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Find out how lunar days and your health are interconnected

Despite technological advances and advances in civilization, we continue to respond to lunar rhythms. This is especially true for people with diseases of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. How to know in advance the days when stressful situations and deterioration of health are possible? How to choose the best time to start important business? This will help us calendar of lunar days.

1st lunar day

Organs of the 1st lunar day: the front part of the head, the brain.

Be careful, now your body is completely unprotected, so there is a high probability of getting any injury or getting sick. Adjusting to the new lunar month, the body spends most of its forces on the accurate “fitting” of internal rhythms to the rhythms of the whole Cosmos, and as a result, neither the physical body of a person nor his psyche are not ready for any loads. It is best to spend this day in peace and relaxation. In summer, this is the ideal time to walk in the forest or relax on the shores of a lake, river or sea.

On the first lunar day with non-compliance with the sedation regime, the likelihood of kidney stones and exacerbation of the entire genitourinary system is high.

A person who is ill on this day can be ill for a long time, but will definitely recover.

2nd lunar day

Organs of the 2nd lunar day: mouth, teeth.

Now is the most favorable time to start new health programs, to begin to perform a new set of exercises aimed at general recovery and prevention of various diseases. This is an ideal period for studying the oriental healing systems and starting a small series of massages. In short, the second lunar day is the time to start a healthy lifestyle.

It is good to start new training complexes on the second lunar day, but the exercises should be selected so that they represent a kind of “golden mean” between stress and relaxation. Static isometric exercises are ideal for this, which are built on the principle of alternate relaxation and tension.

The main thing in this lunar period is not to overdo it with loads, because if you stretch the muscle or overexert it, then it will take a lot of time to return to a normal rhythm, since any exercise, movement made on the second lunar day, the body remembers, “records” in its cells as a program for the entire subsequent month.

3rd lunar day

Organs of the 3rd lunar day: the back of the head.

The most useful for health on these lunar days will be active physical exercises, skiing, kayaking, running for marathon distances and the like. The key is more action. After all, life is movement, and therefore one should not immobilize oneself.

Physical activity on the third lunar day is useful because it can give an outlet to the accumulated energy outside. The essence of all energy practices is not so much to accumulate as much energy as possible, but to pump it through yourself. The more energy passes through a person, the healthier he becomes, because in this case, energy is saturated and “washed” every cell of the body, after which health becomes not a period of absence of diseases, but a norm of life, in which any ailments are practically excluded.

Unused energy on the third lunar day can undermine health, since without finding an exit to the periphery, it will be directed to itself, that is, to the destruction of the body.

Anyone who ignores these tips and instead of active actions indulges in laziness, or even sleeps through the entire period, may suddenly find that, waking up, he will feel tired, as if he was beaten all night with sticks. This suggests that the energy simply did not pass through the energy channels and did not wash them with its healing nectar, but on the contrary, as if “swamped” in it, causing many stagnant phenomena, both in the blood and in the digestive tract. Therefore, be careful, it is better to run one day a hundred meters on a walk in the woods, than then a kilometer along the hospital corridors. The choice is always up to the person.

The third lunar day, as a period of active action, is associated with the organ responsible for coordinating our actions - the cerebellum located in the back of the head. If your body is slagged, then on the third lunar day you may experience pain in the back of the head. If such phenomena are observed, it is necessary to immediately deal with the removal of toxins from the body and, especially during this period, when the lunar energy is very active.

This is a very good period to participate in competitions, because the energy potential of a person is very high.

In many magical traditions, this is a warrior’s day, because martial arts are very encouraging, which will allow you to spend your energy more effectively.

4th lunar day

Organs of the 4th lunar day: throat, larynx.

On the fourth lunar day, you need to pay close attention to the throat and cervical spine - now they are especially vulnerable. Therefore, working at the computer is recommended to rest and knead the neck more often, and those who have to talk a lot, for example, teachers or lecturers, it is desirable during this period to be silent as much as possible, and if this is not possible, then drink hot tea more often and do not overstress the vocal cords.

It is very useful for health on the fourth lunar day to take a walk in the forest or park. You need to be as close as possible to flowers, trees, especially good to be near oak or ash. This will help you balance the flow of energy into your body and bring it into a more harmonious state.

5th lunar day

Organs of the 5th lunar day: esophagus.

This lunar period in the body undergoes complex alchemical processes, so exercise should be more focused on internal work.

