The energy of thought. The power of thought.

Our thoughts and emotions are nothing else than the subtlest form of energy that we generate in the surrounding area. Hate, love, jealousy, gratitude - all that a certain level of vibration with certain characteristics.
Every cell and organ of our body have their own frequency. Everything has its own frequency, even our planet - is no exception. It is known that the Earth "sings" on the chord F-sharp major. By the way, scientists have noted that its ordinary "relic" - 7, 83 Hz (m. N. Schumann Resonance) - in recent decades has been steadily increasing, indicating a certain evolution of the space. Schumann wave why we constantly observe natural disasters. "Apocalyptic" its value can be the frequency of 13 Hertz to above which the planet and humanity await some transformation processes. So talk about 2012 and about the quantum leap, awaiting humanity, have a real basis.
We communicate with the universe by vibration of words, emotions and thoughts when making a choice and commit certain acts. The Universe responds to us in the events of our lives. Events - this is her language, so it is important to perceive and understand the signs of those responses, which it sends to us. The most obvious manifestation of that, you know - the so-called coincidences.
Have you ever wondered why this happens: when you remember about a person, he or information about it appear in your life? Or when you're busy with the problem, the prompt is suddenly on the page "accidentally" disclosed by you in the text of a magazine or billboard? Why, when you're looking for answers, they come to you from "unexpected" areas? Or - you thought of someone looking at the phone, and the phone rang; but should prompt you see in the advertising inscription on a passing truck van ...
The concept of synchronicity, describing such phenomena between the people and events that brought Carl Jung. He first described synchronicity as "the simultaneous occurrence of two events that are meaningful, but not a causal relationship».
Explain the nature of these "meaningful coincidences" only the energy unity and interconnectedness of all that exists. Through such phenomena of the universe sends us "confirmation" that she can hear us.
Incidentally, when Jung asked, "Do you believe in God?", He replied: "No". Then he added: "But I know what it is».
Vibrations, filling the universe, scientists call "strings" of energy vibrating infinite number of images. This energy is constantly passes through us and moves around us. In addition, we, like the radio is constantly transmitting energy signals itself in the surrounding space. Whether we realize it or not, each of us participates in the continuous energy exchange of the universe.
English physicist and astronomer James Jeans said: "The concept of the universe as a world of pure thought sheds new light on many of the problems that we encountered in modern research in the field of physics».
In physiological terms we can say that "man" runs on electricity. " Your personal energy field is like a "passport" that you are bringing the world around it:
-physical energy (vibration of the body),
-emotsionalnaya energy (vibration sense),
-kognitivnaya energy (vibrations of thoughts).
Each of you can remember the times when the appearance of a complete stranger to him you feel any unexplained sympathy or sharp rejection. At this point, you "predyavlyat" "energy passport". We all, to some extent psychics.
The interaction of mental energy and the world can justify the famous theorem of quantum physics, John Bell, who says that there is no isolated systems; each particle of the universe is in "instantaneous" (greater than the speed of light) due to all other particles. The entire system, even if its parts are separated by vast distances, functioning as a unit. The man - part of the system.
Sorry for the comparison, but the thoughts of a man is not cool under the skull krobkoy like flies in a jar. NASA experts have determined that our thoughts can spread over distances of up to 400 000 kilometers (this is 10 times around the Earth at the equator!).
It is estimated in the same way that during the day in our brain occurs approximately 60,000 thoughts and about 5% of them are accompanied by fairly strong emotions. It's like an anthill, where ideas compete against each other as if for strength and agility - who is first and who continue to fly into space.
On the planet live almost 7 billion people whose thoughts and emotions are splashed in the general field of energy from which people draw again and again.
Imagine, in which a giant information-energy space we live!
Imagine the energy field around you like an aquarium with clean water uncomplicated. Now drop it drop of ink - a negative thought. What happens to the energy around you, what impact will this "ink droplet"?