25 magic points to control the mind and maintain health
Using magic points, you can not only get rid of a number of ailments, but also to influence in the desired direction on your character, changing certain characteristics of their personality, for example, to strengthen the will, increase math skills, sexual attractiveness, level of responsibility and consciousness, to get rid of the effects of stress, various complexes, indecision, anxiety and fears.
Point, preventing hereditary diseases and improper development of the fetus, the French doctor Georges Soulier de Moran in the result of the studies made sure that, acting on point Zhu bin (Fig. 1) pregnant women in the third and sixth month of pregnancy to prevent transmission to the child of the mother's diseases or hereditary diseases, and significantly reduce susceptibility to the normal diseases.
Children born to mothers who were exposed to this point, distinguished by a healthy complexion, in infancy slept by night and smile by day, much less sick than average children, and if they get sick, then get well sooner.
Fig. 1
According to de Moran, the impact on point Zhu bin also prevents miscarriage and prevents the spasms of pregnancy.
To prevent transmission to the foetus of maternal illness or hereditary diseases, you need to have a toning effect on the point of Zhu bin in the period when the woman is on the third and sixth months of pregnancy.
Toning point, Zhu bin can hold from 1 to 4 times during the third and sixth months, but not more often than once a week.
For the prevention of miscarriage the impact is also a tonic method, but only when there is a threat of miscarriage.
Point Ju-Binh is located 5 inch above the center of the ankle located on the inner side of the leg.
The point, enabling the development of intelligence, consciousness and self-discipline, as well as the growth and physical development in childrenimpact on the point tai-Bai (Fig. 2) energizing or harmonizing method in the period from noon to midnight contributes to the development of intelligence, help concentration, total concentration, increases the ability to control their own emotions, helps to make thinking deeper.
Fig. 2
Periodic exposure at this point in children helps them to develop awareness and mathematical ability.
Toning dots tai-Bai is not recommended in the case when a person experiences anxiety, excitation, anxiety. In this case, it should be a harmonizing influence or a calming method in the period from midnight until noon.
This point gives a good effect in children suffering from slow growth. The impact at this point ceases to be effective after 20 years. Exposed to may not be effective in the case where both parents have small stature.
After a three-week course of impact on the point you should take a break for one to two weeks.
Point tai-Bai is located on the inner surface of the foot, downward and backward from the head of the first metatarsal bone, where the palpable deepening.
Point to recover from fatigue, shocks, diseases,Tonifying point HOU-si (Fig. 3) in the period from midnight until noon (preferably in the morning hours, otherwise it may interfere with sleep) allows you to recover from fatigue, shocks, diseases, helps with physical and mental weakness, in cases where the man is slowly recovering after physical exertion or emotional turmoil for a long time are experiencing fatigue or depression, begins to cry for insufficiently serious reasons.
Fig. 3
Impact on this point also has a positive effect on eyesight and helps with redness, pain in the eyes, farsightedness, age-related decline in vision.
Point HOU-si is located in the recess posterior to the metacarpophalangeal joint of the little finger with the ulnar side of the hand.
Point for development, willStrengthen the conscious will of the person through toning, point Fu-Liu (Fig. 4). Effect on this point is recommended in the absence of hardness, lack of will or determination. Toning should be carried out in the period from noon to midnight, the day prior to the results. With the strengthening of the will from tonic effect you can move on to harmonizing.
Fig. 4
Preferably after a three-week impact on the point to take a break of one to two weeks and again repeat the course.
Especially noticeable influence results point Fu-Liu gives children who have a weak and indecisive character.
Excessive toning can lead to manifestations of excessive categorical, moodiness, anger. In this case, you should take a break from the impact and continue to influence the point of harmonizing method.
Point Fu-Liu is located above the center of the internal malleolus 2 CUN, the rear edge of the tibia.
Point, eliminating the effects of a psychological injury or shockPoint Ku-fan (Fig. 5) especially on the right side of the body, actively affects the human psyche. Point located to the left, largely affects skin disorders.
Fig. 5
Acting soothing or harmonizing method on point Ku-fan, you can completely eliminate or significantly reduce any mental or even physical result of mental trauma or shock or severe emotional shocks, including the consequences of accidents or the stress of undergoing surgery. This point allows you to fight excessive commitment to care, concern, obsessive ideas.
Point Ku-fan is located between the first and second rib, 4 CUN away from the midline of the chest.
Point to get rid of anxiety, fear, tendency to retreat before difficultiesToning point Xia-si (Fig. 6) can significantly reduce or even eliminate the feeling of anxiety, concern, insecurity, fear of difficulties, and General fearfulness.
Fig. 6
Impact on this point also helps to cope with insomnia resulting from anxiety, concern.
