The energy of true love and its application

In this article, I want to tell you about the power of true love, that is the energy that can only exist in the community. In other words - it is the energy that can only be a true love of people, not just people, but about that I will not write here, as other civilizations have for the most part are the same principles of the energy of love, which is on the earth. To begin with, we consider the notion of true love. This will allow her to understand the mechanisms and the difference from the usual modern family love.

True love is only possible in the community, as a typical example of a modern community - a normal family. But only in the modern family is not true love. In order to understand why the family is not true love, we can see how it all manifested and what it represents. True love is an association of two or more persons who live with or plan to live together. And, as always want to be around forever, every second. They always want to be there and are not living alone. They are so close that a fully trusted his life to his beloved and completely dissolved itself in them. In addition, they are not able to experience negative emotions towards the favorite, for this simple reason that they love the most, and themselves at the same time do not like. Of course, it is not developed people can love yourself, but true love, they do not care, more love their favorite than themselves. They want happiness to their loved ones, so they have always been so good and take care of them and help in everything that they were good. True love never sought the parameters of appearance, or other qualities, all this did not play a role, as well as does not play the role of sexual characteristics, color, sexual orientation, or any of their internal or external characteristics. True love occurs when the communication, that is, people just talk and understand that they are close and begin to truly love. When true love may be children, but it is not a reason to create a community that is not the cause of their life together. Similarly, sexual desire can not be the cause of true love and living together in the community. That is, people learn not because of sex. When true love is always there is reciprocity, that is, this does not happen, that someone loves more, and some less, by the way, this phenomenon is not mutual love and is called femodominatsiey or weapons of love, and if you read my articles, you know, what it is. Now, the question is not about that, but I will say more about femodominatsiyu that this is a common pride, for the reason that the other person has any tokens of love and in general shows his love, for example, gives gifts. If true love is no femodominatsii, and no pride, and love is always full and there is mutual love inequality, but inequality in life is, but that it goes much lower, and now tell you a little more about the quality of true love. When true love is impossible parting, as they enjoy completely and do not represent life without loved ones, and even when they are dying favorite never find a replacement and do not try to look for it. In addition, when true love people always want to be around, but not as much as people do today when alone go on a fishing trip, it certainly is inhumane, but it is only an example of what is happening now in the society. Also, people can not individually go on holiday, and life in general are not separated from their loved ones. With true love, people do not hide anything from your favorite, do not hesitate to them, as well as all dream of telepathy and unification of consciousness and personality, to always be there and know the minds of their loved ones, all their memories and thoughts. They just try to be one. But in modern times, for the most part this is not found, but found only an illusory love, which is either one-sided or it does not exist at all. Now you know what is true love. People who truly love, always trying to live in an apartment or house. Their basis - it's love, they also want to sleep in the same bed, but not for the reason that you think, but just can not be alone. Now, I'll tell you about the more fundamental aspects of true love, and for this purpose two new terms must be entered, such as passive and active. But, we are not talking about sex, you might think, but about life. All people in the world are divided into two types of character, they are innate, they have nothing to do with sex or gender, and is a fundamental property of the individual. The first people with an active character, these people want to be around the main, they want to reach some goals, strive for something, and in general to do something. Second people with a passive character, these people want, just do not difficult to do and just want to do everything for them. They tend to choose simple blue-collar occupations, in contrast to the assets that are able to choose the complex responsible profession. Here, I told him about the two types of people who live alone and have not found a favorite person or persons. And what happens when meeting people, because some people are as familiar to communicate for years, but did not intend to live in the community. And, some fall in love and then begin to live in the community. The thing is match or mismatch of character. First, consider the option of two people who met, because it is so often happens. If one is an asset, a liability and a second, then continued their communication and they fall in love, and if not, then either remain familiar, either already do not communicate and break up before close contact. This is for the simple reason that the two asset may not be active in relation to each other at once, as this competition and the absence of love, and the two liabilities can not find the leader in the relationship, unable to find the so-called head of the family, in other words, asset. Moreover, this occurs in sex matched, and same-sex case, since the floor here at all plays no role. When the community begins to exist and loved ones begin to live together, they begin to perform the so-called active and passive roles. But they are, in principle, they operate from the beginning of love, but just now it is particularly noticeable. The active role is always