find yourself in a dream, you are clearly aware that it is - a dream, you're probably able to bring your dream to meet your requirements. There are many tips and tricks to achieve this, but we have narrowed down their range to a few things that seem to be the most useful.
As soon as you wake up, write down every little thing that just can remember. Presumably, when you write it, your brain recognizes certain patterns, which work only in a dream (as most dreams - immediately forgotten) and if they will remain on paper, you can easily recall them.
The best time for a "lucid dreaming" is the time, after you slept well. Studies show that most people have a "lucid dreaming" after they are a little nap. Using these tips you can do in a dream whatever you want.
Between dream and reality there is a big difference.
It's easy! Congratulations!
This is not so.
Why is that? But that is not all.
But it is not.