10 myths about the work itself.
There are a few myths about entrepreneurship (especially among people my whole life who worked for hire). I decided to do a refutation of these errors.
I started my first business right after College (I graduated in December 1993) and since then not a day was employed. My only experience of wage work was six months of work as a programmer part-time while in College.
1. Those who work for themselves work harder than premeditatively, many entrepreneurs work more than salaried employees. Some are so passionate about your work that you lose track of time and work long hours untiringly. Other build business processes so that their presence at work is necessary. And those and others had deliberately made their choice.
Twenty four million four hundred ninety seven thousand three hundred thirty nine
Many entrepreneurs start a business, involves the payment or receipt of income only during your work. Usually based on an hourly rate. For example, when the attorney is at home, he does not receive money.
But there is no law requiring you to start such a business. If you have a business, the income from which goes only during your labor, then essentially, you have hired themselves. I see entrepreneurship as the build system. You build a system that brings you income. You remain in control functions of its operation. It resembles owning a Golden goose bearing the Golden egg.
Thus, the amount of time you spend at work depends on the type of business that you have chosen. If you don't like a lot of work, nobody will force you to do it.
2. The only reason to create a business and its subsequent sale is one of the favorite sayings Michael Gerber (Michael Gerber), author of "once More about the e-myth" and other works on the subject. Of course, you can build a business and then sell it as a whole, or through the issuance of shares. But nobody forbids you to keep it. In fact, it is quite possible to build a business, some time to do them, and then kill him.
You, as an entrepreneur, have the right to create any business model, what you only want. You — the owner. You can build a business, and then sell it. If you just want an additional source of passive income, that's okay too. There's no rule that forces you to build a monumental business for some canons.
Many people generally do business only from time to time. They provide a business some time to develop it and then sell or close. After a while they repeat the process.
In addition, you can run several businesses at the same time. At first glance it may seem complicated, but if you have experience of business management more than 10 years, you will not be difficult to start another source of income. This is quite cool, unless, of course, do not overdo it.
3. Entrepreneurship involves more risks than hired rabotadatel is a consequence of the control, and the work itself allows for much better control of the situation than work for hire. When you work for yourself, no one can fire you or put out to pasture. What do you think is safer – the possession source income or rent? Obviously, to own reliable.
If you urgently need to earn money, and you are an employee, you will have problems. But if you are a business owner, managing all of its assets, at any time, you can redirect resources and increase revenue. To have control over the business is very important.
It employees at the greatest risk. You will understand all the risk when you hear "you're fired". The business owner will never hear these words.
4. Working for yourself means putting all your eggs in one coriosolites yourself the question: "How many people I need to annoy to lose their source of income?"For salaried employees is usually enough. If the employer fires you, your income will cease immediately. Rightly or wrongly — doesn't matter, regardless of the reason, you remain without a livelihood. This is what is called "keeping all your eggs in one basket".
When you work for yourself, you can easily parallelize their financial flows and thereby to minimize potential risk. You have control over the quantity and quality of the sources of their income. To earn income from thousands of customers around the world, much safer than to rely on a single salary.
Erin and I have our about 10 different sources of income for two. It's direct sales, sales through partners and distributors, advertising revenues and royalties, income from affiliate programs, consulting, etc., Even if our main source of income suddenly disappears, we, however, will stay afloat.
5. The work itself involves constant stresovice voltage caused by the inability to make ends meet. Regardless of whether you work for yourself or for uncle. But, other things being equal, the work itself seems less stressful, because it provides more control. The lack of control over their own time and their own lives and causes stress. If you have the ability to say "no" to avoid the stress much easier.
If you ask for such a purpose, you will be able to build your own business with a very low probability of stress. You can turn your office into a convenient and comfortable place to work. You can choose a convenient work schedule. If you feel the mounting tension, you can always take a break and relax. No one can force you to do something that you don't want.
6. The customer is always prevezli you are a business owner, you have the right to refuse to work with problem clients. Some clients are just not worth the nerves.
Over 11 years of work, Erin was faced with thousands of clients, and most of them are lovely people. But from time to time we deny a client because they do not want to cooperate with that person. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes.
I calmly accepted the criticism, but stresses me out rudeness, insults or threats. Some people think that pushy, boorish behavior is possible to achieve any concessions in the negotiations. However, I have another point of view: no civility, no service.
