Without leaving home, these people suddenly found themselves abroad.
Without leaving home, these people suddenly found themselves abroad. In their new world was a different language and cruel laws.
Not bowed street German soldier? The commandant's waiting rod. Do not pay tax on windows, doors and a beard? Fine or arrest. Late for work? Shooting.
About how to survive during the Great Patriotic War simple Soviet people in the occupied territories of the enemy, "MK" in Peter "said Hist, author of" daily life in Russia during the Nazi occupation "Boris Kovalev.
Instead, Russia - Muscovy
- What were the plans of the Nazis about the Soviet Union?
- Hitler did not have great respect for the Soviet Union, he called him a colossus with feet of clay. In many ways, this dismissive attitude was associated with the events of the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940, when the little Finland for several months very successfully resisted the Soviet Union. And Hitler wanted to disappear very notion of "Russia". He has repeatedly said that the word "Russia" and "Russian" should forever destroy, replace the term "Muscovy" and "Moscow».
The case concerned and trivia. For example, there is a song "Volga-Volga, mother dear, Volga - Russian River." In it, a songbook published for the population of the occupied areas, the word "Russian" was changed to "strong." "Muscovy", according to the Nazis, was to occupy a relatively small area and consist of seven General Commissariat in Moscow, Tula, Gorky, Kazan, Ufa, Sverdlovsk and Kirov. Several areas of the Nazis were going to join the Baltic States (Novgorod and Smolensk) to Ukraine (Bryansk, Kursk, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Stavropol and Astrakhan). There were a lot of applicants and to our Northwest. For example, the Finnish rulers talked about the great Finland to the Urals. They are, incidentally, adversely treated Hitler's plans to destroy Leningrad. Why would it not be turned into a small Finnish town? The plans of the Latvian nationalists was to create a great Latvia, which would include the territory of the Leningrad region, the Novgorod, Pskov region.
- How the Germans treated the locals in the occupied territory?
- Jews were killed in the first days of the occupation. Remember the words of Hitler that "the Jews are a pack of hungry rats," in some places, they were destroyed under the guise of "disinfection". Thus, in September 1941 in the ghetto Nevel (Pskov region. - Ed.) German doctors set the flash scabies. To prevent further infection, the Germans shot 640 Jews and their houses burnt. Ruthlessly destroyed and children who have only one parent was a Jew. Local people explained that the mixing of Slavic and Jewish blood gives "the most toxic and dangerous shoots." The same subject and the mass extermination of the Gypsies. Sonderkommando recommended destroy them at once, "not clogging up the prison." But to the Estonians, Finns and Latvians Germans treated as allied to the population.
At the entrance to their village even had the inscription: "All the requisition is prohibited." And partisans called Estonian and Finnish village fraternal guerrilla graves. Why? Here is an example. Alexander the Good, one of the participants in the fighting in North-West Russia, recalls that when the Germans came to the Volkhov river in one of the villages located Finnish regimental headquarters of the Red Army. And suddenly all the local people together ventured wash, hang white sheets everywhere. After that all Finns quietly left the village. Our realized that something was amiss. And ten minutes after leaving the headquarters of the village, beginning of the German bombing. As for the Russian, the Nazis considered them standing at the lowest level of human civilization, and fit only to meet the needs of the winners.
Sick children at the "service" of the Nazis
- In occupied territory worked schools? Or the Nazis believed that the Russian education to anything?
- Schools were. But the Germans believe that the main task of the Russian school should not be to the training of students, but only in the education of obedience and discipline. In all schools necessarily hung portraits of Adolf Hitler, and classes begin with "thanksgiving words Velikogermanii Fuhrer." Russian language translation of a book about how kind and good, Hitler, how much he does for the children. If during the Soviet era five years girl climbed on a stool and heartfelt read, "I am a little girl, play and sing. I did not see Stalin, but I love him, "then in 1942, the children recited before the German generals:" Thank you, eagles, German, fame wise leader! His head peasant low-low I'm getting at. " After reading the biography of Hitler, the pupils of 6-7 classes studied books like "At the root of the great hatred (essays on the Jewish question)" Gomel, and then had to prepare a report, for example, on the topic of "Jewish domination in the modern world».
- The Germans introduced new subjects in school?
- Naturally. Became mandatory classes on the Law of God. But history in high school was canceled. Of the foreign languages taught only German. What surprised me in the first years of the war, the students learned more from Soviet textbooks. However, there "black out" any mention of the party and the works of Jewish authors. Students themselves in class team sealed the paper all the party leaders.
- Corporal punishment in schools practiced?
