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Spiral gymnastics — amazing healing of the body

Fundamental physics States that any existing system to seek the lowest energy cost with maximum functionality. Under the simultaneous influence of the Forces of Extension (Heterosexual), and Compression (Homo), the physical structure can't easily move in a straight line or in a circle. The only energetically favorable, balanced, optimal motion form of matter is the movement of the spiral.

Spiral, creating a compromise between a line and a circle, translates the movement from plane to three-dimensional volume. The movement of the spiral is manifested in the structure of the DNA molecule, the shape of a flower, galaxy or Typhoon. In the human body spiral is manifested in the structure of bones, organs, blood vessels, and nerve fibers.

One of the most important tissues, where there is a spiral model of construction is the fascia. Fascia surrounds and connects in a single whole muscular and skeletal system and the organs and the vascular-nervous formations. Participating in many processes of life, the fascia due to the redistribution of loads, the local stresses and compression – affect the state of blood flow, transmission of nerve impulses, functioning of various organs and body parts.

A particularly big impact fascia has on the condition of the spine. It is due to the pathological condition of fascia are held displacement of the vertebrae, appear neurological disorders. The liver, intestines, heart, also depends on the state of the fascial system.

From the standpoint of the energy structure of the body fascia on the physical level reflects the state of the Spiral Energeticheskoi System is the most significant subtle unit of the human body.


One of the unique features of the spiral energy of the system is the close relationship through the fascia with the joints of the physical body. Performing certain sequences of joint movements, we can influence the condition of a spiral system, to change the movement of energy flows, balancing the work of the related structures. So, through movements of joints, it is possible to normalize not only the spine but also of individual organs and even systems of the body.

After three minutes, perform medical twisting exercises reduced the severity alarming symptom, the pain goes away, it will improve the function.

General rules and guidelines for using exercises spiral exercises.

All motion is spiral gymnastics is easy enough to unlearn and do not require when performing special physical strength or flexibility. Start small and increase the load gradually, it will be a good key to Your success.

If you look at any complex spiral gymnastics, developed by Professor Park Jae Woo, you notice that all the exercises are divided into four stages (phases) each of which contains four sets of four movements.

Every time performing exercises, our body for a short time passes through the stages of birth, sustenance, transformation, perfection, renewed and restored. Moving from NATO to the Heterosexual, then to Homo, and ending natro form of motion – trenchline model in one form or another, recurs in all the stages and in the four movements of each complex.


NATO movements are of small amplitude, slowly, gently, smoothly, almost imperceptibly implemented. Reflecting the quality of NATO power, they are like the flower Bud, which is ready about to open up, but not yet decided. Bud closed, but inside of him, ripples on the surface boils a giant force of the future birth.

Heterosexual movement – linear, have large amplitude, fast, choppy. Heterosexual strive to escape from the source, to manifest itself. The glory, the greatness, the brightness is reflected in the Heterosexual movement.

Homo movements are slow, focused circle. They would envelop me, pull up to the center, return to oblivion, in a dream Universe. Conservatism, unwillingness to change are present in them. But there are stability and certainty.

Neutro movement movement perfection. Their amplitude is maximum but harmonious. No poristosti, no slowness. Evenness, smoothness, and power – filled Neutro movement. The main form Neutro – a compromise between the line and the circle – spiral shape. Maximum launching into the work spiral energy network – Neutro achieves the optimal functioning of the physical and energy levels of the body.

Of course, it is possible to perform a spiral gymnastics and without any emphasis on internal philosophical principles, just learning and repeating the movement. It will also be effective, because regardless of our understanding, the right moves will work. However, if our consciousness is present in the exercise if we understand what, how, why and what is done to the physical effects connected more subtle effects of psycho-energy.

Just basic complex spiral gymnastics present sixty-four movement — the four stages in sixteen movements.

During the development of spiral gymnastics it is advisable to start with learning the basic complex for the entire body. It will require a few hours for the sake of mastering of movements and a few more days for consolidation.

If you run at least four approaches full basic package per day, which will take from ten to fifteen minutes depending on the tempo run, in one week you can fully develop a complex and feel a good result.

If someone, because of age or existing disease, it is difficult to carry out a set standing (Straight version), there are embodiments of the spiral gymnastics in a sit position (Homo) and lying (NATO version) – giving as good health effects.

When performing any form of a spiral gymnastics, it is important to use only quality traffic, and if it is difficult to stoop or straighten up – only to designate the movement in available body part. This is not a violation of the methodology, on the contrary, starting small and as you continue to practice, the body acquires much greater opportunities, filled with strength that seemed unreal a few early lessons, it becomes easily achievable after a few weeks.

Besides the above described basic algorithms for spiral gymnastics, there are easier methods of twist gymnastics in eight directions and gymnastics free (NATO) movement.

