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The secret of eternal youth — exercises Sheng

When I first heard that using the method of Chinese breathing exercises can cure the patient with chronic illness, I thought it was impossible. But now, after he recovered from stomach ulcers, neurasthenia and tuberculosis, with the help of this technique, I became her advocate and promoter.

In the autumn of 1949 I was working in the liberated area of the southern part of the province of Hebei. I was then 28 years old, but due to serious illness I lost weight, that weighed only 39 pounds and from weakness could not even walk. For a long time, many doctors of Chinese and Western medicine helped me, but hope for recovery was not. I had to return home to district Bissani the province of Hebei, where on the advice of the old farmer Wang Liu Zhou and began to take the treatment according to the method of Chinese gymnastics.

Wang Liu Zhou told me dwell alone in a small room, where there was complete silence. He showed me in what position I should sit or lie down and how I need to breathe. Under his direction, after 3 months, I unwittingly cured of gastric ulcers and tuberculosis. However I still remained neurotic, but I felt already much better.

After that I again started my work. All my friends were surprised that I for 7-8 years so grievously ill, suddenly quickly recovered. Soon I was sent to Vallejo to study his method of treatment. Soon Wang, Liu, Chou told me that the method of breathing exercises used for Haofei Have lived in the era of the end of the Ming dynasty (1645 BC). Having mastered this treatment method and receiving the support of the people's power, I went to the southern part of the province of Hubei for practice.

I started to treat people with various diseases. Installing with a doctor of Chinese medicine an accurate diagnosis of the disease, I proceeded to its treatment with the method of breathing gymnastics. To date, I have completed a course of treatment of 118 patients with gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer; of these, 90 percent recovered.

For example, a worker Battiscopa medical Institute Weisi Zhang was sick with ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer. However, after two months of treatment by this method he got rid of dyspepsia, inactive pulmonary tuberculosis, hypertension, General weakness and some other chronic diseases.

While we can't scientifically fully explain why this method is effective in the treatment of diseases, but from experience, I can say that this method of treatment are driven by the internal organs and calms the brain, this method includes all the advantages of easy meditation and exercise.

Special method of breathing increases metabolism, restores the activity of internal organs and heals their ailments. In order to popularize this method, we organized a seminar, which was attended by more than 140 physicians Chinese and Western medicine. Now in the city Tahani built the sanatorium, where in the first place, because of the value and the stunning effectiveness of this type of gymnastics will use this method of treatment.

Lu GUI-Zhen. (Deputy Director of the sanatorium Bidache) , the magazine "China" in September, 1957.


Exercises of the Chinese gymnastics

UPR. 1 (Sitting quietly).

Cover the eyes, discard extraneous thoughts. Hands in fists, thumbs to cover the rest easily. Put the hands on the hips, straighten freely (not touching anything). Tongue pressed to the sky. Focus on the lower abdomen. To do 50 inhalations through the nose (to start with free breathing, after a certain time, go to more deep breathing). If pressed for time, the number can be reduced. To finish the lesson, language to be omitted.

Physiological action. Improved blood circulation and eliminating stagnation of blood circulation, promotes the release of the body of carbon dioxide and supply of oxygen. Eliminates oxygen deficiency.

UPR. 2 (For the ears).

Two fingers up and down to massage the ear, repeating 18 times. Then, clenching his hands over his ears, fingers attached to the back, and index finger tapping on average 36 times, heard the sound of "Dun – Dun"

This exercise stimulates the cerebral cortex, helps with noises in the ears, protects from deafness, cures headaches and dizziness. The sound of "Dun−Dun" energising one phase in the occipital division, excite and other parts of the cortex.

UPR. 3 (For the teeth).

To focus thinking, flipping the teeth of the lower jaw on top 36 times, to avoid strong shocks. This exercise strengthens the teeth.

UPR. 4 (For the language).

Language turn in a cavity of 18-20 times in each direction, eye-catching saliva followed by swallowing.

UPR. 5 (For the mouth).

Close your mouth, collecting saliva to rinse produce 38 times, and then swallow the saliva in three gulps. Swallowing is necessary to mentally force the saliva to go to the lower abdomen. For long-term training this will be accompanied by a swallowing sound.

This exercise protects against bitterness in the mouth, tarkasti language, cures sore throat, saliva moistens the stomach and intestines, thereby helping digestion.

