Amazing facts about intuition cats.

In the assembly of the gods worshiped in ancient Egypt, was the goddess Bast, the sister of Ra, a woman with a cat's head, also called the Mother cats. Bast supervised center, childbirth, fertility, joy, ceremonies, music and dance, protect against disease and evil spirits.
She had a special gift - intuition. It turns out that at least a few thousand years ago, people knew that the cat "something wrong»?
In April 1906, a cat who lived in San Francisco, both domestic and street, surprised people. Excitedly meowing, with very disheveled hair, they anxiously ran or hid in a secluded place, many rushed to drag somewhere to her kittens, some even disappeared for a few days ... and on 18 April the city was a blow a devastating earthquake that killed at least three thousand people .
What is it - intuition? Or special senses? Judge for yourself. The cat, like a person, has the vomeronasal organ or Jacobson's organ, associated with the olfactory system. But he's not like the man, is much more sensitive to the molecular composition of the air. Add to it hypersensitive foot, sensing the slightest vibration of the earth, and an unusually acute hearing, differ not only waves in the ultrasonic range, and fluctuations in the magnetic field. It turns out a kind of "early warning system».
Why such a strong intuition of the cat? The answer is very simple: to survive. In the evolution of living beings, not having other advantages over strong competitors, acquired the ability to disguise and intuitive complex, allowing to anticipate the possible danger. Less fortunate instances permanently dropped out, and they are now rarely found as fossils. A cat, these small predators, have survived. To the delight of the world koshkolyubam.
That's what it can be compared. When a storm is approaching, she is driving in front of a wave of electrified air. Ozone molecules penetrate into the human body to form certain chemicals, causing painful discomfort of hypersensitive people. Perhaps the cat also feel something similar to the exceptional occurrences.
How else to explain the fact that during the Battle of Britain British cat gets nervous for a few minutes before the announcement of an air-raid?
There are numerous stories about cats being taken away far from home, always find a way to it. Well, stories stories - but a serious scientific experiment, delivered in 1922. Scientist drove cats, wrapped in a blanket in a boat on the lake, so that was not visible shore and swam for a while here and there, disorienting animals. Then it releases the cats - and they always sat in the boat, looking toward the house!
You can not explain yet another fact, when the cat sat down in front of the phone for a moment before her father was called home owner. Half an hour before his return, she would sit at the front door. One might immediately assume that the man and punctual calls and returns home at one and the same time ... But the trip was not a regular!
However, a number of cases can be attributed to it a high susceptibility of cats - such as the smell. One woman recalled that when she was a teenager, her stepfather often went "left". And when he did, the morning showed in one of his sneakers stuffed cat dead mouse! Such was the reaction of the animal to that of men, according to the opinion of the feline, unbearably smelled a strange woman.
Nor is it intuition or good memory Murka Murzik a certain sequence of actions host or hostess, to be held after a pleasant / unpleasant event for him. For many people, the intention to go to the kitchen and pour in the cat food bowl is poured into a small ritual. Cat immediately understands everything and ran headlong into the kitchen, happily meowing. And when, for example, you want to bring him to the country where bred mice and the cat to tolerate hate to go by car (a lot of stress for him, by the way) ... Try to lure him out from under the couch!
Amazing facts about cats - a lot. But not all of them are evidence of its brilliant intuition, and especially telepathy. On the other hand, cats, their behavior often baffled not only by their owners, but also serious scientists. And for that we love them, too!
She had a special gift - intuition. It turns out that at least a few thousand years ago, people knew that the cat "something wrong»?
In April 1906, a cat who lived in San Francisco, both domestic and street, surprised people. Excitedly meowing, with very disheveled hair, they anxiously ran or hid in a secluded place, many rushed to drag somewhere to her kittens, some even disappeared for a few days ... and on 18 April the city was a blow a devastating earthquake that killed at least three thousand people .
What is it - intuition? Or special senses? Judge for yourself. The cat, like a person, has the vomeronasal organ or Jacobson's organ, associated with the olfactory system. But he's not like the man, is much more sensitive to the molecular composition of the air. Add to it hypersensitive foot, sensing the slightest vibration of the earth, and an unusually acute hearing, differ not only waves in the ultrasonic range, and fluctuations in the magnetic field. It turns out a kind of "early warning system».
