Amazing article by Olga Valyaeva of female energy and the darkest side of it - the energy of destruction
When we talk about women, we remember her angelic qualities. We reread "The charm of femininity", listen to lectures Vedic authors. And we understand that everything is correct. Even if we do not do so, the feeling's right - it is. Yes, certainly the ideal woman should be so.
But is this? Is it only the pink and fluffy? Is it only knowing and all-forgiving?
When we completely reject the other part of the female essence, thereby creating a lot of problems. And for themselves and loved ones.
In the Vedic tradition, the female energy is described as consisting of three elements. And they are called - the names of Vedic goddesses such as the Goddess is in any other mythology.
What are the three energies have a woman?
Energy Lakshmi - the goddess of fortune.
Energy Saraswati - the goddess of knowledge.
Energy Durga - the goddess of destruction.
We often talk about knowledge and creativity - and thus cultivate energy Saraswati. We are talking about how to love and care, increasing welfare of the family - her husband's inspiring feats. And it's about the energy of Lakshmi.
But about the energy of Durga we talk often. But is that enough for us? For those who have developed the script good girls too - through one, if not everyone? For those who are accustomed to deserve love and try to save the parents? But in the post-Soviet space, we are almost all in varying degrees, suffer from this syndrome.
Therefore I'd like to discuss this topic separately.
To begin with, that the energy of Durga are found in every woman. And this energy - originally female. We often confuse it with the male energy, more often - do not give her a way out. Because it's kind of like not very good. Wrong. Not according to the Vedic canon.
It says only that we do not know anything about this energy. Just nothing. So let's start to get acquainted with her.
Men there is energy?
The first question usually arises when we try to determine the identity of this energy. Going by women, do not want to once again plunge into men. And very often we put in energy Durga label "Men, do not touch the dangerous" - and pass by.
And absolutely nothing. Because it is very easy to distinguish - on a direction vector of energy:
The male energy - the energy of competition, struggle and conquest of lands and leadership. That is the male energy is always directed outward. In other people, the world around. Man protecting loved ones, capable of feats and self-sacrifice.
Feminine energy of Durga - the energy of self-defense, rescue in emergency situations, the energy of self-preservation. The female energy is always directed inwards. Protecting your children, if a woman makes a part of itself. So it fast and accurate response - as if the danger is not the other person, and her leg or arm.
Is it a good energy?
Generally the word "good" at this point, with respect to energy jarring. But that's how we usually evaluate the situation and their behavior. Be good and be right - for most of us means "to be loved".
To understand what this energy is needed, let's look at what it offers. In what situations do we need it.
Let's start with extra options. When a child is in danger, every woman can become a tigress. Lashed out at the offender, or snatch the baby from the jaws of danger. Can we call it as a bad or useless?
When there is a difficult situation - the loss of a breadwinner, war, bad harvest - a woman can not only survive, but to save the children. Remember the horror stories of besieged Leningrad, in what ways, and how strongly the mother helped the children to survive in such extreme conditions.
But whether it is necessary in everyday life? Maybe it's a secret room where you want to go only in the difficult moments? In peacetime, it may be wise to lose from her key?
God did not give us a reason. And all that is given to us by God - has a good purpose and useful for all applications. Most of all we suffer in the event that at some labeled as a gift: "This is bad!".
What can happen to a woman who does not enjoy the power of Durga?
She does not know what he wants. A strange move? But let's look again at the root - the energy of self-preservation. If the desire of women - is part of her, the ability to desire - the basis of its survival.
It allows you to handle a bad thing. This again is about self-preservation. In my understanding of women who allow themselves to beat, humiliate and insult - commit a double fault. Not only did they destroy our soul and our nature. They also indulge weaknesses and vices of his loved one, who again and again will make a fatal mistake. And then you have to pay for it - even if he does not understand.
She can not bring up her husband - it lacks firmness and understanding of the importance of this process. She is sorry for him, you already want to talk, the physical affection. He is looking for an excuse to give up without a fight. Does it work for him.
She can inspire her man. After all, women desire - the engine of progress men. And in hard times need such tasks that inspire. Survival and payment apartment - not the scale. But happy with the new wife a ring - that's another conversation. Goals should always be put much higher - it's necessary to "the path." But a woman who does not enjoy the power of Durga, be ashamed and uncomfortable asking for a dress or a ring, when the house is not paid for the light.
