Healthcare Boom: how not to sour old
Hello, Geektimes! Today we talk - suddenly! - Health. And to be precise - about how many hours affects the daily sitting at a computer and how to minimize this damage, to enjoy life in old age and keep working while sitting at the computer, not complain about life on reception at the doctor.
Probably many geeks believe that here too they could never visit all related ailments - say, not as we sit for days, go for a walk, and indeed we are not the truckers. It's sad but true - problems happen away from the smaller, believe me. So you should think about it now. Especially that radically change their lifestyle and stop gikovat not need :) Just select a total of two hours a week to perform simple physical exercises.
Conventionally, all the "computer" exercises can be divided into three blocks - for the eyes, for joints of the hands and posture. So there you go.
Exercises for eyes
Generally around this theme nagorozheno huge amount of inaccurate and false information openly. Sometimes even ophthalmologists can hear recommendations that will not bring harm though, but nevertheless and good too. Pro-pseudoscientists various freaks and other sellers of magic pills that promise full recovery of visual acuity can not even mention. However, we do not aim to play at doctors, our goal - to talk about preventive exercises guaranteed to minimize the damage from the constant looking at the monitor. Those in the general case, three. Perform they can be in any order.

Probably many geeks believe that here too they could never visit all related ailments - say, not as we sit for days, go for a walk, and indeed we are not the truckers. It's sad but true - problems happen away from the smaller, believe me. So you should think about it now. Especially that radically change their lifestyle and stop gikovat not need :) Just select a total of two hours a week to perform simple physical exercises.
Conventionally, all the "computer" exercises can be divided into three blocks - for the eyes, for joints of the hands and posture. So there you go.
Exercises for eyes

Generally around this theme nagorozheno huge amount of inaccurate and false information openly. Sometimes even ophthalmologists can hear recommendations that will not bring harm though, but nevertheless and good too. Pro-pseudoscientists various freaks and other sellers of magic pills that promise full recovery of visual acuity can not even mention. However, we do not aim to play at doctors, our goal - to talk about preventive exercises guaranteed to minimize the damage from the constant looking at the monitor. Those in the general case, three. Perform they can be in any order.
- Easy to apply pressure cushions index and middle fingers on the cornea (private, of course). You can simply closed his eyes tightly. Make 6-8 times. Exercise improves the circulation of fluid in the eye corneal sinus.
- smooth transfer of the focus of your eyes from the farthest point on the nearest alternately. Make at least 10 approaches. An important point - it is senseless to do this exercise with, for example, the nail of your thumb at arm's length, as recommended on the Internet (and the hand gets tired). As a remote point, select, for example, any object outside the window. This exercise supports toned lens and reduces the risk of myopia.
- Drive your eyes in different directions - from right to left, bottom to top, on both diagonals and circular movements. Every move to make at least 10 times. Strengthens the direct and oblique muscles oculomotor.
Exercises for joints of the hands
Though in his youth and arthritis seems to be something that you certainly never touches, all active users of the computer - at risk. Arthritis, if someone does not know, collectively referred to any inflammatory disease of the joints, but at home more often this term reward is the problem with the joints of hands, as well as the so-called carpal tunnel syndrome (though, strictly speaking, it is not an arthritis). I am glad that the regular light exercise have long proved themselves truly effective in the prevention of diseases of hands, so that we do every day for 4-5 times - and carpal tunnel syndrome really can not worry. In order:
- Compress and unclench his fists several times.
- Squeeze fist (not tight) and the brushes rotate in opposite directions.
- Squeeze fist and posgibayte entire brush a few times up and down.
- Repeat 1, but with a sharp brush a release, as if repelling away all the fingertips.
- Put your fingers in even number, take a large sideways and rotate them.
- Put your fingers flat together and posgibayte fingers only up to the first knuckle.
After each exercise is recommended to easily shake hands.
Exercises against osteoarthritis
Osteochondrosis, or in other words bad posture - a classic for all geeks and professionals such as programmers. Although, in fairness, many of us get postural problems at school because of these monstrous uncomfortable chairs and desks, produced for the public knows the mutants.
Remember that if your low back pain has moved from an early stage into something nasty - exercise can not only provide benefits, but they can and do harm. In this case, physiotherapy will have an effect if it is made by the doctor individually for you.
Regarding the number of sets per exercise - here everyone decides for himself the extent of their physical fitness and the desire, but it is not recommended to do more than 10. And yes, this is not quite the same exercises that you can quickly make a couple of minutes, without going too far from the workplace; here, as you'll see for yourself, a more thorough approach. Therefore, (especially if you work in an office) often make them likely will not. The more carefully you need to perform them when the opportunity :)
Visual aids "that which is" in case you suddenly forgotten. Sup>
Exercises from osteoarthritis are divided into three subgroups: neck, thoracic and lumbar. Let's go from the top down. So, isometric (ie no effort to overcome the movements of the body), the complex looks like cervical exercise:
- Press down on the cheek with his hand, tried to turn his head and hold it in this hand. Repeat several times with both schёkami.
