
Bhasma in Ayurveda - the ash obtained after burning. The process of burning in the Ayurvedic terminology, known as Marana (calcining, baking, roasting). This process is used in the preparation of Bhasma coral, pearls, sea shells, metals and precious stones. The famous Ayurvedic texts, Sushruta and Charaka Samhita, contains examples of the use of metals and minerallov in the treatment of various diseases. In later texts (Ashtanga Hridaya, Vagbhata, Mdhahva Nida Sharangadhara Samhita and Bhava Prakash) also mentions metals and minerally. Ayurvvedicheskogo treatment principles are very similar to the principles on which the modern Western medicine.
Detect and remove from the body causes the disease agent supokoit body and mind to completely eradicate the cause of the disease. The main difference between the two health care systems, it is used in these methods. Ayurveda great importance is attached to the three dosha imbalance in the body. When there is an imbalance in one or more dosha is disturbed and the normal functioning of the body systems, which naturally leads to various diseases. Consciousness or mind (sattva), the movement or action (Rajas), inertia opposed to them (Tamas) - the eternal intangible qualities (gunas), which governs all material forms of the universe. Gunas have a direct effect on the healing properties of plants and other substances. Bhasma precious metals used in Ayurveda to get rid of the most severe illnesses, including cancer.
Ayurveda is widely used concept of atonement, which means to completely eradicate the disease, leaving no trace. In the treatment of acute and chronic infections, Ayurveda does not aim to kill germs: the balance of the three doshas restoration and normal functioning of the immune system itself will destroy the cause of the disease. Most metals and minerals are pre-cleaning process before use as medicaments. Used for the processing of metals and minerals plant called divyausadhi - divine medicinal plants.
Mercury is considered the queen of the race and had a lot of different names, such as the parade, race, Suta, maharasa, rasendra, svarnakaraka, sarvadhatupati and others. There is a lot of detailed recipes where mercury is used as the main ingredient. The Indian alchemical texts, chemicals were divided into five main categories: maharasa, uparasa, dhatu, Ratna and poisons (viṣa). There are only eight maharas eight uparas and seven dhatus, including three alloy brass (pittala), metal for bells (kamsya) and a mixture of five metals (vartka). Gemstones are classified ratna. Toxic Plants and minerally classified as poisons. Ayurvedic medicines are divided into three groups: Rasayana - the ones that support overall health and promote longevity, vadzhikarana - those that give strength and ... aushadhi - those that resist diseases. This division into groups is not strictly defined, since some aushadhi can act as Rasayana and vice versa. In addition, the Ayurvedic medicines are divided into three groups according to their basic characteristics: 1) kastha ausadhi - vegetable 2) race ausadhi - metals or Bhasma, sindoor and 3) zhangama ausadhi - means of animal origin. Depending on its form, method of preparation, composition and formatsevticheskih properties Ayurvedic medicines are divided into: Swarna, Kalka, Hima, Phanita, Kashaya, cankers, Arista, Avaleha, Churna, Vati, Gutikov, ghrta, harbored, guggul Bhasma, Pista , Parpati, Rasayoga, sindoor, Lepa and Ange. Gold, silver, copper, lead, tin, iron, sand (a ball from the banks of the river), lime and minerals such as arsenic (Manasseh), precious stones (mana), salt (Laban), red chalk (gayrika) are a means of relating to earth (bhauma). The term Lohan Indian metallurgy message is used frequently in relation to such metals as gold and silver, and menerally containing metals (ore) called dhatus. There are seven dhatus: suvarna (gold), Rajat (silver), Tamra (copper), ladder (tin), or Tiksha Ayas (iron), Sisa or naga (lead) and vaikrintaka. Salt and Laban are parthivam. According to Charaka, there are five salts: sauvarkala, saindhava, type, and audbhida Samudra. Mani Ratna and synonyms and refer to precious stones. According to the race of the sastra, mercury is the eighth, special metal and is separated from other metals and minerals. For Bhasma can be use not only metals but also the horns of animals, shells, feathers, ore and other minerals. Bhasma ash is obtained after the correct combustion. The source material is always held pre-treatment processes (shodhana). The next phase involves the use of additional ingredients: plant extracts, minerals. After that the material in granular form is placed in the oven. The result is a non-toxic material such suvarna bhasma, sankha bhasma and Tamra bhasma.
Parpati - are special products which are prepared in a special way of mercury. Purified mercury is mixed with sulfur and receive black mercuric sulfide. Then, using a mortar and pestle recieved mercury sulfide mixed with other components. In fresh cow manure make a small depression which is lined with banana leaves. The molten mixture is poured onto a banana leaf and covered with banana leaves and the other on top evenly spread cow dung. After the mixture has cooled flakes obtained is purified and pulverized. Rasayoga - a multicompound compositions containing mercury and sulfur (in the form Kajal) together with other metals and minerals. Most of the ingredients is rasayogi Bhasma. As a result, a powder or tablet. Sindoor - Preparation sindoor is a complex sublimation processes. This procedure is called kupipakva vidhi during which the neck of the bulb remains a mineral layer, called sindoor. Sindoor considered more potent than bhasma.
Types Bhasma.
One option Bhasma classification, a classification according to their color and appearance. But a more scientific method of classification is based on the dominant metal or mineral in the composition Bhasma. According to this classification bhasma divided into groups, for example Rajat (silver), Tamra (copper), the sucker (iron) pravala (shells), and others. Most of the bhasma includes two metals and metal from the mineral. For example Trivanga Bhasma contains lead, tin and zinc. Depending on what kind of ingredients used in their preparation, bhasma divided into three categories: high-quality, medium and low quality. Mercury is always used as a base material in a process called Mara.