Why such a strong intuition of the cat? The answer is very simple: to survive. In the evolution of living beings, not having other advantages over strong competitors, acquired the ability to disguise and intuitive complex, allowing to anticipate the possible danger. Less fortunate instances permanently dropped out, and they are now rarely found as fossils. A cat, these small predators, have survived. To the delight of the world koshkolyubam.
That's what it can be compared. When a storm is approaching, she is driving in front of a wave of electrified air. Ozone molecules penetrate into the human body to form certain chemicals, causing painful discomfort of hypersensitive people. Perhaps the cat also feel something similar to the exceptional occurrences.
How else to explain the fact that during the Battle of Britain British cat gets nervous for a few minutes before the announcement of an air-raid?
There are numerous stories about cats being taken away far from home, always find a way to it. Well, stories stories - but a serious scientific experiment, delivered in 1922. Scientist drove cats, wrapped in a blanket in a boat on the lake, so that was not visible shore and swam for a while here and there, disorienting animals. Then it releases the cats - and they always sat in the boat, looking toward the house!
You can not explain yet another fact, when the cat sat down in front of the phone for a moment before her father was called home owner. Half an hour before his return, she would sit at the front door. One might immediately assume that the man and punctual calls and returns home at one and the same time ... But the trip was not a regular!
However, a number of cases can be attributed to it a high susceptibility of cats - such as the smell. One woman recalled that when she was a teenager, her stepfather often went "left". And when he did, the morning showed in one of his sneakers stuffed cat dead mouse! Such was the reaction of the animal to that of men, according to the opinion of the feline, unbearably smelled a strange woman.
Nor is it intuition or good memory Murka Murzik a certain sequence of actions host or hostess, to be held after a pleasant / unpleasant event for him. For many people, the intention to go to the kitchen and pour in the cat food bowl is poured into a small ritual. Cat immediately understands everything and ran headlong into the kitchen, happily meowing. And when, for example, you want to bring him to the country where bred mice and the cat to tolerate hate to go by car (a lot of stress for him, by the way) ... Try to lure him out from under the couch!
Amazing facts about cats - a lot. But not all of them are evidence of its brilliant intuition, and especially telepathy. On the other hand, cats, their behavior often baffled not only by their owners, but also serious scientists. And for that we love them, too!
What is it - intuition? Or special senses? Judge for yourself. The cat, like a person, has the vomeronasal organ or Jacobson's organ, associated with the olfactory system. But he's not like the man, is much more sensitive to the molecular composition of the air. Add to it hypersensitive foot, sensing the slightest vibration of the earth, and an unusually acute hearing, differ not only waves in the ultrasonic range, and fluctuations in the magnetic field. It turns out a kind of "early warning system».
Why such a strong intuition of the cat? The answer is very simple: to survive. In the evolution of living beings, not having other advantages over strong competitors, acquired the ability to disguise and intuitive complex, allowing to anticipate the possible danger. Less fortunate instances permanently dropped out, and they are now rarely found as fossils. A cat, these small predators, have survived. To the delight of the world koshkolyubam.
That's what it can be compared. When a storm is approaching, she is driving in front of a wave of electrified air. Ozone molecules penetrate into the human body to form certain chemicals, causing painful discomfort of hypersensitive people. Perhaps the cat also feel something similar to the exceptional occurrences.
How else to explain the fact that during the Battle of Britain British cat gets nervous for a few minutes before the announcement of an air-raid?
There are numerous stories about cats being taken away far from home, always find a way to it. Well, stories stories - but a serious scientific experiment, delivered in 1922. Scientist drove cats, wrapped in a blanket in a boat on the lake, so that was not visible shore and swam for a while here and there, disorienting animals. Then it releases the cats - and they always sat in the boat, looking toward the house!
You can not explain yet another fact, when the cat sat down in front of the phone for a moment before her father was called home owner. Half an hour before his return, she would sit at the front door. One might immediately assume that the man and punctual calls and returns home at one and the same time ... But the trip was not a regular!
However, a number of cases can be attributed to it a high susceptibility of cats - such as the smell. One woman recalled that when she was a teenager, her stepfather often went "left". And when he did, the morning showed in one of his sneakers stuffed cat dead mouse! Such was the reaction of the animal to that of men, according to the opinion of the feline, unbearably smelled a strange woman.
