BusinessWeek: who is more important than all the web

25 most influential people on the Internet
The magazine BusinessWeek, a survey of its readers and authors, has compiled a list of 25 people who, according to him, most of all influenced the formation of the modern Internet.
1. "The Lord»
Tim Berners-Lee
In 1989, Berners-Lee laid the fundamental principle of the organization of information on the Internet by inventing the hypertext, or more simply - the system of reference. In the mid-1990s, Berners-Lee began to develop a new concept called "Semantic Web» (Semantic Web), which is a more convenient method of organizing information in a network-based tags. Currently, the organization is headed by World Wide Web Consortium, standards development, which in the future may be accepted on the Internet. 2. "Pioneer»
Marc Andreessen
Marc Andreessen has carried out a revolution in the field of Internet navigation, significantly to simplify it by creating the first Internet browser, Mosaic. Later, along with Jim Clark, he founded a network of Netscape Communications, which then became available and was bought by AOL. He is working on a startup Ning, which helps users to create their own social network on the Internet.
3. "Seer»
Jeff Bezos
In 1994, Jeff Bezos came across smote him Statistics: Internet use is growing at a rate of 2300% per year. While he had a good job, but he went to his boss and said, "I'm going to do a crazy idea - to sell books over the internet." The idea was good and allowed the Internet to create the largest online store Amazon.com.
4. "The Searchers»
Sergey Brin, Larry Page
This virtually inseparable pair managed to establish without doubt the most powerful in the world of the Internet site Google, inventing a method of analyzing the links between resources, which provides an efficient search online. Brin and Page have become billionaires, but still trying to hold an informal motto "Do No Harm».
5. "Decorator»
Marissa Mayer
Another player was Google. In 1999, Meyer became the first female engineer Google. Currently, she is vice president of search products and work with users. Her ideas embodied in the design and principle of the different services Google, helped turn brilliant technical concept Brin and Page in the finished product, the most popular on the Internet. It looks like Google is now the result of its work.
6. "encyclopedists»
Jimmy Wales
Wales, along with Larry Sanger launched the most popular online encyclopedia of the world - Wikipedia. This resource has become a social phenomenon, the same as and Google. The money it brings to its creator smaller but Uyels working on it. Now he is trying to apply the principle of "nationality" in another product, creating a new search engine, a significant portion of the work which will take users.
7. "Kommersant»
Margaret Whitman
Whitman turned unordered online auction eBay's powerful international e-commerce tools. Having succeeded in this business, she started buying other adjacent and distant from the e-commerce projects. Her empire is now included such services as Internet payment system PayPal and Internet phone Skype. Whitman continued absorption, and accuse her to promiscuity impossible.
8. "blogger»
Evan Williams
This man in 1999 has created a website Blogger - a tool that allows everyone to create a virtual forum where you can say what you want. The company is thriving, though now without Williams, who did not hesitate to sell their offspring insatiable Google. What he got is unknown, but there is no doubt that a lot. Now he can afford to do "little things" - such as the creation of the "microblogging» - Twitter, which allows you to gather in one place scraps of thoughts and opinions of different people who do not want to start their own full-fledged blog, but wanted to share my thoughts with others.
9. "The Collector»
Kevin Rose
By building a "living agreggator News» Digg, Kevin Rose has created a new way of reading news on the Internet. Now, to find out what live network, at least, the American part of it, just look at his website. Digg users vote determines that the last really important and what is not worthy of mention. Now Digg effort Rose smoothly transformed into another social network. Meanwhile, the community of "diggers" has become a powerful force with which to reckon not only the Internet but also in the real world.
10. "Dreamer»
Philip Rosedale
By creating a fictional world of Second Life, Rosedale first able to effectively implement a long-standing dreams and predictions about virtual reality. Project Second Life, which began as an entertainment service that is becoming increasingly serious. Now in its 9 million residents of the virtual and the virtual economy turnover surpasses 12 million very real dollars. It may well be that in the future, "Second Life" in importance compared with the first. The main thing is not to become the first in the world of "The Matrix».
11. "Friend»
Tom Andersen
In 2003, with Chris Anderson founded Devolfom site MySpace.com, to help the musicians to communicate with their fans. By mid-2005, MySpace site already had in its ranks the 22 million members and was bought by News Corp for $ 580 million. Now the average audience of the world's most popular social site - more than 115 million unique users. However, Andersen still finds time to make a list of friends of all new users MySpace, however, he does it with the help of the program-robot. Without him it would not be able to devote time to strategic plans for expansion in China, and the defense on the other growing social network - Facebook.
12. "Life»
Mark Zuckerberg
In February 2004, Mark Zuckerberg, together with its neighbors in the dorm room at Harvard University created a website for communication between students. Soon, Facebook has become the use of students at Stanford, Columbia and Yale universities. Zuckerberg dropped out of school and moved out of the university campus in Silicon Valley, where he began to develop the site. By the spring of the social network expanded by 800 colleges and two years later the site was opened to the public. At last count there were 41 million active users of the site.
