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According to the Jewish principle.

"Thank you, Lord, that he took the money," - said Vera softly, looking at the broken headlight and fender crumpled his beloved "Audi". This a funny prayer taught her some of the buyers. Allegedly, the Jews, having lost on something money, be sure to address the following words to God, thanks for having lost only a piece of paper, not health or life.
The culprit of the accident - the driver pop-eyed hlebovozki - hovered helplessly nearby, muttering something about the wicked pads, mechanics and pro-parasite "Shuryak entitled," which can be "pozychit" for repairs.

Of course, she did not deny myself the pleasure to poke his nose cage like puppy accidentally made a puddle.
- Who's that you, goat, taught go to home is not slowing down? And if "fast" riding? Or a woman with a stroller passed? Yes, if gaytsov Now call, you do not just take off your pants and stay without a license. Life!

The driver, in shock from the fallen down woes continued to mumble something unintelligible and carefully drove rough hand with swollen veins and cracked fingernails mutilated wing cars. As if hoping that ugly dent straightened itself and zarastёt glass broken headlight. Vera looked at his hands and broke off, too painful, they were like Volodkin.

On the sidewalk in the meantime people gathered. Their sympathies were clearly on the side of the driver's battered hlebovozki, not the owner of an expensive car.

- Nakralisya in our grief and lёtayut! Man, you see, in the case - bread carries. She lёtaet! - Screamed suddenly untidy grandmother with antique setkoy- "shopping bag».

Engage in discussions with such characters - a more expensive. After photographing the scene of an accident on a mobile phone, she left. It's nothing. Insurers say that unsuccessfully drove into the garage. And I do not believe - to hell with them. Here repairs for a couple of thousand at the most. But while you can not be afraid of no fatalities.

Vera Naydenova was not an old woman superstitious, but when rosy-white stripe lasted too long, I began to be afraid. She even remembered the fate of the first time it took to compensate for the dream come true.

In summer, a neighbor, Catherine Baba, came from Moscow granddaughter Dasha. Fourteen Vera listened with his mouth open her stories about the underground concert of "The Time Machine" and "Aquarium", a clever black-marketeers and the mysterious woman psychic June. Faith taught bungee jumping Muscovite and ride a moped, drove her to a dance club. Girls great friends. Before leaving, Dasha gave Sosedkina granddaughter of his jeans, explaining stunned delight new girlfriend, she has a much steeper firm - "Lewis».

When Vera, sewing up a torn pocket and withdrawing a spot on the knee, they came to the club, it felt like a bubble in a bottle of lemonade, ready to take off in a velvet-blue August sky. It lasted exactly three hours. Returning home after the dance, even from a distance saw the crowd around their yard neighbors. Verin's father, who seconded to help with the harvest in the neighboring district, was killed in a car crash.

The transition from the radiant happiness to the hopeless grief was so sharp that the girl lost consciousness. The death of the head of a family destroyed all their modest prosperity. The elder brother of the Faith, first dial the funeral of his father, he began to drink heavily. Mother really ached. With the dream of higher education had to leave. She graduated from the eighth grade, he has submitted documents to the school of communication. All first year spent as if in a fog. Slowly start to come to life, only to become acquainted with Volodya.

He was calm and laconic, so that Faith had to speak for two. And most importantly, I take care of her. Whatever their plans for the evening, at first led to feed the "poor starving student." He was aware of all of its affairs, was interested in estimates. Vera flew on wings and let the guy a little something extra. Worried, of course. But not much. If anything, he did not give up. It is with whom anything can happen, but not with her.

The wings broke off her student on physical examination in the clinic.
- Pregnancy seven weeks - said thick gynecologist. - At the direction of an abortion will not give.

Sophomore School of Communications for a week was in the depths of the black terror. In those days, and even in the village, walk up the child was considered a disgrace. Volodya had heard that in the seven months to become a father, behaved strangely. Brought net garnets and disappeared from the market.

- What are you waiting for? - Screw on the mysteries of her friend Daw. - Go to carpool, to the director. And even better - directly to the Party organizer. So, they say, and so. He promised to marry.
- He did not promise - Faith roared.
- And you say that he had promised! You would rather believe than he. You are the future defenders of the Motherland wear. This case, you know, you can do even political.

Fortunately, the public did not have to intervene. A week later came Volodya, introduced her to the uncle, who came specially from Kaliningrad, and the three of them drove to Vera's mother in the village to woo.
- Vova me as a mother, - he explained Vladimir - because it was named in my honor. His parents are now in Algeria ... But do not you know? Grisha - the famous bridge builder. Best Brigadier welders throughout the Soviet Union. And my sister Tonya uchёtchitsey with him. Where they're just not built! And in Egypt, and Cuba. Well, I'm here. Surround keep nephew and I look after.

