ZODIAC your apartment ...

In the house there are sectors that are under the auspices of the 12 signs of the zodiac. With the help of simple ways you can harmonize the energy of these areas - which means "revive" and the energy of the house.
Aries responsible for the doors in the house, letting it "energy initiatives." In his charge - hallways, corridors and gates. Harmonise sector Aries: remove all the excess out of the corridor and make sure that the door does not creak. Update the paint on the door, if it is rubbed. Talisman sector - a melodic chime.
This sign in the dining room hosts and manages the wealth of energy. Harmonise sector Taurus: in the cupboard is not a place cracked plates and glasses are chipped. It is better that the dining table was oval or round shape. Talisman sector - still life on the wall.
Important! If you do not have a dining room, appease Taurus vase with fruit on the dining room or desktop
Sector Twins - Living. If you have difficulty in communicating and establishing contacts is the energy of Gemini energize. Harmonise sector: in the living room hang reproductions of paintings modernists, post photos attractions around the world.
Important! If you do not have a living room, bring a home energy of Gemini will help figure out or amethyst crystals of natural quartz.
This sign is "occupied" bathroom. So, in many respects from the reigning power in it depend on the relationship of family members. Harmonise sector: cosmetics and detergents that are not used every day - down from the shelves! On the vacated seat put a figurine pagoda.
Leo rules the roost in the bed and on the couch. If you aspire to be the center of attention, develop leadership skills, engage in landscaping beds. Harmonise Sector: treat Lion embroidered cushions, bedside light with gold. Put a coin Feng Shui under the mattress.
Virgo "dwells" in the kitchen - the area responsible for our health. Harmonise sector: comfort, cleanliness and order in the kitchen - the best way to please the Virgin. Sharp objects kept in closed boxes. Above the entrance to the kitchen hang mascot - a wind chime.
In Libra there is no separate sector - they balance the energy in the house of the other characters. Libra is fond of light and space, so - more mirrors on the walls! Good balance energy house necklace of pearls hanging in the corner of the mirror.
The sector of the sign - WC. Scorpio rules the energy transformation. So, if you need peremenah- in his personal life and at work, pay close attention to the restroom. Harmonise sector: tie tube with red tape - it will help to raise the energy of qi.
The sector of Sagittarius - gas stove and fireplace. This sign will share dedication, if you show respect to its elements. Harmonise sector is put in front of the fireplace stove and small mirrors - they are visually increase the area of the fire, helping it to burn the accumulated negative. In the evening light the aromasvechi.
Capricorn Sector - internal stairs. Going up the stairs you will energize for career growth. Harmonise sector: visually expand the stairwell area and strengthen its energy can be achieved by good lighting. Talisman sector - a picture of a sailboat on the wall near the stairs.
Important! If the home is no internal staircase, Capricorn Treat potted grape or lemon tree. Their rapid growth of light energy will fill the house.
The energy of Aquarius in the house is projected on our plans, projects and potential. This sector covers the mark places where there is a modern technique. Harmonise sector: time to remove dust from your computer, TV, home appliances. Place the monitor at a few stones malachite or aquamarine.
Fish Sector - sink in the kitchen and in the bathroom. This sign is responsible for creativity and inspiration. Harmonise sector: make sure to tap in the sink is not leaking. And fish will thank you for the indoor aquarium.