She did not have an opinion. She can marry someone who just called, even if he knows that this is not the right person. She can go to study wherever necessary to the parents, and not where the heart is torn. All her life she may be engaged in work that hates. To be friends with people from communicating with which it becomes bad. To communicate with those who use it.
It lacks firmness to say "No". So she does everything for everyone - and there is not time or energy for themselves. It is trouble-free. Everyone knows it. And many are.
It can not keep its purity. Very often, the girls begin life, fearing that they had been abandoned. And often, the girls agree, deep down knowing what they are used. In this way they not only destroy themselves, but also harm to these young guys. Who still do not know that for it too will have to answer.
She can not put limits and to protect their personal space. Therefore, in her soul heritage can each. And she had nothing to say. And if there is anything, the conscience does not allow. Anyone can command her life. Only she did not.
Without this energy can not be self-esteem.
Because in order to feel worthy - you need to be able to answer
Just one story
In the Vedic literature tells about a queen. Her husband had gone to war, it remained in the palace. But the king on the battlefield has found a huge preponderance of forces in favor of the enemy. And for a moment, got cold feet.
So he just ran to the palace to live. But there is a surprise waiting for him. Dear and beloved wife refused to open the gate. Moreover, she said that does not recognize him as their husband.
"My husband was brave and courageous. He never leaves the battlefield cowardice. He will fight to the last. And either win or die »
What was the king? Only a return to the field and win. Despite the preponderance of the forces and their own fear.
What energy has helped save the queen rigidity of their position, not to give up the slack? Of course, the energy of Durga.
On the one hand it seems a bit cruel. But if you look deeper? If the king was at the palace - what would happen to his people? And his manhood? How he would have felt, knowing that fateful moment of cowardice?
And that is the basis of deed of the queen? Cruelty? Or love, which helped her husband to reveal their best qualities and to overcome the vices?
How to use it?
That's the most difficult question. Because on the one hand - this energy is. And it is needed. On the other hand, any guidance on the use of energy - partial, schematic and not taking into account all aspects. Because let's - the main points.
This energy is needed. If you suppress it in yourself, you will have a blast. Either inside - diseases and health problems. Or outside - and can suffer nothing guilty people.
On the other hand, if you decide that this energy - the main can be no less mangled wood. Rude to everyone and for any reason, to seek his innocence and recognition. This is real emancipation and feminism.
The answer is that the energy of Durga to be inextricably linked with the other two components. And this condition is mandatory. After all, education without love - it's just a soulless management. A sense of self-esteem without concern for others - the image of this Snow Queen.
Rule one. Energy Durga - the only one of the energies of women.
The other two are related to love and care (Lakshmi) and creativity (Saraswati). Between these three components must be a balance. Therefore:
Take care of yourself, your beauty and your body
Take care of your loved ones, cook food with love
Take care about the beauty and comfort of your home (all of which energizes Lakshmi)
Engage in creative
Learn how to live - and to apply their knowledge (supporting energy Saraswati)
Learn to bring loved ones - with Love and strictly within
Say "no" to people and events, which you do not have the path
Clears the debris in his house and his heart (and thus maintain the energy of Durga)
The second rule. This energy can not be a push.
For example, when you raise a protest against the fact that much more work - it does not need to suppress. No need to smile, as if you are satisfied. Do not lie to people, do not be hypocritical for the sake of goodness. Otherwise, this energy is accumulated so much that you can not control myself - and an explosion happens. It will happen in the "safe" place - in your home. And this energy will pour out on any innocent children or spouse.
But it does not need to rush to extremes and aggression and rudeness. The best way to protest - it is when you have the rod inside, you know what you want and what you deserve. And with a sense of this rod is strictly talk about what you will not do this. With the right attitude - you no one even asks why you think so.
The third rule. This energy can be used only woman to good use.
Only for the common good. Saving a child - that's understandable. And the salvation of his own soul? And the salvation of his family? And the salvation of her husband, leaving her for another woman?
Or example of another story - the rightness at work, a clear procedure turn (so that no one got), to bring about change from her husband by threats and abuse ...
The fourth rule. Find her application in my life. Peaceful and daily.
For example, regularly clear the debris and make the house cleaning. Treat and ozdaravlivat home. Protect your happiness. Take care of my personal inner space.
At first it all seems complicated. Especially good for the girls, who can not even fill the bed in the morning - not to deny that person. But through trial and error comes the understanding of these faces - even where it is not necessary, and where it is high time to transfer to "Durga".
