SECRET health and longevity.

What is health? Health - a state of the body, in which all of its functions are performed efficiently and easily. This - the state of comfort, ease, the ability to eat, move, and perform other vital functions. This condition, which is achieved due to the harmony of various organs of the body. This state of the organism in which all organs painless easily perform their functions.
If the stomach and intestines to effectively perform the task of digestion and assimilation of food; If the heart and circulatory system are in good condition and provide good blood circulation; if the lungs provide the necessary flow of oxygen into the blood when the brain performs all its functions, and the skin provides normal sweating - these are the main features of health. In this case, we do not experience sickness or pain, and can perform all actions required us. Being in such a state -velichayshee benefit and pleasure. Our Creator graciously allows us to keep all of our organs and bodies in the original healthy state (of course, if we care about is not to harm them) and, therefore, to stay healthy. But if we do not take care of, to preserve the health of these organs, we can not be healthy.

Health - a balance of the three elements of the body, namely wool, Pitta and Kapha (Ayurveda), provided that the brain and body organs are working smoothly and harmoniously, people calm and happy, and carries all the vital duties with ease. This is a condition where a person sleeps well, has a good appetite and digestion, normal breathing and pulse, a sufficient amount of pure blood, strong nerves and calm the bowels free, normal urination, pink cheeks, bright eyes. This is a condition in which a person is singing, jumping, smiling, laughing, whistling and moves with ease and pleasure. This is a condition in which we can think, speak and act correctly.
Good health - this is truly the greatest good. What is the meaning of wealth and material acquisitions, if a person can not eat well because of the patient's stomach, if he can not walk because of rheumatism or paralysis if he can not enjoy the beauty of nature because of cataracts or other diseases of view? Life without good health pitiful and miserable, even to him who ruled the world.
Health - is a joy, health - is wealth, is the elixir of life. Without health no pleasure. Without it you can not make a living without it is impossible to achieve the goals, it is impossible to make something reasonable efforts, without health there is no enthusiasm in work and life becomes a burden. Therefore, the preservation of health should be given priority attention.
Without good health you will not achieve anything either in the material or in the spiritual world. Good health - is the subject of a strong desire. Keep it, living naturally, as intended by nature to man. Health - it is not just the absence of disease. A healthy person can do more physical and mental work than unhealthy. He can sink into a long meditation and meditation. A healthy person is not necessarily strong and muscular, strong and muscular man is not necessarily healthy.
Health - a gift from Mother Nature or God, that is the force that fuels all life. From birth we are given health, not disease. Being healthy is as natural for a person to live at all. Health is more expensive gold and untold wealth. It expands your soul and makes it more receptive to instructions, and therefore the knowledge of the essence of things.
Emerson said: "The main wealth - it's great. Give me health and time and I'll make you laugh at the vanity of the rich and powerful. " Anyone who has a good health, there is nothing more to wish for. He's really happy person.
Health depends on karma. The virtuous person enjoys long years of healthy life. The vicious, evil person is not healthy. Maharishi Patanjali says in the "Yoga Sutras": "life cycle, caste, enjoyment - it all depends on our own karma." Therefore, be virtuous. Beware of the unjust actions. Man is composed of body, mind and spirit. The body and mind are closely related. Mental health is more important than the physical. All diseases first arise in the mind, and only then hit the body.

Health - the basis of your career, but by and large, and all of life. To be completely healthy when the body, mind and spirit effectively and harmoniously interact - so enjoy the full measure of life. When you are healthy, you eat with appetite, sleep soundly, safely deal with all the challenges and overcome difficulties.
Good health, we need to achieve the four goals of life, namely dharma, artha, kama nmoshi (righteousness, material well-being, sense gratification and spiritual liberation). Without good health nothing that you will not achieve. Without it, you will not be able to perform selfless acts. You can not pray or meditate. Without good health you can not do asanas and pranayama. In the ancient books it is therefore said that the body - is a boat, which we cross the ocean of earthly existence. It is a tool to perform virtuous deeds and liberation from the cycle of death and new incarnations.

