Ascension day: holiday traditions
Today the Orthodox world is preparing to celebrate one of the most revered holidays – the Ascension, or Voznesenie day. It occurs on the 40th day after Easter. And since this holiday is a challenge, every year it is celebrated on different days.
According to legend, on this day, Christ ascended into heaven in the flesh, completing his mission on earth, but giving everyone hope and knowledge. On this day Jesus Christ appeared to the disciples in spirit form and asked me to follow him to leave the city. When they left, the apostles became witnesses of a miracle (the miracle is described in numerous icons): in their eyes, Jesus raised his hands to the sky and far from land, rising up to the sky and disappeared there. The disciples watching the ascension of a teacher in the Kingdom of God, bowed to the ground, and on his return to town told of what he saw. Then people realized that death is sad, and the transition of the soul into another world, where it awaits the Lord, and the Lord will deliver us from the vices and temptations. Open skies give the believers hope for the remission of sins and the indwelling of the rest of the way home in the Kingdom of God.
As noted by the Ascension of the Lord
On Wednesday, on the eve of the feast of the ascension, in all the churches perform sacred ritual of "giving" the Light of the resurrection of Christ (leavetaking of Pascha). Directly in the holiday, which always falls on a Thursday, the priests, dressed in white garment Church, the churches hold a solemn Liturgy: sound the bell, read the Holy Scriptures, which is dedicated to the Ascension of the son of God, Jesus Christ. On Friday, the festival ends with a service and prayers in honor of the ascension.
The feast of the ascension of the Lord, believers baked pies stuffed with green onion and oblong bread, which is also called "ladder". The name of the bread derives from the fact that it is baked with seven steps, forming of test strips and laying them on top of the bread. It is a symbol of the seven heavens Apocalypse — the "ladder" bake to Christ in the road. Pies and bread to take into the Church where they are consecrated. Part of the consecrated bread left in the temple.
Upon returning from the temple, the Orthodox have treated each other pies and bread, went to each other's homes, bring their food and tried what was offered by the hosts. And they basement food to the poor — it was believed that the forty days spent by the soul of Christ on earth until the ascension, she was the image of the poor, so poor in those days were regarded with reverence. People believed that under the guise of a poor man Jesus could enter any house and ask for help, so they can't deny. These days believers carefully monitor the cleanliness and order – not littered and didn't care, because at any moment near them would be to Christ. It was believed that after the onset of Easter following 40 days where Jesus was held, nature came to life – all blossomed, turned green and bloomed.
The feast of the ascension in the Orthodox world, is given special importance. It is important to forgive all the insults and radiate only love for all beings.
And in this day commemorated the dead ancestors of: preparing funeral meals – pancakes and scrambled eggs.
On Ascension day all happy released winter rye spikelets toWork in the field and at home in this festive day not only to have fun, enjoying the blossoming of spring and the imminent arrival of summer. It was believed that from the day of the ascension weather becomes consistently warm and Sunny.
And in the evening on the outskirts of the village had lit large bonfires which were a symbol of the imminent onset of summer. Around the fire danced or "ears" rejoicing released winter rye to the ears.
Signs on the Ascension of the Lord
On this day in Russia, if the weather allowed, opened the swimming season. People believed that if you swim in the day in the river or lake, then no illness is not take.
Those who wanted to be beautiful and healthy, this day collected morning dew, drank it and washed. According to legend, the dew is the tears of the earth about Jesus Christ, who this day leaves her.
In the feast of the ascension healers went to gathering of medicinal grasses, as it was believed that all medicinal plants collected this day, have unusual properties that their strength increases.
The night before the Rapture of the Nightingale's songs sound louder, heralding the coming miracle. By the way, to catch the nightingales at the feast of the ascension was strictly forbidden, and those who ignored the ban, was considered a great sinner.
Rain on Ascension day – the harbinger of a modest harvest and ailments of Pets. But if rains lasted for several days, it gave hope that the trouble will be a party.
In the Ascension healers harvested herbs, as it was believed that on this day, they have unusual properties
In Russia notice that the Ascension even chickens don't work and don't lay eggs. But if suddenly this happened, it promised the owners of great joy. The egg talk for good luck, protection from misfortune, evil eye and diseases.