Basic gymnastics complex.


There are three versions of the twist of the exercises in the standing position

1) Linear (standard) an embodiment of a complex twist movements – refers to a Heterosexual style of performance.

2) a Circular embodiment of the twist movements in which the movements are performed in a circle in the shape of the infinity sign refers to Homo-style.

3) Spiral embodiment of the twist movements – refers to Neutra-style.

All versions of the complex twist-exercises in standing, in addition to the features of the trajectory of the hands, repeat the motion standard (linear) form, which includes four stages four process four movements.

Standard complex linear twist gymnastics in the standing position. (Base style).

A. First stage – NATO.

When you perform a basic twist moves the first stage (see pictures) hands are twisted, rotated around its axis in the same direction as the body. For example, when twisting (rotation) of the body to the left, which corresponds to the left twist body, both hands is also making a left twist. If the body makes the right twist, making a right hand twist. Depending on the shape of the movement, changing the amplitude of the movements of the hands, the level of flexion and extension of the body.

1) Four NATO-motion

Take your original standing position. Hands hanging freely along the body. If possible, perform exercises, turning thy face to the East (the rising of the sun and its movement from East to West, represent the maximum content of the active energy of life, which are of great importance in the Chinese and Korean systems of healing).

Inner sight inspect every part of your body, feel every part of him, muscle, bone, joint, organ, activating the work of our brain, the motor center to create a "flow of attention" to the correct, harmonious exercise.

Smile at her body, smiling the world, positive emotions allow us to more perfectly work endocrine and nervous system.

Do three deep breaths and exhale.

Hands, but their body do the left twist, right twist, then twist left and right twist to "one, two, three, four." Hands move quietly and smoothly, without significant effort.


2) Four Straight movement

Hands, head and torso make a left twist to the left-upper direction and a right twist at the right-bottom direction. Movements are performed at the expense of "five, six, seven, eight".


3) Four Homo-motion

Hands, head and torso make a left twist to left-bottom direction and the right twist at the right-upper direction. Movements are performed at the expense of "two, two, three, four."


4) Four Neutro-motion

Hands in the top position, moving parallel to each other, describe the trajectory of the infinity sign (horizontal figure eight). The hands move first the left, then in the right direction. While the hands change the direction of twist from the left to the right. Movements are performed at the expense of "five, six, seven, eight".


B. the Second stage (diagonal and rotational twist movement) – Heterosexual.

Diagonal movement of the second stage significantly exceed the amplitude of the exercises of the first stage, while the arms and body do twist in one direction (as in the first stage).

1) Four NATO movement

Begin the exercises by positioning hands horizontally at shoulder level.

Hands, but their body do the left twist, right twist, then twist left and right twist to "one, two, three, four."


2) Four Heterosexual movement

Hands, head and torso make a left twist to the left-upper direction, descend, passing through the Central bottom position and make the right twist at the right-upper direction. Form of movement similar to the English letter V (tick). Movements are performed at the expense of "five, six, seven, eight".


3) Four Homo movement

Arms, legs, torso slightly bent and make a left twist to left-bottom direction and the right twist at the right-bottom direction. Moving from position to position, the body slightly bent. Form of motion similar to an inverted English letter V. the Movements are performed at the expense of "two, two, three, four."


4) Four Neutro movement

Hands on the horizontal level travel in the form of infinity sign (horizontal figure eight) with a maximum amplitude. Hands follow parallel to each other from the beginning left, then right, changing the direction of the twist from the left to the right. Movements are performed at the expense of "five, six, seven, eight".


V. Third stage (diagonal and rotational twist movement) is a Homo.

Contrast, diagonal movements of the third stage is that when performing a diagonal twist-movements of the hands are twisted in the opposite direction to that in which the body twist (reverse twist). For example, when making the body left twist, both hands also amputated, go for the body, but rolled along its longitudinal axis to the right, performing a right twist. When the body makes the right twist, both hands turned to the right, doing a left twist.

1) Four NATO movement

Hands, head and torso perform the twisting motion in the upper-right-rear and left-lower-front directions. The arms, moving from the top position to the bottom, twice changing the direction of the twist: in the middle of the diagonal, twist right changes to left, and at the end of the diagonal arms up again perform a right twist. At the end of NATO-hand movements are located in the upper-right-back position. Movements are performed at the expense of "one, two, three, four."


2) Four Heterosexual movement

Hands, head and torso perform torsional movements in the left-ohne-rear and right-lower-front directions. When you move to the left-upper-rear position, the hands are doing right twist. Moving to the right-lower-front position - left twist. Movements are performed at the expense of "five, six, seven, eight".


3) Four Homo movement

Hands, head and torso perform twisting at right-lower-rear and left-top-front directions. While hand, turning from the right-lower rear position left-top-front to change the left twist on the right. Movements are performed at the expense of "two, two, three, four."


