"Management has died. Marketing died. The strategy is dead. " Lecture

The head of the advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi, Kevin Roberts read in the design center Artplay lecture on "Creative Leadership". Slon publish the main points of this chapter.
We live in a world which the Americans call the world VUCA - volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA - an abbreviation of the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity). Such is the world today - and it's not going to change. And it's a very exciting time for the creative people, because the old model workers no longer function. Management has died. Marketing died. The strategy has died. We moved into the era of ideas. I think that we live in a vibrant, full of hope and optimism, a free and revolutionary world. Pussy Riot, probably will not agree with me, but I believe that the revolution is already upon us. In the past, in order to change something, they needed money, communication, power. Today, it requires only a computer, Youtube and Facebook. And, of course, a good idea. With these tools, you can change the world in 12 hours. The progress is now - the work of madmen, because they have the ideas and the courage to implement them, they are not afraid of failure. The only thing that stops us - this lack of confidence in their abilities and lack of imagination. Russia needs to move forward, because it is an important part of the world. In order to win the VUCA-world, it is not necessary to focus on the new. New - already old. Today it is important not new, but the present and actual. We want to live in the contemporary era, because it gives us joy. Businessmen, marketers and all creative people, it is important to understand that everything that they do is to bring joy to people right now in the present. We have moved from an economy of attention to the participation of the economy. Everything we do must involve and engage. The old model of marketing and management of one-sided, and now people want to participate in everything yourself - write tweets, blogs, pictures, share ideas and experiences. From the era of information flow we come to the era of inspiration. Marketing should inspire people to action. Now marketing led by emotions. Marketing - this is not a science, an art. Rational thinking leads to conclusions. Creative thinking leads to action. Forget all that you know, get rid of skepticism and follow your instincts. When you are confronted with the idea, ask yourself three questions: Do I want to see it again? Do I want to share it? Do I want this improved? In the new world leaders do not win power, and creative. What does it take to become a creative leader?
Have a lot of small ideas. No need to waste time searching for a great idea, if you do not. Creative leaders are pushing small idea - let users develop their own.
To be able to change camera angles. Steve Jobs has created a new product of the lack of the usual opportunities, he put it in their products all unnecessary and inflated price. Creative leaders are able to turn challenges into opportunities.
Surprise obvious things. For many years, Steve Jobs refused to sell Apple products in retail. Opening the shop, he surprised obvious. Now it is the most profitable shop in the world.
Create compelling. We are talking about the future beyond brands. Brands are easily replaceable. We need to create not that claim to be indispensable and compelling - that, before what people can not resist. In order to achieve this, you need to think about the following aspects:
a) mystery. The more people about something they know, the less they have interest. Their stories draw, and not information. Your work should be similar to the work of the storyteller. It storytellers in the near future will be to earn the most.
b) Sensuality. We understand the world through their five senses simultaneously. Most brands are turning to just two. Find a way to get all five.
c) A sense of intimacy. For all its mystery, we must be in tune with their customers, and we must be on equal terms. We do not give guidance to their customers, but only help and advise.
Inspire others. Creative leaders create a society in which to ensure accountability, training, recognition and joy. It is in this society, ideas are born.
To carry out his plan. Instead of months to plan, discuss and negotiate, creative leaders focus on concrete action. In our agency there is no annual plans, we make a plan only one hundred days, and perform important. We must learn to tolerate failure and quickly correct their mistakes.
And finally - the three important words. The first - the enthusiasm: we have only one life and you need to live it with enthusiasm. Second - view: a view of life gives rise to great ideas. And the third - one: the role of business is to make a better world for all of us.