
Ekadasi - a special day, favorable to cleanse the body and spiritual practices - the eleventh lunar day (tithi), measured from the new and full moon. "Eka" - in Sanskrit means "one", "Dasha" - feminine words "Dasha", which means "ten". The word "Ekadashi" is translated as - eleven, or in our case - the eleventh day of the ascending and descending moon.
In the sacred Vedic texts say that not eating that day to mitigate the negative consequences of our wrongdoing. Compliance with all the necessary recommendations Ekadasi opens the way for a man to moksha (total liberation / enlightenment) .In the days of Ekadasi all bad karma and sins fill the food in the world. Therefore, eating foods these days, we are increasing our negative karma and certainly worsen their health.
Fasting during the Ekadasi kleok helps cleanse our body are derived toxins, the mild cleansing of the body, which increases energy, invigorates and extends the beauty. The strength of Ekadasi is so great that the constant fasting these days can lead to the liberation of the individual from the cycle of samsara. Therefore, Ekadasi is sometimes called "the best of all possibilities." To get the full benefit from the spiritual fasting, to avoid daytime sleep, shaving, grinding oil, the use of betel nut, eating utensils of bronze, touch a woman during her menstruation, intercourse with the drunkards, weavers and laundresses. At the use of food in addition to cereals and legumes should also be avoided: spinach, honey, eggplant, asafoetida and sea salt (other types of salt, such as sodium chloride, are permissible), as well as eating in other people's homes. Taking homeopathic medicines on the day of Ekadashi can only sick. Anyone who is unable to fast because of a serious illness or old age, must find a particularly spiritual person and donate him anything. It can also just listen to or read about the importance of each Ekadasi. This practice is recommended as a method of achieving full results fast. If Ekadasi accident has not been respected, you can spend it the next day - dvadasi and break the fast on the third day - trayodashi. If the lunar calendar Ekadasi coincides with Dashami - the tenth lunar day, there is no need to limit yourself to fasting, but if it coincides with dvadasi - the twelfth day of the moon, then this Ekadasi called "pure Ekadashi" or mahadvadashi and it is recommended to strictly observe. Mahadvadashi usually also called Ekadasi. The best would be a complete rejection of food that day. But due to health conditions, high energy costs and other factors not fit all so harsh method. Therefore, there is a list of foods that you can eat on Ekadasi, and should be avoided.
In the days of Ekadasi it is prohibited to use:
Meat and meat products any
Fish and seafood
Legumes, including chocolate
All kinds of cereals
Any leaves any oil
During Ekadashi can eat:
Fresh juices
Fruits and vegetables
Dried Nuts (some)
On the morning of Ekadasi need a shower, and the whole post to try to keep the mind and body clean and quiet. You have to understand that fasting is not just giving up food or certain products. If this day you have to deviate from the moral and ethical principles and will give irritation and anger - you do not really fast, but just do not eat the food.
Out of fasting should be done the next morning, after 2-3 hours after sunrise. It is desirable that the first meal consisted of fresh fruit (or juice).
In the days of Ekadasi is good to pray, recite mantras, to live for God, to be engaged in His service.