Top 11 immunostimuljatorov vegetables.

The most important step you can do to maintain your immune system - is to add vegetables to your diet, immune stimulants. The effect is worth it. They are able to reduce the risk of certain diseases.
Vegetables help us not only to improve our health and to stay healthy, but also look good! If our body gets essential nutrients from vegetables, this is what our skin, nails, hair!
Do not hesitate to put in the plate at least a couple of vegetables:
1.Ovoschi cruciferous - the gold standard among immunomodulators
. And, although all vegetables contain nutrients and have protective properties, these representatives beat all records!
Cruciferous have a special chemical composition: sulfur content gives pungent fruits, savory taste. When cutting, grinding, a chemical reaction occurs, so that the sulfur compounds contained in the leaves of cabbage, are transformed into isothiocyanates.
These agents prevent cancer and have a number of properties that enhance the immune system. They contain anti-viral and anti-bacterial agents that protect us from disease.
Adding these vegetables to his desk, as if we are taking anti-cancer drugs. Here and arugula, beet greens, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, belokachannaya, of red, cauliflower, horseradish, Cale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, radish, turnip greens, or watercress.
2.Chesnok - one of the most powerful natural medicines, and his strength is in the smell
The main active substance allicin turns into organic sulfur compounds - organosulfiny, which protect our cells from all the destructive processes caused by chronic diseases. Garlic - a natural antiseptic, fights infection and prevents colds
. Studies show that regular consumption of garlic help to reduce the risks associated with age-related phenomena of atherosclerosis, stroke, immune disorders, brain ctareniem, cataracts, arthritis.
3. Onion is rich in powerful antioxidant quercetin
Like garlic, onions contain allicin. Red and blue onion contains anthocyanins - antioxidants that give the berries medicinal properties
. Onion anthocyanin is safe in the treatment of allergies, prevents cardiovascular disease and hypertension.
4. Mushrooms.
The strength of the fungus lies in their ability to enhance the action of natural cleaners - cells T-lymphocytes. T cells destroy infected cells or virus infected.
People who consume mushrooms, noted decrease the risk of cancer, and in women - breast cancer. Prevents DNA damage, growth and blood supply to tumors.
5. Tomatoes
The richest source of natural lycopene antioksianta used for the prevention and the fight against prostate cancer.
Tomatoes contain large amounts of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that is needed in order to maintain our immunity. Tomatoes are rich in dietary fiber and have a wonderful taste - as in cheese as well as ready meals
. 6. Beetroot - a natural blood purifier
Beetroot is rich in iron, its use in food contributes to increased production of white blood cells, disease fighters. Beetroot also stimulates the production of red blood cells and improves the supply of oxygen to body cells.
This root vegetable prevents heart disease, and its cleansing properties are extremely useful for us. Beetroot - a good source of fiber, as well as a wonderful nutritious food for digestion
. 7. Spinach
It is rich in beta-carotene, which is processed by the body into vitamin A, triggering an immune response. Spinach is also struggling with cardiovascular disease and is a source of valuable mineral zinc.
Vitamin C is also contained in spinach helps fight infection and the common cold, is necessary for the health of the skin, group B vitamins, help us to stay calm and energetic.
8. Asparagus
The most valuable quality of asparagus, due to the content of natural diuretic, is its ability to make your body cleansed of toxins.
Asparagus has both cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties. It contains glutathione antioxidant, capable of preventing the risk of heart disease.
Eating asparagus particularly useful in inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, and irritable bowel syndrome.
Artichokes 9. Support for the liver
Tsinarin, substances that give artichokes cleansing action. Vitamin B contained in artichokes, improves mental alertness and enhances immunity.
10. Bulgarian peppers fills us with vitamin C
Beta-carotene red pepper converted into vitamin A, and supplies the body with the building blocks of the immune system. Yellow and green peppers are also very useful. However, red pepper, still remains the champion on the content of beta-carotene.
11. Sweet potatoes and yams are much healthier than its white cousin
The orange hue gives the sweet potato beta-carotene, giving this vegetable with powerful antioxidant and antiviral properties. Sweet potato is rich in fiber and vitamin E contained in it, is very good for your skin.