Do this exercise only 1 time in 2 days. Back will stop hurting immediately!
If you are tormented by a sharp pain in my back and neck, there are problems with pressure and you often Wake up during sleep, these exercises — what you need! This complex is composed of the simplest yoga poses for beginners.
After the third training session under this scheme, you will feel the body is obedient, and the muscles strengthened. You will sleep better and recover better during sleep, a clearer head, it will be easier to solve urgent problems. Any pain occurred in the lumbar region and neck will disappear! Didn't believe it until I tried to do it himself.
Yoga for beginners at home
1. Posture for relaxation
Sit down, cross-legged, feel as relaxes and lengthens the spine. You can gently stretch up, leaning on crossed legs. Sit in this posture for a few moments, breathe deeply and evenly. It will be adjusted for efficient charging and to reduce the level of stress.
2. Tilt forward
Sit down, legs straight in front of him. Slowly reach for your toes. Do focus on stretching during exhalation — at this point, the tendons and leg muscles will be more pliable for maximum stretch. Repeat like 5 times.
3. Child's pose
Get on your knees, spread your legs shoulder width apart, keep your hands behind the torso. Slowly bend forward, keep your head down completely. In such a relaxed pose spend 3-4 minutes with breaks, breathe deeply and evenly, feel the back rests.
4. Twisting
Place right hand on left knee. Left hand hold the back of the body, slowly turn to the left. The head turn with the housing — look to the left. Breathe as deeply as possible! Slowly come back to its original position, feel that stretch oblique and lateral abdominal muscles, the muscles of the hips. Repeat same with right leg.
5. Her posture
Lie on your back, bend your knees and connect the soles of the feet together. Keep your hands on the sides freely. Breathe evenly, try to stretch the inner muscles of the thighs and to feel it. Stay in this position until you feel 2 minutes is enough.
6. Legs on the wall
Raise straight legs and place them on the wall. Body and arms relax. Stay in this position for 3 minutes, breathe in the air deeply. Try to rid himself of all unnecessary thoughts, feel how tense my back and legs rest.
7. The position of the free wind
Lie on your back, bend your knees, ankles crossed. Hold hands knees and hold them. Feel the stretch on the muscles of the hips and back.
At first it may be difficult, but once you understand your body, to do exercise will be incredibly pleased: this pose relieves the spine from the load in a minute! Don't forget to breathe deeply.
8. The pigeon
Get on all fours, hands shoulder width apart. Bring the left knee forward, put it between the hands. Take your right leg back and straighten. Tilt your whole body forward, moving your center of gravity over your left knee. Hold this position for a minute, change your leg.
This exercise relieves pain in the legs, swelling, beneficial effect on the muscles of the back.
9. Pose of awakening
Lie on your back, with your arms widely to the sides. Keep right knee to your chest. Then turn the torso to the left, the back at leave it smooth. Stay in this position for about 3 minutes, repeat with the other side. This pose is very useful for everyone who often back pain in the coccyx.
10. The pose of the fish
Lie on your back. Place hands under hips. Slowly raise the chest up, while tilting back the head. Breathe steadily. Slowly dropping down.
After charging again if the light is born! Leave muscle clamps eliminates the pain caused by fatigue and overwork, straightens the spine. With this relaxes the neck and improves blood circulation in the brain. From headaches and sleep problems will be over! published
Lymphatic drainage: body pimp
Unknown "body inside body": the cause of unexplained diseases and syndromes
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: takprosto.cc/yoga-dlya-nachinayushchih-v-domashnih-usloviyah/

After the third training session under this scheme, you will feel the body is obedient, and the muscles strengthened. You will sleep better and recover better during sleep, a clearer head, it will be easier to solve urgent problems. Any pain occurred in the lumbar region and neck will disappear! Didn't believe it until I tried to do it himself.
Yoga for beginners at home
1. Posture for relaxation
Sit down, cross-legged, feel as relaxes and lengthens the spine. You can gently stretch up, leaning on crossed legs. Sit in this posture for a few moments, breathe deeply and evenly. It will be adjusted for efficient charging and to reduce the level of stress.

2. Tilt forward
Sit down, legs straight in front of him. Slowly reach for your toes. Do focus on stretching during exhalation — at this point, the tendons and leg muscles will be more pliable for maximum stretch. Repeat like 5 times.

3. Child's pose
Get on your knees, spread your legs shoulder width apart, keep your hands behind the torso. Slowly bend forward, keep your head down completely. In such a relaxed pose spend 3-4 minutes with breaks, breathe deeply and evenly, feel the back rests.

4. Twisting
Place right hand on left knee. Left hand hold the back of the body, slowly turn to the left. The head turn with the housing — look to the left. Breathe as deeply as possible! Slowly come back to its original position, feel that stretch oblique and lateral abdominal muscles, the muscles of the hips. Repeat same with right leg.

5. Her posture
Lie on your back, bend your knees and connect the soles of the feet together. Keep your hands on the sides freely. Breathe evenly, try to stretch the inner muscles of the thighs and to feel it. Stay in this position until you feel 2 minutes is enough.

6. Legs on the wall
Raise straight legs and place them on the wall. Body and arms relax. Stay in this position for 3 minutes, breathe in the air deeply. Try to rid himself of all unnecessary thoughts, feel how tense my back and legs rest.

7. The position of the free wind
Lie on your back, bend your knees, ankles crossed. Hold hands knees and hold them. Feel the stretch on the muscles of the hips and back.

At first it may be difficult, but once you understand your body, to do exercise will be incredibly pleased: this pose relieves the spine from the load in a minute! Don't forget to breathe deeply.
8. The pigeon
Get on all fours, hands shoulder width apart. Bring the left knee forward, put it between the hands. Take your right leg back and straighten. Tilt your whole body forward, moving your center of gravity over your left knee. Hold this position for a minute, change your leg.

This exercise relieves pain in the legs, swelling, beneficial effect on the muscles of the back.
9. Pose of awakening
Lie on your back, with your arms widely to the sides. Keep right knee to your chest. Then turn the torso to the left, the back at leave it smooth. Stay in this position for about 3 minutes, repeat with the other side. This pose is very useful for everyone who often back pain in the coccyx.

10. The pose of the fish
Lie on your back. Place hands under hips. Slowly raise the chest up, while tilting back the head. Breathe steadily. Slowly dropping down.

After charging again if the light is born! Leave muscle clamps eliminates the pain caused by fatigue and overwork, straightens the spine. With this relaxes the neck and improves blood circulation in the brain. From headaches and sleep problems will be over! published
Lymphatic drainage: body pimp
Unknown "body inside body": the cause of unexplained diseases and syndromes
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: takprosto.cc/yoga-dlya-nachinayushchih-v-domashnih-usloviyah/
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