It is good to work out tendons on the fifth lunar day, work with energy channels, and in addition, muscle stretching exercises are very useful.

Such a selection of exercises will help the body to go through the period of internal transformation faster and without complications, because on the fifth lunar day changes occur even at the level of cells - the vibration characteristic of the aura completely changes. Moreover, even those who do nothing on this day are subject to changes, however, such changes naturally occur with a minus sign, that is, there is a global destruction of the body. There is a saying: “If you do not go forward, you go backward.”

6th lunar day

Organs of the 6th lunar day: bronchi, upper respiratory tract.

Special attention is now required organs associated with the elements of water and air. It is dangerous on the sixth lunar day to overexert the vocal cords, that is, to “strip” the voice. Therefore, all who in one way or another have to talk a lot, it is better during this period to refrain from a long conversation. It is necessary to try to do as much as possible with silence, because astrologers warn that with overstrain of the vocal cords or the occurrence of coughing, inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract can begin.

Naturally, at this time you should refrain from drinking cold drinks, even if the yard is summer - the airways and throat are very weak, they need to be protected.

Close attention should be paid to such a “water” organ as the kidneys. Keep them warm and avoid drafts.

Those who are actively engaged in pranayama or any breathing exercises, on the sixth lunar day, it is recommended to slightly reduce the load or at least not increase them in order to avoid the occurrence of undesirable complications that can end very badly, up to a chronic disease.

It is good during this period to perform programs designed to rejuvenate the body. Massage will be very useful, and you should not limit yourself in choosing a massage method, you can use both traditional European and exotic, for example, Thai, Vedic or point.

If it is not possible to get a massage from a professional massage therapist, perform at least one self-massage session. This will greatly benefit you. Massages with the use of aromatic oils, as well as the aromatherapy session itself, will be very useful.

7th lunar day

Organ of the 7th lunar day: lungs.

The most vulnerable organs of the seventh lunar day are the throat and chest, so treat them with special attention. The best preventive measure will be the performance of various breathing exercises.

Smoking is very dangerous on this day, it can lead to serious chest diseases, even cancer. Therefore, if possible, refrain from cigarettes or at least reduce their number as much as possible.

On the seventh lunar day, all organs associated with breathing are very fragile, even the nostrils can suffer. For this reason, the Indian astrological tradition recommends performing jala-neti or other cleansing practices of the nasal cavity, throat and lungs during this period.

It will be very useful to spend a short period of silence, at least half a day. This will give a good rest to your nervous system, help restore mental strength and give the vocal cords a long-awaited rest.

If on the seventh lunar day you have a severe cough, hoarseness or back pain at the lung level, then this is an important signal - it is worth thinking: something in your life is not going as it should. First of all, pay attention to the manner of communication, to the lexicon – there are too many words-parasites and expressions of aggression, hatred and destructive turns. Remember that "diseases of speech" always lead to diseases of the body and mind. That is why any pain, ailments or uncomfortable sensations in these organs are very alarming signals, figuratively speaking the SOS of your body. It is time to change something, otherwise the chance to improve your health will be missed, and who knows, suddenly then you can change something only surgically.

Many astrological schools advise on this lunar day to refrain from dental treatment.

8th lunar day

Organ of the 8th lunar day: the stomach.

These lunar days are ideal for the preparation of drugs with a large number of components, and the more components enter the medicine, the more successful it will be.

Many astrological schools recommend at this time to cleanse the intestines, as well as arrange a fasting day.

Massage treatments and aromatherapy sessions are very welcome.

During this period, the peripheral nervous system is vulnerable, so you need to observe rest, do not take on excessive physical exertion, do not zeal in training.

You should be especially careful with fire.

9th lunar day

Organ of the 9th lunar day: breast nipple.

You should pay attention to the chest, to the prevention of intercostal neuralgia, angina pectoris.

On the ninth lunar day, chronic diseases can worsen. This is due to the fact that chronic diseases are karmic in nature, that is, they occur only when a problem is not solved for a long time at the psychophysical level and eventually passes to the physical. Suddenly, those organs that seemed to have been healed for a long time can also get sick. But in fact, this is not the case - only the symptom is eliminated, and the disease itself, that is, its energy matrix, is not removed from the aura. That is, as has been repeatedly stated above, the unresolved problem has not disappeared, but has gone into the deeper layers of the subconscious.