Point SJ-si is located in the gap between the IV and V fingers of the foot, anterior to the metatarsophalangeal joints.
Impact on point Xia si also contributes to improvement of vision and hearing, helps with headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath.
The point that improve overall bodyStimulation point zu-San-Li (Fig. 7) in the period when the person is in a weakened state, increases vitality and stimulates all body systems.
Fig. 7
Stimulate the point zu-San-Li is recommended in the morning, preferably at dawn. Impact on point before sleep can cause insomnia.
Healthy people are recommended regular in one, two or three days tonic and harmonizing effects of massage or heat to the point zu-San-Li to maintain a good body tone. Every 3 weeks you can make a break for 1-2 weeks.
Point TSU-San-Li is located 3 CUN below the upper edge of the lateral condyle of the tibia, in the recess at the front edge of the tibia muscles.
If in a sitting position to put the brush the same hand on the knee so that the palm coincide with the patella, the point zu-San-Li will be in the groove under the pad of the ring finger.
Impact on point zu-San-Li also improves the condition of the eyes, the stomach and intestines.
Periodic effects in the long term to the point zu-San-Li may lead to increased blood pressure, so people with high blood pressure when exposed to at this point care should be taken. In this case, for the same purpose it is possible to influence the point Yang Ling Quan (Fig. 8).
Point to increase muscular strength, improve coordination of movementsToning effect on the point Yang Ling Quan (Fig. 8) gives the muscle strength, increases coordination, improves balance, helps to fight fatigue, enhance the vitality of the body, to cope with atonic constipation.
Fig. 8
Calming effect on the point Yang Ling Quan helps in spastic constipation, muscle spasms, muscle cramps of the lower extremities.
The point Yang Ling Quan is located in the depression at the anteroinferior edge of the head of the fibula, 2 CUN below the lower edge of the patella.
Point to improve visionPeriodic harmonizing influence to the point Tun-Tzu-Liao (Fig. 9) has a positive effect in decreasing visual acuity and various eye diseases. The duration and force of the massage should be individualized. The massage point is made simultaneously from both sides with closed eyes and accompanied by the mind's idea of what your eyes relax and improve their health.
Fig. 9
The feeling of relaxation and relieve tension in the eyes is an indication that you have selected the correct duration and impact force.
Point Tun-Tzu-Liao is 0.5 cm outwards from the outer corner of the eye.
To influence the point should be only with the help of massage.
Point to improve hearingPeriodic harmonizing effect on the point is ting-Hui (Fig. 10) has a positive effect for hearing loss, helps prevent or delay age-related hearing impairment. Impact on this point also helps with noise and pain in ears.
Fig. 10
Point ting-Hui is located anteriorly and downward from the tragus of the ear, where when opening the mouth there is a recess.
To influence the point should be only with the help of massage.
Point that helps in the cold throughout the body or limbsTonic and harmonizing effects on the point San Yin Jiao (Fig. 11) in the period from noon to midnight allows you to cope with the cold throughout the body or in the extremities, improve overall health, to cope with insomnia caused by fatigue, improves with fatigue, neurasthenia.
Fig. 11
Impact on this point also improves the urinary apparatus.
Point San Yin Jiao located posterior to the tibia, 3 CUN above the center of the inner ankle.
Point pain with painful menstruationa Harmonizing effect on the point Xue Hai (Fig. 12) allows you to quickly eliminate the pain that occurs when painful menstruation. Impact on this point also helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, improves the condition of the blood, helps with purulent inflammation of the skin.
Fig. 12
Point Xue Hai is located on the bottom of vnutrenniaia of the thigh above the internal epicondyle of the femur and upper level of the patella 2 CUN.
To determine the point be in sitting position to put a right hand from aside at an angle of 45 degrees with the thumb on the left knee (or Vice versa), so that 4 fingers are above the knee joint, and the thumb rests on the inner thighs. The tip of the thumb will be above the point Xue Hai.
Point that help in urticaria, skin diseases and pains throughout the bodyToning effect on the point qu-Quan (Fig. 13) helps with various skin disorders: urticaria, rash, eczema, herpes, lichen, psoriasis.
Fig. 13
This point is also effective for pains all over the body, reduced vision, diseases of the genitourinary system.
Point qu-Quan is located on the inner surface of the knee joint at the end of the popliteal crease.
Point defined in the sitting position with the leg bent at an angle of 90 degrees.
Point, eliminating the muscle spasms of internal organs andHarmonizing effect on the point tai-Chun (Fig. 14) allows to eliminate muscle and coronary spasms, spasms of internal organs, pelvic pain and sexual apparatus.
Fig. 14
Effects on that point is also recommended for diseases of the eye, dizziness, sleep disorders and emotional instability.
Point tai-Chung is located in the recess between the first and second metatarsal bones of the foot above the metatarsophalangeal joints, 0.5 CUN.
Point, helps with headaches, dizzinessHarmonizing influence on the point Hae-GU (Fig. 15) helps to relieve headaches, eliminate dizziness or blackouts. Impact on this point also helps with eye diseases, colds, nervousness, insomnia due to weakness.
