Secrets of education for young parents

“But abroad...” – young parents sigh dreary and try to apply foreign experience with all their might. parentage on their children. Adults probably like to compare everything. For unknown reasons, we consider our traditions not the best and most often we scold and ridicule. But although children abroad do not spit on food, our mothers (and they are already grandmothers!) also have a lot to learn. What we do subconsciously seems like a brilliant decision for parents in other countries.

Education and education of children today "Site" It will prove to you, dear readers, that our mothers and grandmothers knew and knew a lot about the world. parenting and education. These rules are time-tested, they are not known abroad, but sometimes they become the only true way to solve problems.

The rules of raising children from our mothers
  1. Taking care of the future mother
    At first glance, it seems that no one cares. pregnant. But if you dig deeper, the future mother has long been taken care of. There are many signs, superstitions and unwritten rules. All of them arose not for nothing, but to protect the mother and baby. Of course, today there are much fewer superstitious people, but everyone considers it their duty to ask the pregnant woman how things are and if everything is good.

    “Advisors” do it for the best of intentions! We have written on the subcortex that pregnant women need more care and rest. In America, the expectant mother is at work until the last day, and we have a decree, paid leave to care for a child under 3 years. Since childhood, children are taught that pregnant women are treated with care and respect. Another thing is that there are people unbred and living on the principle of “my house with the edge”. Good thing they're in the minority.

  2. Mom and baby
    We believe that a newborn is a delicate and fragile creature that needs care and care. Again, there are many superstitions associated with this (not showing the child to anyone before baptism). Abroad, the mother from the hospital is met by all relatives and arranges a magnificent festivities. But remember if you wanted to celebrate after. maternity discharge Or peace and quiet? There is a grain of common sense in our signs.

    In ancient Slavic traditions preserved the procedure postnatal swaddlingIt helps the new mom to accept her new status and “put her organs back in place.” This is a kind of psychological help, one of the ways to calm down, because childbirth is still stressful! Today, postpartum swaddling is once again becoming popular. And women who have gone through this only respond positively.

  3. Superfood.
    Our grandmothers invented it. healthy - porridge, which is customary to eat in the morning. English oatmeal, if you have tried it, will never compare with our fragrant porridge, and if not with butter. Our numerous soups, cereals, jelly and compotes are great for teaching adult food. And for children with allergies and gastritis - salvation. Abroad, for example, children under 3 years old eat food crushed with a blender. And as a result, almost all teenagers have problems with bite and walk with braces.

    Another superfood that you will not find abroad is kefir. The word itself comes from the Turkish "kaif" and means pleasure, pleasant feeling. And how useful is kefir! Since childhood, we are taught to eat healthy food.

    Of course, now bad eating habits displace useful. Again, we learn from experience. Abroad, children can have breakfast with burgers, cola and parents do not pay attention to this. But our mothers are closely watching the food. A child who does not eat the first, second and compote is always considered hungry.

  4. A hat and tights are holy.
    Abroad, children dress at their own discretion. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, it promises considerable health problems. Let mothers from all over the world grow their children on drafts, but the hat has not hurt anyone yet. Of course, there must be a reasonable approach to everything. No one talks about fur ooshankas all year round, but without a hat (Panama) in the sun is really dangerous.

    And tights are generally universal clothing for all occasions. Suitable for both boys and girls. Some tights replace pants, leggings and socks at the same time! Cover the back, do not allow clothes to be disheveled, so that the baby looks elegant, neat and feels comfortable.

  5. Grandma.
    Our grandmothers are always ready to help with children. They are always happy to meet their grandchildren. We are used to family help and are always ready to help our children. Abroad, grandparents live their lives. If you can count on help, it is only for a fee. But few people can afford the luxury of sitting at home with a child.

    In many countries, the mother goes to work 3 or 6 months after the birth of the child. Children from early childhood are given to kindergarten or left with a nanny. The help of our grandmothers is invaluable! They take care of their grandchildren for free. Don’t forget to thank your parents if they help you.

  6. Free time.
    Our mother can't be frightened by bad weather. Children should always walk. We know from childhood that fresh-air It’s useful, and we tell our children these words without thinking. No mother will sit still if the child is at the computer all day. And in Japan and the United States, for example, children spend around the clock in the virtual world.

    Walking in the fresh air is very useful, and you can not argue with this: the fact is scientifically proven. Walk - here you and hardening, and prevention of respiratory diseases, and a great way to get rid of nervous tension.

  7. Multifunctionality
    The average mother in our country can do anything. She can work at the same time. early childhoodStudents and teenagers, without losing their beauty and without quitting their jobs. To help do homework, cook, clean, and still be beautiful, feminine and sexy.

    Young mothers abroad do not burden themselves with housework. The appearance is not in the first place either. Even world stars can appear in public in stretched jeans or tracksuit, with a muzzle on his head and with the same uncooked children.

    But our woman will never go out in dirty clothes and unwashed head. Even if she has five children. It remains beautiful regardless of where it is going – to the store, restaurant, market or library. And kids should look good. We are not talking about fashionable clothes, makeup and heels, but about the habit of looking decent in any situation.

  8. Mom's a doctor.
    We have many traditional methods of treatment. They are passed down from generation to generation. Let modern medicine be skeptical of some of them, but it helps! Moms abroad will not come to mind to drink a child with tea with raspberries or gargle with chamomile. At the first symptoms of the disease, they flee to the hospital, where in 90% of cases the medicine is one for all - "Ibuprofen".

    Faced with a problem, our mothers study it and ways to solve it in all kinds of sources. The mother always stands up for the child, seeks a second opinion on an important issue and asks the doctor to explain why this method of treatment is chosen.

    Our mother will never stand by as an observer. She will do everything she can to help. These feminine qualities deserve respect. Appreciate and love your mothers!

Every day, young parents are confronted with parenting problems. When finding a way out of the situation is very difficult, you have to ask advice from mothers, grandmothers and flip through hundreds of pages of educational literature. Among the many methods and approaches, it is important to find a middle ground. The main thing is not to go about stereotypes, but to be guided by common sense.

Corporal punishment is still considered a very controversial issue in the upbringing of children. Many of us can remember a pretty slap from our parents. We grew up and thought it was normal. But the world has changed a lot since then. Violence against children should not be the norm. The new generation must believe in themselves and their rights.

What do you think? parenting difference here and abroad? Tell me everything you think in the comments! And don’t forget to show the article to your friends on social media.


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