On the ninth lunar day, any ailments, diseases, exacerbation of any processes - all these are SOS signals, the body tries to scream to the mind, so that you do something.

On the ninth lunar day it is useful to carry out all kinds of cleansing practices, especially cleansing the intestines.

You can do all the strength exercises.

10th lunar day

Organ of the 10th lunar day: breast bones.

Astrologers of the European school strongly recommend during this period to start health programs, which should eventually become a habit.

It is best to devote this day to family exercises, trips to the forest, the river, joint marathons and so on. All family health activities on the tenth lunar day will bring a fantastic effect and will contribute to the strengthening of family relations.

In families where everyone is engaged in sports or any health programs, as a rule, no one almost never gets sick.

11th lunar day

Organ of the 11th lunar day: ridge.

A period of active physical exercise. It is useful to make long walks, run marathons, kayak, swim across stakes and lakes, ride a bicycle and so on.

It is very good to practice martial arts now, but only without the use of cold weapons. In training, you can increase the load, master new movements and exercises. The ideal time for sports, festivals, days of health and physical culture.

On the eleventh lunar day, it is good to move to a new level in those wellness programs that were launched at the beginning of the lunar month.

If you spend this time lying on the couch, indulging in laziness and longing, then your body will not really rest, but on the contrary, will not receive the new energy it needs. Those who spend the eleventh lunar day in passivity, exacerbate chronic diseases.

The energy of these days can be used for 24-, 36-hour fasting. Favorable time to cleanse the liver

12th lunar day

Organ of the 12th lunar day: the heart.

It is very useful at this time to engage in hatha yoga and other psychophysical practices of the Eastern esoteric systems.

Pay close attention to the work of the heart. On the twelfth lunar day, it should not be overloaded with heavy training, but should be protected from stress and nervous breakdowns. It is best to have a meditation session.

During this period, it is advisable to get a soft massage.

A favorable day for cleansing the upper respiratory tract, heart and lungs - it is useful to take expectorant.

13th lunar day

Organ of the 13th lunar day: blood.

In terms of health, the thirteenth lunar day is a period of correction. You can improve and adapt to those wellness programs that began on the second lunar day. You can make changes, replace some exercises with others, increase or reduce the execution time of the whole complex, and so on.

This period is favorable for the treatment, prevention and prosthetics of teeth, as well as for cosmetic and plastic operations and the treatment of cellulite.

Massages and water procedures are very useful on the thirteenth lunar day. In the warm season, it would be good to spend the whole day in the fresh air in the lap of nature.

14th lunar day

Organ of the 14th lunar day: intestine.

On this day it is very good to engage in cleansing, mainly physical body, enemas, washing (when the moon is not in moon signs). It's perfect for Shank Prakshalana.

Good "dry" fasting, because any liquid on this day is polluting.

Very vulnerable eyes. It is necessary to work less at the computer, to refrain from reading and watching TV. It will be useful to contemplate the water, the sky or just the horizon line. Especially healing is the observation of sunrise and sunset. This restores eye strength, cures many eye diseases (of course, if you do it every day) and relieves eye fatigue. It is not advisable to smoke or be near smokers.

15th lunar day

Organ of the 15th lunar day: diaphragm, pancreas, intestines.

Due to the fact that the moon is at the peak of its activity, this is a very dangerous period for the body. Many diseases can suddenly worsen, especially chronic. So, for example, if you suffer from frequent headaches, then do not overexert yourself, rest more. If you have problems with your legs, do not take long and stressful walks.

Close attention on the fifteenth lunar day should be paid to the pancreas (correction of its function occurs) and the diaphragm.

Astrologers recommend more meditative exercises during this period, especially hatha yoga. It will be very useful to get a Reiki or massage session, and any – Thai, Ayurvedic, Chinese and so on.

In addition, this is a favorable period for cranio-sacred or tanato therapy.

16th lunar day

Organs of the 16th lunar day: spleen.

The sixteenth lunar day is very good for cleansing procedures, ablutions, herbal baths, aromatherapy sessions and similar procedures.

It should be remembered that this time is not intended for active, but passive rest. It is best to spend the sixteenth lunar day not in a kayaking trip, but in a quiet contemplation of nature.

Of course, this does not mean that you have to sit back all day and watch TV. Nope. But you shouldn't overexert yourself either.

You need to give the body time to rest and accumulate new strength after the previous active lunar days.

All types of cleansing practices will be very useful and successful. They will help the body to get rid of accumulated toxins and stresses, thereby giving the opportunity to enter the new lunar phase renewed and ready for new achievements.

Especially useful on the sixteenth lunar day are blood cleansing procedures. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to eat more turmeric.

Successful will be training that requires the participation of a partner, as well as pair yoga or massage.

17th lunar day

Organs of the 17th lunar day: spleen, pancreas, stomach.

For health, this is a very favorable period, when even chronic diseases recede for a while. For example, a constant headache may pass, as if it did not exist. Consider such a phenomenon as the grace of the Moon Goddess, but remember – it is only temporary, and if you do not change anything, the pain will return.

It is very dangerous on the seventeenth lunar day to consume excess, both in terms of alcohol intake and overeating. After all, joy is not about getting drunk and stuffing your stomach, so be moderate whenever possible.

For this lunar period in training and wellness programs, you can pause. Such a rest will not bring negative consequences, in some cases, even on the contrary, it will be useful.

Very successful on this day will be procedures aimed at treating infertility and impotence.

18th lunar day

Organs of the 18th lunar day: lung, large intestine.

Drinking and smoking are contraindicated, it is useful to clean the intestines; many spiritual teachers recommended fasting.

Pay attention to the kidneys: they are weakened on this day. On this day, skin diseases may appear, secret wounds may open (you should be very careful with any diagnosis and treatment). If something like this happens, then man has violated the law of cosmic evolution.

Close attention should be paid to the condition of the skin - to conduct sessions of light massage with the use of oils or sandalwood paste. In addition, this is a favorable time for applying masks, lotions, compresses and taking herbal baths.

It is recommended to cleanse the skin, massages, washing, rejuvenation, baths with a good steam, sleep less - otherwise you can get up in a broken state.

Very useful during this period herbal teas with the addition of turmeric and cinnamon.

If on the eighteenth lunar day you are at sea or working in open areas, be careful, very sensitive skin during this period can easily get burns from direct sunlight. Try to stay in the shade or use a special cream.

19th lunar day

Organ of the 19th lunar day: umbilical center.

Being in the lap of nature, be careful - avoid any insects. Their bites today can cause an unusual reaction.

Nineteenth lunar day is good for performing Shank Praksha-lana, but not for the first time.

All training and classes should be canceled, so as not to get bruises, sprains and other injuries. At this time, you may feel strong, but it’s just an appearance.

On this day, vulnerabilities in the human body are the appendix, sigmoid intestine.

20th lunar day

Organs of the 20th lunar day: shoulder blades, shoulders, peritoneum.

The most vulnerable area of the body on this lunar day is the upper back. Those who are intensely engaged in bodybuilding, weightlifting or martial arts are advised to refrain from heavy loads on this area. It is better to work with other muscle groups.

Exercises performed with a partner will be most helpful today, and ideally, the more people involved, the better. For the same reason, it is recommended to engage in collective sports - football, basketball, volleyball and so on.

Some astrological schools advise cleansing procedures, especially tonic massages, and in particular back massages.

21st lunar day

Organs of the 21st lunar day: liver, blood.

This lunar day provides a great chance to build your body as a temple of the spirit, raising it to a higher level. It is recommended to perform any physical exercises, be in the air; as well as baths, showers, dousing, hardening.

Today in training you can increase the load, it will only benefit. It is also good to run a marathon or make some kind of march-throw with a lot of obstacles. All overloads will have a beneficial effect on health.

The body is now not only able to withstand heavy loads, but also wants to test itself in extreme conditions.

However, with the liver you need to be careful, in any case do not drink alcoholic beverages and refrain from smoking. Today, even a small dose is almost fatal.

It is necessary to carry out blood cleansing procedures - drink grass, eat carrots, cranberries, beets, ash, pomegranates.

Astrologers highly recommend this day to engage in equestrian sports or just ride a horse.

22nd lunar day

Organ of the 22nd lunar day: the stomach.

The most vulnerable during this period are the hip joints, hips, sacrum and lower spine. You have to be very careful not to hurt them. For example, if you are engaged in weight lifting, then try not to perform exercises today in which these areas are heavily loaded, it is better to work out other muscle groups.

On the twenty-second lunar day, it is recommended to start a cycle of treatment, a new health program. It is also a favorable period for theoretical studies, for studying the psychological and physiological foundations of a sport or health system.