Be holistic in their femininity!
Olga Valyaeva

When we talk about women, we remember her angelic qualities. We reread "The charm of femininity", listen to lectures Vedic authors. And we understand that everything is correct. Even if we do not do so, the feeling's right - it is. Yes, certainly the ideal woman should be so.
But is this? Is it only the pink and fluffy? Is it only knowing and all-forgiving?
When we completely reject the other part of the female essence, thereby creating a lot of problems. And for themselves and loved ones.
In the Vedic tradition, the female energy is described as consisting of three elements. And they are called - the names of Vedic goddesses such as the Goddess is in any other mythology.
What are the three energies have a woman?
Energy Lakshmi - the goddess of fortune.
Energy Saraswati - the goddess of knowledge.
Energy Durga - the goddess of destruction.
We often talk about knowledge and creativity - and thus cultivate energy Saraswati. We are talking about how to love and care, increasing welfare of the family - her husband's inspiring feats. And it's about the energy of Lakshmi.
But about the energy of Durga we talk often. But is that enough for us? For those who have developed the script good girls too - through one, if not everyone? For those who are accustomed to deserve love and try to save the parents? But in the post-Soviet space, we are almost all in varying degrees, suffer from this syndrome.
Therefore I'd like to discuss this topic separately.
To begin with, that the energy of Durga are found in every woman. And this energy - originally female. We often confuse it with the male energy, more often - do not give her a way out. Because it's kind of like not very good. Wrong. Not according to the Vedic canon.
It says only that we do not know anything about this energy. Just nothing. So let's start to get acquainted with her.
Men there is energy?
The first question usually arises when we try to determine the identity of this energy. Going by women, do not want to once again plunge into men. And very often we put in energy Durga label "Men, do not touch the dangerous" - and pass by.
And absolutely nothing. Because it is very easy to distinguish - on a direction vector of energy:
The male energy - the energy of competition, struggle and conquest of lands and leadership. That is the male energy is always directed outward. In other people, the world around. Man protecting loved ones, capable of feats and self-sacrifice.
Feminine energy of Durga - the energy of self-defense, rescue in emergency situations, the energy of self-preservation. The female energy is always directed inwards. Protecting your children, if a woman makes a part of itself. So it fast and accurate response - as if the danger is not the other person, and her leg or arm.
Is it a good energy?
Generally the word "good" at this point, with respect to energy jarring. But that's how we usually evaluate the situation and their behavior. Be good and be right - for most of us means "to be loved".
To understand what this energy is needed, let's look at what it offers. In what situations do we need it.
Let's start with extra options. When a child is in danger, every woman can become a tigress. Lashed out at the offender, or snatch the baby from the jaws of danger. Can we call it as a bad or useless?
When there is a difficult situation - the loss of a breadwinner, war, bad harvest - a woman can not only survive, but to save the children. Remember the horror stories of besieged Leningrad, in what ways, and how strongly the mother helped the children to survive in such extreme conditions.
But whether it is necessary in everyday life? Maybe it's a secret room where you want to go only in the difficult moments? In peacetime, it may be wise to lose from her key?
God did not give us a reason. And all that is given to us by God - has a good purpose and useful for all applications. Most of all we suffer in the event that at some labeled as a gift: "This is bad!".
What can happen to a woman who does not enjoy the power of Durga?
She does not know what he wants. A strange move? But let's look again at the root - the energy of self-preservation. If the desire of women - is part of her, the ability to desire - the basis of its survival.
It allows you to handle a bad thing. This again is about self-preservation. In my understanding of women who allow themselves to beat, humiliate and insult - commit a double fault. Not only did they destroy our soul and our nature. They also indulge weaknesses and vices of his loved one, who again and again will make a fatal mistake. And then you have to pay for it - even if he does not understand.
She can not bring up her husband - it lacks firmness and understanding of the importance of this process. She is sorry for him, you already want to talk, the physical affection. He is looking for an excuse to give up without a fight. Does it work for him.
She can inspire her man. After all, women desire - the engine of progress men. And in hard times need such tasks that inspire. Survival and payment apartment - not the scale. But happy with the new wife a ring - that's another conversation. Goals should always be put much higher - it's necessary to "the path." But a woman who does not enjoy the power of Durga, be ashamed and uncomfortable asking for a dress or a ring, when the house is not paid for the light.