UPR. 6 (For the nose).

Pre-scrub the outside thumbs, so they got warm, after they have done 18 times massage both sides of the nose.

This exercise protects from cold and improves circulation of the upper respiratory tract.

UPR. 7. (For the eyes).

Close your eyes and relax. Middle toe joints to RUB together to warm, then do them for 18 massage movements of the upper eyelids. Then spend 18-fold massage eyebrows, but now the whole outer surface of the thumb. Then with closed eyes to do the exercise movements of the eyeballs left and right 18 times.

A good exercise protects against disease of the eyes, improves vision and calms the nervous system.

UPR. 8. (for the face).

You RUB your palms to massage the face, moving them up and down, 36 times (like when washing), and it is necessary to refer both to the protruding parts and cavities.

Exercise protects the face from wrinkling, increases the effects of facial nerve, improves vision and strengthens teeth.

UPR. 9. (for the neck).

With her arms crossed to grab the occipital side of the neck, raise your head, look up. Hands trying to bend the neck down, the neck to prevent this.

The movement is done 5 to 9 times.

Improves blood circulation of the head and movement of the cerebrospinal fluid. In ancient books it is said that this exercise helps insomnia, dizziness, and pain in the shoulders.

UPR. 10 (for the shoulders).

With his left hand holding his right shoulder, hold for 18 circular movements; similarly, the right hand.

Exercise improves circulation, calms the nervous system, helps with sleeplessness and inflammation of joints.

UPR. 11 (for the spine).

Palm slightly compressed in fists, arms bent at the elbow, raise to shoulder level, swing the right and left 18 times in each direction. You can do a circular movement of the body 10 times in each direction.

It strengthens and enhances the activity of internal organs. When a certain combination of breathing improves the elasticity of the lungs, particularly for middle–bottom of the division. Also improves blood circulation.

UPR. 12. (for back and waist).

Warm your palms by rubbing them together, then massage the waist for 20 times with each hand.

Exercise relieves back pain, calms the nervous system, improves blood circulation, helps in the diseases of the genital organs.

UPR. 13. (the tailbone).

The index and middle finger of each hand to hold rotational massage on the left and right sides of the coccyx for 36-times in each direction.

This exercise prevents prolapse of the rectum, hemorrhoids, and diseases of the genital organs.

UPR. 14 (for the knees).

Two hands to do rotary massage knee each number 100 times.

Exercise calms the nervous system, strengthens legs, helps to prevent inflammation of the joints.

UPR. 15. (for lower abdomen).

Warm your palms by rubbing them together to warm, then left hand to do a belly massage 100 times. Then again, to warm the hands and repeat the massage with his right hand.

Abdominal massage is very important, long-term helps the absorption of food.

UPR. 16 (for the feet).

Left hand to hold the hundredfold massage the middle part of the foot (across) of the right leg, do this exercise and your right hand for the left foot.

UPR. 17. (for upper body).

To sit cross-legged (palms to stay the same for another). The upper torso turning from left to right 18 times, the same thing the other way 18 times; inhale to do in the original position.

Regular exercise improves blood circulation, improves external respiration, helps with pain in the lower back, for diseases of the liver and reproductive organs.

UPR. 18. ("the movement of the weaver").

Sitting straighten your legs, toes up, feet together. Arms outstretched with palms out to get the toes. When bending is breath; breath is in extension, and the palms of the hands turn inwards. The exercise is done 36 times.

Improves overall blood circulation, strengthen heart muscles, reduces excessive fat deposition in the abdominal cavity. Increases mobility of the diaphragm, improves elasticity of the lung (especially with the phenomenon of emphysema).

UPR. 19. ("Keep finger").

Sitting or standing. First way: head straight, left or right hand raised to face level, palm straightened and turned to face the middle finger is at the level of the nose in the center, eyes to look at him. Slowly pushing the hand does not take his eyes off the finger. Cranes-pH fully hand slowly bring it closer. Exercise to be done 5 times.

Second method: Right hand (extended) to raise to face level, palm turning inward, gaze focused on his fingers. The hand slowly turn to the right, staring, and then his left hand raised to the right (the palm along with the right to turn to the left, not taking his eyes). Again to look at your right hand and repeat the exercise 5 times.

