MAGIC WORDS. FORMULA Transfiguration!

The idea is powerful and creative. Since thoughts are measured word and manifested in short, they are associated with speech, language. First, it is very difficult to influence the thoughts, but through the word, by repeating certain thoughts can create a form that will affect our lives. It is much easier to control than thought. But thoughts can be controlled through speech. And if we succeed in the word, we will be able to control the processes of thinking. By changing the way of thinking, you can change life itself.
The spoken words lies a great power. Many do not even know how big it is. With words we continuously create something in your life. However, we rarely pay attention to what we say and how. We do not think of the choice of words. Therefore, to succeed we must learn the language of Success. It is necessary to carefully observe how the language we use in internal dialogue and in dialogue with others.
Is easy to see that the manner of communication with yourself, the mood of the internal dialogue superimposed presentation print and experiences obtained at an early age. The way we communicate with ourselves, it is very important, because it is the basis of spoken words. Internal dialogue creates a certain mental attitude in which we live and that attracts us to certain situations. If we humiliate yourself, we do not love ourselves, then our life becomes miserable. But if we love and appreciate yourself, it becomes a source of joy.
In no case can not be blamed for the failures of parents, relatives, state. By doing so, you will stagnate, will remain the same challenges and disappointments. The charges do not bring liberation. They just take your creative energy.
Pay close attention to what say the internal and external dialogue. If you find in his vocabulary words with negative, destructive sense of the word, or limiting your success and impede your implementation, remove them. Of course, this technique requires the speech control of attention and energy. But everyone can not transfer success stories you hear a negative connotation, transfer gossip, get rid of abusive words, that its terrible force destroy any achievements.
Try to avoid words that create the conditions "if", "would"; exclude from the dictionary the word "shall", as everything that we do out of duty, creates a subconscious desire to avoid it. Use instead the words "I want", "I choose", "I decided." The word "choose" radically change your life. Say often: "I choose success." Too often people misuse the word "but." Claiming anything, we followed this utter short, "But ..." - and report conflicting information. Control the appearance of any "no».
Eliminate grumbling and complaints, especially in the morning, because you set the program for the day. Pay attention to the words and thoughts that use before bedtime. It is better to repeat the healing light and inspirational words than miserable, sad and unclean.
The formula of transformation:
"Love gives me success»
This formula - a kind of catalyst that helps thousandfold accelerate the achievement of success in your endeavors:.. In the financial sphere, creativity, learning, entrepreneurship in household matters - building a house, buying a car, etc. It destroys all the adverse karmic reaction, ie, neutralizes the negative effects of our activities. When you grow the seeds of good intentions, then at the same time on the field of your destiny grows a lot of weeds, which you did not sow.
This formula prevents the appearance of "weeds" and accelerates the growth of the "harvest". It is also a powerful protection against all hazards related to our activities, which we can not even foresee. The subconscious feeling of danger strikes fear and prevent manifest success.
Furthermore, the constant repetition of the formula helps to calm the mind, enhance concentration, expand perception, the ability to develop a meditation and visualization, intuition helps to disclose and release from addictions. After working with this formula for several hours, you will feel its energy and vibrations at different levels of consciousness.
It will push all the negative thoughts and images, neutralize destructive program and allow tune in active love and abundance. With constant practice, the effectiveness of the formula is increased to such an extent that you can, without prejudice to yourself to share with others the positive energy of success and love generated by meditation on the essence of the formula.
MAGIC WORDS. FORMULA Transfiguration!
The idea is powerful and creative. Since thoughts are measured word and manifested in short, they are associated with speech, language. First, it is very difficult to influence the thoughts, but through the word, by repeating certain thoughts can create a form that will affect our lives. It is much easier to control than thought. But thoughts can be controlled through speech. And if we succeed in the word, we will be able to control the processes of thinking. By changing the way of thinking, you can change life itself.
The spoken words lies a great power. Many do not even know how big it is. With words we continuously create something in your life. However, we rarely pay attention to what we say and how. We do not think of the choice of words. Therefore, to succeed we must learn the language of Success. It is necessary to carefully observe how the language we use in internal dialogue and in dialogue with others.