She did not have an opinion. She can marry someone who just called, even if he knows that this is not the right person. She can go to study wherever necessary to the parents, and not where the heart is torn. All her life she may be engaged in work that hates. To be friends with people from communicating with which it becomes bad. To communicate with those who use it.
It lacks firmness to say "No". So she does everything for everyone - and there is not time or energy for themselves. It is trouble-free. Everyone knows it. And many are.
It can not keep its purity. Very often, the girls begin life, fearing that they had been abandoned. And often, the girls agree, deep down knowing what they are used. In this way they not only destroy themselves, but also harm to these young guys. Who still do not know that for it too will have to answer.
She can not put limits and to protect their personal space. Therefore, in her soul heritage can each. And she had nothing to say. And if there is anything, the conscience does not allow. Anyone can command her life. Only she did not.
Without this energy can not be self-esteem.
Because in order to feel worthy - you need to be able to answer
Just one story
In the Vedic literature tells about a queen. Her husband had gone to war, it remained in the palace. But the king on the battlefield has found a huge preponderance of forces in favor of the enemy. And for a moment, got cold feet.
So he just ran to the palace to live. But there is a surprise waiting for him. Dear and beloved wife refused to open the gate. Moreover, she said that does not recognize him as their husband.
"My husband was brave and courageous. He never leaves the battlefield cowardice. He will fight to the last. And either win or die »
What was the king? Only a return to the field and win. Despite the preponderance of the forces and their own fear.
What energy has helped save the queen rigidity of their position, not to give up the slack? Of course, the energy of Durga.
On the one hand it seems a bit cruel. But if you look deeper? If the king was at the palace - what would happen to his people? And his manhood? How he would have felt, knowing that fateful moment of cowardice?
And that is the basis of deed of the queen? Cruelty? Or love, which helped her husband to reveal their best qualities and to overcome the vices?
How to use it?
That's the most difficult question. Because on the one hand - this energy is. And it is needed. On the other hand, any guidance on the use of energy - partial, schematic and not taking into account all aspects. Because let's - the main points.
This energy is needed. If you suppress it in yourself, you will have a blast. Either inside - diseases and health problems. Or outside - and can suffer nothing guilty people.
On the other hand, if you decide that this energy - the main can be no less mangled wood. Rude to everyone and for any reason, to seek his innocence and recognition. This is real emancipation and feminism.
The answer is that the energy of Durga to be inextricably linked with the other two components. And this condition is mandatory. After all, education without love - it's just a soulless management. A sense of self-esteem without concern for others - the image of this Snow Queen.
Rule one. Energy Durga - the only one of the energies of women.
The other two are related to love and care (Lakshmi) and creativity (Saraswati). Between these three components must be a balance. Therefore:
Take care of yourself, your beauty and your body
Take care of your loved ones, cook food with love
Take care about the beauty and comfort of your home (all of which energizes Lakshmi)
Engage in creative
Learn how to live - and to apply their knowledge (supporting energy Saraswati)
Learn to bring loved ones - with Love and strictly within
Say "no" to people and events, which you do not have the path
Clears the debris in his house and his heart (and thus maintain the energy of Durga)
The second rule. This energy can not be a push.
For example, when you raise a protest against the fact that much more work - it does not need to suppress. No need to smile, as if you are satisfied. Do not lie to people, do not be hypocritical for the sake of goodness. Otherwise, this energy is accumulated so much that you can not control myself - and an explosion happens. It will happen in the "safe" place - in your home. And this energy will pour out on any innocent children or spouse.
But it does not need to rush to extremes and aggression and rudeness. The best way to protest - it is when you have the rod inside, you know what you want and what you deserve. And with a sense of this rod is strictly talk about what you will not do this. With the right attitude - you no one even asks why you think so.
The third rule. This energy can be used only woman to good use.
Only for the common good. Saving a child - that's understandable. And the salvation of his own soul? And the salvation of his family? And the salvation of her husband, leaving her for another woman?
Or example of another story - the rightness at work, a clear procedure turn (so that no one got), to bring about change from her husband by threats and abuse ...
The fourth rule. Find her application in my life. Peaceful and daily.
For example, regularly clear the debris and make the house cleaning. Treat and ozdaravlivat home. Protect your happiness. Take care of my personal inner space.
At first it all seems complicated. Especially good for the girls, who can not even fill the bed in the morning - not to deny that person. But through trial and error comes the understanding of these faces - even where it is not necessary, and where it is high time to transfer to "Durga".
Be holistic in their femininity!
Olga Valyaeva