Improving eyesight, blood circulation the eyes and eye muscles is reduced hyperopia in the elderly.

UPR. 20.

The first way: people with poor health may exercise to hold on to the bed, spread your legs to shoulder width, do squat to touch the calf, then lifting. Repeat the exercise 3 to 4 times.

Second method: stand up, arms extended down at your sides, feet apart at shoulder width, sit before coming in contact with calves. UPR. repeat 3-4 times.

UPR. 21.

Stand up, hands raised to shoulder level, bend one leg (like when playing zoku), lower it with your hands, repeat for each leg 5 times.

Training movements of the lower extremities, strengthens the legs and trains the center.

The positive side of this exercise.

These exercises do not require great efforts and participate in small amounts of muscles. A sharp movement with overload of muscles is not suitable for the sick and elderly do not apply. On the one hand, they encourage local training of blood vessels, nerves and muscles, on the other hand other parts of the body involved in the movements, so the exercise has a therapeutic value for patients and reduces the period of treatment.

The usual course of treatment is up to 90 days, but depending on the state of health of the doctor himself sets the course of treatment.



The Qigong is diverse: it consists of special exercises for a particular disease, there are health complexes, there is a special uprazhneniya for the elderly or people who are not able for health reasons to immediately begin active physical culture and sports. That recommended exercises one of the sections of the ancient Chinese gymnastics, known as "improving the system of Shen".

The Chinese physician Shen is known as the promoter of an effective system of psycho-fiziologicheskogo for older people, whose origins are lost in the mists of time. Gymnastics in the system of Shen a combination of movement and deep concentration on the exercises, breathing exercises and self massage. Especially attractive for the elderly recommended by Sheng foot massage, which, as you know, there are a large number of biologically active points.

The exercises useful to learn not only the elderly, but also weakened after an illness, during the recovery period; virtually gymnastics in the system of Shen has no contraindications, but suffering from chronic diseases, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

"I do so: after using the toilet and sit down slowly to inspect himself from head to toe. At this time I remember the look my parents, my past, everything pleasant in life, calm down for good, then for a short time doing dead gaze by way of Buddhists (fixed gaze, staring at the space) and begin the exercise. After classes, I again take a rest a bit" – so says to do Dr. Shen.

Doctor Shen was talking about their system: "I practice exercises daily for one hour for many years and believe that the recovery of the body and the character building exercise movements are of great importance. Raising your character, I mean every night criticizing myself."

In the introduction to the system of Shen's attention is drawn to the following main provisions:

1. "Distraction thinking"— to be calm, to distract from extraneous thoughts, as he said the Taoist philosophers: "you Should bring yourself to a state of Highest Goodness — not knowing the ultimate goal, cannot be resolved; not resolved, it is impossible to be steadfast; not being firm in spirit, it is impossible to be calm." Thus, according to Shen, "it is necessary to keep the heart firmly in yourself — this eliminates all sorts of trouble and thoughtfulness, and thought freely is concentrated in the movements."

2. The correct formulation of the body: head, spine and heel located in the same vertical plane.

3. Closure at both ends: the mouth is closed and teeth lightly touching, the anus tightened.

4. Relaxation of the muscles of the body for relaxed and natural movement.

5. Regulation of breathing: breathing is calm, slow, deep.

6. Start and finish at your leisure, sitting comfortably, quietly with half-closed eyes, removing all thought and care.

The basic exercises of the system of Shen.

1. Sitting cross-legged, hands folded on the abdomen, do 50 slow breaths through the nose.

2. In the same position 36 times move the jaws as if chewing.

3. 100 times massaging in a circular motion brushes.

4. Hands to lay over his back, over the lumbar region and 100 times massage the lower back movements up and down.

5. In the same position 100 times massage available back.

6. 100 times to massage the side of the torso from top to thighs.

7. Massage the abdomen in a circular motion for 20 times each hand.

8. Massage of the chest and abdomen on the oval 20 times with each hand.

9. Breast massage on the oval 20 times with each hand.

10. Massage the midline of the body method of stroking downwards from the chest to the navel, each hand over 20 times.

11. Massage with the palms side of the neck from the ear to the spine to 30 times on each side.

12. To do covering the movement with the left hand the right shoulder, then right hand to left shoulder, trying to get the area of the blade 20 times with each hand.