If you work for yourself, you have no need to work with people who treat you like dirt. Refusing to work with an unpleasant customer, you will save more from a few of these that came on his recommendation. Besides, it's so fun to send the ignorant to their competitors.
7. Entrepreneurs adincimea employees believe that chit-chat with colleagues in the Smoking room — this is a rich social life. Of course, at first, that seems attractive, but gets boring really quickly. I think on the contrary that self-employed people are more likely to be involved in important social projects. They do this, at least, from a desire to communicate with such entrepreneurs and learn from their experience.
A self-employed person does not have to be withdrawn and reclusive. Personally, I really like hanging out in an environment of entrepreneurs. These people are very active and have the energy that is rarely seen in employees.
The presence of a permanent job implies some built-in socialization, but a closer look will emerge a lot of limitations. An employee can be fired for excessive gregariousness, while the entrepreneur is free to communicate at any time convenient for him.
In the event of relations between a man and a woman is much easier if at least one, and preferably both, are not required to go to work. When Erin and I started Dating, I often came to her house in the morning, and we quietly chatted with her until noon. It accelerated the development of our relationship, and after three months we moved in together. My entrepreneurial activities have allowed me to change priorities and put personal life above work.
8. The entrepreneur must do would zamisli business owners did everything themselves, it would look pretty silly. Their only integral charge control.
Erin owns a magazine, but she is not engaged in the editing and production of each article. She has a staff of writers who prepare materials, and editor, who controls them. Erin has developed and launched the system, but others support its performance.
You do not need even to develop its own system. You can use the one already created. I get advertising revenue from my website, but most of the advertisers come through Google Adsense. I'm not directly involved in placing ads and not enter into agreements with advertisers, all of this makes Google. If I had to sell each ad unit on their own, I probably will drive me crazy... it's too much work for one person.
9. Own business is too cloneprincipal activity seems difficult, because in the beginning have a lot to learn. It — bookkeeping, taxes, accounting, legal issues, insurance, etc. to explore all it really needs time, but it's not as difficult as it seems. Just find a good book on the subject and immerse yourself in the study.
Don't let the big volume of necessary knowledge to scare you. Most of this information need to learn only once. Yes, the first business will be difficult. But the second is going like clockwork.
If you are in the beginning organize everything properly to support such a business is not difficult.
10. To start a business you need a lot of delegate depends on the business. You can start an online business by paying ridiculous amount of money for domain and hosting. The total cost will not exceed $100 for the whole first year.
When in 1994 I launched my first business (developing computer games), I invested about $20 000. Money quickly ended and it became a good lesson for me. So when I began to create my own business on the subject of self-development, I sought to do this with minimal investment. I spent $9 for domain registration stevepavlina.com and decided that all other costs will be from the profits. The first 4 months of business did not bring a penny. Then the money started. In 22 months I was earning $9,000 a month. I'm happy with the result, but I still have a lot of plans, so this is not the limit.
I'm not saying that any idiot can run a profitable business with an initial capital equal to the price of a movie ticket. You will have noticed that my website is called "Personal development for smart people", right? The point is that you don't need to invest the money in your first business. But to provide value to people — is necessary. Online business is nice because you can create value (e.g., article), with a fixed amount of time and effort, but modern technology will be able to deliver your product to millions of people at no additional cost. You invest a small amount of time in the primary creation of value, and then receive income from each sold copy. Technology take most of the work and do it almost free and pay for the results you get.
In contrast to entrepreneurs, employees receive only one payment for work done. Or a fixed amount, or one-time fee. The rest of the money brought by the product go directly to the employer. The employees are very generous to their employer.
Try caminades, I have helped you dispel some popular myths about the work itself. Most of these fears are no due. And, of course, the only way to understand the essence of entrepreneurship is to experience it for yourself.
During my life I have met many people who work for themselves, and none of them have complained to me that entrepreneurship was a mistake and that he was sorry that instead of business he didn't get a job for hire. Even if their financial Affairs were not very good. The work itself is a powerful tool of self-development, and often success comes from using skills and knowledge obtained in this way. Like most entrepreneurs, I would rather abandon all their business projects than from knowledge and experience gained during their creation.