Is easy to see that the manner of communication with yourself, the mood of the internal dialogue superimposed presentation print and experiences obtained at an early age. The way we communicate with ourselves, it is very important, because it is the basis of spoken words. Internal dialogue creates a certain mental attitude in which we live and that attracts us to certain situations. If we humiliate yourself, we do not love ourselves, then our life becomes miserable. But if we love and appreciate yourself, it becomes a source of joy.
In no case can not be blamed for the failures of parents, relatives, state. By doing so, you will stagnate, will remain the same challenges and disappointments. The charges do not bring liberation. They just take your creative energy.
Pay close attention to what say the internal and external dialogue. If you find in his vocabulary words with negative, destructive sense of the word, or limiting your success and impede your implementation, remove them. Of course, this technique requires the speech control of attention and energy. But everyone can not transfer success stories you hear a negative connotation, transfer gossip, get rid of abusive words, that its terrible force destroy any achievements.
Try to avoid words that create the conditions "if", "would"; exclude from the dictionary the word "shall", as everything that we do out of duty, creates a subconscious desire to avoid it. Use instead the words "I want", "I choose", "I decided." The word "choose" radically change your life. Say often: "I choose success." Too often people misuse the word "but." Claiming anything, we followed this utter short, "But ..." - and report conflicting information. Control the appearance of any "no».
Eliminate grumbling and complaints, especially in the morning, because you set the program for the day. Pay attention to the words and thoughts that use before bedtime. It is better to repeat the healing light and inspirational words than miserable, sad and unclean.
The formula of transformation:
"Love gives me success»
This formula - a kind of catalyst to help accelerate the achievement of a thousand success in your endeavors: in the financial sector, in the work, in education, entrepreneurship in household matters - building a house, buying a car and TD She destroys all karmic adverse reactions, ie, neutralizes the negative effects of our activities. When you grow the seeds of good intentions, then at the same time on the field of your destiny grows a lot of weeds, which you did not sow.
This formula prevents the appearance of "weeds" and accelerates the growth of the "harvest". It is also a powerful protection against all hazards related to our activities, which we can not even foresee. The subconscious feeling of danger strikes fear and prevent manifest success.
Furthermore, the constant repetition of the formula helps to calm the mind, enhance concentration, expand perception, the ability to develop a meditation and visualization, intuition helps to disclose and release from addictions. After working with this formula for several hours, you will feel its energy and vibrations at different levels of consciousness.
It will push all the negative thoughts and images, neutralize destructive program and allow tune in active love and abundance. With constant practice, the effectiveness of the formula is increased to such an extent that you can, without prejudice to yourself to share with others the positive energy of success and love generated by meditation on the essence of the formula.
MAGIC WORDS. FORMULA Transfiguration!
The idea is powerful and creative. Since thoughts are measured word and manifested in short, they are associated with speech, language. First, it is very difficult to influence the thoughts, but through the word, by repeating certain thoughts can create a form that will affect our lives. It is much easier to control than thought. But thoughts can be controlled through speech. And if we succeed in the word, we will be able to control the processes of thinking. By changing the way of thinking, you can change life itself.
The spoken words lies a great power. Many do not even know how big it is. With words we continuously create something in your life. However, we rarely pay attention to what we say and how. We do not think of the choice of words. Therefore, to succeed we must learn the language of Success. It is necessary to carefully observe how the language we use in internal dialogue and in dialogue with others.
Is easy to see that the manner of communication with yourself, the mood of the internal dialogue superimposed presentation print and experiences obtained at an early age. The way we communicate with ourselves, it is very important, because it is the basis of spoken words. Internal dialogue creates a certain mental attitude in which we live and that attracts us to certain situations. If we humiliate yourself, we do not love ourselves, then our life becomes miserable. But if we love and appreciate yourself, it becomes a source of joy.
In no case can not be blamed for the failures of parents, relatives, state. By doing so, you will stagnate, will remain the same challenges and disappointments. The charges do not bring liberation. They just take your creative energy.
Pay close attention to what say the internal and external dialogue. If you find in his vocabulary words with negative, destructive sense of the word, or limiting your success and impede your implementation, remove them. Of course, this technique requires the speech control of attention and energy. But everyone can not transfer success stories you hear a negative connotation, transfer gossip, get rid of abusive words, that its terrible force destroy any achievements.