- In some schools, this issue was discussed at the meetings of teachers. But discussions on the matter, as a rule, do not go. But corporal punishment for adults practiced. For example, in Smolensk in April 1942, the brewery was flogged five workers for what they voluntarily drank a mug of beer. And in Pavlovsk flogged with rods for disrespectful attitude towards the Germans, orders for non-compliance. Lydia Osipova in his book "Diary kollaborantki" describes such a case: Woman flogged for what she bowed to German soldiers. After the punishment she ran to complain about her boyfriend - Spanish soldiers. Incidentally, they were the more philanderers: never raped, but to persuade. Without further ado, she lifted her dress and showed the Spaniards Forge-Scarred their buttocks. After that infuriated the Spanish soldiers ran through the streets of Pavlovsk and began to beat the muzzle all oncoming Germans for what they so do the girls.
- Nazi Secret Service used in the exploration of our children or as saboteurs?
- Of course, yes. Recruitment scheme was very simple. Suitable child - miserable and hungry - picking "good" German uncle. He could say the teenager two or three warm words, feed or something to give. For example, shoes. After this, the child is offered a lift somewhere in the train station piece tola disguised as coal. Some children and used against their will. For example, in 1941 the Nazis seized near Pskov orphanage for children with delayed mental development.
Together with the German agents were sent to Leningrad and there managed to instill that soon on the plane will fly them mom. But for that they need to give a signal: shoot a beautiful pistol. Sick children were placed around critical facilities, in particular Badaevskie warehouses. During the German air raids they began lobbing rockets up and wait for moms ... Of course, in the occupied territory and created a special intelligence school for children and adolescents. As a rule, there were recruited children from orphanages in age from 13 to 17 years. Then they threw in the rear of the Red Army under the guise of beggars. The guys had to figure out the location and the number of our troops. It is understood that the child will sooner or later be arrested our special services. But it did not scare the Nazis. What kid can tell? And most importantly - do not feel sorry for him.
Prayer Hitler
- It's no secret that the Bolsheviks closed the church. And as to the religious life in the occupied territories, the Nazis treated?
- Indeed, by 1941 we have almost no churches. In Smolensk, for example, one part of the temple gave the believers, and in another - staged anti-religious museum. Imagine starting a service and at the same time members of the Komsomol wear any masks and start something to dance. Such anti-religious sabbath arranged in the walls of the temple. And despite the fact that by 1941 the Russian population, especially those living in rural areas, remained mostly religious. The Nazis decided to use this situation to their advantage. In the first years of the war they opened temples. Church pulpit was the ideal venue for propaganda. For example, priests strongly recommended sermons express loyalty to Hitler and the Third Reich.
The Nazis even extends such leaflets, prayer: "Adolf Hitler, you are our leader, thy name suggests awe at enemies may come your third empire. And let thy will be realized on earth ... "true attitude leaders of the Third Reich to the Christian religion was ambivalent. On the one hand, on the buckles of German soldiers was engraved: "God with us", but on the other - Hitler talks at dinner often said that he likes to Islam more than Christianity with its softness, the love of his neighbor, and with suspicious excuse me, national origin, Jesus Christ. And Hitler, incidentally, opposed a single Orthodox Church in Russia. He once said: "If they have there (in Russian villages. - Ed.) Will arise every witchcraft and satanic cults as blacks or the Indians, it will deserve every support. The more points, the USSR is torn apart, the better ».
- Germans viewed the church and the clergy as their potential allies?
- Yes. For example, priests occupied areas of the North-West received in August 1942, a secret circular, according to which they were required to identify the partisans and those parishioners who are against the Germans. But most of the priests did not perform these instructions. So, Georgy Sviridov - priest sat Rozhdestvenno Pushkin District of Leningrad region - actively helping Soviet prisoners of war, he organized the collection of items and products for the prisoners of the concentration camp in the village of Christmas. For me, the real heroes of that time - a simple village priest, insult, insults, maybe even who was imprisoned in the camps.
At the request of the villagers, they are not mindful of injuries, returned to the church in 1941 and prayed for the people in the Red Army, helped the partisans. Such priests Nazis killed. For example, near Pskov Nazis locked up in a temple priest and burned him alive. And in Leningrad father Fyodor Puzanov was not only a priest but also partisan scout. Already in the 60 years he confessed woman who cohabited during the war with the Germans. And so Father Fyodor perenervnichal that he had a heart attack. On his grave put a cross. At night, his friends came to the guerrillas, the cross was replaced with a bedside table with a red five-pointed star and wrote: "Hero-partisan, our brother Theodore." Morning again believers put a cross. And at night the guerrillas threw it again. That's the fate of his father Fyodor was.