present at the asset, and is as such a primacy. This quality is defined as the primacy, both in his life and in the lives of their favorite liability. This means that the person is the main, both in his life and in the life of a loved one and makes all the decisions. That is, the liability does not take decisions on their own, and does not want it, and all the desires of a liability is the desire of the asset. To understand this, we can consider in more detail the essence of the phenomenon. Bottom psychologically and spiritually totally agree on the absolute subordination of the asset, ie, it is not slavery, and voluntary consent to live without independence. That is, the liability does not want to take any decision, and shall take all the asset, such as how to put furniture, or how to make money, and generally makes all the decisions. However, the asset may also distribute any case and give their liabilities, assets and usually allocate their favorite most simple things, and themselves perform more complex cases. However, the asset relates to liabilities with love, and will not give him the things that he can not do so as a liability does not own anything she wants. Assets do not want to liabilities were in bondage, they do it voluntarily, by tacit consent psychological, and liability suits this kind of life. In turn, the asset is committed to providing all the liabilities the most good, and does not want the liability or tired performed difficult for himself and his character work. This is different from slavery, because there is no love, and there's just a man, not willingly gives his life to another person, but here it happens voluntarily. That is versatile, making all things with the psychological knowledge that it was not his desire, and the desire of the asset. For example, passive sits on a chair, and he knows that he wants to sit on it, for the reason that the asset wants liability could have their own desires, and that the asset wants liability could do such an action. This is perfectly on a subconscious level, and this distinguishes liabilities of the asset when the asset sits on a chair, thinking that he wanted to sit on it, because it is purely his decision, that is, the asset is independent and versatile it is not. Liabilities voluntarily and out of love is subject to an asset, and gives him all his life, and the desire of liability simply be with your loved asset, as well as all other common aspirations with true love. Aktiv has the same aspirations, and also always wants to be close to bottoming. But, in addition, he wants to do other things, including direct the community to engage in domestic and external affairs. A liability does not want to deal with any matters and does only what he wants to asset and also has desires that are characteristic for true love. Assets are always major in his life and in the life of their loved one, and doing things that are aimed at maintaining both cases within the community, and other things. Liabilities also deals with the fact that he wants the asset and it is usually not a difficult job, which is peculiar to the nature of a liability. Aktiv is engaged in the most difficult and hard work in the community, the hardest mental labor. And also it deals with third-party and other matters that are considered important. That is the rule of the properties. But this is not all of the properties that are present in the community. There is a property, which we can call - elevation. What, is it represents. This quality, which is peculiar only to liabilities, and it is a so-called rise of the asset. That is, a certain ratio of liabilities to an asset, both in information and in the sensory area of your life. Said passive asset, a god or goddess, depending on the floor, and he is in second place, and asset liability believes in second place behind. More, the asset liability considers the best in terms of cases, such as the cleverest and best of all walks of life and love, and asset liability believes only the best in terms of love. Bottom believes the greatest asset, and the asset does not think so, the asset liability raises the second place, but in love believes the best anyway. It's all called quality elevation, which is characteristic of liabilities and assets are not peculiar. This feature is very helpful asset and plays a very important role in the energy of love, but more on that later. Go alone can not elevate himself and versatile it does, and the asset begins to feel it. There is another quality that is characteristic of liabilities, and it is called faith, that is absolutely versatile and fully believes in a loved one, that he will succeed and that he still can, everything can, and that is all-powerful. It does not matter here at all any objectivity, so versatile considers it objectively, because he loves the asset and performs a passive role, which is characteristic of his nature. And this faith helps asset to believe in themselves and their forces, that the asset may also not make yourself fully, living in the community. Here are here are in quality of assets and liabilities, it was all discussed briefly, since we are not talking about it, and about the energy of love. Just to understand the energy of love is necessary to understand the mechanism of true love. In communities where more than two people, all the same, and perhaps as many as assets and liabilities, but only one possible assets or liabilities alone. Now, back to the energy of love. What exactly is the energy of true love. I'm not here to tell exactly how things work in the universe, as this is a very long topic of conversation, except to say that the whole world is out of love, it creates a particle of love, they create deplikaty, they create the code. A deplikaty life some call monads to understand what led deplikaty such an example. Deplikaty it in other words monads inanimate matter, its basis, they form a code, and it forms a matter of your world and other parts formalities kvasety and more. The code defines the space and all the matter in it, which means that all space and matter is made of love, and all the energy in the world is love. When you eat, you feed the body ready to love, which is created from the outside, and you live by the love that you