6 links to verify that the Internet knows about us

We use the browser and maps, write emails, shop online - all this has long been part of our lives. But what we know about the Internet companies, whose services we use? Website feels that some information will surprise you.
1. Know your history mestopolozheniy

If you are using a modern smartphone based on Android or iOS, and your mobile internet included in the majority of cases, then you will be surprised by the information that Google collects your location every day. Here you can see a history of your movements.
2. Learn the history of search zaprosov

Google stores every search query that you've ever done. Also monitor all the advertising for which you passed earlier. To see all these records, you can use this link.
3. Find out what Google about you dumaet

In order to show the ad to each user according to his tastes and hobbies, Google collects information about you and creates a profile. Each user can control the information on this page.

Known to many Google Analytics lets you know which sites and pages you view, how often they visit and how much time they spend on the site. But few people know that you can disable the collection of such data on the sites visited. You can do it here.
4. Find out about all the services and services that you ispolzuete

Google offers its users the Account Activity page where you can learn about all the services and the services Google, you are using. You can also enable the receipt of the monthly report, which will be sent to your email address.
5. Find a list of all applications and extensions that have access to your akkauntu

Activity page of your Google Account also offers a list of all applications that have access to your data. View a list of applications or close access to them here.
6. Learn how to export all your dannye

Google allows you to export all your data: bookmarks, e-mail, contacts, files, information from the profile, your videos on YouTube, photos and more. You can do this at this link.

In addition to the information about which described above, Google keeps a history of watching videos on YouTube. Find it at this link.
via te-st.ru/2015/02/17/6-links-that-will-show-you-what-google-knows-about-you/