Energy and awareness:

Energy - this awareness, it is not two different phenomena. What kind of energy - awareness? When the energy is free, it becomes knowledge. When the energy is captured, it is ignorance, unconsciousness.
For example, your energy is directed at a woman or a man. It will remain ignorance, as focused on the object; she goes outside, she is extroverted. And if the energy release from the object, where it will go? It will focus on the subject, in the depths of your being. The energy that is returned to its source, it is the awareness, understanding.
But let it be a phenomenon in more subjective than objective. That this is the difference between ... and love. Love lives within you, and ... is aimed at the object.
When you are keen on a woman or a man as an object, then sooner or later your interest fades, because as soon as an object you studied, there is nothing left. Are you ready to switch to someone else. Yes, this woman is beautiful, but how long it will still be so? The object is an object. It is for you are not yet a person, she's just a beautiful facility. It's insulting. The soul is transformed into an object, you do the inner essence of the subject. You're trying to use it, turns it into a vehicle. Your energy will remain ignorant. You will continue to change women, your energy and will move in a circle. And she will never return back to you.
Love - is when a woman or man is not interested in you as an object. In essence, you're not gonna use this man is not going to him to achieve something. On the contrary, you are so full of energy that I wanted to share it with others. Love gives. ... Only wants to receive.
And when love gives, it remains inside, its origins are in the depths of your being. Those who love to help each other more and more to become a. They help each other to become a real personality. They help each other to find the center. Love - is the respect, reverence, deification. It does not use. Love - is awareness. After all, energy is directed at the object, it remains free to anything not tied. And thanks to the transformation. It builds up inside you.
And remember that in the physical world, this is exactly the same as in the thin world. With the accumulation of a certain amount of energy is a qualitative change. Such a change - it is not nothing but a consequence of the quantitative change.
For example, if you you heat the water to boiling point, it will begin to evaporate. Up to this point it does not evaporate, it was still water, hot, but the water. But when the temperature is reached when the water boils, it begins to evaporate - and it is no longer water. It has changed its status. There was a transformation.
In the same way - when your energy is accumulated, do not waste it on the object, and yet people do just that. Someone interested in money; and all his energy he spends in order to have them. Of course, it will have a lot of money, but storing them, it is slowly dying, he spends himself in his empty, and he becomes a beggar. Money him more and more, as he all impoverished. Someone spends all his energy on politics, on power. Such a person becomes Prime Minister, but somewhere deep down he is a beggar. Maybe it is the most important in a poor country, but still a beggar.
If you spend your energy on the objects, you will live your life without understanding and awareness. Do not waste yourself on objects.
Let the energy will come back to your point. Let it accumulate. Let your life will become a big repository. Let your energy will not be occupied with anything. And at some point there will jump, a quantum leap, transformation. Energy lights up, turn into awareness, understanding becomes.
It is the energy that goes into understanding. Therefore, when your energy is running out, you lose your ability to understand. When you're tired, you're worse than think. You probably noticed it. In the morning your head fresher than in the evening. In the morning you think better, you more compassion and love than in the evening.
You noticed that? Beggars go for alms in the morning. They are good psychologists. Who will give them the evening? By this time, people are angry, disappointed in life. In the morning, they feel rested, they slept well, they have a lot of energy, they are as much as eight o'clock this energy accumulates. They have more understanding, compassion, love, more compassion. You can convince them that they tell you something is filed. They've got that something, so they can apply. But in the evening they had nothing left; They lost everything they had in the morning, they were dead tired.
Children have more understanding than older people. Have you ever noticed that? Older people are rude, cruel, cunning. All my life they made objects. Most of the old steel unprincipled as Machiavelli. But little children are innocent and trusting, they are closer to the Buddha. Why? They are full of energy.
Young children are all so quickly grasp. Why? They have energy, so there is also the ability to learn. The older you get, the harder you learn something. They say it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Why? It should be easier, because it has long trained, so easy is to learn something else. But this is not so.
Children learn quickly. If the child was born in the city in five languages, he began to teach them all. And soon all five knows perfectly. They are his native languages. The child has an infinite capacity for learning, and the reason is the same: it's still full of energy. Soon, this energy would be wasted on life.
A man becomes a man of awareness meditation because his energy is stored. He does not spend it in vain. He was not interested in nothing; He does not waste energy on different trifles. So when it comes time to give, he has something to give.
Energy - this understanding. You must realize this and use their energy consciously using it so that it is not waste.
REFLECTION IN THE BODY psychological problems.
What happens when a person does not reach the required energy of the spiritual body: