Gymnastics Ankara is an ancient method of rejuvenation and healing of the whole body
Thirty eight million four hundred thirty six thousand seven hundred two
Gymnastics is pumping the lymphatic system of the body, purifies all the cells and most effectively increases the oxygen supply to each cell. Thereby increasing metabolism, destroys and removes toxins, protects against cancer, aging, allergies, diabetes, increases energy level.
A set of exercises gymnastics of Ankara consists of two types of gymnastics— Gymnastics No. 1 and exercise No. 2.
Gymnastics No. 2 repeats in the human nervous system the same signal, what this man has been in the nervous system during birth.
Sounds like the key to the lock, will consist of different small signals and the more closely matched the key, the easier it is to open the lock easier to open the higher energy of the human body. The energy of the highest achievements. Gymnastics No. 1 as a precaution Gymnastics No. 2.
Gymnastics No. 1. General theory.
Clean and use efficiently the natural drainage system of the body. For all cells of such a system is the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system reaches every cell and can remove waste from each and from all together, if the system itself is not clogged. How to find out the cleaned sewer or clogged? The smell of sweat. Compare their scent with the smell of sweat of a small child. The child sweats to cool the body, the baby is moving more and sweating less. You have the sweats for excretion of body waste, toxins because their sewer system is not in use — that shit climbs of all time. With the smell, everything is clear without explanation. Shower and perfume the sewers is not clean.
How does it work?The lymphatic system and interstitial fluid contain liquid 5-6 times more than the blood.
Consists of lymphatic vessels and nodes under the diaphragm lymphatic vessels form a thickening, the so-called tank. Yogis call her the second heart. The vessels are check valves.
How does it work?Works as a automotive hose for pumping fluid. Clenched, released, the fluid went. How many times have squeezed as much liquid and pumped.
How to clean the sewers of the body and support its cells clean?
The lymphatic system is your pump (such as the heart, in the circulatory system) has no pump it is possible only by the efforts of their muscles. Want, cleanse, want live.
How to clean?First, where a well is cleaned, starting from the heart, then on to the periphery of the body back to the heart. A tube dried toothpaste seen? All the same. There is a set charge for cleaning the body A. Sidorskogo, I have you will learn how to create your individual. 2-3 minutes and you will clear your every cell.
Motion cleaning limfosistemy is better to combine with enhanced oxygen supply to the cells. Cells will partially burn the waste in particularly contaminated areas of the body, and charging you to drive on the channels and vessels. Movement of fluid through limfosisteme performed movements similar to a snake. In ancient Wellness systems for their designated year of the snake. Let's see how the snake moves as she moves. From the head, heart, wave motion throughout the body. So it is necessary to compress, relax, stretch — like a snake.
An increased supply of oxygen to the cells of ancient people connected with birds. We can learn to breathe like birds, for greater oxygen consumption. Simulated bird's breath. Hence, the ancient symbols of eagles, vultures. The combination of snake and bird movements of respiration is the most efficient for cleaning the body and healing. It is known in the ancient cults of fire, the green feathered serpent or snake in a green fiery feathers.
Owing to the arrangement of the lymphatic system, it is obvious that to strengthen the flow of liquid through it only movements of the muscles of the body.
Exercise for pumping the lymphatic system should include:
Periodic relaxation and muscle tension, especially in places where lymph nodes and blood vessels. A sequence of stress muscles. First the neck, arms and chest. The second belly, the pelvis. Third — hands, neck, chest. The fourth leg. The fifth — abdomen, pelvis. Sixth — neck, arms, chest, etc. Very effectively prikalivatsja lymph lymphatic clamping the tank by movement of the diaphragm. Maximum retraction of the diaphragm. Clearing the cell, the environment near the cages and outlet ducts, we increase the metabolism.
Gymnastics No. 1. The practice of execution.Gym # 1 is a set of exercises and three ways of breathing when doing these exercises. Inhale — nose, exhale — mouth. Always!
Most importantly — you need to understand that all the fluid from the tissues of the body need to be pumped to the heart. Heart to send her to the cleaners. Gradually, and slowly to the heart, as well as wash the dirty hoe, hold, release, press again and so on to the fingertips.
Breath Of The Serpent. The Serpent, light passes through the body. The breath smooth, without delay, long, long inhale and long exhale. Breath we help ourselves a little harder to squeeze the abdominal cavity, there is a lot of liquid, which must also be send to the cleaners. Cleansing breath. A long inhale and long exhale. The Breath Of The Eagle. In birds, the eagle is especially pronounced bird breathing with a high content of CO2. This breath provides a very high metabolic rate with high efficiency and high efficiency of oxidation and energy. The larger the bird, the more energy it needs for flight. Short inhalation through the nose, at the same time swing the hands forward as if flapping wings as if you were flying. Long exhale through your mouth. Very similar to breathing exercises by Strelnikova method. With such a breath even toxins in the body are converted into energy. Ancient people called it the alchemy of the body, and tantric followers say that the burning poison of samsara and turning it into Amrita — the elixir of life. The Dragon's Breath. Snake with green feathers. This type of breathing is most effective. It combines the breath of the Serpent and the breath of the eagle. Helps to pump the lymphatic system and gives lots of oxygen to cells. Occurs most often on the inner feeling of your body. Proiciam the body of the Serpent, where does not leak, burn out the dross with Eagle. All is well was pumped and added energy in the whole body, in every cell with the breath of the eagle. Further amplified the flows and again, clearing them of debris... Then what yogis spend half of your life, can be done in a week!
Gymnastics No. 2. General theory.It is the breathing-gym exercise.
People correctly performing this exercise produces the sound of ANKH.
The exercise simulates the human condition at the moment of his birth.
Four perinatal matrices.
Running exercise 8-10 seconds.
Restored, even increased the thymus (thymus gland), tuning the immune system. While aktiviziruyutsya the pituitary gland, and burned fats.
Runs all the mechanisms of the body that start at birth.
Sounds like the key to the lock, will consist of different small signals and the more closely matched the key, the easier it is to open the lock easier to open the higher energy of the human body. The energy of the highest achievements.
The child at birth undergoes several bodily conditions.
Relaxed in the uterus, strained, compressed in fights, tense and dynamic with the passage of the birth canal, relaxed, free after birth. It is bodily to imitate easily.
The most difficult another. The child at birth the lungs have no air. How it to simulate? If the nervous system will signal the flow of air into the blood from the lungs, no one in the new birth not believe. The signal should be like, "air (oxygen) in the blood does not flow".
If we are unable to remove from the lungs the air, we can reduce the lung pressure, air pressure in lungs below atmospheric, the gas from the blood will enter the lungs and from the lungs to the blood there.
How? Exhale. Hold your breath. Spread your light as you breathe, but not breathing, so that the entire belly is drawn in the lungs.
The nervous system will give a signal — light is empty, without air, as at birth. Preferably, the closed eyes, at least loose clothing. Children usually are not born, in jeans, in a shirt — it happens. Moist atmosphere. Preferably, empty the bowel, etc., etc., But it is secondary.
Relaxation, stress statistics, stress, dynamic, relaxation, all with empty lungs, then breathing out breath, do a second birth. So begins the youth!
Gymnastics No. 2. The practice of execution.In the papyri of Hermes, according to the academician of AMS of the USSR. P. Bochkov and V. A. Ivanchenko, there are charging developed and steadily implemented Hermes Trismegistus. When scientists first discovered papyri of Hermes, they were struck by the physiological validity and high efficiency exercises. The Hermes system includes physical exercise, breathing exercise, special diets, observance of special regime.
Strength EXERCISES the charge of Hermes.They are built on the rhythmic alternation of maximum stress and deep relaxation of the muscles of the body. The transition from stress to relaxation and back must be done as quickly as possible, almost instantly. START HERE CORRECTIONS ON THE BASIS OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE PHYSIOLOGY OF BIRTH.
First is a deep exhale through the mouth and at the same time issued a sound of AAA, the sound is over, znaciti the air is exhaled completely. Dramatically delay the air in the nasopharynx and do like breath without air. So to all of the stomach and nasopharynx was involved in the lungs. Strong breath without air.
(Simultaneously made a sharp, short, superficial breaths so that the air stream was heavily hit in the nose and throat and into the lungs undergoes the least possible amount of air). Parenthesized not the correct translation of the papyrus.
The exercise movements should match the rhythm of breathing. At the time of transition to a state of relaxation is short and vigorous exhalation of the entire breast through a wide open mouth.
So, exhale, inhale without vodocha and again after 4 seconds short and vigorous exhaling the whole breast through the wide-open mouth. Sound — KKH. Ahh-relaxation and full exhalation, NNNN is a strong tension for 4 seconds and breath without air, KKH — exhale the whole breast through the wide-open mouth. — ANKH..
During relaxation breathing freely. The duration of periods of tension and relaxation for about 4 s each. Only after a year of training this time can be increased to 6 s. Even greater enhancement may lead to negative results. AND NOBODY NEEDS 6 SECONDS. 4 SECONDS, IF CORRECT, IS MORE THAN ENOUGH.
Exercise is desirable to do the most naked, to breathe all the skin. At the time of charging have to close my eyes to disconnect from the environment and completely focus on breathing and movement. Strength exercises Hermes are one of the most powerful tools aimed at enhancing the excitability of the Central nervous system.
THE FIRST EXERCISE IS THE CROSS.Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart, arms down along the body, the muscles are relaxed, breathing freely. Exhale AAA and emerge relaxed in a fetal position. To make a sharp, short breath without air. Simultaneously, the fingers clench into fists, outstretched arms spread to the sides at shoulder level and take back, throw back his head, to bend the body back, to the limit to stretch all the muscles. In this position, to hold the breath on the inhale 4. to Make a sharp exhale the whole breast through the mouth of the KKH, at the same time throw to bend the torso to the outstretched arms could almost reach the floor. Then wave your hands criss — cross to relieve tension and return to its original position. Completely relax for 4 s Breathing freely. Repeat the exercise 4 times. THE SECOND EXERCISE "CHOPPING WOOD".Put your feet shoulder-width apart, knees kept straight. Tilt your body forward, dangling his hands almost to the floor, and relax the muscles. Breath free. Exhale AAA. Instantly close the fingers to the castle, to make a sharp and short breath, without air, at the same time straighten your back, raise the arms up and behind his head, as if swinging an axe, to bend the body back, put your head back. To strain every muscle to the limit; to hold your breath for 4 s to Make a sharp exhale through the mouth KKH and rapidly turn through the left side to return to its original position. Tilt your body forward, release the hands and drop down. Completely relax for 4 s. Breath free. Repeat the exercise 4 times 2 of the inhalation through the right side, 2 — over the left. THE THIRD EXERCISE "DISCUS".Stand up straight, put feet on width apart, lower arms along the body, relax the muscles. Breath free. Exhale AAA. To make a sharp short breath, simultaneously squeeze your fingers into fists, to throw forward the right arm and back left, turning the body to the side of an imaginary throw, eyes turning in the direction of motion. To take the posture of the discus thrower, frozen in the moment of throwing the disc. To strain every muscle to the limit, try not to get your feet off the floor. Hold the posture adopted during the delay inhale for 4 s to Make a sharp exhale through the mouth KKH and return to its original position. Totally relax for 4 s. Breath free. Repeat the exercise 4 times 2 times — throw the right hand, 2 times — throw with the left hand. The following exercises are performed without stress, smoothly, to ease the previously tense muscles and arm muscles, not involved in the movements. Respiration deep, rhythmical. This type of exercise must exactly correspond to the rhythm of the breath.
THE FIRST EXERCISE.Stand up straight, put feet on width apart, extend arms straight in front, palms together. Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds simultaneously move hands to the sides to shoulder level. Hold your breath for 4, hands to take for a spin. To breathe out through your mouth for 4 with and at the same time gradually return arms to starting position Repeat the exercise 4 times.
THE SECOND EXERCISE.Slightly spread his legs, bending your body forward to touch fingers to toes. To keep your knees straight. Inhale for 4 s, at the same time straighten the body, extend arms forward at chest level. Hold your breath for 4, at the same time raise the arms overhead and bend backward. To breathe out through your mouth for 4 seconds and smoothly return to the starting position Repeat the exercise 4 times.
A THIRD EXERCISE.Stand up straight, extend the legs on two feet, arms out to the sides at shoulder height. Inhale for 4 seconds and then hold the breath for 4 seconds. During this time, the maximum turn to the right body with your arms outstretched so you can see the wall behind. Feet off the floor not to interrupt. To breathe out for 4 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 4 times: 2 times to the right, 2 times to the left. THE FOURTH EXERCISE.Lie on your back, putting it under the back of his head kept his palms together. Inhale for 4 seconds, simultaneously lift your legs perpendicular to the floor. Hold your breath for 4 and at this time to produce two rotational movements with the feet in the right direction. To breathe out for 4 seconds and at the same time gently return the leg to its original position. Repeat the exercise 4 times: 2 times with the rotation of the legs to the right side, 2 times with rotation to the left. Gymnastics of Hermes, you can do twice a day: in the morning after sleep as charging and night to recuperate after a tiring work, but not later than 1 5 hours before bedtime.published
Author: Konstantin Glushenkov
Source: naturalworld.ru/praktika_kompleks-uprajneniy-gimnastiki-ankhara.htm
Gymnastics is pumping the lymphatic system of the body, purifies all the cells and most effectively increases the oxygen supply to each cell. Thereby increasing metabolism, destroys and removes toxins, protects against cancer, aging, allergies, diabetes, increases energy level.
A set of exercises gymnastics of Ankara consists of two types of gymnastics— Gymnastics No. 1 and exercise No. 2.
Gymnastics No. 2 repeats in the human nervous system the same signal, what this man has been in the nervous system during birth.
Sounds like the key to the lock, will consist of different small signals and the more closely matched the key, the easier it is to open the lock easier to open the higher energy of the human body. The energy of the highest achievements. Gymnastics No. 1 as a precaution Gymnastics No. 2.
Gymnastics No. 1. General theory.
Clean and use efficiently the natural drainage system of the body. For all cells of such a system is the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system reaches every cell and can remove waste from each and from all together, if the system itself is not clogged. How to find out the cleaned sewer or clogged? The smell of sweat. Compare their scent with the smell of sweat of a small child. The child sweats to cool the body, the baby is moving more and sweating less. You have the sweats for excretion of body waste, toxins because their sewer system is not in use — that shit climbs of all time. With the smell, everything is clear without explanation. Shower and perfume the sewers is not clean.
How does it work?The lymphatic system and interstitial fluid contain liquid 5-6 times more than the blood.
Consists of lymphatic vessels and nodes under the diaphragm lymphatic vessels form a thickening, the so-called tank. Yogis call her the second heart. The vessels are check valves.
How does it work?Works as a automotive hose for pumping fluid. Clenched, released, the fluid went. How many times have squeezed as much liquid and pumped.
How to clean the sewers of the body and support its cells clean?
The lymphatic system is your pump (such as the heart, in the circulatory system) has no pump it is possible only by the efforts of their muscles. Want, cleanse, want live.
How to clean?First, where a well is cleaned, starting from the heart, then on to the periphery of the body back to the heart. A tube dried toothpaste seen? All the same. There is a set charge for cleaning the body A. Sidorskogo, I have you will learn how to create your individual. 2-3 minutes and you will clear your every cell.
Motion cleaning limfosistemy is better to combine with enhanced oxygen supply to the cells. Cells will partially burn the waste in particularly contaminated areas of the body, and charging you to drive on the channels and vessels. Movement of fluid through limfosisteme performed movements similar to a snake. In ancient Wellness systems for their designated year of the snake. Let's see how the snake moves as she moves. From the head, heart, wave motion throughout the body. So it is necessary to compress, relax, stretch — like a snake.
An increased supply of oxygen to the cells of ancient people connected with birds. We can learn to breathe like birds, for greater oxygen consumption. Simulated bird's breath. Hence, the ancient symbols of eagles, vultures. The combination of snake and bird movements of respiration is the most efficient for cleaning the body and healing. It is known in the ancient cults of fire, the green feathered serpent or snake in a green fiery feathers.
Owing to the arrangement of the lymphatic system, it is obvious that to strengthen the flow of liquid through it only movements of the muscles of the body.
Exercise for pumping the lymphatic system should include:
Periodic relaxation and muscle tension, especially in places where lymph nodes and blood vessels. A sequence of stress muscles. First the neck, arms and chest. The second belly, the pelvis. Third — hands, neck, chest. The fourth leg. The fifth — abdomen, pelvis. Sixth — neck, arms, chest, etc. Very effectively prikalivatsja lymph lymphatic clamping the tank by movement of the diaphragm. Maximum retraction of the diaphragm. Clearing the cell, the environment near the cages and outlet ducts, we increase the metabolism.
Gymnastics No. 1. The practice of execution.Gym # 1 is a set of exercises and three ways of breathing when doing these exercises. Inhale — nose, exhale — mouth. Always!
Most importantly — you need to understand that all the fluid from the tissues of the body need to be pumped to the heart. Heart to send her to the cleaners. Gradually, and slowly to the heart, as well as wash the dirty hoe, hold, release, press again and so on to the fingertips.
Breath Of The Serpent. The Serpent, light passes through the body. The breath smooth, without delay, long, long inhale and long exhale. Breath we help ourselves a little harder to squeeze the abdominal cavity, there is a lot of liquid, which must also be send to the cleaners. Cleansing breath. A long inhale and long exhale. The Breath Of The Eagle. In birds, the eagle is especially pronounced bird breathing with a high content of CO2. This breath provides a very high metabolic rate with high efficiency and high efficiency of oxidation and energy. The larger the bird, the more energy it needs for flight. Short inhalation through the nose, at the same time swing the hands forward as if flapping wings as if you were flying. Long exhale through your mouth. Very similar to breathing exercises by Strelnikova method. With such a breath even toxins in the body are converted into energy. Ancient people called it the alchemy of the body, and tantric followers say that the burning poison of samsara and turning it into Amrita — the elixir of life. The Dragon's Breath. Snake with green feathers. This type of breathing is most effective. It combines the breath of the Serpent and the breath of the eagle. Helps to pump the lymphatic system and gives lots of oxygen to cells. Occurs most often on the inner feeling of your body. Proiciam the body of the Serpent, where does not leak, burn out the dross with Eagle. All is well was pumped and added energy in the whole body, in every cell with the breath of the eagle. Further amplified the flows and again, clearing them of debris... Then what yogis spend half of your life, can be done in a week!
Gymnastics No. 2. General theory.It is the breathing-gym exercise.
People correctly performing this exercise produces the sound of ANKH.
The exercise simulates the human condition at the moment of his birth.
Four perinatal matrices.
Running exercise 8-10 seconds.
Restored, even increased the thymus (thymus gland), tuning the immune system. While aktiviziruyutsya the pituitary gland, and burned fats.
Runs all the mechanisms of the body that start at birth.
Sounds like the key to the lock, will consist of different small signals and the more closely matched the key, the easier it is to open the lock easier to open the higher energy of the human body. The energy of the highest achievements.
The child at birth undergoes several bodily conditions.
Relaxed in the uterus, strained, compressed in fights, tense and dynamic with the passage of the birth canal, relaxed, free after birth. It is bodily to imitate easily.
The most difficult another. The child at birth the lungs have no air. How it to simulate? If the nervous system will signal the flow of air into the blood from the lungs, no one in the new birth not believe. The signal should be like, "air (oxygen) in the blood does not flow".
If we are unable to remove from the lungs the air, we can reduce the lung pressure, air pressure in lungs below atmospheric, the gas from the blood will enter the lungs and from the lungs to the blood there.
How? Exhale. Hold your breath. Spread your light as you breathe, but not breathing, so that the entire belly is drawn in the lungs.
The nervous system will give a signal — light is empty, without air, as at birth. Preferably, the closed eyes, at least loose clothing. Children usually are not born, in jeans, in a shirt — it happens. Moist atmosphere. Preferably, empty the bowel, etc., etc., But it is secondary.
Relaxation, stress statistics, stress, dynamic, relaxation, all with empty lungs, then breathing out breath, do a second birth. So begins the youth!
Gymnastics No. 2. The practice of execution.In the papyri of Hermes, according to the academician of AMS of the USSR. P. Bochkov and V. A. Ivanchenko, there are charging developed and steadily implemented Hermes Trismegistus. When scientists first discovered papyri of Hermes, they were struck by the physiological validity and high efficiency exercises. The Hermes system includes physical exercise, breathing exercise, special diets, observance of special regime.
Strength EXERCISES the charge of Hermes.They are built on the rhythmic alternation of maximum stress and deep relaxation of the muscles of the body. The transition from stress to relaxation and back must be done as quickly as possible, almost instantly. START HERE CORRECTIONS ON THE BASIS OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE PHYSIOLOGY OF BIRTH.
First is a deep exhale through the mouth and at the same time issued a sound of AAA, the sound is over, znaciti the air is exhaled completely. Dramatically delay the air in the nasopharynx and do like breath without air. So to all of the stomach and nasopharynx was involved in the lungs. Strong breath without air.
(Simultaneously made a sharp, short, superficial breaths so that the air stream was heavily hit in the nose and throat and into the lungs undergoes the least possible amount of air). Parenthesized not the correct translation of the papyrus.
The exercise movements should match the rhythm of breathing. At the time of transition to a state of relaxation is short and vigorous exhalation of the entire breast through a wide open mouth.
So, exhale, inhale without vodocha and again after 4 seconds short and vigorous exhaling the whole breast through the wide-open mouth. Sound — KKH. Ahh-relaxation and full exhalation, NNNN is a strong tension for 4 seconds and breath without air, KKH — exhale the whole breast through the wide-open mouth. — ANKH..
During relaxation breathing freely. The duration of periods of tension and relaxation for about 4 s each. Only after a year of training this time can be increased to 6 s. Even greater enhancement may lead to negative results. AND NOBODY NEEDS 6 SECONDS. 4 SECONDS, IF CORRECT, IS MORE THAN ENOUGH.
