Eurotrip on a motorcycle or the seven seas
There were 19 countries: Russia, Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Monaco, Switzerland, Italy, Vatican City, Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine, Moldova.
Have you seen the seven seas: the North Sea, the Mediterranean (Balearic, Ligurian, Tirenskogo Adriatic), Black, Azov
Description great as lay - I write
The upcoming trip loomed the longest and richest in the number of visited countries, cities, seas, etc. Well, of course, the most expensive. Despite this, the preparation for it started later than the previous. Visas and those received almost a week before departure.
Of course, not without its difficulties. Six weeks before the expected start ZserG`a taken to the ambulance - acute appendicitis. Then followed a complication of surgery and, as a consequence, the ban doctors to ride a motorcycle next couple of months.
However, for a couple of weeks before the start of ZserGu little relieved, and it was decided to go. "If anything, immediately go back," we decided.
True, ZserG not had "rolled-in" to the new TDM900, and start the day in the run was for him only the second exit on TDMke season. The first departure was a trip for a visa at a nearby Yekaterinburg.
Finally, after all the documents, things were stacked, to finish the route, and we were ready to leave.
Unlike previous visits, this year we laid things before, and decided to move out in the morning. It should be noted, all previous times were nominated out of the house, at best, an hour at 2pm.
Handing the keys to the apartment the parents and the instructions for the care of a hamster, early in the morning, the cool moved in a way pre-pasted on the tank brand new stickers with the flags of the countries that we had visited in previous years.
Overcoming trite to nausea road over the pass, at about 16:00 got to Ufa. Hardly had pulled away from the cafe, where we stayed for lunch - in the tail rests on our car with flashing lights DPS. Dragged behind wagons had no desire, and the sign overtaking prohibited nobody canceled ;-) turns out, we did not stop on request. After a short conversation, leaving the world, even without getting a penalty.
After another hour of clear and warm in the morning the weather began to deteriorate - the sky became blue-gray clouds, and then we all moved into the center of terrible rainstorm. Visibility immediately dropped to zero, absolutely all the cars stopped along the roadside cafes and. And we had to hide under the canopy cafe. When half an hour later rain verse throughout the asphalt covered by 5 cm water.
Rest of the day just went, stopping only to refuel.
Around 23:30 Chelyabinsk spent the night in 90 km from Kazan.
06.07.2011 - Day 2
The morning of the second day of warm and clear weather did not promise. We got up early, around 6:00. Gathering and breakfast, moved in at the beginning of the path of the eighth, and almost immediately came under the rain. Then another one under. Please only run. If last year it was broken, but this - almost all rolled brand new asphalt, except for small sections of road repair.
At 12:30 lunch and at 14:30 stopped to rest, opened a map ... and realized that cool miscalculated by leaps left too early and on the border with the pace of the day find ourselves in the 2 early opening date of the visa. We sat and thought, and decided to call in to the capital to visit his sister ZserG'a.
Under Vladimir took the first trouble with the bike - came off the left stick. Brakes. Building materials store is nearby, where a "rabid" money ("We have expensive set only sell for 45 rubles") get rich there missing keys. Then with the help of glue and tape the handle and fix it again put forward in the path.
Before Balashikha - almost without difficulty on the roads, not counting idiots in any who do not wish to give way, until they uprёshsya in the tail and horn.
From Balashikha more hour and a half wandering about 8-miballnym Moscow traffic jams home sister, 40 minutes in search of parking, 20 minutes more to persuasion to take the bike valet at night ... 150 rubles \ day! .. And everything, we are at home. Dinner, bed and shower.
07.07.2011 - Day 3
The whole day was spent in Moscow time, lay, lounging ... well, they passed the time in every way.
08.07.2011 - Day 4
As usual, early in the morning to knock in Moscow traffic jams, pull up on the Moscow-Minsk.
The route to the border with Belarus is ideal. The new smooth asphalt with bright markings. But almost immediately after the departure we were again covered with rain that accompanied us to the Smolensk. At first we just stopped to put on raincoats and hide bags, but soon needed one more stop - has died powered gps! At the same time, and dressed as the temperature dropped to 16 degrees. Reanimate navigator failed and drove on.
