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SUPER exercises for the shoulders

You use your shoulders countless times every day. Wash the head, raise children or grandchildren, open the door – just think about how complicated life is, if you stop working the muscles of the shoulder.

Maybe you know this firsthand, because every year because of shoulder problems the doctor treats 7.5 million people. In addition, according to the American Committee on physical culture, two of the three adults there are certain disorders of the shoulder for life.

The shoulder is a complex ball joint, which is used for extension, rotation, flexion and more. It consists of three different muscles – the anterior, middle and posterior deltoid, which provide all of these complex movements of the shoulder.

However, despite their importance and vulnerability to injuries, many people forget to train the shoulders as well as other muscle groups in the legs, body or arms.

But, strengthening the power of the shoulder, you can help prevent common injuries to the shoulder and maintain optimum his work throughout life.

What exercises are best for the shoulders?

American Committee for physical culture has teamed up with researchers from the Department of clinical exercise physiology, University of Lacrosse Wisconsin, to determine which exercises are most effective for the muscles of the shoulder.

After testing 10 common exercises for shoulders, has identified several best, depending on the training session which of the three major muscles they were sent:

  • Dumbbell bench press standing: best suited for the anterior deltoid muscle is a muscle of the front of the shoulder.

  • Bench at an angle of 45 degrees: best suited for middle deltoid muscle, although the breeding of folded hands to the side also proved to be effective.

  • Breeding hands with dumbbells while sitting or at an angle of 45 degrees: both these exercises are effective for working with the rear deltoid muscle, provide substantial working out the muscles in the back of the shoulder.

If you are interested in other exercises that are not included in the top three for shoulders are push-UPS, stretching expander diagonally, dips, lifting dumbbells in front of you, exercises with ropes and thrust rod to the chin. According to "Shape":

"... Ultimately, to work with him a lot of good exercises, convinced John Pocari, PhD, head of the Department of clinical exercise physiology, University of Lacrosse Wisconsin.

For the most effective allocation of time in the gym Porcari advises to perform the dumbbell bench press standing for working through the front of the shoulder in combination with breeding hands with dumbbells sitting (because to most people it is easier to perform) or under a 45 degree angle for working the rear and middle deltoid muscles."

How to tone shoulders

If you are planning a trip to the gym, in your power, however, greatly enhance tone and strengthen the shoulders, using a combination of exercises with body weight, dumbbells and expander.

The following exercises were developed by Jackie Dragone, Director, FLEX Barre, FLEX Studios, and, as reported in New York magazine, "not only focus on the shoulders, but on his hands, even helping to reduce "stubborn" deposits "fat armpits".

1. Cross movement of the upper part of the body

"Start in plank position and with your arms crossed, do a push-up. Fold the arms and perform another push-up".

2. Cross push-UPS lying on its side

"Starting position: lying on your side. Left hand put the floor below the fingers pointing to the head, and his right hand hold the front part of the waist. Leaning on your left arm, straighten your left elbow and lift your upper body off the floor".

3. Cross movement with dumbbells

"Sit down, spreading his toes in the "plie" is a little wider than hips-width. [Holding light dumbbells in each hand], ensure that the shoulder is directly above the hip. With one hand hold it steady, and another hand perform movements over and under the stationary hand. Switch hands and repeat".

4. Exercise with chest expander for enlargement of the boob

"Step forward, stepping on the expander, to the ends were even. Drop down into a small squat. Stretch your arms to the sides and press them into your thighs, being careful not to bend the elbows. You should feel the extension in front of the chest when you bring the blades together."

Five exercises that will get rid of shoulder painshoulder Pain is often the result of repetitive movements, which lead to the destruction of the soft tissues in the shoulder region. Common culprits are such sports as tennis, throwing and weightlifting, but they can cause pain can also actions at work and even everyday movements such as washing Windows or working in the garden.

Re stretching are frequent in office workers, and one study found five exercises that are useful for pain in the neck and shoulders of women who work in an office and suffer from myalgia of the trapezius muscle (pain in the upper trapezius muscle).

The researchers recommend to do these exercises 3 times a week (e.g., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays), alternating between exercises 1, 2 and 5 in one day and exercises 1, 3, and 4 in the other day. First, perform 2 sets of each exercise with 8-12 repetitions. At your own pace, bring the exercise up to 3 approaches.