Exercise is desirable to do the most naked, to breathe all the skin. At the time of charging have to close my eyes to disconnect from the environment and completely focus on breathing and movement. Strength exercises Hermes are one of the most powerful tools aimed at enhancing the excitability of the Central nervous system.
THE FIRST EXERCISE IS THE CROSS.Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart, arms down along the body, the muscles are relaxed, breathing freely. Exhale AAA and emerge relaxed in a fetal position. To make a sharp, short breath without air. Simultaneously, the fingers clench into fists, outstretched arms spread to the sides at shoulder level and take back, throw back his head, to bend the body back, to the limit to stretch all the muscles. In this position, to hold the breath on the inhale 4. to Make a sharp exhale the whole breast through the mouth of the KKH, at the same time throw to bend the torso to the outstretched arms could almost reach the floor. Then wave your hands criss — cross to relieve tension and return to its original position. Completely relax for 4 s Breathing freely. Repeat the exercise 4 times. THE SECOND EXERCISE "CHOPPING WOOD".Put your feet shoulder-width apart, knees kept straight. Tilt your body forward, dangling his hands almost to the floor, and relax the muscles. Breath free. Exhale AAA. Instantly close the fingers to the castle, to make a sharp and short breath, without air, at the same time straighten your back, raise the arms up and behind his head, as if swinging an axe, to bend the body back, put your head back. To strain every muscle to the limit; to hold your breath for 4 s to Make a sharp exhale through the mouth KKH and rapidly turn through the left side to return to its original position. Tilt your body forward, release the hands and drop down. Completely relax for 4 s. Breath free. Repeat the exercise 4 times 2 of the inhalation through the right side, 2 — over the left. THE THIRD EXERCISE "DISCUS".Stand up straight, put feet on width apart, lower arms along the body, relax the muscles. Breath free. Exhale AAA. To make a sharp short breath, simultaneously squeeze your fingers into fists, to throw forward the right arm and back left, turning the body to the side of an imaginary throw, eyes turning in the direction of motion. To take the posture of the discus thrower, frozen in the moment of throwing the disc. To strain every muscle to the limit, try not to get your feet off the floor. Hold the posture adopted during the delay inhale for 4 s to Make a sharp exhale through the mouth KKH and return to its original position. Totally relax for 4 s. Breath free. Repeat the exercise 4 times 2 times — throw the right hand, 2 times — throw with the left hand. The following exercises are performed without stress, smoothly, to ease the previously tense muscles and arm muscles, not involved in the movements. Respiration deep, rhythmical. This type of exercise must exactly correspond to the rhythm of the breath.
THE FIRST EXERCISE.Stand up straight, put feet on width apart, extend arms straight in front, palms together. Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds simultaneously move hands to the sides to shoulder level. Hold your breath for 4, hands to take for a spin. To breathe out through your mouth for 4 with and at the same time gradually return arms to starting position Repeat the exercise 4 times.
THE SECOND EXERCISE.Slightly spread his legs, bending your body forward to touch fingers to toes. To keep your knees straight. Inhale for 4 s, at the same time straighten the body, extend arms forward at chest level. Hold your breath for 4, at the same time raise the arms overhead and bend backward. To breathe out through your mouth for 4 seconds and smoothly return to the starting position Repeat the exercise 4 times.
A THIRD EXERCISE.Stand up straight, extend the legs on two feet, arms out to the sides at shoulder height. Inhale for 4 seconds and then hold the breath for 4 seconds. During this time, the maximum turn to the right body with your arms outstretched so you can see the wall behind. Feet off the floor not to interrupt. To breathe out for 4 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 4 times: 2 times to the right, 2 times to the left. THE FOURTH EXERCISE.Lie on your back, putting it under the back of his head kept his palms together. Inhale for 4 seconds, simultaneously lift your legs perpendicular to the floor. Hold your breath for 4 and at this time to produce two rotational movements with the feet in the right direction. To breathe out for 4 seconds and at the same time gently return the leg to its original position. Repeat the exercise 4 times: 2 times with the rotation of the legs to the right side, 2 times with rotation to the left. Gymnastics of Hermes, you can do twice a day: in the morning after sleep as charging and night to recuperate after a tiring work, but not later than 1 5 hours before bedtime.published
Author: Konstantin Glushenkov
Source: naturalworld.ru/praktika_kompleks-uprajneniy-gimnastiki-ankhara.htm
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