A set of exercises for flawless hands
A simple and effective set of exercises with dumbbells for arms and shoulders, which you can easily do at home.
Depending on what the purpose of your workout – you can vary the weight and number of repetitions: if you train your endurance and want to bring the muscles in tone, without increasing the volume and do high reps with low weight. You can, for example, do 20-30 repetitions in the approach.
If you want to build muscle and increase easy to get the weight and do 8-12 repetitions.
I recommend to perform each exercise in three sets.
Exercises for shoulders,Working the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. She can say "covers" the shoulder joint is responsible for flexion and extension of the shoulder, and abduction of the hand. The following exercises on the shoulders must be performed correctly, complying with the technique. Otherwise you risk not to obtain the effect of exercise or even injury to earn.
Press the dumbbells upusually this exercise is performed with a barbell or bodybare. But when you use dumbbells to work additionally includes the muscles of the stabilizers (because you need to control the movement of two independent shells).
Stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Take the dumbbells straight grip (palms facing down), bend your arms at the elbows (the dumbbells should be at shoulder level), hands slightly wider than shoulder width and the elbows are directed strictly downwards.
From this position, on the exhale, press the dumbbells up until the full straightening of hands. Head is not turn up – look ahead. Hands with dumbbells and the body should be a straight line. On the inhalation, lower the dumbbells to the starting position at shoulder level.
This exercise develops the front and middle of the beam deltoid muscle of the shoulder.
Horizontal shoulder abductionthe Second exercise on the shoulders in our complex. Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart, hands with dumbbells are lowered along the body, elbows slightly prosohnut. The dumbbells in this position are at the level of the hips.
This exercise on the shoulders of the average load beam deltoid muscle.On the exhale, arms out to sides to shoulder level, elbows slightly also keep prisontime. The palm is in cultivation directed at the floor. Can be a bit to deploy them, pointing fingers to the ceiling. On the inhale slowly lower hands to starting position.
This exercise is considering the average beam deltoid muscle of the shoulder. If you are performing exercises you turn the brush by the little fingers up is added on the rear beam deltas. Case at the exercise keep straight, do not wave the hands of inertia be in control of movement at each point.
Flexion of the shoulder (abduction, forward)the Original position is practically the same as in the previous exercise: stand straight, feet shoulder width apart, hands with dumbbells prosohnut at the elbows, but palms facing back. I.e. wrist nearly touching the front of the thighs. Attach the arms forward to shoulder level, the dumbbells parallel to each other, palms directed at the floor. Then slowly lower down to starting position. Back on the exercise prohibite not the case exactly.
Works the front beam deltoid muscle of the shoulder.
Exercises for handsin order to create beautiful hands, you need to include in a training program suitable exercise program. All the exercises on hands mean creating a load on the muscle antagonists, the biceps and triceps.
The rotation of the bicepsFor this exercise on the biceps in a standing position, put feet on width apart, take a dumbbell straight grip, drop hands along the body. Elbows try to squeeze to the sides. On the exhale, bend the arms in the elbows, gradually turning the brush wrists up. At the end point the dumbbells are at almost shoulder level and wrists backwards, that is, to itself.
Slowly unbend his hands, realizing the reverse rotation of the brush. In the initial position, the hands are along the body, and the dumbbells parallel to each other. The elbow to not fully straighten, so as not to injure the joint.
Due to the rotational movement of the brush of a two-headed muscle of a shoulder, or biceps being worked as efficiently as possible.
Standing French pressIs a great exercise for the triceps. Many women complain that the rear surface of the hands some slack. Doing French press, you safely get rid of this problem.
In the initial position hands with dumbbells up, elbows bent at right angles and pressed to the head. Therefore, dumbbells you can find for the head. Back when performing exercises not prohibited, although will want, as the dumbbell will pull back, and elbows from the head do not pull. On the exhale, unbend hand with dumbbell over head. On the inhale again, lower to a 90 degree angle.
All these exercises will help you to significantly improve the shape of the arms and shoulders, making your figure more contoured and beautiful.
Classes with small weight has no effect build muscle, which is especially afraid of girls. You will lead your muscles to tone and strengthen the so-called problem areas.
Exercises on the shoulders, as well as exercises for biceps and triceps – a mandatory component of any complete training program.
Perform these exercises at home or in the gym, adding exercise the complex on the legs, buttocks and press. Do not forget about proper nutrition. And then, your figure will be flawless, and well-being will become beautiful. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: just-fit.ru/idealnoe-telo/uprazhnenija-s-ganteljami-doma-ruki-i-plechi
Depending on what the purpose of your workout – you can vary the weight and number of repetitions: if you train your endurance and want to bring the muscles in tone, without increasing the volume and do high reps with low weight. You can, for example, do 20-30 repetitions in the approach.