Try to avoid words that create the conditions "if", "would"; exclude from the dictionary the word "shall", as everything that we do out of duty, creates a subconscious desire to avoid it. Use instead the words "I want", "I choose", "I decided." The word "choose" radically change your life. Say often: "I choose success." Too often people misuse the word "but." Claiming anything, we followed this utter short, "But ..." - and report conflicting information. Control the appearance of any "no».
Eliminate grumbling and complaints, especially in the morning, because you set the program for the day. Pay attention to the words and thoughts that use before bedtime. It is better to repeat the healing light and inspirational words than miserable, sad and unclean.
The formula of transformation:
"Love gives me success»
This formula - a kind of catalyst that helps thousandfold accelerate the achievement of success in your endeavors:.. In the financial sphere, creativity, learning, entrepreneurship in household matters - building a house, buying a car, etc. It destroys all the adverse karmic reaction, ie, neutralizes the negative effects of our activities. When you grow the seeds of good intentions, then at the same time on the field of your destiny grows a lot of weeds, which you did not sow.
This formula prevents the appearance of "weeds" and accelerates the growth of the "harvest". It is also a powerful protection against all hazards related to our activities, which we can not even foresee. The subconscious feeling of danger strikes fear and prevent manifest success.
Furthermore, the constant repetition of the formula helps to calm the mind, enhance concentration, expand perception, the ability to develop a meditation and visualization, intuition helps to disclose and release from addictions. After working with this formula for several hours, you will feel its energy and vibrations at different levels of consciousness.
It will push all the negative thoughts and images, neutralize destructive program and allow tune in active love and abundance. With constant practice, the effectiveness of the formula is increased to such an extent that you can, without prejudice to yourself to share with others the positive energy of success and love generated by meditation on the essence of the formula.
In order to effectively master this success tool:
1. Repeat the formula sequentially focusing on each word and highlighting their tone of voice.
2. Saying aloud formula, try speaking clearly every word. Open up the sound, focus on each vibration. Concentrate on the word "love", until you feel the substance of love, its reality, space, its manpower, supporting the entire universe. Feel how it sounds resonate in your heart throughout the body, feel the vibrations of the sweetness of the language.
3. Focus on the word "success" in the background visualizing different plans for success - the success of the daily life, success in your work and creativity, to the metaphysical success
. 4. If you are going to work seriously with the formula for the transformation of his life and destiny, it is recommended to repeat it, without interruption, for 30-60 minutes every day for two to three months. Then you get a self-dedication in this formula and become a master in the art of effective use of it in various areas of life.
5. To establish a harmonious relationship with the person and help him to correct karma, you can mentally repeat the formula, in spite of his odic eye and smiling kindly. It is important to make it look natural and do not cause any stress in humans, otherwise it is closed in itself, sealed channels of communication. And most importantly, it does not help you, and universal love through you.
You simply conductor weapon of love. To understand what odic opinion, stand before a mirror and look into space through its reflection, but concentrating the mind, and dispersing, so that you had the feeling that you're having a circular vision. This is somewhat similar to the view from which you can see the three-dimensional image in the picture, which at first glance seems chaotic colored spots. Books such illustrations are sold in all stores in the world.
With this technique you will be able to penetrate through many shell personality through roles, masks, fears - the place where both of you are a friendly, clean, sincere and loving
. Luck
"Born in a shirt" - STRONG SLAVIC RITE luck
. Have you ever heard the phrase "born under a lucky star"? So talk about a very fortunate people. You do not have to be born in it, and it can be put on.
Since ancient times, our ancestors used the conspiracies and prayers, which help to attract wealth, prosperity and good luck all the possible benefits. This ritual composed legends - and suggest you use it to become a more successful
! Before you carry out this ritual for good luck, you need to buy a white cloth and a natural self (very important) to sew a white shirt. Do not despair if you're not a seamstress - shirt may be the most that neither is a simple
. In the evening, until midnight to put a jug of clean water. Оденьте рубаху и произнесите этот сильный заговор на удачу:
, Проточная водица,
В засуху дай напиться,
Чтоб в холод мне тепло,
Чтоб в голод мне сытно,
Чтоб не люто, а ладно и складно.
Слово крепко и лепко, сказано — сбудется."
Умойтесь этой водой и ложитесь спать. Разговаривать после того, как умоетесь запрещено до самого утра!
После проведения этого ритуала на удачу, она уже никогда не покинет вас.
Поделитесь этим ритуалом с близкими если желаете им добиться успеха!