eat. Electricity, thermonuclear reactions and other processes and matter in the world, it's also the energy of love. And stuff is also the energy of love, and love in the material especially a lot. There is a form of love as a universal love or the love of all, if you love, you nourish yourself from the inside of love, and it gives you the power and you do not need food, if this love is strong enough in terms of feelings. If you are strong and sensual love all, you always have the power of universal love. This energy gives you a lot of energy, but not as much as you can give power of true love, and that's about it right now below, I want to tell. I'll tell you about the power of love, based on the binary of the community, but the same thing exists in other communities more complex, depending on who is passive there, and who is an asset. All liabilities have infinite inner energy of love, but as long as they are alone, they can not use it and apply it just turns them inside, not the engine, but as a normal propeller, without releasing energy. All liabilities are waiting in the life of a loved one asset, in order to give his endless energy of love to him. This energy from liability is simply due to the fact that they have the qualities of passivity, which were discussed above, including for the reason that they can elevate, faith, considered the main asset, and the most important thing in this - is that they can love. Assets can also love and love. To love energy was needed was to love and mutual passive and active roles, if not, then there will be the energy of love. Assets do not have infinite energy of true love, but they too have for the reason that they like a liability. But, given the asset liabilities infinite energy, much more than the energy that is at the asset. The mechanism here is simple, personal liabilities and assets to do that, just love and everything goes by itself. This occurs on such a scheme, the infinite energy of passive feeds liability in this closed his cycle as a liability is not alone. Power goes to the asset as a result of a passive, but from an asset of the energy goes back, and part is used for living. I'm not here it was the draw, but also think that you will understand how it happens. The energy of true love allows assets to carry out any business, but also have so-called psy industrial abilities which an asset can easily give and liabilities, since it has, in fact, unlimited. A liability has unlimited energy. In addition, at an energy of true love, the asset and begins to love the whole world, but if you have love, then that love is enhanced senses and together gives even more power and features. How to describe a condition in which everything is possible, and the state in the energy of love. This condition is the presence of huge speed of thinking, memory, thinking of having a huge number of streams, there may be more than a trillion, no fatigue, a great number of mental and physical strength. Huge motivation and desire, constant carelessness, love for all, in the strongest sensual sphere. And, just as the happiness of true love and happiness to be near. The same condition can easily reach and passive, but passive does not want these opportunities to use for other purposes, in addition to its passive role. This state, when it is possible to think just about everything to make decisions as quickly as possible, think about different situations, both domestic and non-domestic. And all this at the same time, this state of love for all and a state of true love once, that is, a state where consciousness works at a very high activity. For example, in this state, I feel that I could easily save the world, write books and articles, including the article, and in general to think about anything at the same time. This is a condition when all easy to think, not like the people in everyday life. But, there is a higher state, which allows you to open a creative package and, in fact, the entire world to edit and create other worlds, to change the laws of physics, and in general do anything. This condition is more difficult to achieve, and this is a higher activity of the brain, but love for all and true love can do that too. In this state, you can carry everything that you need for life. For example, you can fly if you wish. But only if you need to. А, так просто вы не захотите ничего делать в таком состоянии, так как там преобладает любовь. Недавно, я писала опрос, про преобразование тела для зачатия, именно таким образом это можно сделать. Я там написала, что позже напишу как, и теперь вы видите ответ. Но, только предупреждаю, что при этом процессе вы можете испытать неприятные ощущения, связанные с гендером, поэтому не советую вам это делать просто для интереса. При таком состоянии, вы можете делать всё, что угодно, например, создавать миры, изменять структуру своего сознания, менять параметры тела, спасать мёртвых, предоставляя им новые тела, лечить руками, и многое другое. Вот только достичь такого состояния не просто, но самое главное здесь любовь. Также вы сможете гораздо легче, чем выше, я написала, перестать кушать, и спать, это состояние уже это позволяет. Я, например, хоть и ем, но по большей части в последнее время не ем, лишь иногда по немного, но я и не хочу вообще отказываться от еды. Эта статья, мной написана на пятый день голода, а там я немного поела и до этого не ела. Но, вы как хотите, можно и полностью отказаться от еды и вкуса, но главное, что у вас не будет самого желания поесть, то есть голода, при этом состоянии. Думаю, я здесь понятно объяснила про механизмы питания на таком состоянии. А, сон пропадает сам по себе, когда долго не кушать, но возвращается при еде. Также, при состоянии любви ко всем, и истинной любви, вы можете ощущать то, что вы всё сможете, и что у вас всё получится, если вы актив, а если пассив, то просто ощущать это состояние высокой активности мозга и бесконечной любви ко всем и истинной любви. Как, вы, наверное, уже поняли, я активная. Я сильнее всего люблю свою любимую Дашу, и мне гораздо важнее любовь, чем все эти способности. Они лишь мелочь, которая не столь важна, как само состояние любви ко всем, а особенно истинной любви.

Saku - Psiindustrialnoe use of the energy of love
"Syroyadenie, or a world free from vices and poisons"