In the Smolensk we saw the sign "Katyn memorial complex" - 10 km. The one who flew open, Lech Kaczynski. Well, as we know, we have not reached. On this occasion, we decided to call in to the same time we still had a reserve.
The complex is quite interesting, but sometimes abandoned and is now actively repaired. There is also a Stolypin wagon, which transported ZK and memorials. Around the complex gustyuschy and impassable in places swampy, forest - Fritz had a hard time in his time.
After seeing the complex back to TDM. By this time, verse rain and even the sun came out. On this occasion, we decided to slightly poobsohnut, and at the same time to try to figure out what's wrong with the navigator. Analysis showed - a break in the wiring. Plastic with TDM sight, and repair. An hour later picking, with a knife, teeth and superglue job navigator managed to recover. And in time! Just at that time, how it worked, we caught up with rain, which we diligently went all the way to Smolensk. And with the first drops of rain started off in Belarus.
The border with neighboring state we have. And this means that there are no problems with customs. But the track is already paid. Along the way there are several posts, each of which we had to give 20 Russian rubles. A very humane price tag of several hundred kilometers of excellent slopes. The sun is shining, TDM flies. Very well ... but boring. ZserG complains that fresh here, there is no action. Nakarkat ....
To kill time, go to the Mir Castle - the most beautiful castle in Belarus, they even depicted on bills that already for Minsk. Getting to it is closer to 22:30. It plans to spend the night there and in the morning to explore the castle.
At the entrance to the Mir Castle we waited 2 news: firstly, in the castle festival roleplayers, and the whole area of the castle occupied their camp - huge fabric tents, and of the world itself here and there scurrying clowns, graphs, ladies, knights and priests. And secondly, when you try to put up a tent, it was found that it is not, somewhere along the way burned out and snapped fastening tent and jumped last somewhere on the track. How inappropriate!
So far examined where and how to mount burned out, we found that the way had lost two pistons that attaches the wing of a motorcycle. Fortunately, in the parking lot, we have attracted the attention of the bus drivers, who were brought here roleplayers, and just waited for the event. They are something, and we solve the problem - with a hammer, rubber tubes and upholstery fasteners for gazelles. Said system sdyuzhil 20 years, "and want to understand - not will deal».
Next question - a question the night. First, we still find donned our tent on the track, but, having driven a few tens of kilometers of track in darkness and fog blanketed the road, and threw his venture by switching to the search for a motel.
It was busy even more hopeless. The only hotel that we got on the track segment world-Minsk, had a marble reception desk, glass doors and fountains in the courtyard of the forged fence.
So quietly, around 00:30 local time and 3:30 - in Chelyabinsk, we drove to Minsk. Follow the signs found the closest hotel where we were ready to take over 13 euros from the nose. We decided to reside. However, the first had to solve the problem with parking. In the paid parking front of the hotel refused to take the bike, as it was the state, and the cashier had taken off. So we had to park right in front of the gates of the hotel. 09.07.2011 - Day 5
We got up later than usual, around 9:30 am local time. First of all went to the cafe. After 20 minutes to get 2 servings of ravioli - with spoons! Asked fork - got more and knives.
Next, we had to solve the most important problem today - to buy a new tent, and something for the bike. Not finding anything suitable in the nearest department store, we went to the GUM, where he purchased a tent for about 2500 rubles.
With the car shop was more difficult - on the occasion of the day all closed. Going to the market. There was no all, but it took almost 40 minutes to find everything you need, because the store "Parts" sold helmet and motoperchatki, and heat shrink tubing has only one stall in building the ranks. As it is seen ZserG: Outdoor 30. Mot stop at the construction market and ask Zhinkov buy shrinkable tubes of superglue and double-sided tape. The helmet is not rented, as cases it for 5 minutes. It takes about 40 minutes, I already obsideli flying bird, the accumulated for the year started to melt the fat, and the nearby homeless began to take their own. Comes Irina. Brings 10 meters shrinkable tubing, superglue and means for sealing joints in the bathroom. I was eloquent but discreet ...
Finally, closer to the dinner, again go to the world to watch the castle and knights tournament.
Parked in the world is yesterday's drivers are renting their equipment to store and go to the castle. It soon became clear that the entrance to the castle paid for all but the participants of the tournament, and the price tag is quite merciless. Pretend to be "their" knights armor issuing equipment, also did not work, so we had to detour through a rickety bridge downstream.
