The point of longevity: how to stop the aging process
It is known that the method of moxibustion (MOK-sa) and acupuncture, called Zhen-jeou used to strengthen health and protection from diseases. There are points of irritation which is accompanied by increased tone of any system.
For example, the famous:
Ninety four million six hundred four thousand two hundred fifty two
Especially recommended in preventive moxibustion, often in its original form, i.e. before the scar.
A good choice of place and time burning provides a significant extension and improvement of quality of life.
How to cauterize the point zu-San-LiIt is believed that the point zu-San-Li so beneficial effect on the body that it burning enhances human immunity, normalizes blood pressure, the function of internal organs, so well balances all the systems that a person enters into a state of stable harmony. Say that really this point is responsible for the incurable disease — old age.
Traditionally cauterize (or rather, warm up) this point wormwood cigars. Set on fire cigar smoldering slowly, reaching a sufficiently high temperature. This cigar need to bring to the point of longevity at a distance where it will feel the beneficial heat and at the same time, you don't get the burn that led to a cigar back and forth for about 10 minutes. So warm up that point. Just keep in mind: the room should be well ventilated.
Twenty three million six hundred five thousand two hundred fifty three
To cauterize the point of longevity on both legs. Do this once a day. All procedures can be 2-3, the interval between them should reach 3-4 days.
Moxibustion is permitted by tradition only in the first 8 days of new moon because it is believed that in these days the body is able to achieve harmony and to strengthen resistance to various diseases, thereby contributing to and prolonging life. But for burning, there are contraindications: acute feverish condition, cancer, heat intolerance, myocardial infarction.
General description
Point TSU-San-Li is under the kneecap.
To detect it, cover the knee with the palm of the same hand, while the point is located in front of the little finger at the distance of the end of the middle finger.
In any case, you can easily install its exact location on the specific sensations that occur when pressure is applied on it. Moxibustion is a special sagebrush cigarettes during the first phase of the moon daily.
It can be replaced by the following procedure: fill half of the shell of hazelnut crushed garlic and attach it to the right place. The technique is most effective if you bring the impact to education and breakthrough of the bladder and separating it from the translucent liquid.
Where to get wormwood cigar to ablate and how to replace themCigars for moxibustion can be bought in special stores where they sell incense, but you can make yourself.
To make wormwood cigar with his hands, in mid-summer harvested tarragon, dried in the shade, the leaves are pounded, and then sort — remove all tough stems and veins. The remaining silky fiber is the filling for your cigars. Store them in a dry place. For flavor in tarragon add the peppermint, sage, St. John's wort.
Cigars are rolled from fine tissue paper, the length must be 20 cm and a diameter of 1.2 cm, the Cigar is tightly Packed into wormwood. It is best to use mugwort three years. Lit the cigar for about an hour, so it burned not all, but only as long as necessary for the procedure. Unburned cigar stub and stored in a special box or glass jar with a lid in a dry place.
Is wormwood cigar, you can use a more simple material — capsicum plaster or mustard plaster. Or simply massaging her hands. She will have on the body healing effect.
After the "disclosure" points to reduce the intensity of the impact.
Above the point within 2-3 minutes drive of a smoldering cigar wormwood to the feeling of pleasant warmth.
According to another method, a cigar vertically closer and farther from the point.
The person alternately experiences the strong, the weak warm.
Finally, the third way is that the cigar is fixed for 20 minutes over the "San-ri" at this distance, that it may give a pleasant, soothing warmth.
Cautery to perform better during the first phases of the moon - the first week after the new moon.
The formation of bubbles preferably, but not necessarily: sometimes the channels are expanded and before the formation of the bubbles.
Basically, once the feeling of "opening channels" became a distinct, sometimes quite inner concentration. How would you push the energy through this point down, feeling as it fills your feet . Usually the sensation is so distinct that it is difficult with something confused.
Fifty nine million three hundred nineteen thousand two hundred seventy eight
Feeling the movement of warm streams of energy through the front side of the tibia down to the foot, then or through the center of the foot or using fingers to "sparkle cavity" in the sole of the foot (the instep). The feeling of fullness the empty space. Over time — a sense of upward energy flow in the back of the legs buttocks and abdomen. Eventually this feeling becomes almost constant. That is, it can be invoked by simply listening to yourself.
The first results are felt almost immediately, but full recovery Achilles breathing usually requires 6-8 or more cycles.
The main result — the suspension of the aging process. Rejuvenate in the full sense of the words is not observed, but the increase in energy contributes to the disappearance of the secondary signs of aging. Plus healing of the body and increase energy almost to the maximum level. Accordingly, increase and all other abilities of the body.
Instead of pills, squats, pushups and abdominal exercisesMagic Pat is a simple technique of rejuvenation
During the period of burning is necessary to preserve the "peace of mind", to avoid all traumatic experiences. That is, those which are directed inwards, which are expressed in notions of self-worthlessness. With enemies you can fight, with you — in any case.published
Source: menzyrka.ru/publ/1/1/18-1-0-372#.WAduRfmLTIW
For example, the famous:
- point nei-Guan tones the cardiovascular system,
- the point he-GU, zu-San-Li, Zhao Hai, qu-Chi,
Ninety four million six hundred four thousand two hundred fifty two
Especially recommended in preventive moxibustion, often in its original form, i.e. before the scar.