- And as the locals refer to those priests who carry out the instructions of the Nazis?
- For example, a pop of the Pskov region in sermons praised the German invaders. And the majority of the population to be treated with contempt. Attended this church unity. There were false priests. Thus, the Provost of the Gatchina District Ivan amosite, a former KGB officer and Communist, was able to impersonate a priest who suffered from the Bolsheviks. Germans, he presented a certificate of exemption from the Kolyma. But there he was for bigamy, debauchery and drunkenness. Amosite very nastily behaved in relation to the ordinary father, who served in the village church. War, unfortunately, reveals in humans is not only the best but also the most heinous.
Taxes on beards, windows and doors
- How to live in the occupation of the common people, not traitors, not collaborators?
- As I told one woman in the occupation existed on the principle of "one day lived - and thank God." Russian used on most heavy physical work: building bridges, clearing roads. For example, residents and Oredezhskogo Tosno District worked on repairing roads and logging on peat from six o'clock in the morning until dark, and only receive 200 grams of bread a day. Those who worked slowly, sometimes shot. In a warning to others - publicly. In some companies, for example, in Bryansk, Orel or Smolensk, each worker is assigned a number. About the name and the speech did not go. Occupants attributed this reluctance to the population "mispronounce Russian names».
- A tax paying citizens?
- In 1941, it was announced that taxes will be no less than the Soviet. Then they added new charges, often offensive to the public: for example, by the beard, for dogs. In some areas, special taxes charged even for windows, doors and "excessive" furniture. To the best of taxpayers existed forms of encouragement: "leaders" get a bottle of vodka and five packs of tobacco. Old-age model district after the campaign to collect taxes gave the bike or yellowed. And the chief of the district in which there are no guerrillas and all work could present a cow or send a tourist trip to Germany. By the way, just as the most active and encouraging teachers.
In the Central State Archive of historical and political documents of St. Petersburg stored photos. On its front page in neat letters on the Russian and German languages displayed: "Russian teachers at the memory of the trip to Germany from the Propaganda Department of the city of Pskov." And below the inscription, which someone later made pencil: "Photography Russian bastards, which still awaits a guerrilla hand."
Kateryna Kuznetsova, photo pokazuha.ru

Not bowed street German soldier? The commandant's waiting rod. Do not pay tax on windows, doors and a beard? Fine or arrest. Late for work? Shooting.
About how to survive during the Great Patriotic War simple Soviet people in the occupied territories of the enemy, "MK" in Peter "said Hist, author of" daily life in Russia during the Nazi occupation "Boris Kovalev.
Instead, Russia - Muscovy
- What were the plans of the Nazis about the Soviet Union?
- Hitler did not have great respect for the Soviet Union, he called him a colossus with feet of clay. In many ways, this dismissive attitude was associated with the events of the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940, when the little Finland for several months very successfully resisted the Soviet Union. And Hitler wanted to disappear very notion of "Russia". He has repeatedly said that the word "Russia" and "Russian" should forever destroy, replace the term "Muscovy" and "Moscow».
The case concerned and trivia. For example, there is a song "Volga-Volga, mother dear, Volga - Russian River." In it, a songbook published for the population of the occupied areas, the word "Russian" was changed to "strong." "Muscovy", according to the Nazis, was to occupy a relatively small area and consist of seven General Commissariat in Moscow, Tula, Gorky, Kazan, Ufa, Sverdlovsk and Kirov. Several areas of the Nazis were going to join the Baltic States (Novgorod and Smolensk) to Ukraine (Bryansk, Kursk, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Stavropol and Astrakhan). There were a lot of applicants and to our Northwest. For example, the Finnish rulers talked about the great Finland to the Urals. They are, incidentally, adversely treated Hitler's plans to destroy Leningrad. Why would it not be turned into a small Finnish town? The plans of the Latvian nationalists was to create a great Latvia, which would include the territory of the Leningrad region, the Novgorod, Pskov region.
- How the Germans treated the locals in the occupied territory?
- Jews were killed in the first days of the occupation. Remember the words of Hitler that "the Jews are a pack of hungry rats," in some places, they were destroyed under the guise of "disinfection". Thus, in September 1941 in the ghetto Nevel (Pskov region. - Ed.) German doctors set the flash scabies. To prevent further infection, the Germans shot 640 Jews and their houses burnt. Ruthlessly destroyed and children who have only one parent was a Jew. Local people explained that the mixing of Slavic and Jewish blood gives "the most toxic and dangerous shoots." The same subject and the mass extermination of the Gypsies. Sonderkommando recommended destroy them at once, "not clogging up the prison." But to the Estonians, Finns and Latvians Germans treated as allied to the population.