Stroll through the castle returned to the TDM. First, again we wanted to spend the night in the world, but then decided to still go to Brest, on the border to the first rays of the sun pass to go capitalist. And at the same time enjoy "Brest potatoes", the one that so pleased ZserG'u last year.
Near the cafe, 10 meters from the border, we suddenly someone called. It turned out to Dima, our old friend from Zhigelёvska, the same Dima on FJRe, with whom we met two years ago on the Azov. He and his wife, too, going to Europe, and also tomorrow. And also came ahead and spend the night in Brest. We go for a ride, and saw a familiar bike, and then a familiar area on the license plate of a motorcycle. Chat, sfotkalis memory, they shared their plans, and the guys left. And we went to look for a hotel.
On the way to the familiar hotel "Bug" we decided to call the museum of steam locomotives, one in which we did not get last year. When we arrived, the museum was closed now as 2:00. But we do not have time to feel the pain - because the wicket keeper looked out and offered to let us in just 5000 BYR (on the strength of a bottle of beer the average). He even showed us something in a museum, having a mini-tour. And this time, our bike was resting peacefully in the courtyard of the museum, next to the larger iron horses.
But the most interesting waited ahead. When we were ready to head for the exit, a strange kind of caretaker asked softly, not decided whether we will overnight. We would then get wind of the catch and tear the claws in the home and the quiet Bug, but no! We proposed general caretaker coach of the last century, with the cabinet and two compartments seemed to us more attractive for the night. More would spend the night in a museum! ...
Smartly drove into town for some of my food for dinner, we pulled out of the coffer two sleeping bags and went to settle in the general's car. From that moment began the most terrible night for the whole trip.
It all started with the fact that the caretaker met us on his return from a few discouraging question: "Do you believe in God?". At first we did not betray this value, because they were busy unpacking luggage. But when we went to the car, he had come with us, and soon we realized that we ran into a lecture about God and religion. Sam was the son of a peasant Old Believers from Siberia, but believe - attention! - In the prophet Negro from America! And even listened to his sermons on its an old player, although the English did not own any. The following 2 hours, we were sitting in unlit coupe of the last century, and in the darkness listening circles parable of the sower, and that God is within each of us. Now it is clear why he invited us to spend the night - he needed listeners. Irina soon start to doze quietly, leaning against the window, and tried every way to minimize ZserG conversation. The climax of all this horror was the statement by a peasant that all the troubles in the Middle East are underway for Vatican ... because that is where a hotbed of universal evil. And only when the Russian (and our country in this regard a special mission, we are God's chosen) will understand and sharahnet did the Vatican missiles "Tomahawk" with a nuclear warhead, that's when the world will be peace and tranquility. Such nonsense and want, and you can imagine!
Finally, about one in the morning a man left us alone. We hastily bite, spread out sleeping bags and lay down on the floor. But here, we could not sleep! First it turned out that sleep on the hard floor sooooo uncomfortable. Very soon we will lie down all the sides, and it does not povernёshsya - insidious board dig into the body and do not give sleep. And secondly, we were attacked by hordes just myriads of mosquitoes! The car was very stuffy in the sleeping bag - incredibly hot. But it was enough to stick your finger out of it at least, he was immediately attacked by a couple of bloodsuckers. The rest of the time they tried to starve the nose and broadening the only thing sticking out of the sleeping bag. Create a strong sense that the last time they ate the very general, and since, in the absence of other cases, simply bred exponentially and waited victim. Closer to 02: 00-03: 00 on the floor reached suffocating smell ... the toilet! Just what we were missing. As it turned out in the morning, right next to the car was a pond that bloomed. Well, night blooming water evaporation from the entered yet into our compartment.
By this time Irina was ready to fall apart and stomp on the border, the number of benefit formal 10e - the opening day of visas - has already arrived.
Instead, we bravely decided to doterpet until morning. To somehow escape the smell, we decided to climb on chairs, and lie across them. In total, the study was ryadochka 2 chairs - from 3 and 4 chairs. I had to be laid directly on the antiques. A little higher up the smell is not felt so strongly, and had to lie softly. Against these advantages once Merck fact that both hung up. So, around 3:00, we finally managed to doze off a little bit.
