The Lord’s Day is approaching, we celebrate a great day according to all the rules.
How many Orthodox Christians will meet the Ascension of 2023 is easy to calculate. Forty days after the resurrection of the Son of God. This year, the Ascension of the Lord falls on May 25, and the Catholic Church will celebrate it on the 18th of the same month (a week earlier). Easter Day is Sunday, and Ascension always falls on Thursday.
Ascension of 2023: what date does Tradition say that after the divine resurrection, Jesus Christ spent many days among his disciples and faithful followers, whom he told about the Kingdom of Heaven. Forty days later, on the Mount of Olives, Jesus blessed the assembled apostles and ascended to heaven. The angels who came later to the apostles warned that the time would come when Christ would come down to earth to do the judgment of God. All people will be held accountable for their sins and misdeeds.
Traditionally, believers make a pilgrimage to the Mount of Olives, where the imprint of the foot of the Son of God is imprinted on the stone. And in all Christian churches on the eve of the holiday, an all-night vigil is held.
During the liturgy, parishioners pray for the most secret, because they believe that the Lord will surely listen to their requests and help them achieve what they want. On this day they put a candle for the repose of the soul and remember the dead relatives.
People sincerely believe that in the period from the Resurrection of Christ to the Ascension, the gates of hell and paradise open, so the righteous have the opportunity to communicate with sinners. At the same time, the souls of the dead can visit their loved ones in this world.
After the service, the whole family gathers for a festive lunch. The day is recommended to spend fun and pleasant with family and close friends. Fasting for the holiday is not adhered to, so believers set a generous table at home.
Our ancestors had a special treat for Ascension – baked “ladders” with seven steps, which symbolized the unhindered ascent of the soul to heaven. Baking was brought to the temple for consecration, and then treated all households with it, because they believed in its powerful healing power.
There are prohibitions, signs and beliefs associated with Ascension. For example, before the feast and on the very Ascension of the Lord, it is forbidden to marry and it is not customary to marry. On the holiday it is sinful to argue, scandalize and swear. It is not recommended to grieve and indulge in despondency on this day. You can not engage in heavy physical labor, washing, cleaning and needlework.
In addition, it is not customary to throw garbage at the Ascension, spit on the street and sin not to give alms, because people believe that on this day the Lord wanders among people in poor clothes and looks for sinners.
There are signs and beliefs about Ascension, too. If you make a wish on the holiday and sincerely pray, it will come true. The fields of “ladders” laid out in the corners will help the rye to rise high. What the weather was on a clean Thursday, such and ascension should be expected.
After Ascension, the bathing season was opened. The wild beast entered the village for Ascension - expect trouble or a bad harvest this year. It was considered a good sign if on the eve of the holiday to hear the trills of the nightingale - you will spend the whole year in love and harmony. Cloudy weather on this day predicts rainy summer. The clear and warm weather for the holiday portends that the summer months will be dry and hot.
Ascension is a great church holiday, so believers are recommended to go to the temple and devote this day to communicating with relatives. And don’t forget to invite your friends, because they will also appreciate your attention.
Ascension of 2023: what date does Tradition say that after the divine resurrection, Jesus Christ spent many days among his disciples and faithful followers, whom he told about the Kingdom of Heaven. Forty days later, on the Mount of Olives, Jesus blessed the assembled apostles and ascended to heaven. The angels who came later to the apostles warned that the time would come when Christ would come down to earth to do the judgment of God. All people will be held accountable for their sins and misdeeds.

Traditionally, believers make a pilgrimage to the Mount of Olives, where the imprint of the foot of the Son of God is imprinted on the stone. And in all Christian churches on the eve of the holiday, an all-night vigil is held.
During the liturgy, parishioners pray for the most secret, because they believe that the Lord will surely listen to their requests and help them achieve what they want. On this day they put a candle for the repose of the soul and remember the dead relatives.

People sincerely believe that in the period from the Resurrection of Christ to the Ascension, the gates of hell and paradise open, so the righteous have the opportunity to communicate with sinners. At the same time, the souls of the dead can visit their loved ones in this world.
After the service, the whole family gathers for a festive lunch. The day is recommended to spend fun and pleasant with family and close friends. Fasting for the holiday is not adhered to, so believers set a generous table at home.

Our ancestors had a special treat for Ascension – baked “ladders” with seven steps, which symbolized the unhindered ascent of the soul to heaven. Baking was brought to the temple for consecration, and then treated all households with it, because they believed in its powerful healing power.
There are prohibitions, signs and beliefs associated with Ascension. For example, before the feast and on the very Ascension of the Lord, it is forbidden to marry and it is not customary to marry. On the holiday it is sinful to argue, scandalize and swear. It is not recommended to grieve and indulge in despondency on this day. You can not engage in heavy physical labor, washing, cleaning and needlework.
In addition, it is not customary to throw garbage at the Ascension, spit on the street and sin not to give alms, because people believe that on this day the Lord wanders among people in poor clothes and looks for sinners.

There are signs and beliefs about Ascension, too. If you make a wish on the holiday and sincerely pray, it will come true. The fields of “ladders” laid out in the corners will help the rye to rise high. What the weather was on a clean Thursday, such and ascension should be expected.
After Ascension, the bathing season was opened. The wild beast entered the village for Ascension - expect trouble or a bad harvest this year. It was considered a good sign if on the eve of the holiday to hear the trills of the nightingale - you will spend the whole year in love and harmony. Cloudy weather on this day predicts rainy summer. The clear and warm weather for the holiday portends that the summer months will be dry and hot.

Ascension is a great church holiday, so believers are recommended to go to the temple and devote this day to communicating with relatives. And don’t forget to invite your friends, because they will also appreciate your attention.
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