The Author, Steve Peacock
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.allstevepavlina.ru/10-myths-about-self-employment
I started my first business right after College (I graduated in December 1993) and since then not a day was employed. My only experience of wage work was six months of work as a programmer part-time while in College.
1. Those who work for themselves work harder than premeditatively, many entrepreneurs work more than salaried employees. Some are so passionate about your work that you lose track of time and work long hours untiringly. Other build business processes so that their presence at work is necessary. And those and others had deliberately made their choice.
Twenty four million four hundred ninety seven thousand three hundred thirty nine
Many entrepreneurs start a business, involves the payment or receipt of income only during your work. Usually based on an hourly rate. For example, when the attorney is at home, he does not receive money.
But there is no law requiring you to start such a business. If you have a business, the income from which goes only during your labor, then essentially, you have hired themselves. I see entrepreneurship as the build system. You build a system that brings you income. You remain in control functions of its operation. It resembles owning a Golden goose bearing the Golden egg.
Thus, the amount of time you spend at work depends on the type of business that you have chosen. If you don't like a lot of work, nobody will force you to do it.
2. The only reason to create a business and its subsequent sale is one of the favorite sayings Michael Gerber (Michael Gerber), author of "once More about the e-myth" and other works on the subject. Of course, you can build a business and then sell it as a whole, or through the issuance of shares. But nobody forbids you to keep it. In fact, it is quite possible to build a business, some time to do them, and then kill him.
You, as an entrepreneur, have the right to create any business model, what you only want. You — the owner. You can build a business, and then sell it. If you just want an additional source of passive income, that's okay too. There's no rule that forces you to build a monumental business for some canons.
Many people generally do business only from time to time. They provide a business some time to develop it and then sell or close. After a while they repeat the process.
In addition, you can run several businesses at the same time. At first glance it may seem complicated, but if you have experience of business management more than 10 years, you will not be difficult to start another source of income. This is quite cool, unless, of course, do not overdo it.
3. Entrepreneurship involves more risks than hired rabotadatel is a consequence of the control, and the work itself allows for much better control of the situation than work for hire. When you work for yourself, no one can fire you or put out to pasture. What do you think is safer – the possession source income or rent? Obviously, to own reliable.
If you urgently need to earn money, and you are an employee, you will have problems. But if you are a business owner, managing all of its assets, at any time, you can redirect resources and increase revenue. To have control over the business is very important.
It employees at the greatest risk. You will understand all the risk when you hear "you're fired". The business owner will never hear these words.
4. Working for yourself means putting all your eggs in one coriosolites yourself the question: "How many people I need to annoy to lose their source of income?"For salaried employees is usually enough. If the employer fires you, your income will cease immediately. Rightly or wrongly — doesn't matter, regardless of the reason, you remain without a livelihood. This is what is called "keeping all your eggs in one basket".
When you work for yourself, you can easily parallelize their financial flows and thereby to minimize potential risk. You have control over the quantity and quality of the sources of their income. To earn income from thousands of customers around the world, much safer than to rely on a single salary.
Erin and I have our about 10 different sources of income for two. It's direct sales, sales through partners and distributors, advertising revenues and royalties, income from affiliate programs, consulting, etc., Even if our main source of income suddenly disappears, we, however, will stay afloat.
5. The work itself involves constant stresovice voltage caused by the inability to make ends meet. Regardless of whether you work for yourself or for uncle. But, other things being equal, the work itself seems less stressful, because it provides more control. The lack of control over their own time and their own lives and causes stress. If you have the ability to say "no" to avoid the stress much easier.
If you ask for such a purpose, you will be able to build your own business with a very low probability of stress. You can turn your office into a convenient and comfortable place to work. You can choose a convenient work schedule. If you feel the mounting tension, you can always take a break and relax. No one can force you to do something that you don't want.
6. The customer is always prevezli you are a business owner, you have the right to refuse to work with problem clients. Some clients are just not worth the nerves.
Over 11 years of work, Erin was faced with thousands of clients, and most of them are lovely people. But from time to time we deny a client because they do not want to cooperate with that person. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes.
I calmly accepted the criticism, but stresses me out rudeness, insults or threats. Some people think that pushy, boorish behavior is possible to achieve any concessions in the negotiations. However, I have another point of view: no civility, no service.