13. "newsboy»
Rupert Murdoch
76-year-old Australian media mogul before many of his colleagues realized the importance of Internet and the threat it poses to traditional media, on which Murdoch made his fortune. So it is no coincidence Murdoch's News Corp empire has posted several hundred million dollars for the purchase of social network MySpace.
14. "Designer»
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs, who in 1996 returned to Apple as CEO, is obsessed with the details and, at first glance, meaningless details - it is this property allowed him to create a series of products, which many consider ideal. Thanks to his efforts everyone knows that it is best to listen to music on the iPod, the download and it should be out of the store iTunes. Fortunately, the monopoly is impossible, and Jobs have to constantly come up with new moves, in order to maintain the cult of Apple in the proper level.
15. "The Shepherdess»
Mitchell Baker
Working in Netscape, Baker by chance got the nickname "the shepherd parasites" - the current post of the head of Mozilla, which is engaged in one of the largest open-source projects - browser Firefox, it has to, on the one hand, to maintain the spirit of freedom and enthusiasm, thanks to which managed to create free browser, surpassing the quality of Internet Explorer from Microsoft, and on the other - to do business so that the company does not earn by selling could make a profit. While her work is progressing well - Firefox was able to win 15% of the market from Internet Explorer.
16. "Saviour»
Jerry Yang
Jerry Yang, along with his buddy David Filo founded Yahoo! portal in 1995. Since then, the page, which was just assembled links by category, became a billionth empire. However, until recently, Young has the company only the honorary title of "Chief Yahoo». Now that things have Yahoo situation is not the best way - the portal of losing the race Google, Young received the post of executive director. Young should not only improve the morale of employees, but also create a miracle - to bring it back to the market leaders.
17. "Investor»
Peter Thiel
One of the founders of the online payment system PayPal, Thiel also has created a global hedge fund Clarium Capital Management, which manages investments worth over $ 2 billion. In addition, Thiel is a managing partner of venture fund Founders Fund, which invests in technology enterprises. Among the companies that have entrusted money Teal its customers - startups such as Facebook, Slide, and Ooma. In general, if you have a high-tech genius idea, but no money for its implementation, try to convince her genius Tila. If he says "yes", it means that you're halfway to success.
18. "Angel»
Reid Hoffman
Another person with whom the author met all promising startups in the United States - is Reid Hoffman. Among the inhabitants of Silicon Valley, he is probably the best connection. And not just because he is the founder and head of the professional social network LinkedIn, but also because he is an investor in more than 60 companies, including Facebook, Digg and Last.fm, as well as a board member of companies such as SixApart, Kiva.org, and Mozilla.
19. "King ventures»
Michael Moritz
Moritz - the third investor in the list of the most influential on the internet, but for him to go, if you have already had some success. Before becoming a managing partner of the investment fund Sequoia Capital, he was a correspondent for Time magazine and has written popular books about Apple and Chrysler. But then he changed his pen on a calculator and has been successful. Recently, Forbes magazine named him the most successful entrepreneur.
20. "The critic»
Michael Errington
If Hoffman Till or have already invested in your company a few million, but now is the time to try to have a good relationship with Michael Errington, who is the head and founder of the blog TechCrunch. In just two years with a small Errington he was able to turn his life into a small, but influential media empire. If your company mentioned Errington, then you walked a quarter of the way to success, and maybe it's time to ask for free money for further development at the Moritz.
21. "Master»
Tim O? Reilly
ABOUT? Reilly began publishing books on computers back in the 1980s, and 20 years later, handbooks and manuals issued by his company, filled with computer parts of the world all the bookstores.
22. "Ukrashatel»
Max Levchin
In 1998 Levchin had to borrow $ 2 thousand., To buy its stake in PayPal, one of the founders of which he is. By 2002, the native of Ukraine fussing, as if not to sell too cheap, selling PayPal Margaret Whitman of eBay for $ 1, 5 billion (a share of the cost Levchin was about $ 34 million). Now Levchin hopes to earn more through its new company Slide, which produces the so-called "widgets" - small online applications (eg slide show), embedded in popular online services to perform a specific set of functions.
23. "Seller»
Marc Benioff
Modern trading companies are actively moving to the use of a new generation of software, which is a service distributed on the network. The pioneer of such service was the site of Salesforce.com, whose founders are Marc Benioff. Former Sales Representative Oracle, he is currently developing tools that other companies can use to develop their own programs.
24. "Provocateur»
Dave Winer
Weiner is best known for creating the format of RSS, which allows users to not only view the content of multiple resources in one place, and immediately learn about updating third-party sites. His sharp remarks Weiner had made a lot of enemies, but the popularity he does not hold.
25. "Strategist»
Ray Ozzie
After Bill Gates became increasingly move away from direct management of Microsoft, Ozzie assumed the role of strategist. That he should help the company, which has a monopoly in the software for users to take its rightful place on the Internet. We can say that in the coming years will have no time to relax Ozzy - while his company has never far from victory.