Fig. 15
Point Hae-GU is located in the hole between first and second metacarpal bones of the brush, closer to the middle of the second metacarpal bone. The point should be to determine when the rectified and brush aside large finger.
Point, eliminating the spasmodic coughHarmonizing effect on the point of Ying-Chuan (Fig. 16) allows to eliminate spasmodic cough, preventing a person to sleep.
Fig. 16
Impact on this point also resolves the shortness of breath, feeling of fullness in the chest or suffocation, helps with bronchial asthma.
Point Ying-Chuan is located in the third intercostal space, 4 CUN away from the midline of the chest.
Point helps with pain in the joints, rheumatismHarmonizing influence on the point Qi Guan (Fig. 17) has a therapeutic effect for rheumatism, pains in the joints. The strongest therapeutic effects of the point Qi Guan affects wrist and finger joints of the upper extremities, and hip, knee and fingers of the lower extremities.
Fig. 17
Point Qi-Kuan located on the inner surface of the tibia below the lower edge of the patella 2 CUN.
Point defined in the sitting position with a bent leg.
Point that helps with runny nose and nasal congestionin case of rhinitis, nasal congestion, nosebleed, loss of olfaction, it is recommended to work with the help of massage on the point of Ying-Xiang (Fig. 18) a harmonizing method. Moxibustion this point is not made.
Fig. 18
Point Ying Xiang is located in the lateral sulcus of the wing of the nose, below the inner corner of the eye.
Point that helps with nausea, burping, hiccups,Harmonizing or calming effect on the point nei-Guan (Fig. 19) helps with nausea, eructation, vomiting, pain in the stomach.
Fig. 19
Effects on that point is also recommended for nervousness, neurasthenia, fever, insomnia and anxiety.
The point nei-Kuan located on the inner part of the forearm 2 CUN above the wrist crease between the tendons.
Point that help with pain and cramps in the stomachHarmonizing or calming effect on the point Jung-WAN (Fig. 20) helps with pain in the stomach and stomach cramps, gastric ulcer, belching, flatulence and gastroenteritis.
Fig. 20
Impact on this point also gives positive results in headaches and sleep disorders.
Point Zhong WAN is located on the midline of the abdomen 4 CUN above the umbilicus, midway between the umbilicus and xiphoid process of the sternum.
Point that help with constipationWith atonic and spastic constipation helps ongoing tonic (in atonic) or soothing (spastic constipation) massage of the point Yanagiya (Fig. 21) located on the left side of the lower abdomen 3 CUN below 1 CUN to the left of the navel.
Fig. 21
In case of doubt regarding the nature of constipation is recommended the impact of to point Anazia harmonizing method.
Constipation also gives good results effect on the point Jung-WAN (Fig. 18).
Point that help diarrheadiarrhea and pain in the stomach, it is recommended to influence tonic and harmonizing method to the point It-ting (Fig. 22), located in front of the second and third metatarsophalangeal joints of the foot.
Fig. 22
To resolve diarrhea is also an effective impact on the point zu-San-Li (Fig. 7) and Ying-Chuan (Fig. 16).
Point that helps accelerate the healing of wounds, bone fractures, increasing resistance to infectious diseasesToning effect on the point Xuan-Jun (Fig. 23) in infectious diseases causes the temperature to increase with subsequent normalization during the day and faster recovery.
Fig. 23
The impact at this point accelerates the healing of abscesses, abrasions, promotes rapid healing of wounds, the splicing of bone fractures.
Point-Xuan Zhong is located at 3 CUN above the center of the outside of the ankle.
Point help for insomniaa Harmonizing effect on the point Bai Hui (Fig. 24) in 10-15 minutes helps with insomnia. Additionally, you can massage the harmonizing basis over the 10 minute point, located in the center of the foot.
Fig. 24
Point Bai Hui is located at the intersection of the middle line of the head and a vertical plane passing through the highest point of the ears, 7 inch higher than the back border of hair growth.
Point, help with disorders caused by weather changes or adverse climatic factorsIn case of ailments caused by cold or damp, such as weakness, disorders of skin, allergic reactions, itching, rheumatism, chills, prostration, one should tone the point-Wai Guan (Fig. 25).
Fig. 25
In case of symptoms caused by heat, wind or storm, such as headaches, neuralgic type headache from rush of blood, body aches, neuralgia, asthma, to the point-Wai Guan you should start a calming method.
In case of doubts arising with respect to timing of the intervention, to influence the point should be a harmonizing method.
Point-Wai Guan is located on the outer part of the forearm, 2 CUN above the wrist crease.published
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: esoterix.ru/blog/breath/2073.html
Point, preventing hereditary diseases and improper development of the fetus, the French doctor Georges Soulier de Moran in the result of the studies made sure that, acting on point Zhu bin (Fig. 1) pregnant women in the third and sixth month of pregnancy to prevent transmission to the child of the mother's diseases or hereditary diseases, and significantly reduce susceptibility to the normal diseases.
Children born to mothers who were exposed to this point, distinguished by a healthy complexion, in infancy slept by night and smile by day, much less sick than average children, and if they get sick, then get well sooner.

