5 Myths About Entrepreneurship

To be honest there is nothing - business has become in our time, in tune with the concept of fashion. The phrase "I'm doing business" - is a fashionable and very cool, and even according to some increases penis and chest at 10-90%. and ash Figure that often this phrase actually - either a lie or, more often, a self-deception. And it is very rare indeed a real business.
But what to do, society under the influence of books Tinkoff, Dovgan, Kiiosaki developed a model businessman. And more often having little to do with real or a real model which treats in a different light.
Of course, as always coming up with all that we should not do. It is not to do - much easier than doing.
For example.
Myth 1. Do not watch television.
Why: Because "all employers - are busy people, and they have no time to watch TV." And also because "there are brainwashed and wean think».
Result: some are no longer watching television, naively believing that it really will make them closer to the business. While intelligent and experienced people give up watching TV, obviously not getting. And the allotted time, in most cases, goes to some other garbage.
In fact: in fact, the rejection of the TV becomes more a consequence, when you realize and understand how it is of little activity, with respect to the other. Keyword - conscious. That is, you come to it himself.
P.S. The same is true about reading useless books, articles and other things.
Myth 2: You have to think like an entrepreneur
Why: "If you think like an entrepreneur, you'll be sure it».
The result: a lot of people think (too dofiga "smart" becomes as much spit not one), no shit again, do not.
In fact: it is necessary to act as an entrepreneur. From some sense of doom is not particularly added. And another thing: no one will ever be able to think like a businessman, not having visited them. Prior to that, in principle, impossible to guess (a word can be replaced by the word entrepreneur - a millionaire).
Myth 3: You need to be completely confident.
Why: "If you are confident in yourself, then certainly all will achieve».
Result: every day we are working out strenuously confidence. LOL)
In fact: this is again a consequence. The more you do in business steps, the more confident you become, simply because you gain this invaluable experience.
Myth 4. The entrepreneur works 25 hours a day.
Why: "to earn a lot, you have to work».
Result: we are beginning to do unnecessary work, take it on themselves instead of delegating, take routine, one word - plow.
In fact: the entrepreneur works a little, and then mainly in order to maintain a system that is built. But the clock running the system itself.
Myth 5. It is necessary to come up with an idea or an idea that will break all.
Why: a lot of stories about some successful startups. Especially in Silicon Valley.
Result: we sit, come up with an idea. Some of the first year.
In fact: a person opens a store, and a year later earned 500 units per month. Simple, especially proven ideas work well.