5 Bragg Field exercises to restore the spine
During everyday activities under the influence of gravity, the spine somewhat shorter. It is easy to see, making the measurement of growth immediately after getting out of bed and in the evening, coming home from work. Despite the fact that the spine has a huge margin of safety and can withstand a variety of loads, during the day is necessary to maintain its healthy state, performing spezialisierte on stretching. And due to the fact that the condition of the spine influences all life processes, these exercises can not only lengthen our spine, but also to extend life, making it joyful and fulfilling.
If we turn to Pets, it is possible to notice how a cat or dog occasionally stretch his back. The cat arches her back, and it stretches the vertebrae. The dog arrives how much different. It lowers the front part of your body, pull the front legs far forward. Pelvic part remains slightly elevated. By taking this position, she begins to stretch, gradually raising the front and lowering the pelvis. In the end, like a cat, and the dog gets a peculiar wave-like movement which pulls the spine. Their spine until old age to preserve the mobility and health.
If a person will likewise take care of your spine, and in 70-80 years it will be healthy, energetic, will possess a clear mind and sober memory. You must realize the importance of exercise for your health and every day to fulfill them, at least to some extent. Positive results appear in just a few weeks or even a few days of regular exercise.
Starting to exercise for the spine should be guided by the following rules:
Do not use sudden force to lost mobility of parts of the spine;
Exercise load commensurate with their physical abilities, starting with low and gradually increasing it;
Do not try to perform exercises with a maximum range of motion, start with small shaking movements of the vertebrae, and gently and gradually increasing their amplitude.
These rules must be observed for the reason that you do not know the true condition of your spine, the degree of calcification, condition of intervertebral discs and ligaments. The load is excessive use may cause harm.
Remember that, training and stretching the spine, we strengthen the muscles and ligaments to hold the spine in a stretched condition. This work will stimulate the circulation of energy and blood throughout the body. Will increase metabolism, and internal organs stronger, In General, it would be beneficial for the health of the whole organism.
The success of any business depends on the motivation. The stronger she is, the more a person can achieve. As I begin the set of exercises for the spine, create the motivation — convince yourself that you are these exercises is vital. This will solve more than half of the task. Now you need to get involved in the training regimen and gradually increase the load. To do this, start with the smallest. During the first weeks, do the exercises slow enough. If you feel discomfort or fatigue, stop for a time performing exercises. But gradually you will feel that from regular practice the body becomes stronger, increases stamina, the spine becomes healthier.
As with any exercise, after exercise on the spine will be pain in the muscles. It is quite normal. Soon they will pass.
The following set of exercises for the spine designed by the famous naturopathic physician Paul Bragg. It consists of five basic exercises. They have a different effect on a particular division of the vertebral column. You need to perform them all within one training session. Between exercises, rest periods mi.
Exercise 1
This exercise affects the upper part of the spinal column, linking the nerves controlling the head muscles of the eyes, the stomach and intestines. This exercise facilitates the elimination of ailments such as headache, eye strain, indigestion, and poor digestion.
Starting position: lie on the floor face down. Lying down, place hand under the chest and the feet should be placed shoulder width apart. Then gradually adopt the following provision: relying only on palms and toes, lift your upper body up and lignite the back arc. The pelvis should be positioned above the head. Head down and arms and legs fully extended.
Once you have accepted the position, gently take the following: drop the pelvis almost to the floor. The arms and legs should be straight. This provision gives a special tension to the spine. Now lift your head and tilt it back.
To perform this exercise slowly and smoothly. Try to lower the pelvis as low as possible, and then raise it as high as possible, arching up the back. Exercise is that you lower and raise the pelvis arching and rotting spine. These movements contribute to its stretching and setting of the vertebrae into place.
The number of repetitions is initially 2— 4. As fitness increases to 8-12.
When an exercise is mastered and executed correctly, there is a sense of relief and relaxes the spine.
Exercise 2
This exercise is intended mainly to spinal Department, which contains the nerves that control the functioning of the liver, gall bladder and kidneys. This exercise brings relief in case of disorders and diseases. The result of this exercise the weakened liver, gallbladder, kidneys and bladder will significantly improve their work.
Adopt the starting position as for exercise № 1. Once you have raised the pelvis and arched his back, perform the following: rotate the pelvis more to the left, lowering the left side as low as possible, and then to the right. Hands and feet during the exercise do not bend. Do the movement slowly, imagining that the spine is stretched with each turn getting better and better. A combination of stretching of the spine with some scrotum contribute to the fact that the vertebrae of the better "sit" in its place.
Initially, the exercise will seem quite difficult and tedious. Limit yourself to 2-4 executions. Gradually doing it will be easier strengthening not only muscles, but also spinal nerves.
As training increase the number of executions up to 8-12 times.
This exercise is quite difficult and requires considerable skill and tension.
Exercise 3
The previous two exercises have given quite a lot of stress on the muscles and ligaments of the spine. Exercise # 3 is designed to remove residual stress and to completely relax the spine. The result is stimulated every nerve center. Additionally easier as the pelvic area.