Fig. 1
According to de Moran, the impact on point Zhu bin also prevents miscarriage and prevents the spasms of pregnancy.
To prevent transmission to the foetus of maternal illness or hereditary diseases, you need to have a toning effect on the point of Zhu bin in the period when the woman is on the third and sixth months of pregnancy.
Toning point, Zhu bin can hold from 1 to 4 times during the third and sixth months, but not more often than once a week.
For the prevention of miscarriage the impact is also a tonic method, but only when there is a threat of miscarriage.
Point Ju-Binh is located 5 inch above the center of the ankle located on the inner side of the leg.
The point, enabling the development of intelligence, consciousness and self-discipline, as well as the growth and physical development in childrenimpact on the point tai-Bai (Fig. 2) energizing or harmonizing method in the period from noon to midnight contributes to the development of intelligence, help concentration, total concentration, increases the ability to control their own emotions, helps to make thinking deeper.

Fig. 2
Periodic exposure at this point in children helps them to develop awareness and mathematical ability.
Toning dots tai-Bai is not recommended in the case when a person experiences anxiety, excitation, anxiety. In this case, it should be a harmonizing influence or a calming method in the period from midnight until noon.
This point gives a good effect in children suffering from slow growth. The impact at this point ceases to be effective after 20 years. Exposed to may not be effective in the case where both parents have small stature.
After a three-week course of impact on the point you should take a break for one to two weeks.
Point tai-Bai is located on the inner surface of the foot, downward and backward from the head of the first metatarsal bone, where the palpable deepening.
Point to recover from fatigue, shocks, diseases,Tonifying point HOU-si (Fig. 3) in the period from midnight until noon (preferably in the morning hours, otherwise it may interfere with sleep) allows you to recover from fatigue, shocks, diseases, helps with physical and mental weakness, in cases where the man is slowly recovering after physical exertion or emotional turmoil for a long time are experiencing fatigue or depression, begins to cry for insufficiently serious reasons.