A good choice of place and time burning provides a significant extension and improvement of quality of life.
How to cauterize the point zu-San-LiIt is believed that the point zu-San-Li so beneficial effect on the body that it burning enhances human immunity, normalizes blood pressure, the function of internal organs, so well balances all the systems that a person enters into a state of stable harmony. Say that really this point is responsible for the incurable disease — old age.
Traditionally cauterize (or rather, warm up) this point wormwood cigars. Set on fire cigar smoldering slowly, reaching a sufficiently high temperature. This cigar need to bring to the point of longevity at a distance where it will feel the beneficial heat and at the same time, you don't get the burn that led to a cigar back and forth for about 10 minutes. So warm up that point. Just keep in mind: the room should be well ventilated.
Twenty three million six hundred five thousand two hundred fifty three
To cauterize the point of longevity on both legs. Do this once a day. All procedures can be 2-3, the interval between them should reach 3-4 days.
Moxibustion is permitted by tradition only in the first 8 days of new moon because it is believed that in these days the body is able to achieve harmony and to strengthen resistance to various diseases, thereby contributing to and prolonging life. But for burning, there are contraindications: acute feverish condition, cancer, heat intolerance, myocardial infarction.
General description
Point TSU-San-Li is under the kneecap.
To detect it, cover the knee with the palm of the same hand, while the point is located in front of the little finger at the distance of the end of the middle finger.
In any case, you can easily install its exact location on the specific sensations that occur when pressure is applied on it. Moxibustion is a special sagebrush cigarettes during the first phase of the moon daily.
It can be replaced by the following procedure: fill half of the shell of hazelnut crushed garlic and attach it to the right place. The technique is most effective if you bring the impact to education and breakthrough of the bladder and separating it from the translucent liquid.
Where to get wormwood cigar to ablate and how to replace themCigars for moxibustion can be bought in special stores where they sell incense, but you can make yourself.
To make wormwood cigar with his hands, in mid-summer harvested tarragon, dried in the shade, the leaves are pounded, and then sort — remove all tough stems and veins. The remaining silky fiber is the filling for your cigars. Store them in a dry place. For flavor in tarragon add the peppermint, sage, St. John's wort.
Cigars are rolled from fine tissue paper, the length must be 20 cm and a diameter of 1.2 cm, the Cigar is tightly Packed into wormwood. It is best to use mugwort three years. Lit the cigar for about an hour, so it burned not all, but only as long as necessary for the procedure. Unburned cigar stub and stored in a special box or glass jar with a lid in a dry place.
Is wormwood cigar, you can use a more simple material — capsicum plaster or mustard plaster. Or simply massaging her hands. She will have on the body healing effect.
After the "disclosure" points to reduce the intensity of the impact.
Above the point within 2-3 minutes drive of a smoldering cigar wormwood to the feeling of pleasant warmth.
According to another method, a cigar vertically closer and farther from the point.
The person alternately experiences the strong, the weak warm.
Finally, the third way is that the cigar is fixed for 20 minutes over the "San-ri" at this distance, that it may give a pleasant, soothing warmth.
Cautery to perform better during the first phases of the moon - the first week after the new moon.
The formation of bubbles preferably, but not necessarily: sometimes the channels are expanded and before the formation of the bubbles.
Basically, once the feeling of "opening channels" became a distinct, sometimes quite inner concentration. How would you push the energy through this point down, feeling as it fills your feet . Usually the sensation is so distinct that it is difficult with something confused.
Fifty nine million three hundred nineteen thousand two hundred seventy eight
Feeling the movement of warm streams of energy through the front side of the tibia down to the foot, then or through the center of the foot or using fingers to "sparkle cavity" in the sole of the foot (the instep). The feeling of fullness the empty space. Over time — a sense of upward energy flow in the back of the legs buttocks and abdomen. Eventually this feeling becomes almost constant. That is, it can be invoked by simply listening to yourself.
The first results are felt almost immediately, but full recovery Achilles breathing usually requires 6-8 or more cycles.
The main result — the suspension of the aging process. Rejuvenate in the full sense of the words is not observed, but the increase in energy contributes to the disappearance of the secondary signs of aging. Plus healing of the body and increase energy almost to the maximum level. Accordingly, increase and all other abilities of the body.
Instead of pills, squats, pushups and abdominal exercisesMagic Pat is a simple technique of rejuvenation
During the period of burning is necessary to preserve the "peace of mind", to avoid all traumatic experiences. That is, those which are directed inwards, which are expressed in notions of self-worthlessness. With enemies you can fight, with you — in any case.published
Source: menzyrka.ru/publ/1/1/18-1-0-372#.WAduRfmLTIW
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