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Status ascension. Portals

In a recent channeling from the Hathors through Tom Kenyon said: "After the death of the biological process, based on our experience, you have to go through three portals

. The first - a tunnel of light. If you still have unresolved relationships or problems with these people or entities, you may feel a strong desire to enter into this light. And, in doing so, once again enter into the wheel of birth, death, reincarnation, most likely in the world.

The second opens energy guru or savior. We want to warn you that by entering into this field, you enter the field, not only a certain evolutionary achievements of his guru or savior, but also its limitations.

And the third - a portal or tunnel leading into the darkness. The third portal is opened in the darkness. And the entrance to this portal leads you to the Void from which everything is born. If you choose this portal and are ready for this level of freedom you get the opportunity to explore other dimensions in the cosmos and beyond, that is, reach a state of being that goes beyond any physical phenomena. »

This is true? We have only three ways? And only through the biological death?

What confuses you, child?

It's not that embarrassing. Just it turns out that I can after the death or incarnate again on earth, or dissolve and lose their individuality. But what about the Collective Soul and Monad? Does my choice of the solution can be done without? Tell me about every way more.

That tunnel of light in question in the letter, there is a portal of reincarnation on your planet. The light that shines out is the light of Essence of your planet. In her view, many staying. And this light is enticing because it is familiar to you. He is close to you. Because many times you have incarnated on this planet. Like attracts light home. Like attracts and repels situation known unknown. Light that is close to you as close to the memories of your past wanderings through incarnations on this planet. This is your relationship with the Planetary Spirit, for it was your home for many thousands of years.

If you still have unfinished business on this planet, indissoluble connection with the essences of this planet with other people, this appeal is unbearable, it is like a powerful magnet attracts you to the earthly incarnation. That is why you are taught to part with their attachments in the current incarnations. Otherwise, the attachment as light strands will keep you in the space of this planet. In other words, you have to return all the debts of all the energy sutyam, living on the planet. And, accordingly, give back what gave others.

Do not give to others is a natural feature of the property and enlightenment?

The question is how you give. Do you gave her, you know? If you give your, that is part of the energy that belongs to you, as a form, then you can not make up for this deficiency, the return: you miss it for your own integrity. And so part of you shall be returned. But if you just serve the pure source of the Divine Light and not give away his own, but only serves as a guide, it will not bind you. Since yours is not, and can not make you. When you share to "his" and "not your", then you need to return to be its parts in all. But if you have it and "Everything", as you teach, you are not divided into "its" and "is not his." And you do not have to all particles. And you are the All. It's a fine line of understanding, it will come to you.

So, while I do not tear up all attachments, I can not after death not select a tunnel of light, it will automatically attract me?

Automatically - this means unconsciously. If you are in this moment fully realize that's happening to you, and not just to pull that attracts, you have the right to choose the portal, which is considered the best for you. But you must understand that thought is instantaneous. As soon as you think of it: "What a Wonderful World" - you immediately prityaneshsya to him and dips in the next incarnation. Because you and learn the discipline of thoughts, because every thought audible, and every thought is embodied in your reality.

You said in the Tao, that not every idea is embodied. What if we are present in the fantasies and are not grounded, they are not implemented.

They are not realized in the earthly reality. Because in order to target something visible in your reality, you need to ground yourself. It is - how to determine the coordinates of creation, where it must be translated. And besides, the connection to Mother Earth gives impetus and protection, enhances the creative power of your at times. Others your thoughts, which you call fantasies embodied in other realities, other levels of creation, or are attracted by the degree of similarity to other creatures.

In various books, where people describe her out of body experience, they say that as it fall into the intermediate zone when leaving the physical body of the people, where they explain where they were, dismantle their mistakes that awaits them, and so on. This is an occurrence of a tunnel of light?

Yes. They explain their past earthly incarnation and prepared for the future. And there they meet kindred spirits.

Well, let's see the next tunnel, tunnel guru. You said in the TAO, the guru that rises at the expense of their students, and therefore do not need to look for a guru.

Yes it is. But to look or not to look for a guru - it's your choice. This is your choice. Guru shows the way, he accumulates the light of the whole group in a single tunnel and rises through it himself, showing the way. But this leaves the way for his students, for their ascension. He can not remove the tunnel and ascend further, until all his disciples did not ascend. And in this sense - it is a hostage situation, because it is connected energetically with the entire group of his students. The path for this tunnel, its complexity or ease of passage depends on the qualities of a guru, how he took this path. For example, Jesus walked the path through suffering, and to all his students had to go through the suffering of the path of ascension.