23rd lunar day

Organs of the 23rd lunar day: female organs, ovaries, Muladhara chakra (lower center in the coccyx region)

Health today needs to be taken care of with special care, as a powerful surge of opposite energies can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases or lead to various traumatic situations.

Very high degree of fractures, bruises and so on. Therefore, today it is recommended to cancel all training, even the mildest, since it is very difficult to predict what can cause undesirable consequences. Even innocent stretching of a muscle can cause unbearable pain.

24th lunar day

Organ of the 24th lunar day: armpit area.

On these lunar days, you can conduct both active training with a large number of different exercises, including the joint work of all muscle groups, and meditation exercises, for example, yoga. It all depends on you how well you feel.

On the twenty-fourth lunar day, there are rarely any health problems, and if they do, they are usually minor and rapid.

Harmful factors for your body on this day - smoking and alcohol.

25th lunar day

Organ of the 25th lunar day: knees.

Nothing happens on the twenty-fifth lunar day. If you are sick, then your health will remain the same, the pain will not intensify, but will not go away.

Although, I must say, for non-traditional healing practices, this is the most successful and favorable time, especially those who actively use water, for example, hydrotherapy.

Healthy people are very useful in this lunar time to swim in the river, lake, sea or bet. If this is not possible, be sure to take a bath and preferably with herbs.

Some astrological schools warn against starting new medications on this day.

26th lunar day

Organs of the 26th lunar day: heart, small intestine.

Those who are engaged in sports, today it is recommended to arrange a rest or at least halve the load. Health is now very vulnerable, the slightest reason is enough to cause an exacerbation of existing diseases or get injured.

Today, massage and cosmetic procedures, work with acupuncture points are useful.

Good time for a 24-, 36-hour fast.

27th lunar day

Astrologers warn: the use of chemicals on the twenty-seventh lunar day can cause an unexpected reaction of the body, various complications. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from using drugs during this period (of course, if we are not talking about life and death).

In the health plan, you can clean the large intestine, visit the steam room. Physical activity should be moderate.

The most vulnerable part of the body is the lower leg.

The lymphatic system is also vulnerable. It is believed that on this day, as a consequence of an improper lifestyle, there may be a violation of fluid metabolism, inflammation of the lymph nodes, and diseases of the lymphatic system and blood begin. Donation on this day is contraindicated.

You need to be less in the draft, and most importantly - avoid dampness.

Standing near the water during this lunar period can easily lead to respiratory diseases. Stay away from water and swimming pools.

Cold water on the twenty-seventh lunar day is very dangerous. Try not to swim today, especially for large water bodies - seas, oceans, lakes.

28th lunar day

During this period, the human body is positively charged and capable of doing much, but you need to remember that first of all we are talking about internal work, not external work, that is, pay more attention to meditation, breathing and energy exercises than physical ones. Large loads are acceptable, but usually not recommended.

You should take care of the head, brain, monitor blood pressure. It is very important to protect your eyesight: it is better to read less, do not look at the bright light.

On the twenty-eighth lunar day, you can do various cleaning complexes and cosmetic procedures.

Useful water procedures - from swimming to swimming in the hole. It's good to take an herbal bath.

29th lunar day

Organ of the 29th lunar day: back, anus, rectum.

During this period, the entire human body is negatively affected by negative energies. Therefore, it is recommended to load yourself as little as possible. Avoid draughts and damp rooms. In training, be careful - the day is fraught with an abundance of injuries, which often end in serious complications.

On the twenty-ninth lunar day, those diseases that you have already forgotten can again make themselves felt. This is a sure sign that you have actually eliminated the symptom, not the disease itself. The “matrix” of the disease is still in your body and must be removed immediately, otherwise the disease will return to you every time, until it becomes chronic and then turns into pathology.

30th lunar day

Organ of the 30th lunar day: pineal gland.

Now it is useful to hold a massage or take an herbal bath, in extreme cases just sit in silence and relaxation. Strain in the thirtieth lunar day is not recommended. In training, it is better to conduct a theoretical lesson or reduce the load to a minimum.

On this day it is dangerous to overstrain the brain, sharp sharp odors are contraindicated. published

Author: Vadim Nekrasov

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!

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Source: aurveda-health.blogspot.com/2013/06/blog-post_9.html