Shank prakshalana – gentle cleansing salt water

Shank prakshalana – this method is very simple to implement, effective. It's a method bowel cleansing salt water of yoga. Shank prakshalana completely cleans the colon and removes food residue from the digestive tract, from the stomach to the anus.
When you drink salt water, it enters the stomach then using simple exercises, the water is conducted further through the intestine to the exit. The procedure is repeated until then, until the water will come out just as clean as it comes. This procedure is absolutely safe to do it and everyone can, but if the exact implementation of all methods.
Preparation for bowel cleansing with salt water
The heated water dissolve one tablespoon of sea salt (or unrefined table salt) in one liter of water, it turns out the concentration is lower than in the physiological solution. Salt water should be, so that it is not absorbed by osmosis through the mucous membrane and were not removed from the body naturally (in the form of urine). If the water seems to taste very salty, you can reduce the salt concentration to a more acceptable taste.
Favorable moment of purgation
The best time for this procedure this morning, before a meal.
Keep in mind that for the novice person, this procedure takes more hours, so it is best to do it in the day. On this day, to exclude the asanas, or dramatic exercises and the next day too.
1.A Cup to fill with warm salt water ( water temperature should be the temperature of the soup that you eat with pleasure).
2. Immediately to do special exercises.
3. Drink another glass of salted water, and again to do the exercises.
4. Alternate drinking a glass with a special exercise until then, until it is drunk 6 glasses of salt water and, accordingly, done six series of exercises.
5. After all this is done, you need to go to the toilet.
Typically, the first evacuation takes place almost immediately. After a normal solid stool, followed by softer and then very liquid ( most likely yellow).
If this does not happen immediately or within 5 minutes, then repeat the set of exercises and go to the toilet.
If the same result again, no, which is unlikely, but it does happen, call an evacuation using an enema of not salt water ( after a small enema, lie down and relax for a few minutes). After the evacuation mechanism will work after the first stool others will be called automatically.
One very useful tip: do not use toilet paper after defecation, and it is best to wash with water, then thoroughly wipe down the anus and lubricate it with vegetable oil ( olive, castor, etc.) this will help prevent various irritations caused by salt.
After the first bowel movement should be:
again drink a glass of salted water;
— to do exercises;
— to visit the toilet with the aim of bowel movement.
So to continue ( to drink salt water – exercises – bowel) to do so, as long as the water output will not be as clean which it enters the body. It all depends on how polluted the intestines, is usually enough for 10 -14 glasses of salt water (usually not needed anymore).
When you are satisfied with the results of the procedure, in other words when the effluent water at your discretion is completely clean, the procedure can stop. After the procedure you may still feel the desire to go to the toilet in the next hour, this is probably the only disadvantage.
Another recommendation, preferably after the procedure to drink three glasses of unsalted water and do dhauti, Vamana (induce vomiting), with three fingers of the right hand tickle the back surface of the upper palate and tongue. Completely empty stomach, and off the mechanism of evacuation.
In case of failure
If suddenly, after drinking four cups of salt water, you will feel that the fluid in the stomach does not pass normally to the intestine, at the same time feel the fullness and nausea, it says that the first sphincter not open as it should. It's all fixable. It does not drink plenty of fluids, and follow two or three series of exercises. As soon as the nausea passes, it will say that the passage to the stomach was opened. After the movement of the evacuation will be started, the difficulties no longer can safely continue.
Sometimes it happens that the intestine formed the gas tube, which prevents to use of the mechanism of evacuation. To fix it, you just have to push on your stomach with your hands or to do the Sarvangasana, or "plough" (stand on the blades, it is also possible to "plug" to make a simplified version is not much standing back and without their feet touching the floor for one minute) well and the remaining four exercises.
In the worst case, when no fluid comes out whatever you do, you just have to decide and make dhauti, Vamana (induce vomiting), it tickle three fingers of the right hand base of the tongue, can do nothing, then the water will be released naturally as urine.
After the procedure, rest and avoid feelings of hunger.
First food
After the shank prakshalana need to follow some recommendations. Is not earlier than half an hour and no later than one hour after the procedure. Do not leave the digestive tract for more than an hour!