Nor is it intuition or good memory Murka Murzik a certain sequence of actions host or hostess, to be held after a pleasant / unpleasant event for him. For many people, the intention to go to the kitchen and pour in the cat food bowl is poured into a small ritual. Cat immediately understands everything and ran headlong into the kitchen, happily meowing. And when, for example, you want to bring him to the country where bred mice and the cat to tolerate hate to go by car (a lot of stress for him, by the way) ... Try to lure him out from under the couch!
Amazing facts about cats - a lot. But not all of them are evidence of its brilliant intuition, and especially telepathy. On the other hand, cats, their behavior often baffled not only by their owners, but also serious scientists. And for that we love them, too!
Why such a strong intuition of the cat? The answer is very simple: to survive. In the evolution of living beings, not having other advantages over strong competitors, acquired the ability to disguise and intuitive complex, allowing to anticipate the possible danger. Less fortunate instances permanently dropped out, and they are now rarely found as fossils. A cat, these small predators, have survived. To the delight of the world koshkolyubam.
That's what it can be compared. When a storm is approaching, she is driving in front of a wave of electrified air. Ozone molecules penetrate into the human body to form certain chemicals, causing painful discomfort of hypersensitive people. Perhaps the cat also feel something similar to the exceptional occurrences.
How else to explain the fact that during the Battle of Britain British cat gets nervous for a few minutes before the announcement of an air-raid?
There are numerous stories about cats being taken away far from home, always find a way to it. Well, stories stories - but a serious scientific experiment, delivered in 1922. Scientist drove cats, wrapped in a blanket in a boat on the lake, so that was not visible shore and swam for a while here and there, disorienting animals. Then it releases the cats - and they always sat in the boat, looking toward the house!
You can not explain yet another fact, when the cat sat down in front of the phone for a moment before her father was called home owner. Half an hour before his return, she would sit at the front door. One might immediately assume that the man and punctual calls and returns home at one and the same time ... But the trip was not a regular!
However, a number of cases can be attributed to it a high susceptibility of cats - such as the smell. One woman recalled that when she was a teenager, her stepfather often went "left". And when he did, the morning showed in one of his sneakers stuffed cat dead mouse! Such was the reaction of the animal to that of men, according to the opinion of the feline, unbearably smelled a strange woman.
Nor is it intuition or good memory Murka Murzik a certain sequence of actions host or hostess, to be held after a pleasant / unpleasant event for him. For many people, the intention to go to the kitchen and pour in the cat food bowl is poured into a small ritual. Cat immediately understands everything and ran headlong into the kitchen, happily meowing. And when, for example, you want to bring him to the country where bred mice and the cat to tolerate hate to go by car (a lot of stress for him, by the way) ... Try to lure him out from under the couch!
Amazing facts about cats - a lot. But not all of them are evidence of its brilliant intuition, and especially telepathy. On the other hand, cats, their behavior often baffled not only by their owners, but also serious scientists. And for that we love them, too!
You can not explain yet another fact, when the cat sat down in front of the phone for a moment before her father was called home owner. Half an hour before his return, she would sit at the front door. One might immediately assume that the man and punctual calls and returns home at one and the same time ... But the trip was not a regular!
However, a number of cases can be attributed to it a high susceptibility of cats - such as the smell. One woman recalled that when she was a teenager, her stepfather often went "left". And when he did, the morning showed in one of his sneakers stuffed cat dead mouse! Such was the reaction of the animal to that of men, according to the opinion of the feline, unbearably smelled a strange woman.
Nor is it intuition or good memory Murka Murzik a certain sequence of actions host or hostess, to be held after a pleasant / unpleasant event for him. For many people, the intention to go to the kitchen and pour in the cat food bowl is poured into a small ritual. Cat immediately understands everything and ran headlong into the kitchen, happily meowing. And when, for example, you want to bring him to the country where bred mice and the cat to tolerate hate to go by car (a lot of stress for him, by the way) ... Try to lure him out from under the couch!
Amazing facts about cats - a lot. But not all of them are evidence of its brilliant intuition, and especially telepathy. On the other hand, cats, their behavior often baffled not only by their owners, but also serious scientists. And for that we love them, too!