Depending on the exercise and muscle strength at the moment, recommended for beginners the weight is 2-5 kg. General rule: increase the weight when you can comfortably execute all 3 sets. As a guide, for 10 weeks, study participants increased their weight by about two times. After about four weeks, you can reduce the number of repetitions of the latter to increase the weight.

1. Shoulder shrug with dumbbells

"Stand up straight, drooping on the sides of the hands with dumbbells. In one smooth motion lift shoulders to ears and then slowly lower. Try to relax the jaw and the neck."

2. Bench press dumbbell with one hand

"Stand with one knee on the bench and lean your arm on the same side, putting it on the bench in front of him. With your free hand lift the weight to the lower part of the chest. When the weight touches your chest, lower it in a controlled movement."

3. Vertical thrust

"Stand up straight, stretching his arms with weights in front of you. Raise the weight as close to your body until you reach the middle of the chest and the elbows pointing up and out. Throughout the exercises, the weight in the hands lower than the elbows."

4. Selling Mahi

"Lie down on the bench at a 45° angle, lowering the hands with dumbbells towards the floor. Raise the dumbbells out and up until they will be horizontal, and then lower the weight one controlled movement. During the exercise the elbows should be slightly flexed (~5°)".

5. Breeding hand in hand

"Stand up straight, straighten the arms with dumbbells at the sides. Raise the dumbbells out and up until they will be horizontal, and then lower the weight one controlled movement. During the exercise the elbows should be slightly flexed (~5°)".

Plank: another phenomenal exercise for the shoulders

If you are looking for another way to stretch and strengthen the shoulders, increasing their tone, try the bar. Besides the fact that it grows in strength, the bar increases the flexibility of the rear muscle groups. The muscles around the shoulders, collarbone, and shoulder blades will expand and stretch (this area is often overlooked). In addition, Planck is working all the muscles required for maintaining correct posture – the muscles of the back, chest, shoulders, stomach and neck.

If you realize the bar regularly, you will feel that it will be easier to sit or stand straight. So, plank face-down cycle following the upper and lower part of the body: abdominals, lower back, chest, shoulders, the upper trapezius muscle, neck, biceps, triceps, glutes, thighs and calves. American Committee for physical education recommends the bar so:

  • "Put the elbows under the shoulders and align the brush along the line of the elbows.

  • Push the body up and tuck your chin to your neck (like you're holding an egg between the chin and throat).

  • In this position squeeze the muscles of your abdomen as though you expect a punch in the stomach, squeeze your gluteal (tailbone) muscles and thigh muscles, continuing to breathe normally.

  • Keep the bar at least 20 to 30 seconds. (If you do it right, more time is not necessary). Rest a minute and repeat three to five times.

  • Start plank on elbows and toes (don't be afraid to kneel down, if necessary) and move to a high plank when you feel strong enough".

How to complement your fitness program

For optimum health and fitness, I recommend to include in the training a variety of exercises, focusing on daily movement apart from exercise. Ideally, you should be active and stay on my feet most of the day to sitting interrupted your work, not Vice versa. A well-designed fitness program includes a little of everything, but on a regular basis:

1. Sit as little as possible. The results of the studies on this issue quite clearly: the more you sit, the greater the risk to your health. And this applies even to those who are in great shape and regularly exercises! The point is that I need to move all day.

In addition to the maximum limit of seat time, I would also recommend doing 7 000-10 000 steps a day. It is beyond your regular program classes and standing while working. Think about to buy a new fitness tracker that will help monitor your steps and sleep, helping to track daily movements.

2. High intensity interval training (HIIT): this is when you alternate short bursts of high-intensity exercise with soft recovery periods.

3. Exercises for the crust: in the body has 29 core muscles located mostly in the back, abdomen and pelvis. This group of muscles provides the Foundation for movements of the whole body, and strengthening them can help protect and support your back, reduce the risk of injury to body and spine, as well as to gain greater balance and stability.

4. Stretching: my favorite type of stretching is active isolated stretches developed by Aaron Mattes. Performing an active isolated stretching, you hold each for only two seconds, which corresponds to the natural physiology of the body, improves blood circulation and increases the elasticity of joint muscles. This method allows the body to recover and prepare for daily activities.

5. Strength training: Supplement your exercise program of strength exercises – this will ensure the optimization of the useful properties of regular exercise. Performing exercises at a slow pace, you turn them into high intensity exercises.published


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: russian.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/11/18/%D1%83%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%83%D1%81-%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%87.aspx