If you want to build muscle and increase easy to get the weight and do 8-12 repetitions.
I recommend to perform each exercise in three sets.
Exercises for shoulders,Working the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. She can say "covers" the shoulder joint is responsible for flexion and extension of the shoulder, and abduction of the hand. The following exercises on the shoulders must be performed correctly, complying with the technique. Otherwise you risk not to obtain the effect of exercise or even injury to earn.
Press the dumbbells upusually this exercise is performed with a barbell or bodybare. But when you use dumbbells to work additionally includes the muscles of the stabilizers (because you need to control the movement of two independent shells).
Stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Take the dumbbells straight grip (palms facing down), bend your arms at the elbows (the dumbbells should be at shoulder level), hands slightly wider than shoulder width and the elbows are directed strictly downwards.
From this position, on the exhale, press the dumbbells up until the full straightening of hands. Head is not turn up – look ahead. Hands with dumbbells and the body should be a straight line. On the inhalation, lower the dumbbells to the starting position at shoulder level.

This exercise develops the front and middle of the beam deltoid muscle of the shoulder.
Horizontal shoulder abductionthe Second exercise on the shoulders in our complex. Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart, hands with dumbbells are lowered along the body, elbows slightly prosohnut. The dumbbells in this position are at the level of the hips.
This exercise on the shoulders of the average load beam deltoid muscle.On the exhale, arms out to sides to shoulder level, elbows slightly also keep prisontime. The palm is in cultivation directed at the floor. Can be a bit to deploy them, pointing fingers to the ceiling. On the inhale slowly lower hands to starting position.

This exercise is considering the average beam deltoid muscle of the shoulder. If you are performing exercises you turn the brush by the little fingers up is added on the rear beam deltas. Case at the exercise keep straight, do not wave the hands of inertia be in control of movement at each point.
Flexion of the shoulder (abduction, forward)the Original position is practically the same as in the previous exercise: stand straight, feet shoulder width apart, hands with dumbbells prosohnut at the elbows, but palms facing back. I.e. wrist nearly touching the front of the thighs. Attach the arms forward to shoulder level, the dumbbells parallel to each other, palms directed at the floor. Then slowly lower down to starting position. Back on the exercise prohibite not the case exactly.
Works the front beam deltoid muscle of the shoulder.
Exercises for handsin order to create beautiful hands, you need to include in a training program suitable exercise program. All the exercises on hands mean creating a load on the muscle antagonists, the biceps and triceps.
The rotation of the bicepsFor this exercise on the biceps in a standing position, put feet on width apart, take a dumbbell straight grip, drop hands along the body. Elbows try to squeeze to the sides. On the exhale, bend the arms in the elbows, gradually turning the brush wrists up. At the end point the dumbbells are at almost shoulder level and wrists backwards, that is, to itself.
Slowly unbend his hands, realizing the reverse rotation of the brush. In the initial position, the hands are along the body, and the dumbbells parallel to each other. The elbow to not fully straighten, so as not to injure the joint.

Due to the rotational movement of the brush of a two-headed muscle of a shoulder, or biceps being worked as efficiently as possible.
Standing French pressIs a great exercise for the triceps. Many women complain that the rear surface of the hands some slack. Doing French press, you safely get rid of this problem.
In the initial position hands with dumbbells up, elbows bent at right angles and pressed to the head. Therefore, dumbbells you can find for the head. Back when performing exercises not prohibited, although will want, as the dumbbell will pull back, and elbows from the head do not pull. On the exhale, unbend hand with dumbbell over head. On the inhale again, lower to a 90 degree angle.

All these exercises will help you to significantly improve the shape of the arms and shoulders, making your figure more contoured and beautiful.
Classes with small weight has no effect build muscle, which is especially afraid of girls. You will lead your muscles to tone and strengthen the so-called problem areas.
Exercises on the shoulders, as well as exercises for biceps and triceps – a mandatory component of any complete training program.
Perform these exercises at home or in the gym, adding exercise the complex on the legs, buttocks and press. Do not forget about proper nutrition. And then, your figure will be flawless, and well-being will become beautiful. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: just-fit.ru/idealnoe-telo/uprazhnenija-s-ganteljami-doma-ruki-i-plechi