13. Massage the forehead, temples, cheek with the right hand from right to left, left hand left to right for 20 times with each hand.

14. Base of the palm of the right hand to massage the area of the right eye, then the base of the left palm to massage the area of the left eye, 20 times with each hand.

15. 10 times massage the nose from the top down with both hands.

16. "Wash" motions to massage the face from the top down 10 times.

17. The pads of your thumbs to massage the temple area for 10 times.

18. With both hands 10 times massage the area of the crown.

19. Massaging the ears from front to back and back both sides 10 times.

20. To press palms to ears and by dropping the index finger from the middle 20 times to massage the back of his head.

21. Throwing his hands forward shoulder width and shoulder height with palms inward, then bending at the elbows with the simultaneous clenching of fists, 10 times.

22. Hands raise up and then 10 times to do the rotational movement of the brushes outward, straining your little fingers inside, straining your thumbs.

23. Squeeze hands into fists and, without bending the elbows 10 times to raise and lower the arms.

24. Extend hands forward at shoulder width with your palms up, then bend at the elbows to yourself and again to unfold 10 times to breed in hand and again to reduce.

25. Hands clenched into fists, raise out to the sides at shoulder level, then 10 times to lift up and lower to the starting position.

26. Legs are slightly apart, body straight. 50 proprietary with the movements of the hands forward, to the sides and back, brush at the same open and fingers spread out.

27. With your feet together. Hands at shoulder level, bent at the elbows lead to the body and then throw to the side. Dilution of hands lifting on socks. Repeat 10 times.

28. The source position is the same. Arms extended in front of him and unclench his fists. Then 10 times allow the hands to the chest, take the elbows back as possible, clench his fists, and then return to the starting position.

29. Repeat the previous exercise, but without the abduction of the elbows back.

30. Feet on width of shoulders, hands on waist. 10 bends the body right and left.

31. Same initial position. The rotation of the body 10 times in each direction. When turning to look up.

32. Repeat the exercise, but when you turn to look down.

33. Same initial position, the trunk bending forward and backward.

34. Same initial position. 10 deep squats.

35. Same initial position. Alternately raise bent leg, then his thigh, pulling it forward, then bring to the original position. Repeat 10 times.

36. With your feet together. Alternately 10 times to take the foot to the side, rotating at the ankle joints.

37. When you direct the body and outstretched arms walking with the sudden stretching of the legs.

38. Walking on the spot "amble" with a sharp throwing forward the namesake of the hands and feet.

39. Alternate movement of the same limb in different directions (leg forward and arm back), 10 times.

40. Rotational motion in place first left, then right. For this arm, bent at the elbow, raise to shoulder level and swung to the side. Watching her eyes, turning the head, torso and cross first the same leg, then opposite. Repeat 10 times in each direction.

41. In the relaxed position, standing upright, perform 50 respiratory movements.

System Shen is recommended for the elderly before work, and before bed Shen recommended to sit in a comfortable position and perform 50 respiratory movements 50 times to massage the feet, then the lower part of the abdomen, several times to iron the face and chest.

Despite its apparent simplicity, gymnastics Shana is quite effective with regular execution. It is especially useful to use exercises of this exercises in combination with exercises of self-massage in various diseases, when the operation is markedly reduced, but it is necessary to maintain sufficient muscle tone.

Also a wonderful effect of these ancient of all the available exercises to people suffering from hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, osteoarthritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, vascular dysto-nia, and many other diseases. These people gymnastics Shen's help to take the first step towards regular physical activities.

At first it is necessary to perform only the first part of the complex is in a sitting position, and then, after the first positive results, gradually to connect the exercises in the standing position. For more prepared it is recommended to start immediately with the entire complex, but in the morning to do the first part of the exercise.

"Among the joys, sadness, grief and anger, says Dr. Sheng - people are easily destroyed. Man is not to get too excited. Ancient rightly said: when a clay pot broke, and remember it has nothing. Man is always looking ahead, deciding what to do next."


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Try it and you dear readers, to heed the advice of Dr. Shen and master these exercises. If you train regularly, then after a month or two will feel more energetic, and maybe many problems will be solved faster, with less physical strength and nervous energy.published


Source: www.zdorovie-vsem.ru/gim-shena.htm