What should be the first food? Rice welded on water, but not too soft (the grains should melt in your mouth). In the pic you can add a little salted tomato juice, you can not eat pepper and various spicy seasonings. In the pic you can add well-cooked lentils or carrots. Along with rice you have to eat 40 grams of butter. Butter can be melted in the pic, but better to do it separately in a water bath, or eat with a spoon, melting. Instead of rice you can use boiled wheat, oats or flour products (macaroni, noodles, spaghetti, and t, d)seasoning grated cheese.
Attention! The rice is allowed to cook in milk. For the next day can not drink milk or yogurt, and sour contraindicated food and drink, fruit, and raw vegetables. The bread you can eat during the second meal. Not prohibited by any hard and semi-hard cheeses. Not recommended, there are white cheese and fermented cheese (brie, calambur).
At the end of the day can move at your normal diet, limiting only the consumption of meat.
Salt water in the exchange process will direct some of the fluid in your body to digestive tract. This will be the main part of the purification. After the procedure you will feel thirsty. But drinking any liquid, even clear water before the first meal is not necessary, as you will support a mechanism for evacuation and will continue to go to the toilet.
After the first meal can drink water and weak infusions: lime and mint infusion, mineral water ( slightly sparkling or without gas). Alcohol during the day are strictly forbidden!
The first bowel movements will appear within 24 or 36 hours after the procedure, don't worry about that. They are Golden yellow in color and have no smell like a nursing infant. Such a procedure is well carried out at least twice a year. The average frequency four times a year (change of seasons). People involved in serious cleaning, this procedure can make each month. Dhirendra Brahmacari recommends that you do the shank prakshalana once in 15 days.
In General this procedure is a pleasant one, of course there are more pleasant occupations. The most unpleasant in this procedure is to drink warm salt water, nothing else matters. People with a delicate taste, you can offer a drink of the weak broth of leeks or other vegetables.
People who suffer from constipation can make a shank prakshalana every week, but should be limited to six glasses of water. In this case, the whole procedure takes approximately 30 minutes. This is a very good "exercise" for the intestines, and the colon wall do not stretch.
Beneficial effects of colon cleanse
The first result of bowel cleansing with salt water is disposal of sewage and sediment, which are absorbed into the mucous membrane of the colon. You can be terrified from what might suck in the gut. Many people who do not suffer from constipation systematically empty the bowel, mistakenly assume that they do in the intestine can not be. But what will be their surprise when they among remote "waste" finds a cherry pit, swallowed a few months ago. In yogic hospital are often amazed at how many different wastes can remain in the intestine, accumulate there for months or even years. Surprisingly, the man may be so much of any sewage, whether then wonder then why there are different diseases, when whole body in the truest sense of the word poisoned accumulated in it of toxins.
Anyway, to put up with this unreasonable. So you should perform the shank prakshalana and get rid of those deposits that have accumulated in your digestive tract. A positive step in this procedure will not affect the next day and will not all be evident, but must manifest itself in the form of fresh breath, cleansed skin on the face and body. Of course if you follow the low-power mode ( without excess meat), will disappear bodily odors that are very strong, will improve the complexion. In addition, this procedure has a tonic and stimulating effect on the liver ( it will be noticeable by the color of excrement).
Dr. Lonavala successfully healed patients with diabetes in the initial stages by performing the shank prakshalana every other day for two months ( still observed in the food mode, pranayama, and other yogic treatments).
Probably the pancreas, under the effect of a General stimulation produces more insulin.
Also easily and quickly cured colds and other diseases associated with metabolism, and not having it would seem irrelevant.
One of the most important results of the implementation of the shank prakshalana is getting rid of allergic diseases.
The result of the cleansing of the digestive tract is a good digestion, which leads to the fact that the lean get better, and those who need to lose weight – lose weight.
Contraindications to colon cleanse with salt water
There are few contraindications. People with stomach ulcers, first they have to heal the ulcer, and after, can treat ulcer disease, fulfilling the shank prakshalana. The same recommendation for those who have diseases of the digestive tract in the period of exacerbation, it is dysentery, diarrhea, acute colitis ( chronic colitis after this procedure can be greatly facilitated, again it is not necessary to perform in the period of exacerbation), acute appendicitis and, moreover cancer.
