The faith that moves mountains.

Thoughts, feelings, human affairs are reflected in his mental and physical bodies. There is a Cosmic Intelligence, who established laws, and these laws govern the universe, and also manage and man, his mental and physical life. One of these laws say that a man does is recorded in himself, both in his physical and his mental body. Good and bad thoughts, feelings, desires, deeds and actions are recorded in a matter of a human being.
All that a person does wrong, manifested in it, as a brake, as a limitation, and all that he does good, it brings the possibility of unlimited prosperity.
People need to find in ourselves the reasons to respect and observe the divine laws, and find in themselves the divine model. If so many believers are forced to say that they no longer have faith that it have never been, it's because they did not explain that faith begins with knowledge of the human being and the work that needs to be taken over itself. The one who really started this work, can no longer wonder about the existence of God, he feels that he is connected with the existence of that he is a part, and so he can not deny God, he can not deny himself. < br>
Why man is weak why people unhappy? Because he tries everything, even God to look outside himself.
But God is in us, we can not separate ourselves from it, that we can do is put between him and us dark screens, impermeable layers. When the sun is covered with clouds, it has not disappeared, it continues to give its heat and light. When, finally, the clouds dispersed, or when we can climb higher into the atmosphere, we can see that it is in place. A similar phenomenon occurs in us: as the sun, God is always there: is present, immutable, sending us the light of his wisdom and warmth of his Lyubvi.No course, if your disharmonious, selfish, spiteful thoughts and feelings we will form a cloud, it will deprived of light and heat. But instead of understanding that it is their fault, and do everything to fix it, people complain that God does not exist or is their pokinul.Na fact God does not need our love, but He created man in such a way that the person needs His love, that is open, that He might enter into it. If it does not open, or if you prefer to stay in the sky, of course it is free. God allows him to do so. God has enough other things to do than to punish or reward people. They do their good or bad behavior is in his heart or in his soul harmonious or disharmonious conditions that cause them to think that God protects them, and smiles at them, or that He is leaving them and punishes
.Bog So large that it does not affect the sins and wickedness of people. And He is immutable, He does not change depending on their behavior.
So, make an effort to correct their mistakes, do not expect God to forgive you: He will not condemn, He did not have to forgive you. It all depends on you, on your position. What are the achievements of psychology, if a person fails to understand, curb and subjugate all those so important phenomena occurring in nёm.Vam themselves need to immediately start working to change this situation. If you expect that the changes will follow from the Lord, and instead settle for business calls to come to the aid of his errant child, it is only an illusion that contribute to strengthening your inner difficulties. Since you yourself are the cause of these difficulties, correct their mistakes: it will be a true repentance, which will lead you to Nemu.Skazat that God forgives us - it is an illusion, we are forgiven only if we correct their actions. You see, it is necessary to get rid of many false notions of religion that support themselves, and to work in all circumstances, above the clouds, to find again the God who is in us
themselves. Because God - there is light, you will be able to merge and identify with it, only if they themselves are too light. If you remain covered with dust and mud, it remains outside the Godhead, you will not have a connection with him.
It is easier to emphasize all the imperfections that separates man at an infinite distance from God than to start the real work. All - in God, and God - in all, but this realization begins with the person. Because He created us, it is from Him and we have all our faculties of thinking and understanding. It is through these abilities, we examine the external and internal world, and as we refines these abilities, we are more and more aware of our identity Bozhestvennomu.Chelovechestvo is now sufficiently developed in the mental and intellectual areas, to gain access to spiritual truths. Of course, we must be cautious, but caution is needed in all areas of life. And careful not justify that from a person continue to conceal the fact that he needs to know about their origins. After all, just because they do not know who the people are, the more they do not know what they need to do on this Earth ... except to enjoy to the maximum all the material comforts that represents scientific and technical progress. And nothing can be done, if it is necessary to be toothed, and to act without discrimination, to ruin his neighbor, or even destroy it
.Spasenie Man lies in his ability to recognize his divine origin.
But to the deity manifested through you, you need more and more to try to identify with the Divine, taking naturally some precautions. First of all it is necessary to your mind that you want to populate the Deity, understood that the Deity dwells in the same in all human beings. Thus you will be humble, simple, friendly, understanding, open to others.