10.07.2011 - Day 6
In the morning nightmares continued. According to our agreement, we would have to leave the territory of the museum before 07:30, as the change of ends at 08:00 our ranger, and his partner comes.
Service was at 06:30 but at 06:00 we were awakened ... hacking howl, directly under the windows of our cars. They jumped up and rushed to the window and found that our ranger for a morning hymns directly on the shore of the pond, that is strictly under our windows. Evil and broken, with otlёzhennymi sides and mosquito bitten noses, we began to gather in a way. Our friendly caretaker, meanwhile, decided to continue the interrupted the day before the lecture. Besides, for the night, he had to prepare us something what Literary, sermons, and even print your mailing address, just in case. And the whole time that we were going to, dressed, washed and laid things he went for us and, without changing the rate of speech or tone, monotone and very boring gnaw our brains tales of his church. Finally things were stacked. We skedaddle to the border so that only your heels sparkled! Truly, a night in a museum!
Flew to the border in a few minutes. Before the low refueled abroad (especially in comparison to the upcoming European price tags) with gasoline, and set off across the border.
After standing in line for half an hour to mark the shift change at the post, and met all of the same Dima on FJRe with Zhiguliovsk, which saw yesterday, for a total of an hour are crossing the border. Hello Europe. We in Poland!
Has stood on the border, a peasant from the car behind us told us about the speed limits in Poland - 90 km / h, maximum - 95, and about the fines of 50 euros. And the first Key for Poland, we have to feel sick within a hundred km / h. Moreover, almost all of us overtake! After watching a bit of the machines, we have not been able to understand the principle of the selection speeding. Limiting the kind of 90, sometimes hanging limit signs to 80, 70 and even 50. But constantly someone who is flying safely and 140. And it was not one, and in general, they were not like the street racers - ordinary citizens on conventional machines. As a rule, such drivers, we were linked and flew briefly to the first camera or radar, of which there in an incredible abundance.
But the asphalt is much better even than in Belarus. Asphalt bad sectors only in the most impoverished villages.
We go further.
Oh, no!
We go further.
We're home.
Have you seen the seven seas: the North Sea, the Mediterranean (Balearic, Ligurian, Tirenskogo Adriatic), Black, Azov
Description great as lay - I write

The upcoming trip loomed the longest and richest in the number of visited countries, cities, seas, etc. Well, of course, the most expensive. Despite this, the preparation for it started later than the previous. Visas and those received almost a week before departure.
Of course, not without its difficulties. Six weeks before the expected start ZserG`a taken to the ambulance - acute appendicitis. Then followed a complication of surgery and, as a consequence, the ban doctors to ride a motorcycle next couple of months.
However, for a couple of weeks before the start of ZserGu little relieved, and it was decided to go. "If anything, immediately go back," we decided.
True, ZserG not had "rolled-in" to the new TDM900, and start the day in the run was for him only the second exit on TDMke season. The first departure was a trip for a visa at a nearby Yekaterinburg.
Finally, after all the documents, things were stacked, to finish the route, and we were ready to leave.

Unlike previous visits, this year we laid things before, and decided to move out in the morning. It should be noted, all previous times were nominated out of the house, at best, an hour at 2pm.
Handing the keys to the apartment the parents and the instructions for the care of a hamster, early in the morning, the cool moved in a way pre-pasted on the tank brand new stickers with the flags of the countries that we had visited in previous years.
Overcoming trite to nausea road over the pass, at about 16:00 got to Ufa. Hardly had pulled away from the cafe, where we stayed for lunch - in the tail rests on our car with flashing lights DPS. Dragged behind wagons had no desire, and the sign overtaking prohibited nobody canceled ;-) turns out, we did not stop on request. After a short conversation, leaving the world, even without getting a penalty.
After another hour of clear and warm in the morning the weather began to deteriorate - the sky became blue-gray clouds, and then we all moved into the center of terrible rainstorm. Visibility immediately dropped to zero, absolutely all the cars stopped along the roadside cafes and. And we had to hide under the canopy cafe. When half an hour later rain verse throughout the asphalt covered by 5 cm water.