Then all the disciples of Jesus ascended?

They are at different levels with the Master of reunification, but most of them have already joined. They are waiting for Judah. ​​


Yes. He, too, had to go through suffering. For this was the tunnel. But he already completes his ascension.

So, through the ascension of the guru is the very group initiation?

No group initiation, which we described in the TAR, there is the ascension of the joint efforts, in which no one in the group rises at the expense of other, faster or slower than the other, no one is more important or holier. And there is a single organism, association shower for the development and sharing of ascension, when the quality of each help to ascend the entire group.

So, this is the fourth way? The one who was looking for Gurdjieff?

You can say so, child. But Gurdjieff could not escape the role of the guru. It's a fine line. When your students start to deify and exalt you, you unwittingly become their guru and automatically start to take responsibility for their ascension. And Gurdjieff disciples saw him as a guru. This means that they have chosen to copy his way to pass it by. Adoration of the guru transmits his energy flow, ie voluntarily entrust their gurus, which is then disposed of them at its discretion. And in this state of fullness disciples energy is very difficult not to fall into the self, and not usurp these flows.

You want to say that Gurdjieff could not resist this?

Partly - yes

. Good. Let's then look at the third way - merging with the Absolute. This dissolution in it, reformatting? Or you can get through this portal into some other form of existence?

It depends on your choice. You choose this portal you like to see a lot of doors, and the gulf.


Yes. The gap, which is frightening. Silence. Inaction.

The same Sunyata?

So you call it. Select the abyss dissolved in it and is connected to its roots and becomes nothing, and becomes all, and no longer exists as a form.

But remember myself as a form or not?

In you have a memory of the existence of your cells. Do you remember about every cell? What happened to her in your body throughout your life? Yes and no. Do you remember it as though in the aggregate, at a different level of perception, the perception of itself as a body entirely. You do not remember the smallest details of their bodies, and at the same time, the sum of these memories creates your perception of you as a body. Similarly, the Great Void remembers everything and does not remember anything. The very memory of something there is already a manifestation. But this emptiness is not exercised, this is part of the Absolute, which is not manifested and waiting for its manifestation. And once in this Void, you dissolved in it and cease to BE.

Why should I then be dissolved in it? I understand that my question is stupid, but what it gives?

Complete freedom from form. And the opportunity to manifest itself in any other way, but not to be tied to it.

And the door? This is the door to other worlds?

This is a potential door. All of your abilities as a form of manifestation, after you left her previous form, and chose a dark tunnel. And behind every door - a different world. The doors, of course, conditional, but many of you are seen exactly as doors.

Another world - this is another part of our Universe or even other universes other creators

? Of course, that other parts of our Universe, because we all exist in their Creator. However, selecting each of the doors, again you get a choice between the Void and the specific embodiments on other planets and in other parts of the galaxy and in other galaxies. Again, you'll attract the door, and you will scare the Void.

I do not know, I am I free to choose contrary to the choice of its collective soul?

Everyone is free to join or separate. Make your choice, or the choice to accept the other or others.

But I is precisely the collective soul, just forgetting about sovey integrity! How can I alone choose your own path? It also would mean that my collective soul will remain without me incomplete and will not be able to pass all his experience.

All are one. And as it is now your collective soul patiently and lovingly waiting for your return after wandering the earth, so it will be waiting for your return, and other travels. In fact, you yourself expect myself also, so your patience is boundless. And that's why your love as a collective soul, is inexhaustible. As a child chooses a new toy that gives him joy, and you pick up their toys. And your integrity with a smile waiting when you enjoy it, for enjoying with you.

Then a question. All of these choices only exist after physical death, or are there other ways? That is, it is possible to ascend in his physical body, and it is incompatible with other levels?

You asked about the mechanism of posthumous incarnation. We answered. But there are always ways you. All quantum connected. And when we explain to you about the door, then in fact it is - one and the same door, which is in your perception is transformed into different types of portals. For, wherever you went, you're always in the Absolute Consciousness, just do not realize it. In you have a direct path to the Void. When you disconnect external factors - what attracts your perception of how to attract the Light after death, or the curiosity to open the door-outs - that you go to, in its essence, in its basic quality; you open yourself to the void in which you stayed always, but simply creates the illusion of separateness from this emptiness. And you can always step into It and dissolve.

What will happen with my bodies?

They also dissolved. This will be a complete ascension. That is, the ascension to the highest level. To the level of the Absolute Consciousness. For all levels - and the illusion of separation of your consciousness and other consciousnesses

. So the rapture is not possible in the physical body?