The main conditions to maintain man in good health are primordial:
1. His home must be dry. His house must be kept clean, fresh air it is to circulate day and night.
2. Not a single minute, he should not sit in wet clothes in cold or drafty.
3. He should frequently wash water to the entire surface of the body.
4. Every day he should eat at least 24 ounces of solid food. He must avoid the monotony of too much food, but too much variety at every meal is also harmful. He must avoid hobbies spirits.
5. Daily it should spend as much time outdoors, and not less than one hour per day.
6. He must have something to do in order to exercise the mind and body, it takes 8 to 10 hours daily.
7. He must devote some of their free time in such pursuits as Japa, Kirtan, meditation and study of spiritual literature.
8. He should care to avoid unnecessary anxiety and to oppose its internal resistance sorrowful feelings that may arise due to any failure in life.
9. He should sleep at least six hours per day.
If all people lived in accordance with these rules, the disease will soon have almost disappeared from the face of the earth, and the happiness of man would rise to such heights that today we can not even remotely imagine.
Unnatural lifestyle reduces its extent and leads to poor health and various diseases. Unfortunately, people have moved away from nature to serve their perverted passions and aspirations.
You need to clearly understand what the disease is and how it happens. Then you will be able to prevent it. Diseases can be avoided if you understand the biological laws that govern it, the rules of health and hygiene and the importance of cleanliness. The general understanding of the laws of health will help to prevent serious disease, ward off death and improve their health.
The disease has the opposite of comfort, ease and ability to perform certain vital functions. Disorders and health problems are the result of the delay certain vital process, it is the state that are the result of lack of harmony in the interaction of all organs.
Disease-it is a violation of certain laws of nature. Nature wants each of us to be healthy and strong. If you are weak, then the organs and cells of your body working properly.
Eliminate the cause of the disease. Do not start the disease. It is easier to prevent than to cure. Eliminating the cause of the disease is the most rational way to treat it. There is no point in trying to eliminate the symptoms. If not eliminate the cause of the disease and its symptoms are suppressed, the disease enters into a serious chronic. The only reasonable -The treatment that takes into account the causes and allows the system to restore normal life in general. For example, if you consistently overeat or eat something that is bad for you, you probably spoil your stomach. Cold drafts acts on sweaty skin, closing the pores and making it impossible for a normal perspiration. Thus, the disruptions caused by certain of incidents or abnormal behavior and lead to the emergence of diseases, the worst of which is often the cause of death.
Sixty out of every hundred deaths in India, Europe and other countries caused by the disease, the occurrence of which in most cases could be prevented if people act sensibly and follow the recommendations of medical science.
All chronic, protracted and functional diseases and disorders associated with certain abnormal conditions in the mechanism of action, the organs and tissues of the body.
Before the advent of technological advances people were closer to nature. People then had a more robust physical health. In the twentieth century, life becomes more and more artificial. Therefore, health problems occur more and more often, in spite of countless doctors and medical discoveries. Though we can not control our time, we can monitor themselves and adapt to some degree, on the condition that we observe certain rules of healthy living. Consequently, we will be able to store enough good health and enjoy the pleasures of life.
The human body - the weakest mechanism on the ground that can be damaged quite suddenly. Its parts are not made of steel or copper, and the most subtle and delicate materials that can not be replaced when worn or damaged. What a blessing for a person with a sick stomach would be able to just throw it away and put yourself a new, healthy stomach, and for. a man with diseased nerve-just tear the nerves worn iustanovit new system of strong, pulsating life of nerves!
But this, unfortunately, is impossible. However, the mechanism of the human body, unlike machines of steel and copper, provided with a perfect circulation system, which, if properly supply can reach the most remote parts repairing worn or damaged areas.

The main causes of violations of the mechanism of the human body are:
1. Pessimistic thoughts.
2. Fear of the disease.
3. Lack of the right kinds of food.
4. Fatigue at work.
5. Working at night.
6. Different kinds of anxiety and concern.
This leads to indigestion, constipation and other diseases of the digestive tract. When disturbed digestion, and other diseases appear.
Most illness comes from eating too much, excesses and manifestations of anger and hatred. As a result of a fit of anger is the destruction of energy. Cells and tissues are filled with dark, poisonous substance, when we lose our temper and show our hatred. There are a variety of physical disorders. Many neurological diseases are associated with large losses seminal energy or frequent outbursts of anger or rage.