4) Four Neutro movement

Hands, head and torso perform torsional movements in the left-lower-rear and right-upper-front direction. In this hands-changing the right twist to the left. Movements are performed at the expense of "five, six, seven, eight".


G. Fourth stage (the circular and spiral motion) – Neutro.

In accordance with the qualities Neutra, the movement of the fourth stage are performed slowly, silently, with sufficient application of muscle forces, but without undue stress.

1) Four NATO-motion

Hands moving parallel to each other, along with the torso and the head, perform two left and two right rotational twist movement to "one, two, three, four."


2) Four Straight movement.

Two left and two right rotational twist movement in the front plane are parallel arms at the expense of "five, six, seven, eight".


3) Four Homo-motion

The head and torso execute a left twist (left-handed), with the hands making two divergent rotational twist movement, moving away from each other. Then the head and torso perform a right twist (right-handed), and hands and two converging rotational twist movement, moving towards each other. Movements are performed at the expense of "two, two, three, four."



4) Four Neutro-motion

Two diverging and two converging rotational twist movement in the front plane are performed by the owner at the expense of "five, six, seven, eight".

Complex linear twist of gymnastics.Standard complex linear twist gymnastics in the standing position.

(Extra style).

The first stage.

In the basic twist movements of the first stage the hands are twisted in the same direction as the body.

1) Four NATO-motion

Performed at the expense of "one, two, three, four."


2) Four Straight movement

Performed at the expense of "five, six, seven, eight".


3) Four Homo-motion

Performed on "two, two, three, four."


4) Four Neutro-motion

Performed at the expense of "five, six, seven, eight".


The second stage.

In a diagonal twist-movements of the second stage the hands are twisted around its Central axis in the opposite direction, towards one in which the body rotates.

1) Four verhnelensky-niapravilnych movement

Performed at the expense of "one, two, three, four."


2) Four signalaveraged-wereprobably movement

Performed at the expense of "five, six, seven, eight".


3) Four wereleopards-nizhnemrasskaya movement

Performed on "two, two, three, four."


4) Four Signalising-varnaproperties movement

Performed at the expense of "five, six, seven, eight".


The third stage.

Rotational twist movement of the third stage divided into two subgroups according to two categories of movements in each.

1) Rotational twist movement of the parallel arms.

a) Four left and right rotational motion.

Performed at the expense of "one, two, three, four."


Four front rotary motion

At the expense of "five, six" there is a rotation to the left, on account of "seven or eight" — to the right.


Rotational twist movement of the dissolved hands.

a) Four left and right rotational motion.

Performed on "two, two, three, four."


b) Four front rotary motion

Performed at the expense of "five, six, seven, eight".


The fourth stage (fast twist movement).

At this stage, repeat the twist-motion of the first stage, but they are naturally at ease in fast spontaneous rhythm, without any special muscular effort, easy and relaxed.

Features spiral gymnastics.Important notes.

Starting to perform complex spiral gymnastics – not in a hurry. Let the first few days of exercise will only take five to ten minutes of your time. This is enough to Wake up the muscles to begin to strengthen the joints, normalize vascular tone. Gradually you will feel that you don't want to sit here and lie that the day of sun-filled, joyful activity, and healthy sleep that your body returns to the desired ideal.


Try to perform the number of repetitions of the complex spiral gymnastics, a multiple of four. Four, eight, twelve or sixteen of the approaches is optimal for spiral gymnastics.

When you exercise the first approach do it smoothly, gently, slowly, with moderate amplitude. Let your muscles Wake up, the joints will open, and your heart will tune into physical activity. Second, third and fourth approaches take more powerful, with enough power.

It is better to perform spiral gymnastics in the morning or evening but not right before bedtime.

For elderly, frail people, people with arthritis, cardiovascular or neurological diseases, implementation of standard complex spiral gymnastics in the standing position may be at first difficult. In order to get health benefits from the gym, it is possible to start exercises from the lying down, sitting, mini-suites, or gymnastics in the correspondence systems. In a few weeks (or months), restoring and strengthening Sereno-vascular and muscular-skeletal system can be involved in more active forms of exercise. In any case, you need to consult with your doctor for a correct evaluation of your physical condition.

Twist exercises with a circular motion in the shape of the infinity sign.


Complex circular motion repeats the movement of standard linear exercises, the arms describe the trajectory of the infinity sign (horizontal figure eight), by involving him into this smooth, rounded movement of the rest of the body. Shoulders, chest, stomach, thighs, feet, can move along the same circular path. Such twist gymnastics can be performed in sitting, standing, lying, or separately for parts of the body – hands, feet and other.published


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: www.osteodoc.ru/spmotion02.htm