In its present form - it is not present. Because your physical form is unable to accept that the quality and quantity of energy that you are waiting at the higher levels. It simply burn these rays. Therefore, you can rebuild your body. When you are able to rebuild it so that it will be powered by prana, that is, the Divine Light, then it will be ready to ascend to higher worlds.

So it will be very soon. But how then do we exist is now partly in the fourth dimension, and some in the fifth?

You exist out there with your consciousness. And some of your body, eliminating physical and partly raised above, ie cover the top level. In this sense, if you observe, that some of your body are enormous, and some are small.

You and encourage your body to rebuild on the crystal structure type. This structure is the most complete form of physical prana takes as precious stones crystals can take and transform the divine light, and your body will be able to transform it into itself.

That is, your temporary forecasts remain valid, that in the next 100 years will be cleaned, after about 300 years the Earth will enter the fourth dimension, and even after about 1000 - in the fifth

? Are you looking for quick fixes and the fastest way to have you inside but you do not know and do not want to use it because you are afraid of the dissolution, the loss of individuality.

But we say that is about to happen ascension of the planet already rises ...

From the standpoint of those who it says it does. At those levels, where you get this information, time flows differently, and all accomplished at the same time. Therefore, they do not deceive you. But the inertia of matter that exists in your world, significantly slows down the process in your physical world.

That is, the present generation not wait ascension?

If you're talking about ascension, all of humanity, it is not a quick process. But some people can ascend in his current life on the planet, if you are persistent in their quest. From our side we are ready to help everyone. Encourage us in our thoughts, and we will open the portals of each aspirant.

Portals for each? That is, do not we open them in yourself, and you can open them?

For us The "we" and "you" - it's all relative concepts. You have us. We have you. All portals have in you and in us, and these portals are one. And if you express the intention to open a portal of ascension, then you have come to me, my child, so I helped you open the ascension portal. And if you seek this portal a while I open the portal for you. For we are one.

What is this portal?

This is the entrance to the higher dimensions. It is your connection with their integrity and its unity with, it's your relationship with him true. Look for it in yourself. For only you yourself can find him under a layer of husk whole personality. You say, find something that is not you. Dissolve it in yourself. And find something that is true of you, you are in my heart, as you say, you know it, you feel it. This can be called a prayer to God in himself. For all - a single

. Tell me, and we'll communicate on all levels? You said that I was multidimensional and simultaneous live on many levels in different variations passing their experience. On all these levels, I ask you questions, and you answer?

Yes, of course, child. It's all there at the same time. Do not you parallelna at different levels. There you Quantum, which also exists at all levels at once, and if now you ask questions, it happens at all levels at once, in all your incarnations. But the answers come different. According to the degree of readiness of each part of you at different levels. There are levels where you can hear the information more clear, because there is your relationship with the origins deeper. And there are those levels at which you are no longer distorted by the strength of your isolation. But your current perception - a kind of mosaic of all these questions and answers, all the qualities of your hearing

. Why change your physical body, if a person is still going to die and after death will be able to make a choice, o which you speak?

This is the choice of each of you. Everything is connected. And changing your consciousness, and you change your body. This is inevitable, because new levels of energy are made available to your perception, and therefore all of your bodies. And including your physical body. But you can choose death as a way out of the physical body and continue to select one of the ascension or the development of portals.

But you said in TAO that ascension is incomplete without a physical body.

Yes, if you strive consciously higher levels of the hierarchy, you can be there represented as a holistic form. Each body carries its own characteristics of experience and covered thee traveled. And each characteristic determines your path of ascension. Therefore, losing the physical body, as if you lose your charts, outlined ways in which sought to roam the oceans of the Universe. But if you can just go back to the Void and gain its full essence, you are free to leave the game in different ways.

Любыми? То есть и через самоубийство?

Убийство всегда есть убийство. Или насилие. В данном случае ты производишь насилие над своим физическим телом, которое не хочет умирать, которое стремится ещё получить опыт через тебя и с тобой. Твои клетки и органы. Если всё твоё тело в полном единстве с тобой стремится умереть и перейти в новое качественное состояние, то этот выход не будет насильственным, а будет совместным выбором. Но для этого тебе нужно обрести целостность со своим телом и услышать каждую клеточку в тебе. И обрести гармонию в них и с ними. А вы все ещё очень далеки от этого. Ибо ты не можешь обрести гармоничную целостность с телом планеты, пока не обретёшь гармоничную целостность со своим телом.