Tearful mother blessed young old grandma icon. Vera has changed dissonant surname Smyk on Naydenova, and a young family lived in a hostel. Not for long. Because of the hospital Volodya brought a young wife and mother in a small, but a separate apartment.
- Vova, how? - Vera gasped, not letting go of the hands swaddled Antoshka.
- Very simple - boomed husband, pleased that a surprise success. - Parents with Uncle Vova chipped in, and I have something that has been postponed.

Vera quickly made friends with the young moms who traveled for days on the estate, shaking his agukayuschie "crews", and somehow one of them zazvat it to his guests.
- My mom needed the receptionist to the cleaners. Wages, however, the tears, but the team is good. And my mom kind of person that always let go and submenus.

Vera went to see, and she suddenly liked. Dry stone's throw from home, responsibilities simple, and the girls really nice. Unlikely to her with her unfinished vocational shone something better. In the morning she gladly went to work and in the evening joyfully ran home and was really happy.

The trouble crept up where no one expected. The country, which fell independence, beginning fever. Cut to scrap huge factories, dying factory, rot research institutes.

When closed and dry, Vera cried for a week, but Volodya recently staged an auto mechanic in the cooperative, but happy. "House sit - he ordered. - Pies pitches. Nourish. " At lunchtime happy husband took out of "tormozka" not trivial sandwiches and cakes so rasstegaychiki. "The men are jealous - he boasted home - to me at lunch the whole garage came running together. On the smell. " "Is that - turn up their noses Faith - I zababahat here's pie." Again she found herself on the white stripe.

When Volodya turned lush ruddy pie made prescription Mikoyan "Book of Tasty and Healthy Food" zavgara Fёdorych inhaled the aroma of fresh baking and said: "It is a sin to eat these things in addition to vodka. Come on, guys, share with Naydenova, one that is, and after working a little bit of everything dёrnem pie. Around the corner, a new kiosk opened. There's even a French cognac "Napoleon" is ».

I came early in the morning in the garage cleaning lady discovered the five bodies stiffened and an empty bottle from the deadly liquor.

Faith howl howling for a whole week, and then fell into a dull stupor. A life without a loved one, for which was like a stone wall, without work and any prospects had seemed senseless and hopeless heavy. From real hunger saved only a small amount in dollars - Volodya collected on the car. By the summer it was discovered that the son grew up with all odёzhek. Sighing heavily, Vera pulled out taynichki under cabinet "American rubles", exchanging twenty and went to the bench with a proud name "Elite second-hand from Europe", where I found an ugly scandal.

An elderly stout landlady scolded saleswomen for the mess, and the shortage of bottles of cheap port in the back. Those with a passion otrugivalis and a woman accused of "Jewish greed." The case ended the fact that the girls were ordered to get out. What they did, turning goodbye a couple of racks of clothes. Hostess with ashen face dropped on a stool. Vera, fingered children's clothes in a nearby zalchike, dripped valokordin woman found in the medicine cabinet, hung on the door sign "closed" and set about restoring order. Taught at the dry cleaners to handle things, she deftly and quickly separated the male from the female, the winter from the summer on boring white blouse tied colorful scarves, peretёrla dusty shoes. Basement store previously like ugly flea market, acquired civilized.

- I sent you by God, - said the visitor a hostess. - Where do you work?
- I do not work - confessed Naydenova.
- I'll take - Dean Semyonovna slapped the counter plump hand studded with rings. - Big salaries do not promise, but you will have a percentage of sales. And you can dress up for the half - well, a third of the price.

Faith enthusiastically set to work. I called a former colleague from the dry cleaner, which also prowl in search of a place and work has begun to boil. Now the goods are not dispatched directly from the bags on a hanger, and carefully sorted out. What is better, clean, wash, otglazhivalos supplying a variety of labels, placed in thin cellophane package and called tempting word "sink».

Earnings doubled, and Dean Semyonovna raised Naidenova to control.

For his increase in death she paid svёkrov who loved her as his own. Grabbing in Africa some exotic hvorobu, they quietly left one after the other.

It was then that Faith and began to suspect that between its successes and troubles there is a mysterious connection.