Rest of the day just went, stopping only to refuel.
Around 23:30 Chelyabinsk spent the night in 90 km from Kazan.

06.07.2011 - Day 2
The morning of the second day of warm and clear weather did not promise. We got up early, around 6:00. Gathering and breakfast, moved in at the beginning of the path of the eighth, and almost immediately came under the rain. Then another one under. Please only run. If last year it was broken, but this - almost all rolled brand new asphalt, except for small sections of road repair.
At 12:30 lunch and at 14:30 stopped to rest, opened a map ... and realized that cool miscalculated by leaps left too early and on the border with the pace of the day find ourselves in the 2 early opening date of the visa. We sat and thought, and decided to call in to the capital to visit his sister ZserG'a.
Under Vladimir took the first trouble with the bike - came off the left stick. Brakes. Building materials store is nearby, where a "rabid" money ("We have expensive set only sell for 45 rubles") get rich there missing keys. Then with the help of glue and tape the handle and fix it again put forward in the path.
Before Balashikha - almost without difficulty on the roads, not counting idiots in any who do not wish to give way, until they uprёshsya in the tail and horn.
From Balashikha more hour and a half wandering about 8-miballnym Moscow traffic jams home sister, 40 minutes in search of parking, 20 minutes more to persuasion to take the bike valet at night ... 150 rubles \ day! .. And everything, we are at home. Dinner, bed and shower.

07.07.2011 - Day 3
The whole day was spent in Moscow time, lay, lounging ... well, they passed the time in every way.
08.07.2011 - Day 4
As usual, early in the morning to knock in Moscow traffic jams, pull up on the Moscow-Minsk.
The route to the border with Belarus is ideal. The new smooth asphalt with bright markings. But almost immediately after the departure we were again covered with rain that accompanied us to the Smolensk. At first we just stopped to put on raincoats and hide bags, but soon needed one more stop - has died powered gps! At the same time, and dressed as the temperature dropped to 16 degrees. Reanimate navigator failed and drove on.

In the Smolensk we saw the sign "Katyn memorial complex" - 10 km. The one who flew open, Lech Kaczynski. Well, as we know, we have not reached. On this occasion, we decided to call in to the same time we still had a reserve.
The complex is quite interesting, but sometimes abandoned and is now actively repaired. There is also a Stolypin wagon, which transported ZK and memorials. Around the complex gustyuschy and impassable in places swampy, forest - Fritz had a hard time in his time.

After seeing the complex back to TDM. By this time, verse rain and even the sun came out. On this occasion, we decided to slightly poobsohnut, and at the same time to try to figure out what's wrong with the navigator. Analysis showed - a break in the wiring. Plastic with TDM sight, and repair. An hour later picking, with a knife, teeth and superglue job navigator managed to recover. And in time! Just at that time, how it worked, we caught up with rain, which we diligently went all the way to Smolensk. And with the first drops of rain started off in Belarus.

The border with neighboring state we have. And this means that there are no problems with customs. But the track is already paid. Along the way there are several posts, each of which we had to give 20 Russian rubles. A very humane price tag of several hundred kilometers of excellent slopes. The sun is shining, TDM flies. Very well ... but boring. ZserG complains that fresh here, there is no action. Nakarkat ....
To kill time, go to the Mir Castle - the most beautiful castle in Belarus, they even depicted on bills that already for Minsk. Getting to it is closer to 22:30. It plans to spend the night there and in the morning to explore the castle.
At the entrance to the Mir Castle we waited 2 news: firstly, in the castle festival roleplayers, and the whole area of the castle occupied their camp - huge fabric tents, and of the world itself here and there scurrying clowns, graphs, ladies, knights and priests. And secondly, when you try to put up a tent, it was found that it is not, somewhere along the way burned out and snapped fastening tent and jumped last somewhere on the track. How inappropriate!
So far examined where and how to mount burned out, we found that the way had lost two pistons that attaches the wing of a motorcycle. Fortunately, in the parking lot, we have attracted the attention of the bus drivers, who were brought here roleplayers, and just waited for the event. They are something, and we solve the problem - with a hammer, rubber tubes and upholstery fasteners for gazelles. Said system sdyuzhil 20 years, "and want to understand - not will deal».