If your mind is always calm and balanced, you will have good health and vitality. Improve such qualities as stability and endurance. Strengthen your body, mind and nerves. Much time is devoted to exercises in the fresh air, eat well, take a bath with healing oils and do not limit yourself to rest. Arrange the mental and physical unloading. Maintain an orderly and balanced life. Take care to avoid excesses in eating, drinking and enjoyment. Take a spiritual way of life. All diseases will leave you alone. All the microbes will die if your life force and energy will be the key to beat. This is the secret of health and happiness.
Do not get carried away with the advertised medicines and techniques of various charlatans. Just live naturally. Then you will soon recover. Do not waste your money on the purchase of so-called proprietary medicines. They are useless. Charlatans are trying to take advantage of the credulity and ignorance. Be careful. Do not go to the doctor too often. Try to get to become his own doctor. Understand the laws of nature and the principles of health and hygiene. Do not break these laws.
Bathe in the sun. Every day for a short time substitute your body the sun. This is called heliotherapy or heliotherapy. You will receive its power from the sun and energy.
Also needed bed rest. Moderate your diet. Eat natural, easily digestible, healthy, does not irritate the stomach products. Stop eating spicy food with spices such as curry, chili and chutneys. Let's rest the stomach and intestines periodic fasting. If you can starve the whole day - is you will only benefit. Fasting helps rid the body of toxic substances.
Well there sago milk, drinking barley water and eat fruit such as grapes, sweet oranges and so on. N. If you are thirsty, you can drink orange or lemon juice with sweet caramel.
Get up at 4 am and do the Japa HARIOM read any mantras and meditate for one hour. Name of God - the best in the world of medicine. You must firmly believe in the power of names of our Lord. Incurable diseases are cured japa or repetition of God's name. Meditation gives cells new, healthy vibrations and eliminates the disease. All fabrics are washed the nectar flowing through them in meditation. Destroys all bacteria that cause the disease. (The mechanism of this action of yoga is still not fully understood by medical science.)
Why unnecessarily introduce into its system debris? Rely on the power of Nature. Make regular breathing exercises, asanas, concentrate and meditate. That is - the ideal treatment.
Do not think too much about the disease and about the body. Too often thought of her illness increase. Fully Take anything your mind. This is very important. Take away your mind off the disease and think about the Self, or inner soul that is not afraid of any disease on the substrate, based on your body and mind.
My friend, Cultivate a Atma chintanu (meditation on Ltmane) and come into existence, in which there is no pain, to a state of immortal Brahman.
Do not lose hope. Always it is configured fun and joy. Meditate on the syllable OM. Think of OM. Sing OM. OM - your real name. OM - This is the best tonic, the main stem, the panacea for all, universal cure for all diseases. Smile and laugh. You have a bodiless, immortal Spirit. Always, always remember that.
God bless you, to send you good health, vitality, energy, and longevity. Let it be your life the glorious era of the flowering! Om Shanti!

Karma and the laws of nature
Man gets good health due to its karma (actions) of the previous incarnation. Anyone who in a previous incarnation was virtuous, who shared with people all that he had, the one who helped the poor and needy who prayed, meditated, served nriyi and pranayama, in this life is born healthy. The law of causality, no one can cancel or challenge.
Without reason there is no action, there is no disease without violating the laws of nature. Nature is always trying to stay healthy, do not we bring the disease constantly breaking its laws. Of course, the laws of nature are inexorable. They spare no one.
In the animal kingdom of the disease are rare. Animals do not violate the laws of nature, and therefore they rarely require medical attention. Typically, such assistance is required pet, because they can not lead a natural way of life.
Some diseases are inherited from parents. There are also contagious and infectious diseases (that is transmitted through the air or through contact). These diseases affect a lot of people just are not the cause of their occurrence. However, in this case, as in all others, the cause of accidents is human error, although each individual victim can not be her fault. This means that a parent or other more distant ancestors wrought by evil-this disease, dishonest acts.