At the entrance to their village even had the inscription: "All the requisition is prohibited." And partisans called Estonian and Finnish village fraternal guerrilla graves. Why? Here is an example. Alexander the Good, one of the participants in the fighting in North-West Russia, recalls that when the Germans came to the Volkhov river in one of the villages located Finnish regimental headquarters of the Red Army. And suddenly all the local people together ventured wash, hang white sheets everywhere. After that all Finns quietly left the village. Our realized that something was amiss. And ten minutes after leaving the headquarters of the village, beginning of the German bombing. As for the Russian, the Nazis considered them standing at the lowest level of human civilization, and fit only to meet the needs of the winners.
Sick children at the "service" of the Nazis
- In occupied territory worked schools? Or the Nazis believed that the Russian education to anything?
- Schools were. But the Germans believe that the main task of the Russian school should not be to the training of students, but only in the education of obedience and discipline. In all schools necessarily hung portraits of Adolf Hitler, and classes begin with "thanksgiving words Velikogermanii Fuhrer." Russian language translation of a book about how kind and good, Hitler, how much he does for the children. If during the Soviet era five years girl climbed on a stool and heartfelt read, "I am a little girl, play and sing. I did not see Stalin, but I love him, "then in 1942, the children recited before the German generals:" Thank you, eagles, German, fame wise leader! His head peasant low-low I'm getting at. " After reading the biography of Hitler, the pupils of 6-7 classes studied books like "At the root of the great hatred (essays on the Jewish question)" Gomel, and then had to prepare a report, for example, on the topic of "Jewish domination in the modern world».
- The Germans introduced new subjects in school?
- Naturally. Became mandatory classes on the Law of God. But history in high school was canceled. Of the foreign languages taught only German. What surprised me in the first years of the war, the students learned more from Soviet textbooks. However, there "black out" any mention of the party and the works of Jewish authors. Students themselves in class team sealed the paper all the party leaders.

- Corporal punishment in schools practiced?
- In some schools, this issue was discussed at the meetings of teachers. But discussions on the matter, as a rule, do not go. But corporal punishment for adults practiced. For example, in Smolensk in April 1942, the brewery was flogged five workers for what they voluntarily drank a mug of beer. And in Pavlovsk flogged with rods for disrespectful attitude towards the Germans, orders for non-compliance. Lydia Osipova in his book "Diary kollaborantki" describes such a case: Woman flogged for what she bowed to German soldiers. After the punishment she ran to complain about her boyfriend - Spanish soldiers. Incidentally, they were the more philanderers: never raped, but to persuade. Without further ado, she lifted her dress and showed the Spaniards Forge-Scarred their buttocks. After that infuriated the Spanish soldiers ran through the streets of Pavlovsk and began to beat the muzzle all oncoming Germans for what they so do the girls.
- Nazi Secret Service used in the exploration of our children or as saboteurs?
- Of course, yes. Recruitment scheme was very simple. Suitable child - miserable and hungry - picking "good" German uncle. He could say the teenager two or three warm words, feed or something to give. For example, shoes. After this, the child is offered a lift somewhere in the train station piece tola disguised as coal. Some children and used against their will. For example, in 1941 the Nazis seized near Pskov orphanage for children with delayed mental development.
Together with the German agents were sent to Leningrad and there managed to instill that soon on the plane will fly them mom. But for that they need to give a signal: shoot a beautiful pistol. Sick children were placed around critical facilities, in particular Badaevskie warehouses. During the German air raids they began lobbing rockets up and wait for moms ... Of course, in the occupied territory and created a special intelligence school for children and adolescents. As a rule, there were recruited children from orphanages in age from 13 to 17 years. Then they threw in the rear of the Red Army under the guise of beggars. The guys had to figure out the location and the number of our troops. It is understood that the child will sooner or later be arrested our special services. But it did not scare the Nazis. What kid can tell? And most importantly - do not feel sorry for him.
Prayer Hitler
- It's no secret that the Bolsheviks closed the church. And as to the religious life in the occupied territories, the Nazis treated?