Next question - a question the night. First, we still find donned our tent on the track, but, having driven a few tens of kilometers of track in darkness and fog blanketed the road, and threw his venture by switching to the search for a motel.
It was busy even more hopeless. The only hotel that we got on the track segment world-Minsk, had a marble reception desk, glass doors and fountains in the courtyard of the forged fence.
So quietly, around 00:30 local time and 3:30 - in Chelyabinsk, we drove to Minsk. Follow the signs found the closest hotel where we were ready to take over 13 euros from the nose. We decided to reside. However, the first had to solve the problem with parking. In the paid parking front of the hotel refused to take the bike, as it was the state, and the cashier had taken off. So we had to park right in front of the gates of the hotel. 09.07.2011 - Day 5
We got up later than usual, around 9:30 am local time. First of all went to the cafe. After 20 minutes to get 2 servings of ravioli - with spoons! Asked fork - got more and knives.
Next, we had to solve the most important problem today - to buy a new tent, and something for the bike. Not finding anything suitable in the nearest department store, we went to the GUM, where he purchased a tent for about 2500 rubles.
With the car shop was more difficult - on the occasion of the day all closed. Going to the market. There was no all, but it took almost 40 minutes to find everything you need, because the store "Parts" sold helmet and motoperchatki, and heat shrink tubing has only one stall in building the ranks. As it is seen ZserG: Outdoor 30. Mot stop at the construction market and ask Zhinkov buy shrinkable tubes of superglue and double-sided tape. The helmet is not rented, as cases it for 5 minutes. It takes about 40 minutes, I already obsideli flying bird, the accumulated for the year started to melt the fat, and the nearby homeless began to take their own. Comes Irina. Brings 10 meters shrinkable tubing, superglue and means for sealing joints in the bathroom. I was eloquent but discreet ...

Finally, closer to the dinner, again go to the world to watch the castle and knights tournament.
Parked in the world is yesterday's drivers are renting their equipment to store and go to the castle. It soon became clear that the entrance to the castle paid for all but the participants of the tournament, and the price tag is quite merciless. Pretend to be "their" knights armor issuing equipment, also did not work, so we had to detour through a rickety bridge downstream.

Stroll through the castle returned to the TDM. First, again we wanted to spend the night in the world, but then decided to still go to Brest, on the border to the first rays of the sun pass to go capitalist. And at the same time enjoy "Brest potatoes", the one that so pleased ZserG'u last year.
Near the cafe, 10 meters from the border, we suddenly someone called. It turned out to Dima, our old friend from Zhigelёvska, the same Dima on FJRe, with whom we met two years ago on the Azov. He and his wife, too, going to Europe, and also tomorrow. And also came ahead and spend the night in Brest. We go for a ride, and saw a familiar bike, and then a familiar area on the license plate of a motorcycle. Chat, sfotkalis memory, they shared their plans, and the guys left. And we went to look for a hotel.
On the way to the familiar hotel "Bug" we decided to call the museum of steam locomotives, one in which we did not get last year. When we arrived, the museum was closed now as 2:00. But we do not have time to feel the pain - because the wicket keeper looked out and offered to let us in just 5000 BYR (on the strength of a bottle of beer the average). He even showed us something in a museum, having a mini-tour. And this time, our bike was resting peacefully in the courtyard of the museum, next to the larger iron horses.

But the most interesting waited ahead. When we were ready to head for the exit, a strange kind of caretaker asked softly, not decided whether we will overnight. We would then get wind of the catch and tear the claws in the home and the quiet Bug, but no! We proposed general caretaker coach of the last century, with the cabinet and two compartments seemed to us more attractive for the night. More would spend the night in a museum! ...
Smartly drove into town for some of my food for dinner, we pulled out of the coffer two sleeping bags and went to settle in the general's car. From that moment began the most terrible night for the whole trip.