- Put Woven fingers to his forehead, try to tilt your head, holding her hands.
- Similarly - holding hands on the back of the head.
- Squeeze the fists, put them under the chin. Try to lower his head.
The dynamic load of the neck are also allowed. You can: make lifting the shoulders, tilting the head (without fanaticism!), Pan and tilt head (last - with hands outstretched in front of him).
A set of exercises for the chest area next (here already once have to lie down on the floor):
- Lie on your back, bend your knees about 90 degrees. Twist, pulling the knee to the head while pulling to his face.
- Sit on a chair. Slightly turning the body, touching his hands to the back of the chair. Make exercise, setting the stage hands behind his back with each side alternately.
- Sit on a chair, crossed his legs, lean your elbow on the thigh of the opposite arm, then bend, pushing forward his shoulder.
- Sit on a chair and make the most of urging the back vanes and sacrum (but gradually, the pain you feel should not be).
Lumbar exercise against osteoarthritis focused mainly on the expansion of the intervertebral space while strengthening muscles and stabilization of the spine. Perform the following (and here already you do not have to climb from the floor):
- Lie on your back, bend your legs. Cyclic strain your abdominal muscles without moving the legs.
- Lie on your back, place your hands on the seams, stretch your legs. Lifts head and chest area and hold to that position 8-10 seconds without lifting feet from the floor. Also, do not tear off with the hands on the floor, or else be prepared by conventional abdominal exercises.
- Lying on your back, bend your legs slightly and put his knee on the opposite hand, then try to lift the leg, holding her hand (isometric exercise).
- Lying stretch your legs as much as possible to the right, while trying to turn the torso to the left. This necessarily lower back arches. Then turn to the other side and do similar movements.
- Get on your knees, rest your head in the vertical support (wall or sofa, if the wall hurt :), and then bend the spine as much as possible up (without fanaticism!) Freeze in this position is not a couple of seconds and then Dish it down smoothly (also possible).
- Get on your knees, bend the back, slightly deflecting it sideways.
Here such here simple and do not require the exercise of sports equipment, which will help with the minimal cost of your precious time to maintain the eyes and joints in shape. Print (or memorize) - and start doing right tomorrow. Or at least next Monday :) Legs together, arms wider, slowly, three or four.
A few general tips about how to equip their workplace.
First, place the monitor correctly. Center of the screen should be below about 15-20 centimeters below the level of your eyes in a normal sitting position on the computer. The screen itself in the position of 60-70 centimeters from the person (approximate length of an adult hand man of medium height). The screen surface keep clean and do not place next to him in the area of your view objects that provide bright glare.
Secondly, in order to avoid many diseases, use a high quality hardware, the manufacturer is thinking not only about how to cut the dough, but also about convenience, health, user comfort.
When choosing a monitor, refer to the type of matrix that many mid-priced models suffer from FRC - that is, their matrix LCD display is not capable of 2 8 sup> of degree at each sub-pixel (ie an honest 24-bit color), but it may just 2 6 sup> (total of 18 bits). And those colors that do not fall into the working color space of the monitor is achieved by mixing the two adjacent image frames, which use two different shades.
On some monitors, combined with the PWM LED technology leads to a similar fatigue and monitor manufacturers are extremely reluctant to share what it is inside the matrix and whether the FRC is used or not.
One of the best relatively inexpensive monitors I would call Dell UltraSharp UZ2215-H . He's an honest eight-bit matrix (the technology is available FrC, but is used to simulate a 10-bit color, if required), excellent color rendering and a pleasant price.
He also has an older brother UZ2315-H (different diagonal and height-adjustable stand) and 27-inch version of the UZ2715-H . Also, from a relatively inexpensive semi-models can be noted ViewSonic VP2772, however, we have it temporarily out of stock. :(
In addition to the monitor should pay attention to ergonomic keyboards and mice:
About Microsoft Sculpt set we recently wrote . Sup>
Unfortunately, to get used to the "vertical" mouse is very difficult, so we will not even advise. :)
More is not necessary to save on a chair (especially if you spend all day on it). It is difficult to give any unambiguous advice except one - choose a chair in which you will be really to sit comfortably. Even to the detriment of the style of the room or anything else. The chair should be as comfortable as possible for you, period. Because of popular models can advise you here this - it reliable and complaints about it almost does not arrive. Unfortunately, because of the exchange rate Herman Miller, which once upon a time told boomburum , there are some very cosmic money. Here's a good guide for choice seats, though not a new one.
This is all that can start. Or do you have any similar exercise? If so, tell us in the comments.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/ulmart/blog/250808/
- Lie on your back, bend your legs. Cyclic strain your abdominal muscles without moving the legs.
- Lie on your back, bend your knees about 90 degrees. Twist, pulling the knee to the head while pulling to his face.
- Press down on the cheek with his hand, tried to turn his head and hold it in this hand. Repeat several times with both schёkami.
- Compress and unclench his fists several times.
California programmers working on a system for the recognition of emotions Oculus Rift
The caveman didn't live in a cave.