One important feature of this exercise is the ability to strengthen the muscles of the spine, which maintain it in a stretched condition and thereby contribute to the restoration of intervertebral discs.
Starting position: sit on the floor, rest on the placed direct arms situated slightly behind, bend your legs. Raise your pelvis so that your body relied only on spaced bent legs and straight arms. Exercise should be done at a fast pace that helps to relax the spine. To raise the body to a horizontal position of the spine, after which it is lowered to its original position.
Repeat the exercise several times — b— 8 first, and 12-18 in the end.
Exercise 4
This exercise is designed to give a special force of that part of the spine, from which come the nerves that control the stomach. In General, it is effective for the whole of the spine, contributing to its elongation. It is the stretching of the spine, releasing strangulated nerve roots of the spinal cord, leads the entire body in a normal, functional, healthy state.
Starting position: lie on your back, legs extended, arms at sides. Bend your knees, tighten them to the breast and cover with your hands. Make a movement as if you wish to push the knees and thighs from the breast, but continue to hold their hands. Simultaneously with this movement, lift your head and try to touch the chin to the knees. Keep this position of the body within three to five seconds.
In this exercise, there is a sharp push, which stretches the spine, thereby removing the small lock of incarceration, strained between the vertebrae.
Additionally, this exercise allows you to strengthen not only abdominal muscles, but deep muscles located in the abdominal part of the vertebral column.
Repeat 2-4 times.
Exercise 5.
Walking on all fours. This exercise Paul Bragg considered one of the most important for stretching of the spine. Among other things it involves the spine, from which extend the nerves that control the working of the colon.
Starting position as for exercise № 1. Get on all fours: hands and legs are straight, back is arched by the arc, the pelvis raised high, head down. In this position, it is recommended to bypass the indoor room. Remember, during the movement of the legs and arms do not bend, and walk on the straight limbs. During such movement the load on the spine is minimal and there is some scrat spine. This position contributes to a better stretching of the spine and setting his disc into place.
Describes a set of exercises Paul Bragg suggests to meet individual circumstances. It is recommended to perform each exercise two to three times. The next day the number of repetitions can be increased up to five times more.
Just a few days the muscles of the trunk filled with power, and the spine and ligaments become more flexible. Normally developed people in some days will be able to easily perform each exercise 10-12 times.
The frequency of classes, the first Bragg recommends exercise every day. After appeared in the spine need to improve, you can reduce the number of classes to two times a week. This is enough to keep the spine flexible and stretched.
As mentioned earlier, is fairly week, with the spine began to happen positive changes. In 2-3 weeks they become permanent.
You should know that pathological changes in the spine has occurred over many years and not just one day to make it healthy and young. Please be patience and perseverance. Constant training of the spine will stimulate the recovery and growth of the intervertebral discs, which will make the spine stretched, flexible and healthy.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pozvonochnik.org/?view=exercises-breg

If we turn to Pets, it is possible to notice how a cat or dog occasionally stretch his back. The cat arches her back, and it stretches the vertebrae. The dog arrives how much different. It lowers the front part of your body, pull the front legs far forward. Pelvic part remains slightly elevated. By taking this position, she begins to stretch, gradually raising the front and lowering the pelvis. In the end, like a cat, and the dog gets a peculiar wave-like movement which pulls the spine. Their spine until old age to preserve the mobility and health.
If a person will likewise take care of your spine, and in 70-80 years it will be healthy, energetic, will possess a clear mind and sober memory. You must realize the importance of exercise for your health and every day to fulfill them, at least to some extent. Positive results appear in just a few weeks or even a few days of regular exercise.
Starting to exercise for the spine should be guided by the following rules:
Do not use sudden force to lost mobility of parts of the spine;
Exercise load commensurate with their physical abilities, starting with low and gradually increasing it;
Do not try to perform exercises with a maximum range of motion, start with small shaking movements of the vertebrae, and gently and gradually increasing their amplitude.
These rules must be observed for the reason that you do not know the true condition of your spine, the degree of calcification, condition of intervertebral discs and ligaments. The load is excessive use may cause harm.
Remember that, training and stretching the spine, we strengthen the muscles and ligaments to hold the spine in a stretched condition. This work will stimulate the circulation of energy and blood throughout the body. Will increase metabolism, and internal organs stronger, In General, it would be beneficial for the health of the whole organism.
The success of any business depends on the motivation. The stronger she is, the more a person can achieve. As I begin the set of exercises for the spine, create the motivation — convince yourself that you are these exercises is vital. This will solve more than half of the task. Now you need to get involved in the training regimen and gradually increase the load. To do this, start with the smallest. During the first weeks, do the exercises slow enough. If you feel discomfort or fatigue, stop for a time performing exercises. But gradually you will feel that from regular practice the body becomes stronger, increases stamina, the spine becomes healthier.
As with any exercise, after exercise on the spine will be pain in the muscles. It is quite normal. Soon they will pass.
The following set of exercises for the spine designed by the famous naturopathic physician Paul Bragg. It consists of five basic exercises. They have a different effect on a particular division of the vertebral column. You need to perform them all within one training session. Between exercises, rest periods mi.