Fig. 3
Impact on this point also has a positive effect on eyesight and helps with redness, pain in the eyes, farsightedness, age-related decline in vision.
Point HOU-si is located in the recess posterior to the metacarpophalangeal joint of the little finger with the ulnar side of the hand.
Point for development, willStrengthen the conscious will of the person through toning, point Fu-Liu (Fig. 4). Effect on this point is recommended in the absence of hardness, lack of will or determination. Toning should be carried out in the period from noon to midnight, the day prior to the results. With the strengthening of the will from tonic effect you can move on to harmonizing.

Fig. 4
Preferably after a three-week impact on the point to take a break of one to two weeks and again repeat the course.
Especially noticeable influence results point Fu-Liu gives children who have a weak and indecisive character.
Excessive toning can lead to manifestations of excessive categorical, moodiness, anger. In this case, you should take a break from the impact and continue to influence the point of harmonizing method.
Point Fu-Liu is located above the center of the internal malleolus 2 CUN, the rear edge of the tibia.
Point, eliminating the effects of a psychological injury or shockPoint Ku-fan (Fig. 5) especially on the right side of the body, actively affects the human psyche. Point located to the left, largely affects skin disorders.

Fig. 5
Acting soothing or harmonizing method on point Ku-fan, you can completely eliminate or significantly reduce any mental or even physical result of mental trauma or shock or severe emotional shocks, including the consequences of accidents or the stress of undergoing surgery. This point allows you to fight excessive commitment to care, concern, obsessive ideas.
Point Ku-fan is located between the first and second rib, 4 CUN away from the midline of the chest.
Point to get rid of anxiety, fear, tendency to retreat before difficultiesToning point Xia-si (Fig. 6) can significantly reduce or even eliminate the feeling of anxiety, concern, insecurity, fear of difficulties, and General fearfulness.

Fig. 6
Impact on this point also helps to cope with insomnia resulting from anxiety, concern.
Point SJ-si is located in the gap between the IV and V fingers of the foot, anterior to the metatarsophalangeal joints.
Impact on point Xia si also contributes to improvement of vision and hearing, helps with headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath.
The point that improve overall bodyStimulation point zu-San-Li (Fig. 7) in the period when the person is in a weakened state, increases vitality and stimulates all body systems.

Fig. 7
Stimulate the point zu-San-Li is recommended in the morning, preferably at dawn. Impact on point before sleep can cause insomnia.
Healthy people are recommended regular in one, two or three days tonic and harmonizing effects of massage or heat to the point zu-San-Li to maintain a good body tone. Every 3 weeks you can make a break for 1-2 weeks.
Point TSU-San-Li is located 3 CUN below the upper edge of the lateral condyle of the tibia, in the recess at the front edge of the tibia muscles.
If in a sitting position to put the brush the same hand on the knee so that the palm coincide with the patella, the point zu-San-Li will be in the groove under the pad of the ring finger.
Impact on point zu-San-Li also improves the condition of the eyes, the stomach and intestines.
Periodic effects in the long term to the point zu-San-Li may lead to increased blood pressure, so people with high blood pressure when exposed to at this point care should be taken. In this case, for the same purpose it is possible to influence the point Yang Ling Quan (Fig. 8).
Point to increase muscular strength, improve coordination of movementsToning effect on the point Yang Ling Quan (Fig. 8) gives the muscle strength, increases coordination, improves balance, helps to fight fatigue, enhance the vitality of the body, to cope with atonic constipation.