Apparently, these contraindications are not final. In practice, there is a unique case of cure of dysentery shank with prakshalana, despite the fact that this patient previously had a standard course of treatment, and he ease brought.
This procedure is very effective in the final stage of treatment of oxyurida.
In fact, when evacuating all of the contents of the intestine, the worms, with their eggs also come out. But still there are so many that some of the eggs may remain.
To ensure that the water passed through the entire digestive tract is sufficient to carry out the following exercises. Each movement should be performed four times in each direction alternately at a fast pace: the entire series of these exercises takes about one minute (can be faster).

The first exercise. Starting position: standing, the distance between the feet about 30 cm, fingers interlaced, palms up. Back straight, breathing regular free. Standing straight to make a tilt first to the left, smoothly without pausing to lean to the right. Such tilts to be done in both directions four times, in other words to do 8 tilts alternately left and right. In General, this should take about 10 seconds.
This exercise opens the pylorus. With every tilt of the water out of it, passing into the duodenum and small intestine.
The second exercise. This exercise forces the water to flow through the small intestine. Starting position: standing, feet apart, the right hand is brought forward horizontally, and the left to bend so that thumb and index finger touched the right clavicle. To do torso twists, pushing away her outstretched arm as far back as possible ( looking directly at the fingertips). Not forgetting that the lower torso should remain stationary, that is, the turns do not body, and around the waist. At the end of the turn without stopping to return to the starting position and immediately turn the other way. This double exercise should be repeated four times. The duration of this series of exercises about 10 seconds.
A third exercise. So the water continued to move through the small intestine, it is necessary to perform a variant of the Cobra, but at the same toes should touch the floor and the hips should therefore be raised above the floor. Feet apart at 30 cm it's very important. In taking this position, rotate your head, shoulders and torso, until you will not see the opposite heel(if you do turn right to see the left heel). Again, not stopping to return to the starting position and rotate to the other side. Turns are made only his upper body, the lower remains stationary and parallel to the floor. Valid only bends down. Double exercise is repeated 4 times. Duration 10 – 15 seconds.

The fourth exercise. This exercise is directed to the water that has reached the end of the small intestine through the colon. From all exercises, is perhaps the most challenging, but accessible to everyone, with the exception of people with diseases of the tibia and meniscus.
Starting position: squat, feet apart about 30 cm, while the heels are located at the outer part of the thighs, and not under the seat, hands lie on knees, knees divorced too for about 30 cm Then turn the torso and lower knee on the floor in front of the opposite foot. Palm alternately send the right hip to the left side and left hip to the right side so that to press on one side of the abdomen and put pressure on the large intestines. The head turn back, in order to increase the twisting of the body and more pressure on the stomach.
First, you need to put pressure on the right side of the abdomen, in order to put pressure on the ascending colon. Unlike previous exercises, which were not important in which direction to start to do (right or left).
Like other exercises, it must also perform 4 times. The duration 15 sec.
If suddenly this exercise for any reason to perform difficult, it can be replaced with exercise the "lazy" plug in for one minute, then lie down and relax for a moment.
Summary the overall process
1.Drink a glass of warm salted water, one tablespoon of salt per liter of water.
2. To do the set of exercises.
3. drink another glass of water and again to do a set of exercises.
4. So to repeat until the drink six cups.
5. Next, go to the toilet and wait until the first evacuation. If within 5 minutes this happens, do another set of exercises while water to drink no more. If again no result, then do a small enema, to enhance the motility.
6. Again drink a glass of water, do exercises and go to the toilet.
7.To keep; water – exercises – toilet until the result is not satisfactory. Yoga doing this procedure up until the water in the output will not be as clean as you drink it.
8. In order to complete the process and remove water from the gastrointestinal tract, make dhauti, Vamana( induce vomiting): drink two glasses of warm water without salt and emptying the stomach. Thanks to this, cleared the liver, spleen, gallbladder and turn off mechanism of evacuation. If you do not do Vamana, dhauti, within hours you several times to visit the toilet.
9. You need to give yourself a break about half an hour, then you can eat, do not leave stomach empty for more than an hour.
10. Drink only after a meal, so bear with thirst.
Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/ochishenie_kishechnik_vodoi.php