We do not need the so-called deities, which are only able to order, to impose their will and are not able to respect their neighbor: they are socially dangerous
. Do not force yourself to think that you are God Himself, because it is really the pride and pride obscures, it separates you from God. He exists in you to the extent that you her continuous work, give him the opportunity to appear. But do not build illusions: even if you manage to create in themselves a state of higher consciousness (that you do not exist, and there is only God) and you will feel in a merger with God, know that you will not be able to sustain itself in this state continuously, vozmozhno.Eto is not likely to be later, after a few thousand years, in anticipation of your consciousness will pass through the top and from the bottom, but that's no reason to despair you. Even brief this experience affect your behavior later on in everyday life. And then when you have to move on to more mundane activities that inevitably - a state of consciousness in which you will carry out your affairs will be completely drugim.Vsyakoe effort every exercise in the spiritual realm yielding results; but from what you were able to melt itself in the cosmic consciousness, do not imagine for a few seconds, your thoughts, feelings and actions are always vdohnovlyaemy your divine nature. No, unfortunately not, your lower nature will continue to assert his own, and then try to be even more careful and sober. For nothing is more destructive to the spiritual life, than not see clearly inside of yourself.
Making mistakes is not so dangerous on the condition that these errors are realized. What is really dangerous is the thinking that inspired by the Spirit, while subject to their gross instincts.
The human soul is the very essence of ancient, which has enormous knowledge, but it takes a long time and much effort to this knowledge up to the surface. What is not permeable formations lies between us and our divine consciousness. That is why it is necessary to do only one thing: to apply methods that allow us to make out the slag heaps, hindering the manifestation of the divine in us wisdom, strength, lyubvi.Vsya life depends on God, from cosmic sources, thanks to him, the birds sing, flowers bloom, the sun is shining and the stars . Source sustains and nourishes all life. You should write down this idea, not only in your notebooks, but also on the inside pages of your book. Because we are alive only if we are able to keep in touch with God. Work and only work gives results, and that is even more true for the spiritual life than for other areas. Because the spiritual life can not be separated from the totality of all that exists.
Every spiritual realization is based on 3 factors: work, time, faith. The spiritual life is governed by the same laws as the public.
How many people are quite ready to accept the fact that in order to achieve success in material terms, we must work long and hard, nevertheless imagine that can be done easily and quickly in the desired spiritual level. What a delusion!
First you have to get to work and not to weaken efforts.
Then we do not need to hurry, because the implementation of all the big things, it's a long-term undertaking, which does not have to feel sorry for her time.
Finally, we must have faith that is undertaken once the results will, for nature is true and correct and the laws that govern it, can not not be wealthy.
Work, time, faith.
You are not aware of the treasure that is contained in these 3 words. The main thing to understand that these three factors are related, and how they relate. So we have to do only one thing: the conviction to get to work without having to worry about the time that we need to realize our divine ideal.No have to be reasonable and modest start, realizing small things first. Many stopped in its evolution, unable to start modestly. You have to start slowly, very carefully making sure not to branch out differently then what efforts and what kind of work will have to do to get back on track. I think to go faster, to gain time, but in reality the opposite is true. This law is applicable in many ways.
So, for the sake of your sanity, you have to start modestly, to feel a surge of strength from each new success.
But there is another psychological reality that you need to know: if discouragement is not a good thing, even worse - stubbornness. How many people stubbornly try to gain and retain the place, functions, roles for which they are not prepared. And are proud to persist, because they want to show everyone that nothing will stop them, nothing would make to give up or give in. So, it would be better to lose heart before their excessive ambitions cause them to break the neck to himself and others.
So, in the spiritual life will never have to worry about the time, but only to ask himself whether to continue to move forward along the path of light. And as sure that cometh to the light, no longer need to set the conditions, but only to go. "The work, time, faith».
And especially time. That's why I have so often say: good continuation! Post a job - it's nothing. The main thing - to persevere
. Even if you have the highest ideal, and even more so if you have one, to educate humility.
Humility lies in the fact that not to imagine that every day you will win victories. Everything is subject to the law of force, that is, the law of time. Time is always pronounces the last word, that it tells us we're going the right way or not. And that means that we do not need to rush.
He who hurries, receives fatal blows that it is discouraged, he stops working and it gives a chance to manifest evil.
The worst that can happen to a person is to lose interest in the work that he has patiently every day to make over itself. Loss of interest in this work shows that he does not know the value of the wealth that has: all the gems that God has placed in man in the form of qualities and virtues
. Never, under any pretext can not leave this job, and we must deal with it, not thinking about when the results will be visible.
The slightest doubt gives our ignorance of the value of these treasures. You need results? In fact, they have already, as you know, that all the good -. Ever
Faith is accompanied by long-term operation, it is the result of repeated daily effort, it is a living thing, that we should never be separated from our everyday lives.
That is, every success, however small it was not, our faith increases, we feel stronger, more powerful, more confident. Looking back, we measure the distance traveled ...
OM Aĭvankhov (Abstract. An abbreviated version)