Fig. 8
Calming effect on the point Yang Ling Quan helps in spastic constipation, muscle spasms, muscle cramps of the lower extremities.
The point Yang Ling Quan is located in the depression at the anteroinferior edge of the head of the fibula, 2 CUN below the lower edge of the patella.
Point to improve visionPeriodic harmonizing influence to the point Tun-Tzu-Liao (Fig. 9) has a positive effect in decreasing visual acuity and various eye diseases. The duration and force of the massage should be individualized. The massage point is made simultaneously from both sides with closed eyes and accompanied by the mind's idea of what your eyes relax and improve their health.

Fig. 9
The feeling of relaxation and relieve tension in the eyes is an indication that you have selected the correct duration and impact force.
Point Tun-Tzu-Liao is 0.5 cm outwards from the outer corner of the eye.
To influence the point should be only with the help of massage.
Point to improve hearingPeriodic harmonizing effect on the point is ting-Hui (Fig. 10) has a positive effect for hearing loss, helps prevent or delay age-related hearing impairment. Impact on this point also helps with noise and pain in ears.

Fig. 10
Point ting-Hui is located anteriorly and downward from the tragus of the ear, where when opening the mouth there is a recess.
To influence the point should be only with the help of massage.
Point that helps in the cold throughout the body or limbsTonic and harmonizing effects on the point San Yin Jiao (Fig. 11) in the period from noon to midnight allows you to cope with the cold throughout the body or in the extremities, improve overall health, to cope with insomnia caused by fatigue, improves with fatigue, neurasthenia.

Fig. 11
Impact on this point also improves the urinary apparatus.
Point San Yin Jiao located posterior to the tibia, 3 CUN above the center of the inner ankle.
Point pain with painful menstruationa Harmonizing effect on the point Xue Hai (Fig. 12) allows you to quickly eliminate the pain that occurs when painful menstruation. Impact on this point also helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, improves the condition of the blood, helps with purulent inflammation of the skin.

Fig. 12
Point Xue Hai is located on the bottom of vnutrenniaia of the thigh above the internal epicondyle of the femur and upper level of the patella 2 CUN.
To determine the point be in sitting position to put a right hand from aside at an angle of 45 degrees with the thumb on the left knee (or Vice versa), so that 4 fingers are above the knee joint, and the thumb rests on the inner thighs. The tip of the thumb will be above the point Xue Hai.
Point that help in urticaria, skin diseases and pains throughout the bodyToning effect on the point qu-Quan (Fig. 13) helps with various skin disorders: urticaria, rash, eczema, herpes, lichen, psoriasis.

Fig. 13
This point is also effective for pains all over the body, reduced vision, diseases of the genitourinary system.
Point qu-Quan is located on the inner surface of the knee joint at the end of the popliteal crease.
Point defined in the sitting position with the leg bent at an angle of 90 degrees.
Point, eliminating the muscle spasms of internal organs andHarmonizing effect on the point tai-Chun (Fig. 14) allows to eliminate muscle and coronary spasms, spasms of internal organs, pelvic pain and sexual apparatus.

Fig. 14
Effects on that point is also recommended for diseases of the eye, dizziness, sleep disorders and emotional instability.
Point tai-Chung is located in the recess between the first and second metatarsal bones of the foot above the metatarsophalangeal joints, 0.5 CUN.
Point, helps with headaches, dizzinessHarmonizing influence on the point Hae-GU (Fig. 15) helps to relieve headaches, eliminate dizziness or blackouts. Impact on this point also helps with eye diseases, colds, nervousness, insomnia due to weakness.

Fig. 15
Point Hae-GU is located in the hole between first and second metacarpal bones of the brush, closer to the middle of the second metacarpal bone. The point should be to determine when the rectified and brush aside large finger.
Point, eliminating the spasmodic coughHarmonizing effect on the point of Ying-Chuan (Fig. 16) allows to eliminate spasmodic cough, preventing a person to sleep.