If you work for yourself, you have no need to work with people who treat you like dirt. Refusing to work with an unpleasant customer, you will save more from a few of these that came on his recommendation. Besides, it's so fun to send the ignorant to their competitors.
7. Entrepreneurs adincimea employees believe that chit-chat with colleagues in the Smoking room — this is a rich social life. Of course, at first, that seems attractive, but gets boring really quickly. I think on the contrary that self-employed people are more likely to be involved in important social projects. They do this, at least, from a desire to communicate with such entrepreneurs and learn from their experience.
A self-employed person does not have to be withdrawn and reclusive. Personally, I really like hanging out in an environment of entrepreneurs. These people are very active and have the energy that is rarely seen in employees.
The presence of a permanent job implies some built-in socialization, but a closer look will emerge a lot of limitations. An employee can be fired for excessive gregariousness, while the entrepreneur is free to communicate at any time convenient for him.
In the event of relations between a man and a woman is much easier if at least one, and preferably both, are not required to go to work. When Erin and I started Dating, I often came to her house in the morning, and we quietly chatted with her until noon. It accelerated the development of our relationship, and after three months we moved in together. My entrepreneurial activities have allowed me to change priorities and put personal life above work.
8. The entrepreneur must do would zamisli business owners did everything themselves, it would look pretty silly. Their only integral charge control.
Erin owns a magazine, but she is not engaged in the editing and production of each article. She has a staff of writers who prepare materials, and editor, who controls them. Erin has developed and launched the system, but others support its performance.
You do not need even to develop its own system. You can use the one already created. I get advertising revenue from my website, but most of the advertisers come through Google Adsense. I'm not directly involved in placing ads and not enter into agreements with advertisers, all of this makes Google. If I had to sell each ad unit on their own, I probably will drive me crazy... it's too much work for one person.
9. Own business is too cloneprincipal activity seems difficult, because in the beginning have a lot to learn. It — bookkeeping, taxes, accounting, legal issues, insurance, etc. to explore all it really needs time, but it's not as difficult as it seems. Just find a good book on the subject and immerse yourself in the study.
Don't let the big volume of necessary knowledge to scare you. Most of this information need to learn only once. Yes, the first business will be difficult. But the second is going like clockwork.
If you are in the beginning organize everything properly to support such a business is not difficult.
10. To start a business you need a lot of delegate depends on the business. You can start an online business by paying ridiculous amount of money for domain and hosting. The total cost will not exceed $100 for the whole first year.
When in 1994 I launched my first business (developing computer games), I invested about $20 000. Money quickly ended and it became a good lesson for me. So when I began to create my own business on the subject of self-development, I sought to do this with minimal investment. I spent $9 for domain registration stevepavlina.com and decided that all other costs will be from the profits. The first 4 months of business did not bring a penny. Then the money started. In 22 months I was earning $9,000 a month. I'm happy with the result, but I still have a lot of plans, so this is not the limit.
I'm not saying that any idiot can run a profitable business with an initial capital equal to the price of a movie ticket. You will have noticed that my website is called "Personal development for smart people", right? The point is that you don't need to invest the money in your first business. But to provide value to people — is necessary. Online business is nice because you can create value (e.g., article), with a fixed amount of time and effort, but modern technology will be able to deliver your product to millions of people at no additional cost. You invest a small amount of time in the primary creation of value, and then receive income from each sold copy. Technology take most of the work and do it almost free and pay for the results you get.
In contrast to entrepreneurs, employees receive only one payment for work done. Or a fixed amount, or one-time fee. The rest of the money brought by the product go directly to the employer. The employees are very generous to their employer.
Try caminades, I have helped you dispel some popular myths about the work itself. Most of these fears are no due. And, of course, the only way to understand the essence of entrepreneurship is to experience it for yourself.
During my life I have met many people who work for themselves, and none of them have complained to me that entrepreneurship was a mistake and that he was sorry that instead of business he didn't get a job for hire. Even if their financial Affairs were not very good. The work itself is a powerful tool of self-development, and often success comes from using skills and knowledge obtained in this way. Like most entrepreneurs, I would rather abandon all their business projects than from knowledge and experience gained during their creation.
The Author, Steve Peacock
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.allstevepavlina.ru/10-myths-about-self-employment