It all started with the fact that the caretaker met us on his return from a few discouraging question: "Do you believe in God?". At first we did not betray this value, because they were busy unpacking luggage. But when we went to the car, he had come with us, and soon we realized that we ran into a lecture about God and religion. Sam was the son of a peasant Old Believers from Siberia, but believe - attention! - In the prophet Negro from America! And even listened to his sermons on its an old player, although the English did not own any. The following 2 hours, we were sitting in unlit coupe of the last century, and in the darkness listening circles parable of the sower, and that God is within each of us. Now it is clear why he invited us to spend the night - he needed listeners. Irina soon start to doze quietly, leaning against the window, and tried every way to minimize ZserG conversation. The climax of all this horror was the statement by a peasant that all the troubles in the Middle East are underway for Vatican ... because that is where a hotbed of universal evil. And only when the Russian (and our country in this regard a special mission, we are God's chosen) will understand and sharahnet did the Vatican missiles "Tomahawk" with a nuclear warhead, that's when the world will be peace and tranquility. Such nonsense and want, and you can imagine!
Finally, about one in the morning a man left us alone. We hastily bite, spread out sleeping bags and lay down on the floor. But here, we could not sleep! First it turned out that sleep on the hard floor sooooo uncomfortable. Very soon we will lie down all the sides, and it does not povernёshsya - insidious board dig into the body and do not give sleep. And secondly, we were attacked by hordes just myriads of mosquitoes! The car was very stuffy in the sleeping bag - incredibly hot. But it was enough to stick your finger out of it at least, he was immediately attacked by a couple of bloodsuckers. The rest of the time they tried to starve the nose and broadening the only thing sticking out of the sleeping bag. Create a strong sense that the last time they ate the very general, and since, in the absence of other cases, simply bred exponentially and waited victim. Closer to 02: 00-03: 00 on the floor reached suffocating smell ... the toilet! Just what we were missing. As it turned out in the morning, right next to the car was a pond that bloomed. Well, night blooming water evaporation from the entered yet into our compartment.
By this time Irina was ready to fall apart and stomp on the border, the number of benefit formal 10e - the opening day of visas - has already arrived.
Instead, we bravely decided to doterpet until morning. To somehow escape the smell, we decided to climb on chairs, and lie across them. In total, the study was ryadochka 2 chairs - from 3 and 4 chairs. I had to be laid directly on the antiques. A little higher up the smell is not felt so strongly, and had to lie softly. Against these advantages once Merck fact that both hung up. So, around 3:00, we finally managed to doze off a little bit.

10.07.2011 - Day 6
In the morning nightmares continued. According to our agreement, we would have to leave the territory of the museum before 07:30, as the change of ends at 08:00 our ranger, and his partner comes.
Service was at 06:30 but at 06:00 we were awakened ... hacking howl, directly under the windows of our cars. They jumped up and rushed to the window and found that our ranger for a morning hymns directly on the shore of the pond, that is strictly under our windows. Evil and broken, with otlёzhennymi sides and mosquito bitten noses, we began to gather in a way. Our friendly caretaker, meanwhile, decided to continue the interrupted the day before the lecture. Besides, for the night, he had to prepare us something what Literary, sermons, and even print your mailing address, just in case. And the whole time that we were going to, dressed, washed and laid things he went for us and, without changing the rate of speech or tone, monotone and very boring gnaw our brains tales of his church. Finally things were stacked. We skedaddle to the border so that only your heels sparkled! Truly, a night in a museum!
Flew to the border in a few minutes. Before the low refueled abroad (especially in comparison to the upcoming European price tags) with gasoline, and set off across the border.
After standing in line for half an hour to mark the shift change at the post, and met all of the same Dima on FJRe with Zhiguliovsk, which saw yesterday, for a total of an hour are crossing the border. Hello Europe. We in Poland!

Has stood on the border, a peasant from the car behind us told us about the speed limits in Poland - 90 km / h, maximum - 95, and about the fines of 50 euros. And the first Key for Poland, we have to feel sick within a hundred km / h. Moreover, almost all of us overtake! After watching a bit of the machines, we have not been able to understand the principle of the selection speeding. Limiting the kind of 90, sometimes hanging limit signs to 80, 70 and even 50. But constantly someone who is flying safely and 140. And it was not one, and in general, they were not like the street racers - ordinary citizens on conventional machines. As a rule, such drivers, we were linked and flew briefly to the first camera or radar, of which there in an incredible abundance.
But the asphalt is much better even than in Belarus. Asphalt bad sectors only in the most impoverished villages.
We go further.
Oh, no!
We go further.
We're home.