Fig. 16
Impact on this point also resolves the shortness of breath, feeling of fullness in the chest or suffocation, helps with bronchial asthma.
Point Ying-Chuan is located in the third intercostal space, 4 CUN away from the midline of the chest.
Point helps with pain in the joints, rheumatismHarmonizing influence on the point Qi Guan (Fig. 17) has a therapeutic effect for rheumatism, pains in the joints. The strongest therapeutic effects of the point Qi Guan affects wrist and finger joints of the upper extremities, and hip, knee and fingers of the lower extremities.

Fig. 17
Point Qi-Kuan located on the inner surface of the tibia below the lower edge of the patella 2 CUN.
Point defined in the sitting position with a bent leg.
Point that helps with runny nose and nasal congestionin case of rhinitis, nasal congestion, nosebleed, loss of olfaction, it is recommended to work with the help of massage on the point of Ying-Xiang (Fig. 18) a harmonizing method. Moxibustion this point is not made.

Fig. 18
Point Ying Xiang is located in the lateral sulcus of the wing of the nose, below the inner corner of the eye.
Point that helps with nausea, burping, hiccups,Harmonizing or calming effect on the point nei-Guan (Fig. 19) helps with nausea, eructation, vomiting, pain in the stomach.

Fig. 19
Effects on that point is also recommended for nervousness, neurasthenia, fever, insomnia and anxiety.
The point nei-Kuan located on the inner part of the forearm 2 CUN above the wrist crease between the tendons.
Point that help with pain and cramps in the stomachHarmonizing or calming effect on the point Jung-WAN (Fig. 20) helps with pain in the stomach and stomach cramps, gastric ulcer, belching, flatulence and gastroenteritis.

Fig. 20
Impact on this point also gives positive results in headaches and sleep disorders.
Point Zhong WAN is located on the midline of the abdomen 4 CUN above the umbilicus, midway between the umbilicus and xiphoid process of the sternum.
Point that help with constipationWith atonic and spastic constipation helps ongoing tonic (in atonic) or soothing (spastic constipation) massage of the point Yanagiya (Fig. 21) located on the left side of the lower abdomen 3 CUN below 1 CUN to the left of the navel.

Fig. 21
In case of doubt regarding the nature of constipation is recommended the impact of to point Anazia harmonizing method.
Constipation also gives good results effect on the point Jung-WAN (Fig. 18).
Point that help diarrheadiarrhea and pain in the stomach, it is recommended to influence tonic and harmonizing method to the point It-ting (Fig. 22), located in front of the second and third metatarsophalangeal joints of the foot.

Fig. 22
To resolve diarrhea is also an effective impact on the point zu-San-Li (Fig. 7) and Ying-Chuan (Fig. 16).
Point that helps accelerate the healing of wounds, bone fractures, increasing resistance to infectious diseasesToning effect on the point Xuan-Jun (Fig. 23) in infectious diseases causes the temperature to increase with subsequent normalization during the day and faster recovery.

Fig. 23
The impact at this point accelerates the healing of abscesses, abrasions, promotes rapid healing of wounds, the splicing of bone fractures.
Point-Xuan Zhong is located at 3 CUN above the center of the outside of the ankle.
Point help for insomniaa Harmonizing effect on the point Bai Hui (Fig. 24) in 10-15 minutes helps with insomnia. Additionally, you can massage the harmonizing basis over the 10 minute point, located in the center of the foot.

Fig. 24
Point Bai Hui is located at the intersection of the middle line of the head and a vertical plane passing through the highest point of the ears, 7 inch higher than the back border of hair growth.
Point, help with disorders caused by weather changes or adverse climatic factorsIn case of ailments caused by cold or damp, such as weakness, disorders of skin, allergic reactions, itching, rheumatism, chills, prostration, one should tone the point-Wai Guan (Fig. 25).

Fig. 25
In case of symptoms caused by heat, wind or storm, such as headaches, neuralgic type headache from rush of blood, body aches, neuralgia, asthma, to the point-Wai Guan you should start a calming method.
In case of doubts arising with respect to timing of the intervention, to influence the point should be a harmonizing method.
Point-Wai Guan is located on the outer part of the forearm, 2 CUN above the wrist crease.published
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: esoterix.ru/blog/breath/2073.html
This exercise will tell you about your psychosomatic problems and muscle clamps!
Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the fingers