Exercise 1
This exercise affects the upper part of the spinal column, linking the nerves controlling the head muscles of the eyes, the stomach and intestines. This exercise facilitates the elimination of ailments such as headache, eye strain, indigestion, and poor digestion.
Starting position: lie on the floor face down. Lying down, place hand under the chest and the feet should be placed shoulder width apart. Then gradually adopt the following provision: relying only on palms and toes, lift your upper body up and lignite the back arc. The pelvis should be positioned above the head. Head down and arms and legs fully extended.
Once you have accepted the position, gently take the following: drop the pelvis almost to the floor. The arms and legs should be straight. This provision gives a special tension to the spine. Now lift your head and tilt it back.
To perform this exercise slowly and smoothly. Try to lower the pelvis as low as possible, and then raise it as high as possible, arching up the back. Exercise is that you lower and raise the pelvis arching and rotting spine. These movements contribute to its stretching and setting of the vertebrae into place.
The number of repetitions is initially 2— 4. As fitness increases to 8-12.
When an exercise is mastered and executed correctly, there is a sense of relief and relaxes the spine.
Exercise 2
This exercise is intended mainly to spinal Department, which contains the nerves that control the functioning of the liver, gall bladder and kidneys. This exercise brings relief in case of disorders and diseases. The result of this exercise the weakened liver, gallbladder, kidneys and bladder will significantly improve their work.
Adopt the starting position as for exercise № 1. Once you have raised the pelvis and arched his back, perform the following: rotate the pelvis more to the left, lowering the left side as low as possible, and then to the right. Hands and feet during the exercise do not bend. Do the movement slowly, imagining that the spine is stretched with each turn getting better and better. A combination of stretching of the spine with some scrotum contribute to the fact that the vertebrae of the better "sit" in its place.
Initially, the exercise will seem quite difficult and tedious. Limit yourself to 2-4 executions. Gradually doing it will be easier strengthening not only muscles, but also spinal nerves.
As training increase the number of executions up to 8-12 times.
This exercise is quite difficult and requires considerable skill and tension.
Exercise 3
The previous two exercises have given quite a lot of stress on the muscles and ligaments of the spine. Exercise # 3 is designed to remove residual stress and to completely relax the spine. The result is stimulated every nerve center. Additionally easier as the pelvic area.
One important feature of this exercise is the ability to strengthen the muscles of the spine, which maintain it in a stretched condition and thereby contribute to the restoration of intervertebral discs.
Starting position: sit on the floor, rest on the placed direct arms situated slightly behind, bend your legs. Raise your pelvis so that your body relied only on spaced bent legs and straight arms. Exercise should be done at a fast pace that helps to relax the spine. To raise the body to a horizontal position of the spine, after which it is lowered to its original position.
Repeat the exercise several times — b— 8 first, and 12-18 in the end.
Exercise 4
This exercise is designed to give a special force of that part of the spine, from which come the nerves that control the stomach. In General, it is effective for the whole of the spine, contributing to its elongation. It is the stretching of the spine, releasing strangulated nerve roots of the spinal cord, leads the entire body in a normal, functional, healthy state.
Starting position: lie on your back, legs extended, arms at sides. Bend your knees, tighten them to the breast and cover with your hands. Make a movement as if you wish to push the knees and thighs from the breast, but continue to hold their hands. Simultaneously with this movement, lift your head and try to touch the chin to the knees. Keep this position of the body within three to five seconds.
In this exercise, there is a sharp push, which stretches the spine, thereby removing the small lock of incarceration, strained between the vertebrae.
Additionally, this exercise allows you to strengthen not only abdominal muscles, but deep muscles located in the abdominal part of the vertebral column.
Repeat 2-4 times.
Exercise 5.
Walking on all fours. This exercise Paul Bragg considered one of the most important for stretching of the spine. Among other things it involves the spine, from which extend the nerves that control the working of the colon.
Starting position as for exercise № 1. Get on all fours: hands and legs are straight, back is arched by the arc, the pelvis raised high, head down. In this position, it is recommended to bypass the indoor room. Remember, during the movement of the legs and arms do not bend, and walk on the straight limbs. During such movement the load on the spine is minimal and there is some scrat spine. This position contributes to a better stretching of the spine and setting his disc into place.
Describes a set of exercises Paul Bragg suggests to meet individual circumstances. It is recommended to perform each exercise two to three times. The next day the number of repetitions can be increased up to five times more.
Just a few days the muscles of the trunk filled with power, and the spine and ligaments become more flexible. Normally developed people in some days will be able to easily perform each exercise 10-12 times.
The frequency of classes, the first Bragg recommends exercise every day. After appeared in the spine need to improve, you can reduce the number of classes to two times a week. This is enough to keep the spine flexible and stretched.
As mentioned earlier, is fairly week, with the spine began to happen positive changes. In 2-3 weeks they become permanent.
You should know that pathological changes in the spine has occurred over many years and not just one day to make it healthy and young. Please be patience and perseverance. Constant training of the spine will stimulate the recovery and growth of the intervertebral discs, which will make the spine stretched, flexible and healthy.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pozvonochnik.org/?view=exercises-breg