10 days after the ascension, the Orthodox world will celebrate another feast of the Trinity or Holy Trinity Day (Pentecost, descent of the Holy spirit). It is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, and it marks the descent of the Holy spirit on the apostles of Christ. The day of the Holy Trinity, believers will celebrate the 19th of June 2016. Author: Tatyana Lenskaya
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: rueconomics.ru/177797-voznesenie-gospodne-2016-kogda-i-kak-otmechaetsya-tradicii-prazdnika-primety
According to legend, on this day, Christ ascended into heaven in the flesh, completing his mission on earth, but giving everyone hope and knowledge. On this day Jesus Christ appeared to the disciples in spirit form and asked me to follow him to leave the city. When they left, the apostles became witnesses of a miracle (the miracle is described in numerous icons): in their eyes, Jesus raised his hands to the sky and far from land, rising up to the sky and disappeared there. The disciples watching the ascension of a teacher in the Kingdom of God, bowed to the ground, and on his return to town told of what he saw. Then people realized that death is sad, and the transition of the soul into another world, where it awaits the Lord, and the Lord will deliver us from the vices and temptations. Open skies give the believers hope for the remission of sins and the indwelling of the rest of the way home in the Kingdom of God.

As noted by the Ascension of the Lord
On Wednesday, on the eve of the feast of the ascension, in all the churches perform sacred ritual of "giving" the Light of the resurrection of Christ (leavetaking of Pascha). Directly in the holiday, which always falls on a Thursday, the priests, dressed in white garment Church, the churches hold a solemn Liturgy: sound the bell, read the Holy Scriptures, which is dedicated to the Ascension of the son of God, Jesus Christ. On Friday, the festival ends with a service and prayers in honor of the ascension.
The feast of the ascension of the Lord, believers baked pies stuffed with green onion and oblong bread, which is also called "ladder". The name of the bread derives from the fact that it is baked with seven steps, forming of test strips and laying them on top of the bread. It is a symbol of the seven heavens Apocalypse — the "ladder" bake to Christ in the road. Pies and bread to take into the Church where they are consecrated. Part of the consecrated bread left in the temple.
Upon returning from the temple, the Orthodox have treated each other pies and bread, went to each other's homes, bring their food and tried what was offered by the hosts. And they basement food to the poor — it was believed that the forty days spent by the soul of Christ on earth until the ascension, she was the image of the poor, so poor in those days were regarded with reverence. People believed that under the guise of a poor man Jesus could enter any house and ask for help, so they can't deny. These days believers carefully monitor the cleanliness and order – not littered and didn't care, because at any moment near them would be to Christ. It was believed that after the onset of Easter following 40 days where Jesus was held, nature came to life – all blossomed, turned green and bloomed.
The feast of the ascension in the Orthodox world, is given special importance. It is important to forgive all the insults and radiate only love for all beings.
And in this day commemorated the dead ancestors of: preparing funeral meals – pancakes and scrambled eggs.
On Ascension day all happy released winter rye spikelets toWork in the field and at home in this festive day not only to have fun, enjoying the blossoming of spring and the imminent arrival of summer. It was believed that from the day of the ascension weather becomes consistently warm and Sunny.
And in the evening on the outskirts of the village had lit large bonfires which were a symbol of the imminent onset of summer. Around the fire danced or "ears" rejoicing released winter rye to the ears.
Signs on the Ascension of the Lord
On this day in Russia, if the weather allowed, opened the swimming season. People believed that if you swim in the day in the river or lake, then no illness is not take.
Those who wanted to be beautiful and healthy, this day collected morning dew, drank it and washed. According to legend, the dew is the tears of the earth about Jesus Christ, who this day leaves her.
In the feast of the ascension healers went to gathering of medicinal grasses, as it was believed that all medicinal plants collected this day, have unusual properties that their strength increases.
The night before the Rapture of the Nightingale's songs sound louder, heralding the coming miracle. By the way, to catch the nightingales at the feast of the ascension was strictly forbidden, and those who ignored the ban, was considered a great sinner.
Rain on Ascension day – the harbinger of a modest harvest and ailments of Pets. But if rains lasted for several days, it gave hope that the trouble will be a party.
In the Ascension healers harvested herbs, as it was believed that on this day, they have unusual properties
In Russia notice that the Ascension even chickens don't work and don't lay eggs. But if suddenly this happened, it promised the owners of great joy. The egg talk for good luck, protection from misfortune, evil eye and diseases.
10 days after the ascension, the Orthodox world will celebrate another feast of the Trinity or Holy Trinity Day (Pentecost, descent of the Holy spirit). It is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, and it marks the descent of the Holy spirit on the apostles of Christ. The day of the Holy Trinity, believers will celebrate the 19th of June 2016. Author: Tatyana Lenskaya
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: rueconomics.ru/177797-voznesenie-gospodne-2016-kogda-i-kak-otmechaetsya-tradicii-prazdnika-primety
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