Seven Magic Points of Longevity

The Eastern Secret of LongevityRegular exposure to these magical points of longevity allows you to extend the life of healthy people by an average of 10-15 years, if you start their regular treatment at the age of 30-35 years and 5-7 years at the beginning of preventive measures after 50 years.

1. E 36 (tsu-san-li)It is the most famous and most commonly used longevity point (the “point of a hundred diseases” as it is called in Japan). Tzu-san-li is determined on the stomach canal four transverse fingers below the lower edge of the patella and one finger away from the tibia, in the recess.

2. VC 4 (guan-yuan)Biologically active point (BAT) of the anterior middle canal, located on the midline of the abdomen, about four transverse fingers below the navel (between the navel and pubis)

3. VC 6 (qi-hai)- the point is located at 1.5 tsun (about 2 transverse fingers below the navel on the middle line).

4. VC 12 (jung-wang)- the point is 4 transverse fingers above the navel along the midline of the abdomen at the middle of the distance between the point VC 17 and the navel.

5. VG 14 (da-juy)- the point is determined on the back along the middle line between the seventh cervical (the most protruding spine in this department) and the first thoracic vertebra.

6. V43 (gao-huan)- a known point of longevity, located on the back, 4 transverse fingers from the middle line at the level of the gap between the spiny processes of the IV and V thoracic vertebrae, at the inner edge of the shoulder blade

7. VG 4 (min-men)- the point of the posterior middle canal, is determined on the back between the spinous processes of the II and III lumbar vertebrae in the fossa. If we take the pelvic bone as a landmark, then the VG 4 point will be located two vertebrae above its upper edge.

The main ways of influencing the points of longevity
  • Moxibustion (ju therapy)
  • Impact of the vacuum can
  • Surface acupuncture (use of a needle hammer)
  • Application on the projection of selected points of longevity balls, seeds, plates, pepper patch
  • Electropuncture (impact on BAT by direct or alternating electric current)
Preventive effects on points of longevity to strengthen the body and prolong life, it is best carried out using moxibustion. To achieve a lasting effect on the reflexotherapy points located on the back, a good effect has the setting of vacuum cans. Another effective method of influencing longevity points is electropuncture (especially using direct electric current). The use of other methods (application of balls, seeds, needle hammer) is less effective, but affordable.

How do you do cauterization?For ju therapy, it is best to use special cigarettes from wormwood, sold in specialized stores. Such cigarettes (depending on the size and thickness) ensure a uniform combustion and maintenance of the required temperature at the tip of the cigar for about one hour. Thus, one cigar is enough to affect several points of longevity for 1-3 sessions.

The duration of cauterization of one point is 3-5-10 minutes. At the same time, the distance to BAT is determined by the sensation of pleasant warmth at a point - it is about 3 centimeters to the surface of the skin. The procedure is stopped when persistent redness appears on the skin in the BAT area (hyperemia). Each person has his own individual skin sensitivity to heat, so one hyperemia will appear in 3 minutes, another in 10 minutes.

For moxibustion, the point E 36 is most often used, as well as longevity points located on the abdomen - VC 4, VC 6, VC 12.

According to ancient Chinese recommendations, such cauterization should be carried out in the first decade of the lunar month (on the young moon). During this time, 7-8 sessions of ju therapy are performed. Then the body rests for two to three weeks from preventive effects. Next month, cauterization of longevity points resumes - and in this mode, the effect continues throughout life.

In general, the issues of strengthening the body, preventing diseases, prolonging life are multifaceted and, of course, require an individual approach.

The possible side effects andContraindications to the use of moxibustion and other methods of reflexology. This is, first of all,pregnancy, as well as blood diseases manifested by increased bleeding, tumors, acute infectious diseases, skin changes at the site of exposure to points of longevity. By the way, it is undesirable to use banks in old age, replacing them with cauterization, acupressure and application to the points of plates, balls, seeds.

To master the methods of influencing the points of longevity, it is best to first consult a reflexologist. A specialist in oriental medicine will conduct the first course of exposure to the points to promote health and prolong life and during the sessions will show and tell you how to independently perform acupressure in the future at home. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!

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