- Indeed, by 1941 we have almost no churches. In Smolensk, for example, one part of the temple gave the believers, and in another - staged anti-religious museum. Imagine starting a service and at the same time members of the Komsomol wear any masks and start something to dance. Such anti-religious sabbath arranged in the walls of the temple. And despite the fact that by 1941 the Russian population, especially those living in rural areas, remained mostly religious. The Nazis decided to use this situation to their advantage. In the first years of the war they opened temples. Church pulpit was the ideal venue for propaganda. For example, priests strongly recommended sermons express loyalty to Hitler and the Third Reich.
The Nazis even extends such leaflets, prayer: "Adolf Hitler, you are our leader, thy name suggests awe at enemies may come your third empire. And let thy will be realized on earth ... "true attitude leaders of the Third Reich to the Christian religion was ambivalent. On the one hand, on the buckles of German soldiers was engraved: "God with us", but on the other - Hitler talks at dinner often said that he likes to Islam more than Christianity with its softness, the love of his neighbor, and with suspicious excuse me, national origin, Jesus Christ. And Hitler, incidentally, opposed a single Orthodox Church in Russia. He once said: "If they have there (in Russian villages. - Ed.) Will arise every witchcraft and satanic cults as blacks or the Indians, it will deserve every support. The more points, the USSR is torn apart, the better ».
- Germans viewed the church and the clergy as their potential allies?
- Yes. For example, priests occupied areas of the North-West received in August 1942, a secret circular, according to which they were required to identify the partisans and those parishioners who are against the Germans. But most of the priests did not perform these instructions. So, Georgy Sviridov - priest sat Rozhdestvenno Pushkin District of Leningrad region - actively helping Soviet prisoners of war, he organized the collection of items and products for the prisoners of the concentration camp in the village of Christmas. For me, the real heroes of that time - a simple village priest, insult, insults, maybe even who was imprisoned in the camps.
At the request of the villagers, they are not mindful of injuries, returned to the church in 1941 and prayed for the people in the Red Army, helped the partisans. Such priests Nazis killed. For example, near Pskov Nazis locked up in a temple priest and burned him alive. And in Leningrad father Fyodor Puzanov was not only a priest but also partisan scout. Already in the 60 years he confessed woman who cohabited during the war with the Germans. And so Father Fyodor perenervnichal that he had a heart attack. On his grave put a cross. At night, his friends came to the guerrillas, the cross was replaced with a bedside table with a red five-pointed star and wrote: "Hero-partisan, our brother Theodore." Morning again believers put a cross. And at night the guerrillas threw it again. That's the fate of his father Fyodor was.
- And as the locals refer to those priests who carry out the instructions of the Nazis?
- For example, a pop of the Pskov region in sermons praised the German invaders. And the majority of the population to be treated with contempt. Attended this church unity. There were false priests. Thus, the Provost of the Gatchina District Ivan amosite, a former KGB officer and Communist, was able to impersonate a priest who suffered from the Bolsheviks. Germans, he presented a certificate of exemption from the Kolyma. But there he was for bigamy, debauchery and drunkenness. Amosite very nastily behaved in relation to the ordinary father, who served in the village church. War, unfortunately, reveals in humans is not only the best but also the most heinous.
Taxes on beards, windows and doors
- How to live in the occupation of the common people, not traitors, not collaborators?
- As I told one woman in the occupation existed on the principle of "one day lived - and thank God." Russian used on most heavy physical work: building bridges, clearing roads. For example, residents and Oredezhskogo Tosno District worked on repairing roads and logging on peat from six o'clock in the morning until dark, and only receive 200 grams of bread a day. Those who worked slowly, sometimes shot. In a warning to others - publicly. In some companies, for example, in Bryansk, Orel or Smolensk, each worker is assigned a number. About the name and the speech did not go. Occupants attributed this reluctance to the population "mispronounce Russian names».
- A tax paying citizens?
- In 1941, it was announced that taxes will be no less than the Soviet. Then they added new charges, often offensive to the public: for example, by the beard, for dogs. In some areas, special taxes charged even for windows, doors and "excessive" furniture. To the best of taxpayers existed forms of encouragement: "leaders" get a bottle of vodka and five packs of tobacco. Old-age model district after the campaign to collect taxes gave the bike or yellowed. And the chief of the district in which there are no guerrillas and all work could present a cow or send a tourist trip to Germany. By the way, just as the most active and encouraging teachers.
In the Central State Archive of historical and political documents of St. Petersburg stored photos. On its front page in neat letters on the Russian and German languages displayed: "Russian teachers at the memory of the trip to Germany from the Propaganda Department of the city of Pskov." And below the inscription, which someone later made pencil: "Photography Russian bastards, which still awaits a guerrilla hand."
Kateryna Kuznetsova, photo pokazuha.ru