A few years later Dean Semyonovna drove off to his son to Australia for permanent residence. Business rewrote it for granted now Vera Nikolayevna, specifying the amount which is transferred to the country of kangaroos each quarter. No sooner had Naydenova settle into a new incarnation as a hit on the operating table with severe peritonitis. Anton went to a military school, had dreamed since the third grade, and she drove the tax, but so hard that the owner of "second-hand" a little behind bars is not pleased. Son proposed to continue his education at the Academy of the Armed Forces. Vera was not surprised when the day of his admission phoned her beloved Jura reported killed and a voice that returns to his wife, with whom he lived for seven years apart.

In Business, save money, bought an apartment in a prestigious area, and a week later his brother's funeral. Actually, not so much for her loss. He and his brother had never been close. But after his death, I am beginning to drink mother. Faith has treated the mother in good health resort, hired for her companion. After that, a long time nothing bad happened. And today's accident. Is it too small for the whole year of peace?

Sang mobile. Naydenova clung to the side of the road. She was a law-abiding driver and never talked behind the wheel. I called to guard their homes.
- Vera, a man came to you here. He says that you're not familiar with, but it does matter to you. Ask when you will.
- I was approaching, - she said, immediately upset. So, it means that the car was beaten only flowers. Let's see what are the berries.

Naydenova entered the spacious hall, laden with palm trees and overgrown ficus. She rose to meet a high bald man. He had eyes of different colors. One gray, the other green. And the corners of the mouth are raised, as if he was smiling.
- Vera? I'm on the morning of the incident.
- Who are you?
- My sister is married to Nicholas, who scratched your car.
- Well, not scratched and squeezed cool. And ... Wait a minute, you're the "Shuryak, which can be pozychit»?
- Apparently - he threw up his hands one.
- How did you find me?
- Sample number of the machine on the base. Tell me, please, what are you going to do? You write a statement or will seek compensation?
- Oh, nothing, I will not demand - waved Naydenova. Well, do not tell the strange man on the difficult relationship with fortune. - What's it take?
- That's for sure. Kolka we have a walking disaster. And your spouse as it looks?
- I am a widow, - Vera snapped.
- Excuse me. But maybe your friend? ..
- Listen! .. You are, incidentally, did not identify themselves.
- Once again sorry. Oleg.
- Well, Oleg, are you seriously think that a woman can not make itself on the machine? What you definitely need a husband or lover?
- I do not think - new acquaintance smiled. - You know, Tonya - this is my sister - called in tears. Kolka foreign car squeezed. A mistress so cool, says. No money is required, no rights are not taken away. Similarly, legal proceedings will be. Or lads nashlёt.
- What more! - Faith snorted. - Reassure her sister. Nothing I'm not going to do.
- Let me have a look at your car. I have a friend holding a car wash.
- Not necessary. I have good insurance.
- Ah. Well, then ... Maybe you will agree with me go to a restaurant? As compensation for this unpleasant story.
- Thank you. No need to.
- But I do believe that we need - suddenly said Colin "Shuryak." - Because otherwise I will have to take his leave and never see you no more. And it is wrong.
- Well, you lout! - Vera amazed.
- No. I'm not a smart aleck. Just I thought Kolka his happiness could crash at any post, and he rammed you. Or maybe it's fate?

So they struck up a romance. All night and all weekend they spent together with Oleg, was as caring and reliable as untimely deceased Volodya. In the summer we went to Montenegro. And one evening, sitting on the beach, Oleg handed her a box, covered with velvet.

- Vera, I can say a lot of beautiful words. But whether they are necessary, and if so everything is clear? I wish you were always by my side.

Naydenova silently twirling box in hand, without opening it.
- What's wrong, honey? You do not even want to look at the ring?
- Olezhka, I'm probably going to hurt you. But I have to tell you: no.

Swallowing tears, and slowly, she told him how hard the balance of happiness-unhappiness, followed closely following some unknown force, and suffered life principle: not to ask the Lord for that, and thank, if the losses are not catastrophic.

- I am very happy with you. I love you. But if you agree to your piece of happiness, then who or what burst into tears? Son? Mother? Business? Forgive me, but - no.

Oleg sat silently beside him. Do not stir, and even, it seems, was not breathing.
- Of course, you can say I'm superstitious fool ...
- Why, - he said slowly. - Everything is logical. Only you entirely within me I did not understand. You thought I was a gift of fate. And I'm actually - real punishment. When we begin to live together, you will find that I am jealous and fussy eating habits. I am scattered throughout the apartment socks and never remember birthdays. And my mother? Yes, she will drink the blood of your glasses! I've been married three times, and three times she did divorce. Marry me, Vera, and you can no more boyatsya.via
